Ron, I had to look up masonite. You've taught me something new today! I suspect that with that medium it's especially nice since it's not your average paper or canvas painting. Sounds really cool to paint on, too!
Do you make your own or buy them at a craft store?
I paint on Masonite as well! I used to only paint on canvas - and I still like it - but Masonite is great because it cannot be punched through from behind.
I prepare my own - what about you Ron? I actually do not give it a glassy finish - I get a rough finish in the gesso so that I can still have some texture for the brush and paint to grab.
Doojy- I was an Oil Painting Major at Ohio U. before going into the WC. But since then I have not had time....sold a few things back then, but if I had time, besides needing to do stuff like situps (lol) I would write.
I just got back from my holiday, lest I would have chimed in earlier.
I shoulda gone to art college, but my folks wouldn't let me. Now I have numerous useless degrees in nothing that really interests me. Sad.
I was in DD when they kicked me out of the corps.
I leatherworked a beautiful leather plaque for LCM for his premiere of Athletes of the Spirit- or whatever that dance thing was. It was a quote about "and David danced before the lord with all his might...." or something like that was the whole verse.
I finished that one.
However, I was also working on 2 stained glass pieces for Mrs. Wierwille. One I was a little window of irises. Real nice. I was also working on a box with a big rose on top- had it almost finished when PLynn came to my side and kicked me out of the corps.
I was devestated at the time.
I thank god now.
I have no idea if either of these folks received "our" gifts...never heard, was in the throws of whirlwind trying to repiece my life together.
I had a friend in the corps who threw (she did pottery) Mrs. Wierwille a whole set of porcelain plates....that was Kathy West- 15th corps. She threw me a piggy bank out of the same clay...I still have it right here!!! No money in it tho. I've been contemplating giving it away. Perhaps some Way person would go ga-ga over it being the same porcelain as a set of Mrs. W's plates. Who knows anymore. I don't really care anymore.
Presently I have a few crafts going.
I dye/spin/design fancy yarns from every kind of animal stuff. I've been doing pretty well with it.
I am a lampworker...I make glass getting better and better at it all the time. I have an oxygen and propane tank in my shed...and a kiln....I'm trying to master fish and chachooly shells.
I was making jewelry but my fingers are numb now, and I can't really manipulate the needles anymore. We'll let someone else do that.
I weave too....shawls...and have recently gotten into felting. I'm not sure if my "pixies" are on my website yet. I just started doing mermaids which are turning out fabulous!
I also have a garden in which I grow dyestuffs. This past fall I have dyed gorgeous colors from my flowers...marigolds, queen anne's lace, indigo...I also pillage flowers from town. I dye cranberries 500 pounds of them in front of my house waiting to be processed.
I have no room to do much else. I'm so crowded I can hardly think!!!
In April I'm backpacking New Zealand, and I dread all the fleeces I'm gonna have then!!! oy vey.
I do other stuff, but, presently, this is what I'm into.
I can't draw worth ..... is my little website. I barter that with a client of mine and she upkeeps it.
Doojable and Ron, I must say I really like your work !! Absolutely lovely !!
I too, really enjoy dabbling in the arts, one I'm working on right now as a small home business which is papier mache animal sculptures. I also do watercolour paintings and wall murals.
I never had the priviledge of taking art courses or going to an art school, (heck I don't even know the terminology when it comes to art, just like Belle I had to look up the word "masonite") It was something I discovered along the way when I was looking at some books with drawings of political cartoons in them, I decided to try my hand at it and lo and behold I came across a talent I never knew I had.
In regards to the wall murals here is one I am working on for someone, these are just pictures of what it is going to look like when completed.
I really enjoy working with papier mache, first you have to build the sculpture (one I did was a dog that measured about 2ft high by about 3ft high and weighed about 15 to 20 lbs) then fill in it's shape so it's solid and then the fun part getting your hands all covered up to your elbows in the paste apply strip after strip of paper till you have about 5 layers, then the drying time which takes aleast 3-5 days and then the sanding and then the best part, making these animals come alive, the painting!!! When I first started I didn't have a vehicle so I would walk about a mile pulling these whimsical animals in my kid's wagon to the local artstore/gallery but they weren't getting enough publicity so once I got a vehicle I took a trip to the city and now have them in an art gallery that is selling them for me. I'm sorry to say I don't have an pictures of them right now as I still haven't taken the time to get my film developed.
I finished completing a life size wallmural of "Spiderman" not that along ago in my boy's bedroom, I even gave him glowing eyes which my boys get a kick out of at nite time when they go to bed.
So here are some pictures of the wall mural (the wall measures 8ft by 14ft) so it will be a pretty fair size when completed.
I use a lot of masonite scraps and other materials I get at the local lumber store. I trim them with my tablesaw and gesso (brush, not spray) them and sand them lightly leaving as much tooth as possible.
Mostly. I use 11x14 or 16x20 or so. I also like Fredrix stretched canvas, but they're expensive and delicate.
I use a lot of masonite scraps and other materials I get at the local lumber store. I trim them with my tablesaw and gesso (brush, not spray) them and sand them lightly leaving as much tooth as possible.
Mostly. I use 11x14 or 16x20 or so. I also like Fredrix stretched canvas, but they're expensive and delicate.
Sorry Cowgirl - for some reason I can't see the mural you posted. I bet its great though.
Jonny Lingo:
I have found that everyone can draw to some extent. I always say that there is a technical side and a passionate side. If you were in Texas I'd give you eight lessons and you'd be surprised at how well you could draw. Of sourse there's always the fact that not everyone WANTS to draw or take the time (and frustration) of drawing.
Thanks for all these posts. I heard a quote by Jackie Kennedy. I'll have to paraphrase it: "After a storm all the birds sing. People also deserve to find happiness in whatever sun they can find."
I feel like in the wake of TWI it is up to each one of us to reclaim our lives and passions and "find our sun."
Anyway, keep on posting art folks - this is great!
Doojable, just to let you know in case you do get to see those pictures I posted, they are not the actual mural, those are pictures of what it will look like when it's completed. The person whom I am doing this for got them off of some website.
I am also an artist early retired but still speak as a guest speaker at the university classes here and come out of retirement once or twice a year.
I am A Floral Designer and Wedding Planner. I owned my own floral shop for years and finally sold it and went freelance and made great money doing simply wedding work.
Most people think that Flowers is a hobby or something easy to do but it is not. I have taught many and few truly have the gift. Some can arrange flowers by copying a picture such as from FTD and make it similar to the picture. This is not an art. It is what most flower shops provide.
A Designer has the ability to bring to life that which takes the breath away leaves you in awe and appreciating the art itself. After TWI I let this ability fullfill itself and I was at ease and unhindered and did some of the best work of my life.
I still have many call for their special events or occassions. I pic and choose and do an event or two a year now and refer the rest to a friend of mine. But, my ole team loves it when we do get back together for an event.
The floral world is much like the painting world ......... colors are important, texture is important, 3 dimensions are important and likewise with so many other similarities. We also get the opportunity to design whole rooms with new decor along with the floral for these events so interior decorating was also part of which I had to learn. Many many themes in the business.
Thanks for asking, I do have pics in storage. I was going to offer to put them up but it meant asking my husband to go to storage and get my pics. He said he would be happy to pick them up to share them with you. Storage is closed until Tuesday he will ablige us by stopping in after work to get them.
We are living in our Cabin this winter while we build so everything I own is in storage. The kewl thing about just building the cabin is we are now starting the design work on the inside. In Alaska you do all the outdoor building you can do in the summer then you leave all inside work alone until winter. We put in the 300ft drive cleared a large are on a knoll, built the cabin and poured the foundation for the garage, brought in telephone and electric all underground wiring. This is part of what we accomplished this past short summer.
We are in the process of designing the inside of our Cabin and making decisions for everything. I want the two main rooms Gunstock Oak Wood flooring (still looking at partial wood subfloor). Stone tile for bathroom and beneath the wood stove (existing a white marble ceramic tile that I don't like anymore)
I am headed towards Cabernet Red for my outstanding one color along with my other two being a tan and olive. That gives me my 3 basic colors and my two for design additions I can incorporate in small amounts will definately be Ivory and possibly a bit of Navy. I might change the Navy to Copper who knows. For artwork I am looking for a painting or a pic of an Eagle.
I did see a pic at Stephans Fine Arts in Anchorage of an Eagle but if I recall correctly the large pic was around the 5K mark, I will not spend that for a cabin but would love to be able to have a painting similar to this photograph I saw. I just fell in love with it last summer when I saw it and it places a freedom on my heart. The pic was about 4' x 6' too large for the cabin but it came in a smaller version. It was of the head of the eagle only, up close profile view. The eye of the eagle just captured me.
I loved Rons painting of the woman with the dark long hair, the friend of his he painted. I also enjoyed your pic Doo of the beautiful young girl laying on the beach towel. Simplicity in the brief look at both of these, puts your heart at ease gives you a calm. Yet in both them you can see the depth of design when you sit back and view. I wished I could see both of these larger and closer.
Hubby often reminds me not to spend all the money on the cabin darling we have a house to build. So as we finish the sheetrocking my mind is going crazy with ideas because I know color comes next and wondering should I put Red on one wall in the main room or not ...... I don't like all off white walls. I want color and a warm glo from the fire ....... if you whom paint have any ideas or have seen anything in my color choices or similar I would love to hear the ideas or share a link with me for something you see on the net. Love the italian renessaince period.
Pics I will put up mid week of my floral work.
Its great to chat with artists ............ will love to pic your brains if you let me.
Ex - my depression isn't because of you. i just wish that some of those artists out there would tell of their experiences
Thus I decided to write and tell of my art and my experiences.
Doo quoted
Got any pics Digi? Would love to see 'em
Thus I was excited someone would be interested in floral design enough to ask me for photos.
Doo quoted
Pic away - hope there's something there! LOL
Are you hoping for conversation for artists to tell of their own art world experience or in putting me down before I am even available to get a pic up that you asked for? I agreed to write and then pic because I thought you were interested in others art experience?
Doo quoted
hope there's something there! LOL
I find this insulting and I am not laughing out loud with you. As if I have nothing there worth posting? Exclamation Point!
Although I only had one request if there are others who want to see a pic of my art and have artful conversation I will post pics of my art later this week, once the pics are retrieved from storage and scanned in for your view and artful discretion. I will post my pics in the pictures forum not here.
I am so sorry. I did not mean to insult you in any way shApe or form. I am looking forward to you posting your pictures. I want conversation.
My comment about "pic away" was really a little self-denergrating. When I said that I hope something was there I meant in response to you wanting to "Pic our brains" I can't speak for Ron - but sometimes I feel Like I really don't know that much. I teach - but I am still learning.I was hoping that there was something IN MY BRAIN to pick.
You went into great detail on how much it takes to be a floral designer. I was truly impressed. It seems to me that you already know so many of the basics. IMO working in three dimensions is much harder. I have tried to arrange flowers - I stink at it.
Again, I vehemently apologize. Please forgive me. I meant no insult at all.
I would also like to add that if you look at all my posts I thnk you'll find that even whenI am attacked that I try not to respond in kind. You didn't even attack me. I certainly would not be rude to you with NO provocation.
I don't know you other than what I have read in your posts and the few times we have met in chat. (I feel quite confident that you can say the same about me.) Based on the little I do know about you from your posts I like you and would never actively seek to antagonize you. The disadvantage to the forum format is that we can't look someone square in the eye, and hear their voice and get their meaning just from the words spoken.
I started tis topic so that artists could meet and talk about their art, as well as their lives during and after TWI. I am hoping that many have continued in their talents.
I hope that you will read this and that we can put this behind us. I look forward to seeing your work no matter where you choose to post it.
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Ron G.
Thanks for the compliment. Both are acrylic on masonite. Mostly I now paint Ozark landscapes to make some extra $$ during the toursist season.
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Ron, I had to look up masonite. You've taught me something new today! I suspect that with that medium it's especially nice since it's not your average paper or canvas painting. Sounds really cool to paint on, too!
Do you make your own or buy them at a craft store?
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I paint on Masonite as well! I used to only paint on canvas - and I still like it - but Masonite is great because it cannot be punched through from behind.
I prepare my own - what about you Ron? I actually do not give it a glassy finish - I get a rough finish in the gesso so that I can still have some texture for the brush and paint to grab.
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J0nny Ling0
I was never in Divine Design, but I do remember alot of gals with a Divine Behind!
Actually that is a little joke that we "frat boys" had in the Corps when we noticed the shapely posterior of one of our Sistahs...
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Anymore art or artists out there? If not I'll post another one of my pieces again - I'll do it! You've been warned! :)
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Doojy- I was an Oil Painting Major at Ohio U. before going into the WC. But since then I have not had time....sold a few things back then, but if I had time, besides needing to do stuff like situps (lol) I would write.
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Alright - here we go again.
The first of these is of of my other daughter.
The second is a Koi pond at a nearby seminary.
As you can see I am quite impressionistic. I prefer people to landscapes.
Now who's next......
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Wacky Funster
dooj...those last 2 paintins are marvelous!!!!
I just got back from my holiday, lest I would have chimed in earlier.
I shoulda gone to art college, but my folks wouldn't let me. Now I have numerous useless degrees in nothing that really interests me. Sad.
I was in DD when they kicked me out of the corps.
I leatherworked a beautiful leather plaque for LCM for his premiere of Athletes of the Spirit- or whatever that dance thing was. It was a quote about "and David danced before the lord with all his might...." or something like that was the whole verse.
I finished that one.
However, I was also working on 2 stained glass pieces for Mrs. Wierwille. One I was a little window of irises. Real nice. I was also working on a box with a big rose on top- had it almost finished when PLynn came to my side and kicked me out of the corps.
I was devestated at the time.
I thank god now.
I have no idea if either of these folks received "our" gifts...never heard, was in the throws of whirlwind trying to repiece my life together.
I had a friend in the corps who threw (she did pottery) Mrs. Wierwille a whole set of porcelain plates....that was Kathy West- 15th corps. She threw me a piggy bank out of the same clay...I still have it right here!!! No money in it tho. I've been contemplating giving it away. Perhaps some Way person would go ga-ga over it being the same porcelain as a set of Mrs. W's plates. Who knows anymore. I don't really care anymore.
Presently I have a few crafts going.
I dye/spin/design fancy yarns from every kind of animal stuff. I've been doing pretty well with it.
I am a lampworker...I make glass getting better and better at it all the time. I have an oxygen and propane tank in my shed...and a kiln....I'm trying to master fish and chachooly shells.
I was making jewelry but my fingers are numb now, and I can't really manipulate the needles anymore. We'll let someone else do that.
I weave too....shawls...and have recently gotten into felting. I'm not sure if my "pixies" are on my website yet. I just started doing mermaids which are turning out fabulous!
I also have a garden in which I grow dyestuffs. This past fall I have dyed gorgeous colors from my flowers...marigolds, queen anne's lace, indigo...I also pillage flowers from town. I dye cranberries 500 pounds of them in front of my house waiting to be processed.
I have no room to do much else. I'm so crowded I can hardly think!!!
In April I'm backpacking New Zealand, and I dread all the fleeces I'm gonna have then!!! oy vey.
I do other stuff, but, presently, this is what I'm into.
I can't draw worth ..... is my little website. I barter that with a client of mine and she upkeeps it.
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These are GREAT!!!!!! What wonderful beads! I especially love those Cape Cods. It seems like you really havne't lost much by not attending
Art school. I'm going to Maine nest summer - if there is anyway that we can stop off in Cape Cod I'd love to see the work in person. Is that possible?
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J0nny Ling0
Ya know, you artists always amaze me! I just can't draw worth a dime!. So glad you all have that natural knack
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Doojable and Ron, I must say I really like your work !! Absolutely lovely !!
I too, really enjoy dabbling in the arts, one I'm working on right now as a small home business which is papier mache animal sculptures. I also do watercolour paintings and wall murals.
I never had the priviledge of taking art courses or going to an art school, (heck I don't even know the terminology when it comes to art, just like Belle I had to look up the word "masonite") It was something I discovered along the way when I was looking at some books with drawings of political cartoons in them, I decided to try my hand at it and lo and behold I came across a talent I never knew I had.
In regards to the wall murals here is one I am working on for someone, these are just pictures of what it is going to look like when completed.
I really enjoy working with papier mache, first you have to build the sculpture (one I did was a dog that measured about 2ft high by about 3ft high and weighed about 15 to 20 lbs) then fill in it's shape so it's solid and then the fun part getting your hands all covered up to your elbows in the paste apply strip after strip of paper till you have about 5 layers, then the drying time which takes aleast 3-5 days and then the sanding and then the best part, making these animals come alive, the painting!!! When I first started I didn't have a vehicle so I would walk about a mile pulling these whimsical animals in my kid's wagon to the local artstore/gallery but they weren't getting enough publicity so once I got a vehicle I took a trip to the city and now have them in an art gallery that is selling them for me. I'm sorry to say I don't have an pictures of them right now as I still haven't taken the time to get my film developed.
I finished completing a life size wallmural of "Spiderman" not that along ago in my boy's bedroom, I even gave him glowing eyes which my boys get a kick out of at nite time when they go to bed.
So here are some pictures of the wall mural (the wall measures 8ft by 14ft) so it will be a pretty fair size when completed.

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Ron G.
I use a lot of masonite scraps and other materials I get at the local lumber store. I trim them with my tablesaw and gesso (brush, not spray) them and sand them lightly leaving as much tooth as possible.
Mostly. I use 11x14 or 16x20 or so. I also like Fredrix stretched canvas, but they're expensive and delicate.
I use a lot of masonite scraps and other materials I get at the local lumber store. I trim them with my tablesaw and gesso (brush, not spray) them and sand them lightly leaving as much tooth as possible.
Mostly. I use 11x14 or 16x20 or so. I also like Fredrix stretched canvas, but they're expensive and delicate.
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Sorry Cowgirl - for some reason I can't see the mural you posted. I bet its great though.
Jonny Lingo:
I have found that everyone can draw to some extent. I always say that there is a technical side and a passionate side. If you were in Texas I'd give you eight lessons and you'd be surprised at how well you could draw. Of sourse there's always the fact that not everyone WANTS to draw or take the time (and frustration) of drawing.
Thanks for all these posts. I heard a quote by Jackie Kennedy. I'll have to paraphrase it: "After a storm all the birds sing. People also deserve to find happiness in whatever sun they can find."
I feel like in the wake of TWI it is up to each one of us to reclaim our lives and passions and "find our sun."
Anyway, keep on posting art folks - this is great!
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Doojable, just to let you know in case you do get to see those pictures I posted, they are not the actual mural, those are pictures of what it will look like when it's completed. The person whom I am doing this for got them off of some website.
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Ron G.
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Wacky Funster
Arkie....that's GORGEOUS!!!!!
Will you sell it to me?
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I bet Mrs. Psalmie would love to have your pig bank she loves piggie things.
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Wow Doo and Ron
You both do great work.
I am also an artist early retired but still speak as a guest speaker at the university classes here and come out of retirement once or twice a year.
I am A Floral Designer and Wedding Planner. I owned my own floral shop for years and finally sold it and went freelance and made great money doing simply wedding work.
Most people think that Flowers is a hobby or something easy to do but it is not. I have taught many and few truly have the gift. Some can arrange flowers by copying a picture such as from FTD and make it similar to the picture. This is not an art. It is what most flower shops provide.
A Designer has the ability to bring to life that which takes the breath away leaves you in awe and appreciating the art itself. After TWI I let this ability fullfill itself and I was at ease and unhindered and did some of the best work of my life.
I still have many call for their special events or occassions. I pic and choose and do an event or two a year now and refer the rest to a friend of mine. But, my ole team loves it when we do get back together for an event.
The floral world is much like the painting world ......... colors are important, texture is important, 3 dimensions are important and likewise with so many other similarities. We also get the opportunity to design whole rooms with new decor along with the floral for these events so interior decorating was also part of which I had to learn. Many many themes in the business.
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Got any pics Digi? Would love to see 'em!
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Thanks for asking, I do have pics in storage. I was going to offer to put them up but it meant asking my husband to go to storage and get my pics. He said he would be happy to pick them up to share them with you. Storage is closed until Tuesday he will ablige us by stopping in after work to get them.
We are living in our Cabin this winter while we build so everything I own is in storage. The kewl thing about just building the cabin is we are now starting the design work on the inside. In Alaska you do all the outdoor building you can do in the summer then you leave all inside work alone until winter. We put in the 300ft drive cleared a large are on a knoll, built the cabin and poured the foundation for the garage, brought in telephone and electric all underground wiring. This is part of what we accomplished this past short summer.
We are in the process of designing the inside of our Cabin and making decisions for everything. I want the two main rooms Gunstock Oak Wood flooring (still looking at partial wood subfloor). Stone tile for bathroom and beneath the wood stove (existing a white marble ceramic tile that I don't like anymore)
I am headed towards Cabernet Red for my outstanding one color along with my other two being a tan and olive. That gives me my 3 basic colors and my two for design additions I can incorporate in small amounts will definately be Ivory and possibly a bit of Navy. I might change the Navy to Copper who knows. For artwork I am looking for a painting or a pic of an Eagle.
I did see a pic at Stephans Fine Arts in Anchorage of an Eagle but if I recall correctly the large pic was around the 5K mark, I will not spend that for a cabin but would love to be able to have a painting similar to this photograph I saw. I just fell in love with it last summer when I saw it and it places a freedom on my heart. The pic was about 4' x 6' too large for the cabin but it came in a smaller version. It was of the head of the eagle only, up close profile view. The eye of the eagle just captured me.
I loved Rons painting of the woman with the dark long hair, the friend of his he painted. I also enjoyed your pic Doo of the beautiful young girl laying on the beach towel. Simplicity in the brief look at both of these, puts your heart at ease gives you a calm. Yet in both them you can see the depth of design when you sit back and view. I wished I could see both of these larger and closer.
Hubby often reminds me not to spend all the money on the cabin darling we have a house to build. So as we finish the sheetrocking my mind is going crazy with ideas because I know color comes next and wondering should I put Red on one wall in the main room or not ...... I don't like all off white walls. I want color and a warm glo from the fire ....... if you whom paint have any ideas or have seen anything in my color choices or similar I would love to hear the ideas or share a link with me for something you see on the net. Love the italian renessaince period.
Pics I will put up mid week of my floral work.
Its great to chat with artists ............ will love to pic your brains if you let me.
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Pic away - hope there's something there! LOL
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Doo quoted
Ex - my depression isn't because of you. i just wish that some of those artists out there would tell of their experiences
Thus I decided to write and tell of my art and my experiences.
Doo quoted
Got any pics Digi? Would love to see 'em
Thus I was excited someone would be interested in floral design enough to ask me for photos.
Doo quoted
Pic away - hope there's something there! LOL
Are you hoping for conversation for artists to tell of their own art world experience or in putting me down before I am even available to get a pic up that you asked for? I agreed to write and then pic because I thought you were interested in others art experience?
Doo quoted
hope there's something there! LOL
I find this insulting and I am not laughing out loud with you. As if I have nothing there worth posting? Exclamation Point!
Although I only had one request if there are others who want to see a pic of my art and have artful conversation I will post pics of my art later this week, once the pics are retrieved from storage and scanned in for your view and artful discretion. I will post my pics in the pictures forum not here.
Thank You
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I am so sorry. I did not mean to insult you in any way shApe or form. I am looking forward to you posting your pictures. I want conversation.
My comment about "pic away" was really a little self-denergrating. When I said that I hope something was there I meant in response to you wanting to "Pic our brains" I can't speak for Ron - but sometimes I feel Like I really don't know that much. I teach - but I am still learning.I was hoping that there was something IN MY BRAIN to pick.
You went into great detail on how much it takes to be a floral designer. I was truly impressed. It seems to me that you already know so many of the basics. IMO working in three dimensions is much harder. I have tried to arrange flowers - I stink at it.
Again, I vehemently apologize. Please forgive me. I meant no insult at all.
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I would also like to add that if you look at all my posts I thnk you'll find that even whenI am attacked that I try not to respond in kind. You didn't even attack me. I certainly would not be rude to you with NO provocation.
I don't know you other than what I have read in your posts and the few times we have met in chat. (I feel quite confident that you can say the same about me.) Based on the little I do know about you from your posts I like you and would never actively seek to antagonize you. The disadvantage to the forum format is that we can't look someone square in the eye, and hear their voice and get their meaning just from the words spoken.
I started tis topic so that artists could meet and talk about their art, as well as their lives during and after TWI. I am hoping that many have continued in their talents.
I hope that you will read this and that we can put this behind us. I look forward to seeing your work no matter where you choose to post it.
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