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Twi Manipulation by Inference


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On another thread, WhiteDove and I were discussing aspects of the corps brochure and program.........and really, this topic deserves it's own thread. Sorry Belle.....for the off-topic discussion on your thread.

Anyways........this topic is a classic example of Twi Manipulation by Inference. In some of those cult awareness books, there is a specific name for this.

Thus, I wanted to illustrate my point by starting this thread. Here is some of the discussion that took place on the "Seen This?" thread.

Skyrider wrote:

When I signed up for "twig coordinator training" via the corps program.......it was NOT WRITTEN DOWN ANYWHERE that this was to be a lifetime of twi service?? NOT ONE PIECE OF LITERATURE.....NOT ONE OF THE LCM PROMOTIONS MADE THIS PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. Only after several months was this mentioned in a closed-corps, full-bore meeting.........a seductive measure, for sure.


WhiteDove showed a brochure with a title about

"A Lifetime of Christian Service."


WhiteDove responded to Rascal:

Sky said it was not- It was- on the front of the Corps brochure and other places. If you were too challenged to get this sorry maybe the program was not for you anyway. If you were awake at some point during your apprentice year you would have gotten this I'd think.


Insert>>>>See, this is a classic example of Twi Manipulation by Inference. The early corps brochures were vague generalities of Christian service.......in areas of concern, interest and need. Those early corps brochures didn't detail any specifics about weekly corps meeting attendance for a lifetime, or filling out witnessing reports, time analysis sheets, financial reporting, yearly corps interviews and assignments. The micro-managing of the corps took on "A LIFE OF ITS OWN."


Later in our discussion, skyrider wrote:

Gee.....so many areas of inference and double-speak.....

Just like all the programs, wows, college wows, university of life, corps training..........definitions changed, expectations changed, terminology changed, leadership changed, campuses changed, "revelation" changed.


Anyone remember that????

Several of the 7th corps had plans to do this........upon graduation, start and run a successful business. It was all in that "Word in Culture" movement that was sweeping thru the ministry. Heck, there were musicians, and artists, and cartoonists, and painters, etc.........all with FUTURE PLANS.

There was NO WEEKLY CORPS MEETINGS AFTER GRADUATION at this time. Once graduated, the corps was given full rein of his hearts' desires.....to glorify God. Of course, limb coordinator types were brought back to hq after three or four years for retraining......but the majority moved in other directions with their lives. The military corps and the major "celebrities" were given free license to follow their careers...

It was accepted policy.

And, even back then.......'76 - '79 (???)....there were no definite policies. But then, twi put together that promotion of some fictional corps guy (a way productions actor) who had his heart set on serving as a corps grad for life. I think his name was Dan XXXXX (something).....this video helped to instill the NEW POLICY......TO SERVE WITH/FOR TWI A LIFETIME.

But again........depending on where you were, what teachings you sat in, what leadership you had, what ideals they promoted, etc........everyone's experience was different.

No two people saw the same twi.

And, veepee's scam to "the sunset corps" and elders........TO BUILD A HOME AT CAMP GUNNISON AND WHEN THEY DIE, THE HOME BECOMES THE PROPERTY OF TWI. Yeah.........another wrinkle in the ongoing changes of twi. Was there any takers? Not one!

Lots more.....but I gotta go.

You know, WhiteDove........I hear what you are saying. Really I do.

But......"primary goal will be to help people to get blessed so others also many have a more abundant life." Yeah, I want to help people. Yeah, I could see myself serving in an area of concern, interest and need.

Some CORPS........were serving in a military capacity for Uncle Sam.

Some CORPS........were serving in a business sector to help others.

Some CORPS........were serving full-time for twi.

Some CORPS........were serving on college campuses, as they chose to get more education.

Some CORPS........were serving and overseeing WOW Branches in an Outreach City.

Some CORPS........were serving God by raising a quiver-full of kids and helping neighbors.

Some CORPS........were serving by singing, writing, acting, playing in orchestras, etc.

Some CORPS........were serving in flight services at hq or American Airlines or wherever.

Some CORPS........married non-corps and, together, they were both stronger to serve in love.

I distinctly remember a time in twi history when "Word in Culture" principles were dictating the over-all concepts of twi. In 1982, VPW was presented with a special book written by top leadership, at his 40th Anniversary as President. The three areas of this book displayed the unique full-range of serving God's Word on a silver platter in all walks of life.......or something like that.

BUT.......when "the corps director" took the reins of "the presidency"........the fascist elements of legalism started gripping twi. LCM wanted to prove his leadership dominance and outdistance wierwille's foundation.......and the encroachment of legalism picked up its pace. Corps promotions changed. Brochures changed.


After the 17th Corps.........and fog year fiasco.......the corps numbers really dropped off.

Today, what is there.........maybe 13 - 18 inresidence corps?

Nothing like LEGALISM to kill a heart of giving and service.

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Skyrider, I love everything that you post and that thread turned into an octopus of topics. :D It's fine! No apology necessary.

You said:

Today, what is there.........maybe 13 - 18 inresidence corps?

Gee, ya think that might be tied to the change of definition applied to that "lifetime of service" advertisement? :huh: I do!! I remember craiggers yelling to the WC at the top of his lungs that their life was no longer their own!! Doesn't sound like anything anyone knowingly would have signed up for.....turning their lives over lock, stock and barrell to TWI? WORSE - to craigger's idiotic whims!

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Thanks Belle......

One of my points to WhiteDove was.......that all around me, everywhere I looked.......corps grads were serving God in all walks of life. Many corps that I knew set their own agendas, their OWN future plans.

In fact, if some corps didn't want an assignment.........his/her status was noted as corps grad.

Remember that? That was a twi-classification.......for a period of time.

To me.........."A Lifetime of Christian service" meant........."a lifetime of Christian service (to God)."

So.....when WhiteDove responded with....."If you were too challenged to get this sorry maybe the program was not for you anyway."......it must be a case of manipulation by inference. Some obviously insert "the way international headquarters" for the plainly written "Christian service."

Gee.....I was only going by their brochure........where.......It Is Written.


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Hi Skyrider,

Glad you started this thread!

I think the terms you may be trying to recall are "indirection & implication," as in exploitative manipulation by 'suggesting' certain directives regarding 'acceptable' TWI behaviors via indirection and implication, in the explicit sense, which is more so governed by social aspects of thought reform such as peer pressure, modeling, manipulated artificial 'commitment,' etc. I explained this a bit on either the Snapping or 'Cults' thread.

Also, indirection & implication alone, or in combination with anchoring triggers, are a means of inducing eyes-wide-open trance states, which leaves one in a state of hyper-suggestibility to implicit 'directives.' This is a 'light' form of trance, typically with no recall of events during the reverie, such as one might experience when driving an auto for a long distance for multiple hours and later being unable to recall certain segments of the trip.

Together, this combination of strategically coordinated aspects of psycho-social exploitative manipulation (via covert packaged persuasion), is reasonably 'effective' in achieving the goals & objectives of cultic TWI.

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It's true what you said, Skyrider. In the 6th & 7th Corps we were distinctly under the impression that the Corps was 3 years and then you graduated. End of story. Unlike early Corps groups (who almost all became staff members in one way or another) we were large in number. Staff positions were abundantly filled, thank you very much. Of course we were expected to at the least run a twig, but some didn't even do that for various reasons (like being very busy in full time college or caring for a parent) yet they were still considered Corps and still welcomed.

There was no talk of a lifetime of christian service. If that phrase were ever used it was in context of..... a "lifetime of christian service", not a lifetime of being in a program in TWI.

I do remember VPW drilling us that "once Corps always Corps". So..big deal, of course. We were Corps grads. We were dedicated. But the majority of us had every intention of going on with our lives and doing what we wanted.

Some statements I remember from leadership in those years.

"The main reason for The Corps is to train twig leaders."

"Most of you should not aspire to be limb and branch leaders. Most of you should be twig leaders. And some of you should go to college and start businesses."

We were also encouraged upon graduation to state where we wanted to go and what we wanted to do. And if we did not know or did not care, TWI was burdened with doing our thinking for us and sent us somewhere as needed. Almost always those of us who stated what we wanted to do were given that assignment. And we could stay for years on end as long as we were happy.

The legalism crept in and those innocent days became "It's either my way or the highway." I guess its the highway for most these days.

Hey, I am still in my original "assignment" here in Tampa performing a lifetime of christian service.

Edited by igotout
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Hi Skyrider,

Glad you started this thread!

I think the terms you may be trying to recall are "indirection & implication," as in exploitative manipulation by 'suggesting' certain directives regarding 'acceptable' TWI behaviors via indirection and implication, in the explicit sense, which is more so governed by social aspects of thought reform such as peer pressure, modeling, manipulated artificial 'commitment,' etc. I explained this a bit on either the Snapping or 'Cults' thread.

Thanks jkboehme.......yeah, twi said one thing but implied something quite different.
It's true what you said, Skyrider. In the 6th & 7th Corps we were distinctly under the impression that the Corps was 3 years and then you graduated. End of story. Unlike early Corps groups (who almost all became staff members in one way or another) we were large in number. Staff positions were abundantly filled, thank you very much. Of course we were expected to at the least run a twig, but some didn't even do that for various reasons (like being very busy in full time college or caring for a parent) yet they were still considered Corps and still welcomed.

There was no talk of a lifetime of christian service. If that phrase were ever used it was in context of..... a "lifetime of christian service", not a lifetime of being in a program in TWI.

Thanks igotout.....

By the time the 10th corps, and that video presentation of the fictional corps guy made the circuit........the terminology and brochures were beefed up abit. The emphasis was changing and twi was putting more teeth into "once corps always corps MEANT to take on assignments for twi year after year."

And again.......NOW that twi has pulled the curtain back on THEIR DEMAND TO HAVE SERVITUDE FROM A CORPS PERSON FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE..........


Very, very few want THAT kind of religion. :biglaugh:

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Per WhiteDove:

(from the "Seen This?" thread)

Don't want to derail the current conversation but I just wanted to say Skyrider I'm glad we are on the same page I agree with what you posted about the Corps program in your last post. My only concern was keeping the factual record straight about what was or was not in print. It seems we all agree that it was in print but that the print did not always line up with the real life events. I can agree with that thinking also......

Now if we can ust find that darn missing quote

Yeah, WhiteDove......in so many instances, what twi put in print and what actually happened in real life events was miles and miles apart.

Heck, I even thought.....at one time......that The Way was indicative of "the way--the lord Jesus Christ" in John 14:6.

Boy, was I wrong. :asdf::asdf:

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Per igotout:

Some statements I remember from leadership in those years.

"The main reason for The Corps is to train twig leaders."

"Most of you should not aspire to be limb and branch leaders. Most of you should be twig leaders. And some of you should go to college and start businesses."


Yes, I heard this also on tapes distributed by VPW to Limb leadership summer 1975.

Something to the effect per vpw, "...There are many of you who are entering the Way Corps looking to be assigned as Region & Limb Leaders....Hell! I'm trying to train Twig Leaders in the Corps...."

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  igotout said:
There was no talk of a lifetime of christian service. If that phrase were ever used it was in context of..... a "lifetime of christian service", not a lifetime of being in a program in TWI.

I do remember VPW drilling us that "once Corps always Corps". So..big deal, of course. We were Corps grads. We were dedicated. But the majority of us had every intention of going on with our lives and doing what we wanted.

Some statements I remember from leadership in those years.

"The main reason for The Corps is to train twig leaders."

"Most of you should not aspire to be limb and branch leaders. Most of you should be twig leaders. And some of you should go to college and start businesses."

The legalism crept in and those innocent days became "It's either my way or the highway." I guess its the highway for most these days.

See how times changed in 9 years since I was 15th. Yes we were told it WAS a lifetime of Christian service and also it WAS with twi and to follow twi and their wishes.

Yes we also heard "Once Corps always Corps".............but not doing what we wanted but what twi wanted us to do.

We were also told the same thing about being twig leaders.

I can't ever remember that we were told to go to college and start a buisness.

"It's either my way or the highway." That was drilled into us.

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Yeah......times drastically changed when martindale grabbed the presidency by the horns. His bullying approach escalated year after year......until cgeer barked his pop paper and brought lcm to his knees in 1986/87. Justloafing, your corps training must have been quite a rough ride?

Obviously, those few years......from the 7th - 10th corps......twi was adjusting to the LARGE MASSES of corps applicants and trying to establish their footing and terminology. But yeah........for several years, it was publically noted that the corps program was to train twig coordinators, business and professional leaders to go forth in areas of concern, interest and need.

Also......vpw was very lenient to corps with military aspirations. Those military corps were extended lots of exceptions throughout corps training.


Obviously........................................not many.


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[Note: Corps Vet Shirts as I remember Corps Vets Shirts were for any graduated Way Corps setting them apart as graduates of the program as opposed to those in residence training. Really though it was another chance to sell you some more stuff for your collection of already bought Corps clothes and sweats. I think maybe in 74 that they came out.


The Corps Vet shirts were sold in The Way International's Bookstore around 1980 & 1981. The reason why I remember this.......is because I was on staff at hq and bought one. These corps vet shirts were talked about during one of lcm's lunch announcements and he encouraged the corps-staff to purchase them......thus, promoting the corps program.

As I understood it........the corps vet shirt was presented in much the same way as the wow vet shirt. In other words, after the wow year......you continue to learn and grow and apply what you learned on the wow field. So, it was with the corps vet.........you were to continue to learn and grow and apply what you learned in the corps training.

But really......this corps vet shirt didn't stay in twi's bookstore very long. I tend to think that most corps didn't desire to add ANOTHER corps promo-shirt once corps grads on the field were off-and-running in life and careers. And besides, the corps vet shirt was that awful green color..........uuuugh.

I will put this on the "Twi's Manipulation by Inference" thread as well.


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Still have mine, Skyrider. I never really liked it. Designed by Anthony Pxxch of the 5th Corps.

I thought we were instructed to "Go Forth as leaders and workers in areas of concern interest and need."

Not "Come forth and work for TWI for the rest of your life in their areas of concern interest and need as a staff member".

As a young person I would have RUN from that scene as fast as I could and never looked back!


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But don't you see Igotout? It says faithful stweards of God's Word. Doesn't "faithful" indicate that you won't back off? That you will continue? So, of course it means "Come forth and work for TWI for the rest of your life in their areas of concern interest and need as a staff me". Clear as the shirt on your back. :beer:

(John, don't you ever throw anything out?)

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Thanks for posting that pic.

It's quite telling to look at that.......OLD CORPS LOGO.

Christ is the center of the five-pointed star.......with the bible, horn of plenty, candle, running foot and dove (holy spirit) to represent aspects of the five corps objectives.

Later, in about 1980 or 1981 (anyone remember?)......Chrxstopher Broxks and a couple other 6th corps guys put forth a new corps logo, with a pentagon and the five gift ministries. Christ was removed from the center......and the five gift ministries bordered the logo.

So......faithful stewards in an ever-changing organization??????? I don't think so.

Or......faithful stewards in a corrupt, abusive cult???? My bible says to FLEE from all appearance of evil let alone staying in the midst of evil.


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Ha, figures, Christ removed from the center. My goodness. I think Chris is still in. For the life of me, I can't understand some of those oldies. Just like our Bob & Dot who just took a new assignment from thier boss. Heck if I were them I would have stayed here in sunny Florida. Maybe their rent went up.

Oh, and sorry for the smell on that shirt, probably needs a good washing from being in the bottom of a drawer all those years. :biglaugh::biglaugh:

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They actually did have CHRIST at the center?

News to me.......

That was before my time, "tha Word" was always the center, or was that "'tha Ministry"...............

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They actually did have CHRIST at the center?

News to me.......


Only on the shirt...........it clearly was NOT the focus or drive of corps training.

None of the five corps objectives have Christ at the center........or the fringes.

In fact, the corps objectives are more like business mission statements.

Merry Christmas !


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That was before my time, "tha Word" was always the center, or was that "'tha Ministry"...............

ROFLMAO!!! Ain't that the truth!! I'm surprised to even see Christ printed on anything associated with TWI.

They aren't "mission statements", Skyrider, they're "vision and direction" -- isn't that the terminology they use? LOL! That way it sounds more "word"ly.

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