About the color of the rooms. I have friends that decorate and others that have lived in Europe. My general understanding is that if you have a dark room - paint it a light color. So if the room with the fireplace is dark during the day - might be north light - paint it a light warm color - maybe a version of yellow you can live with then maybe do one wall darker accent color. Rooms that get lots of light can be darker and warmer - or cooler depending the effect you want. I have a room that gets bathed in warm light all day long - I plan on painting it a dark version of sage green - to cool down the room.
There is a theory that you should strive to have the whole house seem to be one value as you look from one room to another. I did this with some friends in an old railroad apt in NYC years ago. the end rooms were very light - they were darker - but not the same color. The middle room was very dark and we painted it a very light lavender. When we stood in one end and looked through the other it seemed as is it were the same value (if I were to take a B/W picture it would have been about the same gray.
Anyway - there's some input. Ultimately you have to pick colors that you and hubby live with well. Your color choices that you wrote about seemed very pleasing. Go with your gut instinct.
I am not an artist by any means in that I can paint or draw as some so beautifully do around these parts but I am utterly inspired!
I am proud to say though, that I do have a daughter who has just started high school this year in an arts program. She is in the visual arts program and is doing soooooooooo well!
It has boosted her self esteem and her school marks are doing very well... what a transformation we have seen in her.
Anyhow... after reading all the posts.... I couldn't help but feel inspired.
I have for a long time dabbled in photography. Recently, I was given a 35 mm for Christmas and this year a zoom lens which i know very little about. My pictures are mostly of flora and children.
I have also recently started using my photography for cards that I give to people. I think they like them... but not sure.
I'd put a few pics on here... but have no clue how to. I've tried to attach a file...but it won't work
anyhow, keep sharing everyone...it's so much fun to read!
I don't know how to scan pics on only put them in off net or disc so PowerFilled is going to get online with me and teach me this week to do it. Maybe someone can teach you.
My daughter draws ... do you draw in color or in black and whites? Does your daughter draw in colors or black and white?
I know the pencils I bought my daughter and 3 years of art classes were expensive. Pencils were down right out of this world.
It sounds like you did the apartment in monochromatic kind of coloring. I love that look for my clothing etc. I also love it for floral design, it even gives a home a nice clean clear spacious look and is probably the best idea for a cabin seeing as they are small living quarters but its just the 3 of us here. But I also like brilliant colors as well and thought about for the first time doing an alaskan theme because the cabin will be used for company later on. I just can't seem to make up my mind on it now. We are dark in the winter here and light in the summers but the winters last longer. I only have two room and a bathroom to deco you would think I could make up my mind. But throwing in the same hues like you did to open up the space got me to thinking.
The most beautiful thing about living here on our acerage is the views out our windows ... we are up on a knoll on this end of our property and can see the beautiful mountains that surround us. The trees of our forest the creek or brook that runs through the northeast corner of the property. Every window we look out is like divine art from God.
If I were a painter or someon who could draw .......... I would spend my days doing this, painting my natural scenery for its truly Divine Art ....... Gods art that surrounds me. Its the best there is .... doesn't come any better. Its why we decided to live in our cabin why we are building on this spot ........ its just beautiful out here.
Ron, I love the pic both ways! I thought it was a neat perspective only seeing the top of it. :D I LOVE things that remind me of home and that's definitely one that does. Thank you for sharing it with us.
A La, I have a scanner and can either scan the pics, or if you already have them as attachments you can e-mail them to me and I'll be glad to post them for you. I'd LOVE to see some of your pictures! I dabbled in photography in college and had a professional mentor me. It was a blast!! I LOVE getting cards like that and have lots of them framed around the house. It truly is a gift from the heart, imo. I suspect those lucky enough to get your original pictures feel the same way.
Wow, Cowgirl, those were some really nice pictures. Did you use the picture from http://www.myastrologybook.com as a template for the mural? Did you project it on the wall and trace or did you do everything by freehand?
Hi Markomalley !! To answer your question, the person who I am doing this for got the pictures off some websites by googling in "space" and "planets."
I'll being making my own templates to get the spheres just perfectly round (too bad someone didn't design a gigantic compass it sure would make it easier, heck if I can get my hands on a giant hula hoop, I could use that as a template and cut sections out it to get different sizes) all the rest I'll be doing freehand.
My wife did some large murals in a classroom one year...what she did was print off the picture she was using as a master and put it on an overhead projector and then traced from that onto the wall. If you had a friend as a teacher you might be able to borrow an overhead or maybe even a computer projector to shine the image up on the wall. Just a thought...
Thank you for posting those for me and your lovely comments.
It is very much appreciated.
Glad you enjoyed them.
By the way...
..your painting of your daughter by the poolside...is delightful. Reminds me of my youngest daughter... so sweet. I love your rich colours... I'm usually not a fan of oil paints... but your colours are so soft and bold all at the same time. and the look you captured on her face. they should be so proud to have a mom with such talent!
lovely work.
and ron.
..wowza... you amaze me with your work!
make sure you take a picture of this mural when you're done. I look forward to seeing the final product! I'd love to see the spiderman one you did for the boys' room.
The newest way to get things from computer/internet/documents is to use the projectors (NEC, etc) to put the image on a wall or butcher paper. You can make the image as large or small as desired and don't have to use transparencies!
(too bad someone didn't design a gigantic compass it sure would make it easier,
Your local art supply store may have Trammel Points, Cowgirl---with them you can make a compass as large as you want.....One is a point--the other holds a pencil and they slide onto a standard 1/2' by 1" piece of moulding available at your local lumber yard , they are adjustable to any size.
I have used them to make circles up to 16' in diameter, that are accurate within 1/64"
Before I went so high tech -- I used a small nail at the center of the circle , a string measured to the radius looped at one end to the nail and a pencil inserted into an outer loop----which works just as well as the points, just a tad more tedious.
The loop (instead of tying it directly to the nail) keeps the radius from getting smaller as you spin around the center nail.
Mstar1, Aha!!! Someone must have been reading my mind !! I've never heard of that (Trammel Points) what a great idea, I'll definitely check into that. Thanks !
Got a question about the overhead projectors, I love the idea, but in my thinking, I don't think I could sign my name to that particular work, reason being, wouldn't that be just like tracing over someone's original drawing, just like using tracing paper only on a much smaller scale?
Actually what I could do if I ever got to using one of those overhead projectors look at the other person's drawing, draw my own just like the original and use my own drawing on the projector and enlarge my own on the wall, then it would still be my own work. (Sorry, I'm just thinking outloud) :)
I'm back again, in all honesty I prefer to do it all freehand, that's just me !!!
Got a question about the overhead projectors, I love the idea, but in my thinking, I don't think I could sign my name to that particular work, reason being, wouldn't that be just like tracing over someone's original drawing, just like using tracing paper only on a much smaller scale?
Thats a whole big question that I'd like to hear other peoples views on. I do see people that sign copies of established designs done in various other media with the reason being that they executed the work if not the design--can't say i agree with that but it is done-and quite often too--If you don't feel right about signing it (even though you will be doing alot of meticulous work on it) then don't --I guess---
If you want something that you can with clear conscience sign then you could borrow from the idea (another thing that happens all the time) alter it to the way you want it, then execute that design---
I don't know if there are any hard and steadfast rules to signatures...sometimes they work with a piece and sometimes they don't
I have reasons why I dont ever sign my stuff but it is a whole different set of circumstances and reasons than what you are doing
I don't sign stuff that I haven't come up with. I don't paint portraits from pictures that people give me. It's just what I prefer to do. Given that my work is in a gallery I don't ever want someone coming up and saying that I stole their image. Even if it would win in court it would hurt me as an artist. Besides, I really can only paint things that I am excited about.
About the copying of the piece on the wall. I guess that you have to decide for yourself. What is your exposure? (and the wall's?) You don't plan on making prints of the wall and selling them as your own work - so there's really no harm (I'm not sure about legally - but I think the point is mute since it's unlikely that the original artist will walk into that room and see his or her image with your signature on it
If you want to make sure that the client wants to remember you for future jobs, but you don't want to sign it, you can hand out some business cards.
Mstar1, Aha!!! Someone must have been reading my mind !! I've never heard of that (Trammel Points) what a great idea, I'll definitely check into that. Thanks !
Got a question about the overhead projectors, I love the idea, but in my thinking, I don't think I could sign my name to that particular work, reason being, wouldn't that be just like tracing over someone's original drawing, just like using tracing paper only on a much smaller scale?
Actually what I could do if I ever got to using one of those overhead projectors look at the other person's drawing, draw my own just like the original and use my own drawing on the projector and enlarge my own on the wall, then it would still be my own work. (Sorry, I'm just thinking outloud) :)
I'm back again, in all honesty I prefer to do it all freehand, that's just me !!!
Sure, of course.
Draw it on paper. If you're using a computer projector, you can scan it and then project it. If you're using the old-fashioned method, you could get some photocopier acetate and run it through a photocopier and then shine it up on the wall with an overhead. Again, something that has been done before...
(BTW, if you look at a computer projector, they are anywhere from $750US up. But I'd want at least SXGA resolution and that's $1250US+. On the other hand, an overhead projector is more like about $150US-$300US. Staples has one for $139US, but I'd get one that put out at least 3,000 lumens and that's like about $200US)
Just want to say thanks for all the great ideas !! I'm going to stick with doing it all freehand, (as I have done with all my projects in the past) I know it will take longer and that's ok, there is no time limit to get it done, I know in the end for me with all my art projects, I'd like to be honestly able to say, "Yes this is all my work, right from the start." (Maybe it's a little pride thing, I don't know) :)
Just want to say thanks for all the great ideas !! I'm going to stick with doing it all freehand, (as I have done with all my projects in the past) I know it will take longer and that's ok, there is no time limit to get it done, I know in the end for me with all my art projects, I'd like to be honestly able to say, "Yes this is all my work, right from the start." (Maybe it's a little pride thing, I don't know) :)
When you're done, why don't you snap a photo of it so we can see your work! If you don't have any online storage available to you, I'm sure there are plenty of us who would be happy to put it online for you!
Dooj, What Gallery are your represented at? I know you mentioned you are waiting for the cite to up and run but the gallery still exists physical form yes? Hopefully there cite will be up and running soon.
And also Hubby will find the box I need soon too. He is sweet ... but there is no rush I need Powefilleds time to send his wife the pics of her and I so he is going to teach me to scan then he will also help in putting my pics on here. I can put them on by disc or by net but the scan thing baffles me. But Powerfilled is good.
RonG do you sell any of your work? or do you keep it for your own pleasure? It sure is lovely.
Wacky darling take your time on getting back to me ....... PM when you are ready no rush girlfriend, I am moving very slowly these days. Winter has really hit here and its slowing me down quite bit with my health. My two months a year Alaska just kills me but it sure is beautiful peeking out my window. I won't be going outside probably till end of Feb. Although it my be a great time for me to crouchette from your wonderful yarns now i think about it.
LaProchaime your pics are very pretty I have a pic of some wild columbine i would love to scan in and show you, I think you would appreciate it ...... probablly the only real pic I ever took and it was by accident and I had taken a photography class way back in my highschool days. ...... I really need to learn to scan too, but my lesson is coming later this week so I am happy for that.
Mystar is the art work you do of the planets just for sake of art or do you also teach in conjuction with the plantets? Just asking because I homeschool and thought you might lead me to some sites or info that has great viewing of the plantets along with explanations for my 12 year old son. We have OuterSpace next semester to do and I need to get a head start on the planets, I remember little about it LOL. I have materials from home school but need more avenues to do a good job.
Digi...I wrote you an extensive response to your note...!!! Did you not get it? I wrote it about 5 hours after I received yours....darn!!! I don't know how to do those private messages.
I'll try again now....I wonder what happened!!!!
I have just been hired to sit in a local Art Gallery with my wheel and yarns on Saturdays throughout the winter!!! My yarns are definately an art form.
Digi...I just sent you another long message, and it "sent", but it didn't record...and I don't think you got it!!!!
What's your email?
I can get a 70% mohair, 15% alpaca and 15%other stuff from a friend in Vermont that would knock your socks off!!!! It's called "late autumn" and has tans/browns/pale peaches and angelina sparkle. It is absolutely gorgeous and as soon as I spin it up, it sells!!!
I only weave 7' shawls- and 2 of them together would make a gorgeous rowana...but, I think your best bet would be to crochet your own floor length cape.
The handspun could get costly depending on how much your need...what weight do you want? Would you like me to send you a sample of the yarn?
It takes me a little over an hour to spin and ply an ounce...that with the cost of the blend would be $16/oz (at $10/hr)...There's nothing like handspun tho, as you well know.
I'll be gone the whole day...will catch you later tonight.
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About the color of the rooms. I have friends that decorate and others that have lived in Europe. My general understanding is that if you have a dark room - paint it a light color. So if the room with the fireplace is dark during the day - might be north light - paint it a light warm color - maybe a version of yellow you can live with then maybe do one wall darker accent color. Rooms that get lots of light can be darker and warmer - or cooler depending the effect you want. I have a room that gets bathed in warm light all day long - I plan on painting it a dark version of sage green - to cool down the room.
There is a theory that you should strive to have the whole house seem to be one value as you look from one room to another. I did this with some friends in an old railroad apt in NYC years ago. the end rooms were very light - they were darker - but not the same color. The middle room was very dark and we painted it a very light lavender. When we stood in one end and looked through the other it seemed as is it were the same value (if I were to take a B/W picture it would have been about the same gray.
Anyway - there's some input. Ultimately you have to pick colors that you and hubby live with well. Your color choices that you wrote about seemed very pleasing. Go with your gut instinct.
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A la prochaine
Dear Dooj,
Beautiful thread.
I am not an artist by any means in that I can paint or draw as some so beautifully do around these parts but I am utterly inspired!
I am proud to say though, that I do have a daughter who has just started high school this year in an arts program. She is in the visual arts program and is doing soooooooooo well!
It has boosted her self esteem and her school marks are doing very well... what a transformation we have seen in her.
Anyhow... after reading all the posts.... I couldn't help but feel inspired.
I have for a long time dabbled in photography. Recently, I was given a 35 mm for Christmas and this year a zoom lens which i know very little about. My pictures are mostly of flora and children.
I have also recently started using my photography for cards that I give to people. I think they like them... but not sure.
I'd put a few pics on here... but have no clue how to. I've tried to attach a file...but it won't work
anyhow, keep sharing everyone...it's so much fun to read!
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A La Proclaim,
I don't know how to scan pics on only put them in off net or disc so PowerFilled is going to get online with me and teach me this week to do it. Maybe someone can teach you.
My daughter draws ... do you draw in color or in black and whites? Does your daughter draw in colors or black and white?
I know the pencils I bought my daughter and 3 years of art classes were expensive. Pencils were down right out of this world.
Keep Drawing,
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It sounds like you did the apartment in monochromatic kind of coloring. I love that look for my clothing etc. I also love it for floral design, it even gives a home a nice clean clear spacious look and is probably the best idea for a cabin seeing as they are small living quarters but its just the 3 of us here. But I also like brilliant colors as well and thought about for the first time doing an alaskan theme because the cabin will be used for company later on. I just can't seem to make up my mind on it now. We are dark in the winter here and light in the summers but the winters last longer. I only have two room and a bathroom to deco you would think I could make up my mind. But throwing in the same hues like you did to open up the space got me to thinking.
The most beautiful thing about living here on our acerage is the views out our windows ... we are up on a knoll on this end of our property and can see the beautiful mountains that surround us. The trees of our forest the creek or brook that runs through the northeast corner of the property. Every window we look out is like divine art from God.
If I were a painter or someon who could draw .......... I would spend my days doing this, painting my natural scenery for its truly Divine Art ....... Gods art that surrounds me. Its the best there is .... doesn't come any better. Its why we decided to live in our cabin why we are building on this spot ........ its just beautiful out here.
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Ron, I love the pic both ways! I thought it was a neat perspective only seeing the top of it. :D I LOVE things that remind me of home and that's definitely one that does. Thank you for sharing it with us.
A La, I have a scanner and can either scan the pics, or if you already have them as attachments you can e-mail them to me and I'll be glad to post them for you. I'd LOVE to see some of your pictures! I dabbled in photography in college and had a professional mentor me. It was a blast!! I LOVE getting cards like that and have lots of them framed around the house. It truly is a gift from the heart, imo. I suspect those lucky enough to get your original pictures feel the same way.
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A la prochaine
OOPS.... I just noticed I omitted a letter in a word and it changed my whole post.
I meant to say ' I CAN'T DRAW OR PAINT" not "I CAN"
Thank you Belle for the beautiful offer. I'll try send a couple to you. But, I don't have your email address. Maybe you could PM me. Thanks.
I must tell all of you that after reading your sharings here yesterday, I grabbed my camera and went and took a slew of pictures.
Thanks for the inspiration.
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A la prochaine sent me these BEAUTIFUL photos!! Aren't they just gorgeous?!?!?
A la, I'd be tickled pink to have any of these as a card from you! I'd imagine you're framed and displayed proudly by those receiving these from you!
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Wow, Cowgirl, those were some really nice pictures. Did you use the picture from http://www.myastrologybook.com as a template for the mural? Did you project it on the wall and trace or did you do everything by freehand?
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Hi Markomalley !! To answer your question, the person who I am doing this for got the pictures off some websites by googling in "space" and "planets."
I'll being making my own templates to get the spheres just perfectly round (too bad someone didn't design a gigantic compass it sure would make it easier, heck if I can get my hands on a giant hula hoop, I could use that as a template and cut sections out it to get different sizes) all the rest I'll be doing freehand.
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My wife did some large murals in a classroom one year...what she did was print off the picture she was using as a master and put it on an overhead projector and then traced from that onto the wall. If you had a friend as a teacher you might be able to borrow an overhead or maybe even a computer projector to shine the image up on the wall. Just a thought...
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A la prochaine
Dear Belle,
Thank you for posting those for me and your lovely comments.
It is very much appreciated.
Glad you enjoyed them.
By the way...
..your painting of your daughter by the poolside...is delightful. Reminds me of my youngest daughter... so sweet. I love your rich colours... I'm usually not a fan of oil paints... but your colours are so soft and bold all at the same time. and the look you captured on her face. they should be so proud to have a mom with such talent!
lovely work.
and ron.
..wowza... you amaze me with your work!
make sure you take a picture of this mural when you're done. I look forward to seeing the final product! I'd love to see the spiderman one you did for the boys' room.
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The newest way to get things from computer/internet/documents is to use the projectors (NEC, etc) to put the image on a wall or butcher paper. You can make the image as large or small as desired and don't have to use transparencies!
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Ron G.
If you'll turn the earth around a bit until Arkansas is up, I'll run outside and wave!
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Your local art supply store may have Trammel Points, Cowgirl---with them you can make a compass as large as you want.....One is a point--the other holds a pencil and they slide onto a standard 1/2' by 1" piece of moulding available at your local lumber yard , they are adjustable to any size.
I have used them to make circles up to 16' in diameter, that are accurate within 1/64"
Before I went so high tech
-- I used a small nail at the center of the circle , a string measured to the radius looped at one end to the nail and a pencil inserted into an outer loop----which works just as well as the points, just a tad more tedious.
The loop (instead of tying it directly to the nail) keeps the radius from getting smaller as you spin around the center nail.
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RON, you're too funny !!!
Mstar1, Aha!!! Someone must have been reading my mind !! I've never heard of that (Trammel Points) what a great idea, I'll definitely check into that. Thanks !
Got a question about the overhead projectors, I love the idea, but in my thinking, I don't think I could sign my name to that particular work, reason being, wouldn't that be just like tracing over someone's original drawing, just like using tracing paper only on a much smaller scale?
Actually what I could do if I ever got to using one of those overhead projectors look at the other person's drawing, draw my own just like the original and use my own drawing on the projector and enlarge my own on the wall, then it would still be my own work. (Sorry, I'm just thinking outloud) :)
I'm back again, in all honesty I prefer to do it all freehand, that's just me !!!
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Thats a whole big question that I'd like to hear other peoples views on. I do see people that sign copies of established designs done in various other media with the reason being that they executed the work if not the design--can't say i agree with that but it is done-and quite often too--If you don't feel right about signing it (even though you will be doing alot of meticulous work on it) then don't --I guess---
If you want something that you can with clear conscience sign then you could borrow from the idea (another thing that happens all the time) alter it to the way you want it, then execute that design---
I don't know if there are any hard and steadfast rules to signatures...sometimes they work with a piece and sometimes they don't
I have reasons why I dont ever sign my stuff but it is a whole different set of circumstances and reasons than what you are doing
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I don't sign stuff that I haven't come up with. I don't paint portraits from pictures that people give me. It's just what I prefer to do. Given that my work is in a gallery I don't ever want someone coming up and saying that I stole their image. Even if it would win in court it would hurt me as an artist. Besides, I really can only paint things that I am excited about.
About the copying of the piece on the wall. I guess that you have to decide for yourself. What is your exposure? (and the wall's?) You don't plan on making prints of the wall and selling them as your own work - so there's really no harm (I'm not sure about legally - but I think the point is mute since it's unlikely that the original artist will walk into that room and see his or her image with your signature on it
If you want to make sure that the client wants to remember you for future jobs, but you don't want to sign it, you can hand out some business cards.
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Sure, of course.
Draw it on paper. If you're using a computer projector, you can scan it and then project it. If you're using the old-fashioned method, you could get some photocopier acetate and run it through a photocopier and then shine it up on the wall with an overhead. Again, something that has been done before...
(BTW, if you look at a computer projector, they are anywhere from $750US up. But I'd want at least SXGA resolution and that's $1250US+. On the other hand, an overhead projector is more like about $150US-$300US. Staples has one for $139US, but I'd get one that put out at least 3,000 lumens and that's like about $200US)
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Just want to say thanks for all the great ideas !! I'm going to stick with doing it all freehand, (as I have done with all my projects in the past) I know it will take longer and that's ok, there is no time limit to get it done, I know in the end for me with all my art projects, I'd like to be honestly able to say, "Yes this is all my work, right from the start." (Maybe it's a little pride thing, I don't know) :)
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When you're done, why don't you snap a photo of it so we can see your work! If you don't have any online storage available to you, I'm sure there are plenty of us who would be happy to put it online for you!
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Dooj, What Gallery are your represented at? I know you mentioned you are waiting for the cite to up and run but the gallery still exists physical form yes? Hopefully there cite will be up and running soon.
And also Hubby will find the box I need soon too. He is sweet ... but there is no rush I need Powefilleds time to send his wife the pics of her and I so he is going to teach me to scan then he will also help in putting my pics on here. I can put them on by disc or by net but the scan thing baffles me. But Powerfilled is good.
RonG do you sell any of your work? or do you keep it for your own pleasure? It sure is lovely.
Wacky darling take your time on getting back to me ....... PM when you are ready no rush girlfriend, I am moving very slowly these days. Winter has really hit here and its slowing me down quite bit with my health. My two months a year Alaska just kills me but it sure is beautiful peeking out my window. I won't be going outside probably till end of Feb. Although it my be a great time for me to crouchette from your wonderful yarns now i think about it.
LaProchaime your pics are very pretty I have a pic of some wild columbine i would love to scan in and show you, I think you would appreciate it ...... probablly the only real pic I ever took and it was by accident and I had taken a photography class way back in my highschool days. ...... I really need to learn to scan too, but my lesson is coming later this week so I am happy for that.
Mystar is the art work you do of the planets just for sake of art or do you also teach in conjuction with the plantets? Just asking because I homeschool and thought you might lead me to some sites or info that has great viewing of the plantets along with explanations for my 12 year old son. We have OuterSpace next semester to do and I need to get a head start on the planets, I remember little about it LOL. I have materials from home school but need more avenues to do a good job.
Thanks all,
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Wacky Funster
Digi...I wrote you an extensive response to your note...!!! Did you not get it? I wrote it about 5 hours after I received yours....darn!!! I don't know how to do those private messages.
I'll try again now....I wonder what happened!!!!
I have just been hired to sit in a local Art Gallery with my wheel and yarns on Saturdays throughout the winter!!! My yarns are definately an art form.
Digi...did you see my felted gnomes?
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Wacky Funster
Digi...I just sent you another long message, and it "sent", but it didn't record...and I don't think you got it!!!!
What's your email?
I can get a 70% mohair, 15% alpaca and 15%other stuff from a friend in Vermont that would knock your socks off!!!! It's called "late autumn" and has tans/browns/pale peaches and angelina sparkle. It is absolutely gorgeous and as soon as I spin it up, it sells!!!
I only weave 7' shawls- and 2 of them together would make a gorgeous rowana...but, I think your best bet would be to crochet your own floor length cape.
The handspun could get costly depending on how much your need...what weight do you want? Would you like me to send you a sample of the yarn?
It takes me a little over an hour to spin and ply an ounce...that with the cost of the blend would be $16/oz (at $10/hr)...There's nothing like handspun tho, as you well know.
I'll be gone the whole day...will catch you later tonight.
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