This is a reply to Belle from a 2 week old post here, but Ididn't see it until this morning.
I didn't create the Noid, just did a couple of comic books about him that were licensed by the company I was working for. Actually, I liked the noid about as much as I like Domino's pizza, and that's not a compliment.
Thanks for the kind words about my dog ,Amber. Unfortunately she passed on awhile back, and I haven't had the heart to take the picture down. Keeps her alive in a way.
I'd love to hear your Dodger Stadium experiences. That is (or was) one special ballpark, though with the current renovations and 5 year plan, who knows what we'll end up with. Did you used to live in LA?
I apologize for the outdated message, but felt some clarifying was in order. Back to the very cool artwork that's been coming in here.
Speaking of overhead projectors,when I did the mural for the New Knoxville High Scghool, gym, I used the school's old opaque projector. I drew my design on a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, and projected it on the gym wall. I had scaffolding built , and painted the black line over the projected image. That left a finished black line mural that I then went in and added color.
I remembered all my school years, and how many uses there were for opaque projectors. Opaque projectors rule.
After all these years ............. you are a doll. Hubby mentioned isn't that the same women who years ago went to find Opals on her own in Australia are fantastic. He remebered because its his birthstone and he always loved for fantastic posting name.
I got your message and all the info .............. and sent you a message back if you don't receive it let me know. My email for this place is and you are welcome to write me there anytime. Here is a bit of my thoughts I put in the PM to you in case you didn't get it.
I don't want to buy from your friend I want to purchase from you, that may sound silly but its just my heart ...... I know your spring crop will be grand and you will be able to produce that razzleberry. There is no time for me to be able to have it for the cold part of this winter now because it just started and will end by end of Feb. I don't have time to sit and crochette all day to be able to make it happen. So lets plan on something from your spring crop to make sure next winter is handled for me.
Hubby told me to go for the color he says "you always wear tans or a variation or the variations of blacks and greys ...... you might ad some white or ivory.... and I am tired of it and would like to see you in something new a new color, especially if its something you will wear all throughout the winter."
So yes I would be interested in seeing your pinks/razzleberry ...... but I do not want any glitter ..... If I have to crochett what I want myself I will ........ I have some white mohair right now, just enough to crochette a large hood with a small scarf attached ....... and I am going to go ahead and work on that for now so I can have it done this week to wear outside beneath my coat hood.
Rowena is two shalls put together similar to a mexican pauncho but longer on the sides? I can look up the name on the internet and see if I can find one for viewing. I might have seen one at your site and thought it something else.
You can go ahead and email me ............ and let me know about sport weight and your spring crop....... I will keep a close watch on your website. I think that your work would be great advertisement up here ........ it is cold .......... and I would like to have what you yourself have made ......... although its hard for you to keep your own stuff in stock and thats a sign of great business and great work. But I would like to say after all these years of earlier morning coffee chats and posts that my friend wacky spun this herself or wove it if you end up doing the work and I don't LOL......... Great sweaters are a big deal up here.
Remember going thru live birth in chat years ago ..... wow those were the days. You bring back good memories for me ....... Your own homespun will always be a blessing for me to wear for my memories of you have always been nothing but the upmost. I remember us sending the flowers after that birth ...
LaProchaine ...... sad thing for me is I have a scanner and don't know how to use it. But it also faxes and copies and that I do know how to do. I can scan a pic to make a pic on a sheet of photo paper. I just don't know how to scan them into my computer. But I was just told to purchase a photo program so now I have to find one of those .......... I am really illiterate when it comes to computers. I just learned how to get an avatar back after not having one for 5 years. Prior to that Mo/templelady had come to my house and put up my old avatar.... she is really talented with a computer.
Dooj What a nice place to display your art. It seems most paintings, photos etc are done with women who have dark hair ......... I was hoping to find a woman painted with long blonde hair. Most of the women on my fathers side of the family are blondes .......
There is an artist up here who offered to draw me nude in color. I told her I was in awe she would offer but I couldn't do nude .......... so she offered to do it with a partial wrap of fabric to catch my long blonde hair but I really wanted a painting and not a drawing and she doesn't paint. So many blondes in my family ...
.... most people I notice paint light browns to black in hair ......... very few of blondes ...... why is this? We must not be very popular LOL
I have painted several blondes. My daughters happen to have light brown hair - and they are the most available models. My first set of commissioned portraits were of 3 children - the youngest had blonde hair.
I think that dark hair offers a dark background for the face. I don't have that prejudice - but some might, just because of the design element.
My main desire is to really utilize strong sunlight and cast shadows to make the design. I just paint whoever and whenever I can. With me teaching so much lately the time is very hard to find - I have a few paintings I want to do soon.
I work from slides when I can't get a model to sit for me. This allows me to blow up the image to life size. It's not the same as a live model, but very few people have the time to sit for me - and modeling fees can really add up.
"Remember going thru live birth in chat years ago ..... wow those were the days. You bring back good memories for me ....... Your own homespun will always be a blessing for me to wear for my memories of you have always been nothing but the upmost. I remember us sending the flowers after that birth ..."
YES!!!! Rascal had her baby in the chatroom!!! And I was backpacking in Australia stopping at kiosks all over to check in with everyone!!! and yeah!!! we sent rascal flowers after the birth!!! and I sent her new baby a stuffed kangaroo!!!!
Those were nice times, thanks :)
I'm backpacking New Zealand the whole month of April!!! I'm buying fleece (NZ merino) and possum...and may teach a class or 2 there!!! I'm staying with other spinners and weavers and am spending a week horsebackriding in Lord of the Rings country....I'm psyched!!!
Those blends I get from a friend in Vermont are spectacular, and better than I can ever do in my little cottage...I haven't the room for all the equipment she has!!! I have a drum carder, spinning wheel...and a loom....and I do small batches at a time. You will need a pound or 2. The "angelina" (which is very fine shredded mylar) is throughout it, but just enough for the sun to glitter on's not glitzy or fancy.
The tans/browns/peaches are more textured and dramatic than the razzleberry. The razzleberry is deep fuschia and deep grey/blacks and that too has "angelina" in it.
I can send you samples of all the colors that I have, so you can see how gorgeous they are!!!
Right now I just bought 10 pounds of baby goat kid locks...I dye and boucle them....they are softer than cashmere.....and the textures are dramatic!!! I will be felting some raw fleece into scarves too, and then disperse some of my designer yarns into them. I can't wait to do that!!!
I have dyed marigolds, lilies of the valley, mullen, goldenrod, queen anne's lace and black eyed susan's that I dyed in store bought processed mohair boucle which would make a nice moebius for you.
Have you seen a moebius? No need to crochet a hat and scarf, when you can do both at once with a may like that. I just made 2 of them to sell....well, I wear one...
yak yak yak
I gotta go get something done....
This is a very diverse thread!!!!
Did you see my felted gnomes Digi? Mermaids are on their way...I gave away the first one I made, and am on the second.
For anyone interested - I found out how you can see more of my work. Go to then click on "Directory" then click on "Figural" You will recognize the painting I use as My avatar. From there you will see a lot of my work. Most of those pieces have sold by now - I'm assuming the gallery is updating the new arrivals fo reach artist.
Anyway, this thread is great! Thanks for participating
I just sent you an email ........... please let me know if you got it. Will be looking forward to the samples. I have decided to crochette my own Cape ........ Its what I truly wanted from the beginning so I am going to stick with it instead of changing my idea. Nonetheless I still need your homespun to do it with.
Let me know if you did not receive my email .......... Gave you all the info you need. If you need more let me know.
Here are three photos from a wedding ..... I did all the flowers myself and designed them myself. I wish I knew how to make them larger but if you click on them they will enlarge a bit. This bridal bouquet is one of my favorite designs yet. It was also a wonder to work with such a truly amazing bride. In the background of the bridal photo you can also the candelabras etc. ........ I don't have a picture of the pews but they had lilies, orchids and greens on the ends of them.
Wow!! Digi! These are amazing! Did you do the cake as well?
It occured to me how expensive flowers must be up in your neck of the woods. And arent' those orchids in the arrangement? I am truly impressed. I wish you lived closer so that I could get you to help me with some arrangements in my house. Oh well = I'll just have to dream...
My first job ever in life was at a bakery. Mrs. Hausman bless her heart taught me to decorate cakes as a teenager and I have been decorating since. I don't make the cake tho ...... I have a woman who is great at making the cake in sheets ......... and fills them with what ever the brides want. She ices them sometimes and ice them sometimes but I always decorate them.
This particular cake had to be cut so it was done in three sections by the cake maker and then handed off to me to cut and ice, cake maker is now doing cakes like this one on her own, except for the floral. My bride had seen a similar design and loved it .......... we just made it happen. The icing, sugar pearls and floral are all done by me but the cake was fabulously delicous ....... marbled with raspberry filling and the cake lady used fresh raspberries to make her filling with ...... once again it was a team effort and her and I worked well together.
Thanks for asking ......... this cake was a duel effort and a blast for both of us,
Its amazing we even speak the same language isn't it LOL ... So many times we have different words for the same item.
Oriental Lilies we consider the Solid color Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Limes, Tigers, and they even have a white but these ones don't smell as nice and are a bit smaller. Usually the varieties that grow real well in peoples gardens here in America.
I guess you could technically put the lilies shown above in that category but this variety of Lily happens to be substantially larger than what we consider oriental lilies here. So this one is called a Stargazer it has varieties in its own size such as the Casablanca which comes in pale pink or perfect white and smells absolutely gorgeous and is also as large as the stargazer. Yet if you go from lily farm to lily farm what they name there lilies in common names is really up to them.
I really appreciate knowing that you like flowers in meant alot to me .... especially that you liked the way I put it all together ...... I wish I had closer pics of the candleabras and the design that surrounded the bible.
This wedding was primarily made of Red Roses, Stargazer Lillies, White Dendrobium Orchids and greenery and filler flowers. Simple but elegant .......
Thanks so much for your appreciation of my work .... after being semi retired I need a little support now and again,
Yes, I've gotten back to my art and it's been marvelous. I was very artistic when I was in highschool but then I got married and life just took off from there. I wasn't able to resume my art until the last few years and I love it as much now as I did way back then.
I forgot how great it was as a rest from the world - I just dive in and forget the world and everything in it and have lots of fun.
Your painting is GREAT - thanks for sharing it with us.
So here's a DD war story. It was my last year in res.(11th corps) at Emporia. I believe it was the last block ( iguess that's what they used to call them.) I had FINALLY gotten into DD. I was ready to prove myself.
I was asked to make a card ( I think it was for lcm's birthday - but I don't remember) I chose to use colored pencils and draw a lighthouse scene with a bunch of men braving the rocks and waves - m*rk L*w^s had done a teaching about the song "let the lower lights keep burning and had taught that the lowerlights were those who went and fought for the lost - held up smaller lights so that the ships didn't crash on the rocks when they came to shore.) I did this all from imagination and inspiration. For some reason I thought this was appropriate. I must say that it came out amazing - J Lynn said that is was suitable for framing.
A few months later I was specificcaly asked to do another card for lcm.. This time no such inspiration was allowed. I was told it had to include the building where teachings happened ( Uncle Harry????) I found a pic to use and colored. Mind you I had only one night to do this. I had to stay up until it was time to go on bless patrol (wasn't excused!) then I wasn't given permission to stay and sleep during classes like oh so many of my corps mates had been for much less. All this and - they didn't use the card anyway!!! Some bull about it being spiritually dark. ( It was a night scene because that was the only good pic we had and there was a guy walking whose face was only about the size of a pea. I blurred it because I wanted the emphasis on the building and the lights (must have been a thank you card for some class.) Since the face was blurred I was told it seemed Dark.(????!!!!!WTF???!!!!) Hey that was not a very good looking building - and I gave them what they asked for. What replaced it - some heart thing - trite and nothing special as I remember it. - But that my have been sour grapes.
So I got no sleep and I wasn't told about the change - I found out when the card was presented. I really felt the love that day. That's when i realized that I was just another pair of hands to them - just like it would have been in the "real world."
Last week I had lunch with doojable (hadn't seen her in probably 15 years...she looks great and such fun to be around...a real fireball!) Afterwards we went to the gallery where some of her work is on display. It was so nice to see her beautiful paintings in person. Divine Design missed out when they didn't utilize her talents.
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The name of the gallery is Galerie Kornye West. Their cite is
I'm getting back to work now - so I'll be posting less often. It has been so nice to see all this art. I'll post more as soon as I can.
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This is a reply to Belle from a 2 week old post here, but Ididn't see it until this morning.
I didn't create the Noid, just did a couple of comic books about him that were licensed by the company I was working for. Actually, I liked the noid about as much as I like Domino's pizza, and that's not a compliment.
Thanks for the kind words about my dog ,Amber. Unfortunately she passed on awhile back, and I haven't had the heart to take the picture down. Keeps her alive in a way.
I'd love to hear your Dodger Stadium experiences. That is (or was) one special ballpark, though with the current renovations and 5 year plan, who knows what we'll end up with. Did you used to live in LA?
I apologize for the outdated message, but felt some clarifying was in order. Back to the very cool artwork that's been coming in here.
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Speaking of overhead projectors,when I did the mural for the New Knoxville High Scghool, gym, I used the school's old opaque projector. I drew my design on a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, and projected it on the gym wall. I had scaffolding built , and painted the black line over the projected image. That left a finished black line mural that I then went in and added color.
I remembered all my school years, and how many uses there were for opaque projectors. Opaque projectors rule.
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A la prochaine
Dear Digi,
Thank you for the comment on the flowers.
yes,.. I love columbine as well... and like you I'd have to scan the picture in order to show it here.
I have it framed in my bathroom.
I have taken other pictures on sunsets and such...just don't have a scanner to show you here.
Nice to see Highway here.
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Wacky Darling,
After all these years ............. you are a doll. Hubby mentioned isn't that the same women who years ago went to find Opals on her own in Australia are fantastic. He remebered because its his birthstone and he always loved for fantastic posting name.
I got your message and all the info .............. and sent you a message back if you don't receive it let me know. My email for this place is and you are welcome to write me there anytime. Here is a bit of my thoughts I put in the PM to you in case you didn't get it.
I don't want to buy from your friend I want to purchase from you, that may sound silly but its just my heart ...... I know your spring crop will be grand and you will be able to produce that razzleberry. There is no time for me to be able to have it for the cold part of this winter now because it just started and will end by end of Feb. I don't have time to sit and crochette all day to be able to make it happen. So lets plan on something from your spring crop to make sure next winter is handled for me.
Hubby told me to go for the color he says "you always wear tans or a variation or the variations of blacks and greys ...... you might ad some white or ivory.... and I am tired of it and would like to see you in something new a new color, especially if its something you will wear all throughout the winter."
So yes I would be interested in seeing your pinks/razzleberry ...... but I do not want any glitter ..... If I have to crochett what I want myself I will ........ I have some white mohair right now, just enough to crochette a large hood with a small scarf attached ....... and I am going to go ahead and work on that for now so I can have it done this week to wear outside beneath my coat hood.
Rowena is two shalls put together similar to a mexican pauncho but longer on the sides? I can look up the name on the internet and see if I can find one for viewing. I might have seen one at your site and thought it something else.
You can go ahead and email me ............ and let me know about sport weight and your spring crop....... I will keep a close watch on your website. I think that your work would be great advertisement up here ........ it is cold .......... and I would like to have what you yourself have made ......... although its hard for you to keep your own stuff in stock and thats a sign of great business and great work. But I would like to say after all these years of earlier morning coffee chats and posts that my friend wacky spun this herself or wove it if you end up doing the work and I don't LOL......... Great sweaters are a big deal up here.
Remember going thru live birth in chat years ago ..... wow those were the days. You bring back good memories for me ....... Your own homespun will always be a blessing for me to wear for my memories of you have always been nothing but the upmost. I remember us sending the flowers after that birth ...
Love Ya Wacky,
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LaProchaine ...... sad thing for me is I have a scanner and don't know how to use it. But it also faxes and copies and that I do know how to do. I can scan a pic to make a pic on a sheet of photo paper. I just don't know how to scan them into my computer. But I was just told to purchase a photo program so now I have to find one of those .......... I am really illiterate when it comes to computers. I just learned how to get an avatar back after not having one for 5 years. Prior to that Mo/templelady had come to my house and put up my old avatar.... she is really talented with a computer.
Dooj What a nice place to display your art. It seems most paintings, photos etc are done with women who have dark hair ......... I was hoping to find a woman painted with long blonde hair. Most of the women on my fathers side of the family are blondes .......
There is an artist up here who offered to draw me nude in color. I told her I was in awe she would offer but I couldn't do nude .......... so she offered to do it with a partial wrap of fabric to catch my long blonde hair but I really wanted a painting and not a drawing and she doesn't paint. So many blondes in my family ...
.... most people I notice paint light browns to black in hair ......... very few of blondes ...... why is this? We must not be very popular LOL
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I have painted several blondes. My daughters happen to have light brown hair - and they are the most available models. My first set of commissioned portraits were of 3 children - the youngest had blonde hair.
I think that dark hair offers a dark background for the face. I don't have that prejudice - but some might, just because of the design element.
My main desire is to really utilize strong sunlight and cast shadows to make the design. I just paint whoever and whenever I can. With me teaching so much lately the time is very hard to find - I have a few paintings I want to do soon.
I work from slides when I can't get a model to sit for me. This allows me to blow up the image to life size. It's not the same as a live model, but very few people have the time to sit for me - and modeling fees can really add up.
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I found the Color Concordance interesting. I spent a little time during the Advanced Class talking to Beth Lauder about music and colors.
I am still an artist- a musician and a healing arts teacher.
Best book I read on the subject was the Artist's Way. Really unlocked the block in my life.
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Wacky Funster
"Remember going thru live birth in chat years ago ..... wow those were the days. You bring back good memories for me ....... Your own homespun will always be a blessing for me to wear for my memories of you have always been nothing but the upmost. I remember us sending the flowers after that birth ..."
YES!!!! Rascal had her baby in the chatroom!!! And I was backpacking in Australia stopping at kiosks all over to check in with everyone!!! and yeah!!! we sent rascal flowers after the birth!!! and I sent her new baby a stuffed kangaroo!!!!
Those were nice times, thanks :)
I'm backpacking New Zealand the whole month of April!!! I'm buying fleece (NZ merino) and possum...and may teach a class or 2 there!!! I'm staying with other spinners and weavers and am spending a week horsebackriding in Lord of the Rings country....I'm psyched!!!
Those blends I get from a friend in Vermont are spectacular, and better than I can ever do in my little cottage...I haven't the room for all the equipment she has!!! I have a drum carder, spinning wheel...and a loom....and I do small batches at a time. You will need a pound or 2. The "angelina" (which is very fine shredded mylar) is throughout it, but just enough for the sun to glitter on's not glitzy or fancy.
The tans/browns/peaches are more textured and dramatic than the razzleberry. The razzleberry is deep fuschia and deep grey/blacks and that too has "angelina" in it.
I can send you samples of all the colors that I have, so you can see how gorgeous they are!!!
Right now I just bought 10 pounds of baby goat kid locks...I dye and boucle them....they are softer than cashmere.....and the textures are dramatic!!! I will be felting some raw fleece into scarves too, and then disperse some of my designer yarns into them. I can't wait to do that!!!
I have dyed marigolds, lilies of the valley, mullen, goldenrod, queen anne's lace and black eyed susan's that I dyed in store bought processed mohair boucle which would make a nice moebius for you.
Have you seen a moebius? No need to crochet a hat and scarf, when you can do both at once with a may like that. I just made 2 of them to sell....well, I wear one...
yak yak yak
I gotta go get something done....
This is a very diverse thread!!!!
Did you see my felted gnomes Digi? Mermaids are on their way...I gave away the first one I made, and am on the second.
yada yada yada
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For anyone interested - I found out how you can see more of my work. Go to then click on "Directory" then click on "Figural" You will recognize the painting I use as My avatar. From there you will see a lot of my work. Most of those pieces have sold by now - I'm assuming the gallery is updating the new arrivals fo reach artist.
Anyway, this thread is great! Thanks for participating
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I just sent you an email ........... please let me know if you got it. Will be looking forward to the samples. I have decided to crochette my own Cape ........ Its what I truly wanted from the beginning so I am going to stick with it instead of changing my idea. Nonetheless I still need your homespun to do it with.
Let me know if you did not receive my email .......... Gave you all the info you need. If you need more let me know.
Thanks Dear,
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Here are three photos from a wedding ..... I did all the flowers myself and designed them myself. I wish I knew how to make them larger but if you click on them they will enlarge a bit. This bridal bouquet is one of my favorite designs yet. It was also a wonder to work with such a truly amazing bride. In the background of the bridal photo you can also the candelabras etc. ........ I don't have a picture of the pews but they had lilies, orchids and greens on the ends of them.
Great to share with you,

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Wow!! Digi! These are amazing! Did you do the cake as well?
It occured to me how expensive flowers must be up in your neck of the woods. And arent' those orchids in the arrangement? I am truly impressed. I wish you lived closer so that I could get you to help me with some arrangements in my house. Oh well = I'll just have to dream...
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Trying for a *live* link here. :)
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Ok try this:
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Wacky Funster
Those are all gorgeous dooj!!!!!! WOW!!!!
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My first job ever in life was at a bakery. Mrs. Hausman bless her heart taught me to decorate cakes as a teenager and I have been decorating since. I don't make the cake tho ...... I have a woman who is great at making the cake in sheets ......... and fills them with what ever the brides want. She ices them sometimes and ice them sometimes but I always decorate them.
This particular cake had to be cut so it was done in three sections by the cake maker and then handed off to me to cut and ice, cake maker is now doing cakes like this one on her own, except for the floral. My bride had seen a similar design and loved it .......... we just made it happen. The icing, sugar pearls and floral are all done by me but the cake was fabulously delicous ....... marbled with raspberry filling and the cake lady used fresh raspberries to make her filling with ...... once again it was a team effort and her and I worked well together.
Thanks for asking ......... this cake was a duel effort and a blast for both of us,
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WOW They are fantastic, So Clever,
The flowers you used in the arrangement, are my true favourite, here in the UK
We call them Oriental Lillies they have a fantastic smell to them,, But you have
to cut the yellow stems out because they stain so badly,,,,,, but what a great display
they make when out in bloom.
You truly have a great talent

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Its amazing we even speak the same language isn't it LOL ... So many times we have different words for the same item.
Oriental Lilies we consider the Solid color Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Limes, Tigers, and they even have a white but these ones don't smell as nice and are a bit smaller. Usually the varieties that grow real well in peoples gardens here in America.
I guess you could technically put the lilies shown above in that category but this variety of Lily happens to be substantially larger than what we consider oriental lilies here. So this one is called a Stargazer it has varieties in its own size such as the Casablanca which comes in pale pink or perfect white and smells absolutely gorgeous and is also as large as the stargazer. Yet if you go from lily farm to lily farm what they name there lilies in common names is really up to them.
I really appreciate knowing that you like flowers in meant alot to me .... especially that you liked the way I put it all together ...... I wish I had closer pics of the candleabras and the design that surrounded the bible.
This wedding was primarily made of Red Roses, Stargazer Lillies, White Dendrobium Orchids and greenery and filler flowers. Simple but elegant .......
Thanks so much for your appreciation of my work .... after being semi retired I need a little support now and again,
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I don't think TWI appreciated a lot of people's talents and abilities.
Only the favorite few were recognized in art and music, although even they were eventually stifled.
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Yes, I've gotten back to my art and it's been marvelous. I was very artistic when I was in highschool but then I got married and life just took off from there. I wasn't able to resume my art until the last few years and I love it as much now as I did way back then.
I forgot how great it was as a rest from the world - I just dive in and forget the world and everything in it and have lots of fun.
Your painting is GREAT - thanks for sharing it with us.
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So here's a DD war story. It was my last year in res.(11th corps) at Emporia. I believe it was the last block ( iguess that's what they used to call them.) I had FINALLY gotten into DD. I was ready to prove myself.
I was asked to make a card ( I think it was for lcm's birthday - but I don't remember) I chose to use colored pencils and draw a lighthouse scene with a bunch of men braving the rocks and waves - m*rk L*w^s had done a teaching about the song "let the lower lights keep burning and had taught that the lowerlights were those who went and fought for the lost - held up smaller lights so that the ships didn't crash on the rocks when they came to shore.) I did this all from imagination and inspiration. For some reason I thought this was appropriate. I must say that it came out amazing - J Lynn said that is was suitable for framing.
A few months later I was specificcaly asked to do another card for lcm.. This time no such inspiration was allowed. I was told it had to include the building where teachings happened ( Uncle Harry????) I found a pic to use and colored. Mind you I had only one night to do this. I had to stay up until it was time to go on bless patrol (wasn't excused!) then I wasn't given permission to stay and sleep during classes like oh so many of my corps mates had been for much less. All this and - they didn't use the card anyway!!! Some bull about it being spiritually dark. ( It was a night scene because that was the only good pic we had and there was a guy walking whose face was only about the size of a pea. I blurred it because I wanted the emphasis on the building and the lights (must have been a thank you card for some class.) Since the face was blurred I was told it seemed Dark.(????!!!!!WTF???!!!!) Hey that was not a very good looking building - and I gave them what they asked for. What replaced it - some heart thing - trite and nothing special as I remember it. - But that my have been sour grapes.
So I got no sleep and I wasn't told about the change - I found out when the card was presented. I really felt the love that day. That's when i realized that I was just another pair of hands to them - just like it would have been in the "real world."
Anyway that was years and years ago -
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Last week I had lunch with doojable (hadn't seen her in probably 15 years...she looks great and such fun to be around...a real fireball!) Afterwards we went to the gallery where some of her work is on display. It was so nice to see her beautiful paintings in person. Divine Design missed out when they didn't utilize her talents.
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