Bring back the memories .......... they are flooding in looking at that front page. I even tried to go to the forums to re read some of the old threads. Remember the "Mark and Avoid" thread ........ it iwas great and I was truly ready to read it over again.
I clicked on the stats link and that did not seem to work for me ........ maybe you could post them for us.
I remember my little heart guy who jumped up and down that Mo helped me put up for an avatar or my pic.
I clicked on the stats link and that did not seem to work for me ........ maybe you could post them for us.
Here you go Digi
Dear WayDalers,
Fern and I are very pleased to announce that our litigation against The Way International and other named defendants has finally been concluded and that we have reached a satisfactory settlement agreement. While it is not our intention to disclose the terms of the settlement that was reached, we do want to explain some of our rationale for agreeing to an out of court settlement as opposed to going to trial.
But first things first!
Fern and I would like to thank each and every one of you who supported and helped us as we prepared this litigation. There were some who assisted us by helping us gather needful information and of course there were many who wrote to us and wished us well, offering their prayers as we embarked on our course of action. A small group of you (you know who you are!!!) became regular phone callers who gave constant encouragement, understanding and a sounding board for our ideas. Without you our journey would have been much more difficult. To each and every one of you, please accept our sincere thanks.
We want to especially thank you who were willing to come to trial as witnesses on our behalf. Your willingness to attend our trial as witnesses and open your lives up to the rigors of cross examination on the stand was appreciated more than words can express. It takes courage to volunteer in this capacity. Talk is cheap, but when it came down to actually agreeing to take the stand on our behalf and making preparations to come to Sidney, Ohio, you folks put your money where your mouths were! Thanks to you from the bottom of our hearts.
Since the day that Fern and I left The Way International HQ on March 23 of 1999 our lives have continued to be wholly immersed in matters relating to The Way. Between the WayDale Document Archive (main site), WayDale Chat, the WayDale Forums and the preparation of our lawsuit, we've not had the opportunity to really "leave The Way" as most of you have had.
My (Paul) involvement in matters pertaining to this litigation, WayDale and helping others with Way related issues has taken enormous amounts of time each week for the past one and a half years. For this reason (and others) we are delighted to be able to announce this conclusion of our litigation. We have wanted to "move on" with our lives for quite some time and now maybe we'll finally be able to do just that.
In order for my wife and I to be able to put this episode behind us and begin to move on with our new lives, we have decided that it is time to close the WayDale web site permanently. With the GreaseSpot Cafe now fully operational and in good hands (Pawtucket and PamSanDiego), ex-Ways will continue to have a well managed cyber-home where they can congregate.
During the 1 1/2 years of its operation, the WayDale's home page has been visited roughly 285,000 times. The WayDale Forums have been visited 1.97 MILLION times and have received over 98,863 individual posts. The WayDale Forums have had THOUSANDS of participants/contributors and many thousands more who have silently "lurked" and benefited from the learning. Many hundreds of ex-Ways have been reunited with long lost friends.
The closure of the WayDale site will entail the deletion of the WayDale Forums, WayDale Chat and the main WayDale Document Archive. This closure will take place around the 20th of November. WayDale has told the "other side of the story" and has reached many thousands of people, helping many of them make more informed decisions about their involvement in Way activities. It is now time for my wife and I to move forward and rebuild our lives and walk into whatever the future holds for us. I (Paul) do intend to be an occasional participant at the GreaseSpot Cafe chat room and forums.
Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your kindness, your support and your friendship over these past one and a half years.
With much love and our sincere appreciation,
Paul & Fern Allen
Ex-Ways Always
P.S. A special thank you to those 34 of you who graciously responded to our request for financial assistance (in helping to pay travel expenses for trial witnesses).
In light of the trial being cancelled, it is our intention to return your money to you within the next two or three weeks. I had previously said that whether win, lose or settle in the trial, we would donate all unspent monies to charity as I believed that it would be difficult to determine how much (percentages etc.) to return to each contributor.
However, with the small number of contributors involved and the fact that only a handful of travel tickets (which we will cover personally) had been purchased, we have decided to return all monies in full to each individual contributor.
If you sent your money anonymously (About $60 of the approximately $3700.00 contributed was sent this way), that money will not be returned to you but rather will be donated to the American Cancer Society
Thanks for starting this thread......and highlighting Waydale.
Those were dynamic times when Waydale opened its doors! I was immersed in the posting (under another name) and had several phone conversations with Paul. These two brave souls took on the way international and went toe-to-toe with the trustees.........and WON.
I wish them all the very best in life.
Today, GreaseSpot is here to carry the torch. Thanks Paw.
Yeah WD was a trip. Way Dalers were the first people I talked to about twi since I left in 1986. When I found it I went to the chat room and Paul told me to read the threads to catch up on what happened in twi. I think I stayed up till 4:00am reading all I could. Went to sleep and got up at 6:00am and read more. It was a great place.
Paul and Fern were brave to go up against TWI and win.
That's right, they WON. LCM was deposed as a result of their actions.
Oldiesman, you've never been farther off the mark. They have more courage than many people I know, exposing their turmoil for the purpose of making TWI pay for the misery LCM caused them. You may not see courage there, but I do.
The Allens endured things that most never had to. Paul had a lot of courage to do what he did. I don't know that I could have been that brave. Thanks Paul wherever you are!
You did make a difference and exposed a lot of evil in an ORGANIZATION (not God's ministry) that used God for a front.
I think your thoughts do not take in to consideration the amount of time the Allens had to invest in order to do what they did. Think about your wife being abused and living it over and over, day after day, for 1 1/2 years? Wouldn't you want to end it sooner if you could? I don't think the Allens were out to make TWI non-existent. I don't think that's possible. TWI will do that themselves. I think they exposed a lot of stuff, got martinfail ousted. I think had you been in their shoes, you would have wanted to move on with your life as soon as you could.
Yes, I think a jury trial would have served the purpose, more abundantly, of exposing counterfeit TWI.
Nevertheless, this opinion does not negate in the least the phenomenal amount of altruistic benevolence done by the public exposure of TWI which was accomplished via WayDale, which exposue ostensibly led to the development of gsc, whose posters continues to expose the thought reform, fraud, misrepresentations, deceptions, lies, & plagiarism of the TWI scam 'ministry.'
I would have to surmise that a major reason for not proceding to trial was the emotional toll that it would take on the Allens, especially Fern, in view of the inevitable quesions she would have been asked by TWI's degenerate Counsel regarding very personal and sensitive issues. The Allens could have probably increased their litigation return by 500-1000% by going to trial. Apparently the obviation of the emotional stress factor was worth the 'hit' of a lesser settlement, & the roulette of a jury trial.
However, there is litigation ongoing, Peeler vs. TWI et. al., which appears to be proceding to jury trial in approximately September 2006. While it is possble that the Peelers would settle out of court, my opinion is that it would be highly unlikely. The infrastructure of this litigation began in 08/2001, the case being filed in 06/2002, with the Peelers perservering through a series of TWI cowardly legal obstructions up to the present.
Hopefully this jury trial will publically conclude what the admirable courage of the Allen's initiated.
As a DIRECT RESULT of the lawsuit many, many people:
- Gained their freedom
- Gained their sanity
- Escaped all manners of abuse
- Learned they were not alone
- Reconciled with Family and Friends
- Gained Financial Security
- Rebuilt Careers
- Finished educational goals
- Acquired reliable automobiles
- Acquired control of their lives
- Acquired a peacefulness not known in years
- Acquired healthy self-esteems
- Acquired TRUE answers in life
- Acquired healthy, supportive relationships
- Improved their lives beyond any empty promises TWI made
I'd say they won and not just for themselves, they won for a whole bunch of us! TWI will never have the power and control over so many people again. They will never be able to hide how evil they are and people who decide to get involved and stay involved will do so knowing full well (if they so choose to know) all the atrocities, evil, lies and manipulative ways found within the walls of TWI.
I wouldn't wish anyone to have to relive the terrible things that happened to them. I'm GLAD there wasn't a lawsuit. If I was a rape victim - and especially one who was raped and abused over a long period of time - I would not want to have to relive that much less have to face my abusers (plural) and those women who were instrumental in ruining my life.
But then again, I'm not a lowlife who feeds and takes pleasure in hearing the awful details of someone's nightmare.
Twi never imagined in their worst nightmare, that the internet would do them in...They thought, as they ran people off one at a time, they would be done with them. It never occurred to them that we would all "reorganize" (so to speak) under the anti cult flag. Ain't communication a grand thing? B)
By the time twi found out about Waydale, it was too late. I mean, what could they do? They did the only thing they knew to do...they announced the internet as being evil and told people to stay away from it! ...even as the Amish avoid the use of electricity, twi was going to "move on" without the use of the internet....It would appear that they have been less than successful with this tactic :blink:
It appears to me that the information on Waydale and now on the Grease Spot has been seen by more people than twi has members (by many fold)...In the long run, twi will be remembered (if at all), by the things said about them here and at Waydale...and it seems only right to me, that we, the former members, should be the ones to call bull&$*# on these losers.
You know, I was asked once to just MEET with an attorny concerning information that I might be able to provide in a case against twi.
I had nothing to hide, but do you know that even after being away from twi for a decad... ....I was struck with the cold terrors at the very thought of having to face twi and their attornies....(is that pathetic or what?) I am ashamed to say that I weenied out....I cannot even imagine having to face twi attornies in a public court and have to relive the horrors be shamed in front of others with the low life attornies recriminations and character assassinations in a vile attempt to defend that scum bag ministry (kind of reminds me of the way someone here operates <_< )
Turns out the ministry didn`t want that stuff public they paid DEARLY to keep it out of the public.
Are you just kidding, or are you really acting like a dummy?
Wayfer Not, no I'm not kidding...dead serious.
I am sure you have heard the statement something like this "there is his side, her side, their side, and THE TRUTH" etc.
Testimony under cross examination usually gets to all the facts, whereby folks may have a chance at making an informed decision, knowing all sides of a story.
I would have liked to hear everything under oath. Or read it.
Testimony under oath is more reliable than internet hearsay and gossip.
Gee, Oldies. TWI pushing to settle out of court tells me that there was a lot they didn't want the public to know. You and I both know that if TWI didn't have skeletons in the closet they would have gone to fight against accusations.
I wished I could have seen in happen in vpw's day. But political correctness didn't mean as much then as it does now. And that's a damn shame.
Gee, Oldies. TWI pushing to settle out of court tells me that there was a lot they didn't want the public to know. You and I both know that if TWI didn't have skeletons in the closet they would have gone to fight against accusations.
Sure enough.
Which is why the lawsuit would have been an excellent opportunity for those things to be exposed.
Which is why I question the "bravery" of the Allens.
I believe it would have indeed been brave to proceed with the lawsuit, to expose all these things in open court.
THAT is bravery. Not setting up an internet page and letting folks vent, then collecting mega money.
But money is sometimes too tempting to walk away from, isn't it?
NOBODY should have to relive the horrors and secret shame of what one endured at the hands of twi leadership to simply to satisfy your morbid curiosity for the salacious titillating little details of what/where/when/for how nausium....oldies
It is ENOUGH to know that twi was SO afraid of the truth being made known in a public court of law that they willingly paid MILLIONS to keep their dirty little secrets private.
The laughs on twi though....because there are still thousands of us out here that know their shamefull dirty way they treated their supporter and are more than willing to pass it on to any who have ears to hear :D
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Wow IGotOut,
Bring back the memories .......... they are flooding in looking at that front page. I even tried to go to the forums to re read some of the old threads. Remember the "Mark and Avoid" thread ........ it iwas great and I was truly ready to read it over again.
I clicked on the stats link and that did not seem to work for me ........ maybe you could post them for us.
I remember my little heart guy who jumped up and down that Mo helped me put up for an avatar or my pic.
Wow, thanks for the memory,
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Here you go Digi
Dear WayDalers,
Fern and I are very pleased to announce that our litigation against The Way International and other named defendants has finally been concluded and that we have reached a satisfactory settlement agreement. While it is not our intention to disclose the terms of the settlement that was reached, we do want to explain some of our rationale for agreeing to an out of court settlement as opposed to going to trial.
But first things first!
Fern and I would like to thank each and every one of you who supported and helped us as we prepared this litigation. There were some who assisted us by helping us gather needful information and of course there were many who wrote to us and wished us well, offering their prayers as we embarked on our course of action. A small group of you (you know who you are!!!) became regular phone callers who gave constant encouragement, understanding and a sounding board for our ideas. Without you our journey would have been much more difficult. To each and every one of you, please accept our sincere thanks.
We want to especially thank you who were willing to come to trial as witnesses on our behalf. Your willingness to attend our trial as witnesses and open your lives up to the rigors of cross examination on the stand was appreciated more than words can express. It takes courage to volunteer in this capacity. Talk is cheap, but when it came down to actually agreeing to take the stand on our behalf and making preparations to come to Sidney, Ohio, you folks put your money where your mouths were! Thanks to you from the bottom of our hearts.
Since the day that Fern and I left The Way International HQ on March 23 of 1999 our lives have continued to be wholly immersed in matters relating to The Way. Between the WayDale Document Archive (main site), WayDale Chat, the WayDale Forums and the preparation of our lawsuit, we've not had the opportunity to really "leave The Way" as most of you have had.
My (Paul) involvement in matters pertaining to this litigation, WayDale and helping others with Way related issues has taken enormous amounts of time each week for the past one and a half years. For this reason (and others) we are delighted to be able to announce this conclusion of our litigation. We have wanted to "move on" with our lives for quite some time and now maybe we'll finally be able to do just that.
In order for my wife and I to be able to put this episode behind us and begin to move on with our new lives, we have decided that it is time to close the WayDale web site permanently. With the GreaseSpot Cafe now fully operational and in good hands (Pawtucket and PamSanDiego), ex-Ways will continue to have a well managed cyber-home where they can congregate.
During the 1 1/2 years of its operation, the WayDale's home page has been visited roughly 285,000 times. The WayDale Forums have been visited 1.97 MILLION times and have received over 98,863 individual posts. The WayDale Forums have had THOUSANDS of participants/contributors and many thousands more who have silently "lurked" and benefited from the learning. Many hundreds of ex-Ways have been reunited with long lost friends.
The closure of the WayDale site will entail the deletion of the WayDale Forums, WayDale Chat and the main WayDale Document Archive. This closure will take place around the 20th of November. WayDale has told the "other side of the story" and has reached many thousands of people, helping many of them make more informed decisions about their involvement in Way activities. It is now time for my wife and I to move forward and rebuild our lives and walk into whatever the future holds for us. I (Paul) do intend to be an occasional participant at the GreaseSpot Cafe chat room and forums.
Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your kindness, your support and your friendship over these past one and a half years.
With much love and our sincere appreciation,
Paul & Fern Allen
Ex-Ways Always
P.S. A special thank you to those 34 of you who graciously responded to our request for financial assistance (in helping to pay travel expenses for trial witnesses).
In light of the trial being cancelled, it is our intention to return your money to you within the next two or three weeks. I had previously said that whether win, lose or settle in the trial, we would donate all unspent monies to charity as I believed that it would be difficult to determine how much (percentages etc.) to return to each contributor.
However, with the small number of contributors involved and the fact that only a handful of travel tickets (which we will cover personally) had been purchased, we have decided to return all monies in full to each individual contributor.
If you sent your money anonymously (About $60 of the approximately $3700.00 contributed was sent this way), that money will not be returned to you but rather will be donated to the American Cancer Society
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Thanks for starting this thread......and highlighting Waydale.
Those were dynamic times when Waydale opened its doors! I was immersed in the posting (under another name) and had several phone conversations with Paul. These two brave souls took on the way international and went toe-to-toe with the trustees.........and WON.
I wish them all the very best in life.
Today, GreaseSpot is here to carry the torch. Thanks Paw.
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Yeah WD was a trip. Way Dalers were the first people I talked to about twi since I left in 1986. When I found it I went to the chat room and Paul told me to read the threads to catch up on what happened in twi. I think I stayed up till 4:00am reading all I could. Went to sleep and got up at 6:00am and read more. It was a great place.
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All they apparently WON was the settlement money. TWI is still around.
But look at all the folks who contributed, thousands of dollars, folks who WANTED to see a trial, to see the truth be exposed before a court of law.
Went toe-to-toe? If they were so brave, why did they settle?
Wouldn't it have served the purposes of exposing truth much much more had they went ahead with the lawsuit?
THAT would have been brave, and going toe-to-toe with the bot.
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Paul and Fern were brave to go up against TWI and win.
That's right, they WON. LCM was deposed as a result of their actions.
Oldiesman, you've never been farther off the mark. They have more courage than many people I know, exposing their turmoil for the purpose of making TWI pay for the misery LCM caused them. You may not see courage there, but I do.
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Well said, Raf.
The Allens endured things that most never had to. Paul had a lot of courage to do what he did. I don't know that I could have been that brave. Thanks Paul wherever you are!
You did make a difference and exposed a lot of evil in an ORGANIZATION (not God's ministry) that used God for a front.
Edited by Wayfer NotLink to comment
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As a DIRECT result of the Allens' pursuit, Martindale was ousted.
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I think your thoughts do not take in to consideration the amount of time the Allens had to invest in order to do what they did. Think about your wife being abused and living it over and over, day after day, for 1 1/2 years? Wouldn't you want to end it sooner if you could? I don't think the Allens were out to make TWI non-existent. I don't think that's possible. TWI will do that themselves. I think they exposed a lot of stuff, got martinfail ousted. I think had you been in their shoes, you would have wanted to move on with your life as soon as you could.
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Per OM:
Yes, I think a jury trial would have served the purpose, more abundantly, of exposing counterfeit TWI.
Nevertheless, this opinion does not negate in the least the phenomenal amount of altruistic benevolence done by the public exposure of TWI which was accomplished via WayDale, which exposue ostensibly led to the development of gsc, whose posters continues to expose the thought reform, fraud, misrepresentations, deceptions, lies, & plagiarism of the TWI scam 'ministry.'
I would have to surmise that a major reason for not proceding to trial was the emotional toll that it would take on the Allens, especially Fern, in view of the inevitable quesions she would have been asked by TWI's degenerate Counsel regarding very personal and sensitive issues. The Allens could have probably increased their litigation return by 500-1000% by going to trial. Apparently the obviation of the emotional stress factor was worth the 'hit' of a lesser settlement, & the roulette of a jury trial.
However, there is litigation ongoing, Peeler vs. TWI et. al., which appears to be proceding to jury trial in approximately September 2006. While it is possble that the Peelers would settle out of court, my opinion is that it would be highly unlikely. The infrastructure of this litigation began in 08/2001, the case being filed in 06/2002, with the Peelers perservering through a series of TWI cowardly legal obstructions up to the present.
Hopefully this jury trial will publically conclude what the admirable courage of the Allen's initiated.
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Oldies, my man,
Keep in mind that TWI wanted to settle, NOT Paul & Fern. ... Ie., it was TWI that cried 'uncle!', NOT Paul & Fern.
Just can't get it out of your head the lie that money was all Paul & Fern were after, can ya?
Deal with it!
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Well Gee, if they weren't concerned about the money, why did they settle?
Golly, they had many many believers willing to help out financially.
I just think going forth with the lawsuit would have been the greater good.
Also, there's something about reading testimony under the scrutiny of cross examination that gets to the truth better.
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As a DIRECT RESULT of the lawsuit many, many people:
- Gained their freedom
- Gained their sanity
- Escaped all manners of abuse
- Learned they were not alone
- Reconciled with Family and Friends
- Gained Financial Security
- Rebuilt Careers
- Finished educational goals
- Acquired reliable automobiles
- Acquired control of their lives
- Acquired a peacefulness not known in years
- Acquired healthy self-esteems
- Acquired TRUE answers in life
- Acquired healthy, supportive relationships
- Improved their lives beyond any empty promises TWI made
I'd say they won and not just for themselves, they won for a whole bunch of us! TWI will never have the power and control over so many people again. They will never be able to hide how evil they are and people who decide to get involved and stay involved will do so knowing full well (if they so choose to know) all the atrocities, evil, lies and manipulative ways found within the walls of TWI.
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um...lesseee ... twi BEFORE the lawsuit...martindale in full power...25,000 people still being decieved...
twi AFTER the Allens lawsuit....martindale gone.... 20,000 people found the doors to freedom,
The activities under the focus of a legal magnifying glass making their illegal and immoral
practices much more difficult to continue. Heroes... Paul and Fern??? You BET!!
They were the FIRST! Thanks and God bless you guys wherever you are!
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Come on guys, be honest.
Don't you wish there had been a lawsuit?
I do
Happy Ho Ho Relo Countdown: 4 days :D
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I wouldn't wish anyone to have to relive the terrible things that happened to them. I'm GLAD there wasn't a lawsuit. If I was a rape victim - and especially one who was raped and abused over a long period of time - I would not want to have to relive that much less have to face my abusers (plural) and those women who were instrumental in ruining my life.
But then again, I'm not a lowlife who feeds and takes pleasure in hearing the awful details of someone's nightmare.
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Are you just kidding, or are you really acting like a dummy?
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Twi never imagined in their worst nightmare, that the internet would do them in...They thought, as they ran people off one at a time, they would be done with them. It never occurred to them that we would all "reorganize" (so to speak) under the anti cult flag. Ain't communication a grand thing? B)
By the time twi found out about Waydale, it was too late. I mean, what could they do? They did the only thing they knew to do...they announced the internet as being evil and told people to stay away from it!
...even as the Amish avoid the use of electricity, twi was going to "move on" without the use of the internet....It would appear that they have been less than successful with this tactic :blink:
It appears to me that the information on Waydale and now on the Grease Spot has been seen by more people than twi has members (by many fold)...In the long run, twi will be remembered (if at all), by the things said about them here and at Waydale...and it seems only right to me, that we, the former members, should be the ones to call bull&$*# on these losers.
Much credit should be given to Paul and Fern
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WN!, unfortunately he is neither acting nor kidding. :blink:
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You know, I was asked once to just MEET with an attorny concerning information that I might be able to provide in a case against twi.
I had nothing to hide, but do you know that even after being away from twi for a decad... ....I was struck with the cold terrors at the very thought of having to face twi and their attornies....(is that pathetic or what?) I am ashamed to say that I weenied out....I cannot even imagine having to face twi attornies in a public court and have to relive the horrors be shamed in front of others with the low life attornies recriminations and character assassinations in a vile attempt to defend that scum bag ministry (kind of reminds me of the way someone here operates <_< )
Turns out the ministry didn`t want that stuff public they paid DEARLY to keep it out of the public.
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I am sure you have heard the statement something like this "there is his side, her side, their side, and THE TRUTH" etc.
Testimony under cross examination usually gets to all the facts, whereby folks may have a chance at making an informed decision, knowing all sides of a story.
I would have liked to hear everything under oath. Or read it.
Testimony under oath is more reliable than internet hearsay and gossip.
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Gee, Oldies. TWI pushing to settle out of court tells me that there was a lot they didn't want the public to know. You and I both know that if TWI didn't have skeletons in the closet they would have gone to fight against accusations.
I wished I could have seen in happen in vpw's day. But political correctness didn't mean as much then as it does now. And that's a damn shame.
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Sure enough.
Which is why the lawsuit would have been an excellent opportunity for those things to be exposed.
Which is why I question the "bravery" of the Allens.
I believe it would have indeed been brave to proceed with the lawsuit, to expose all these things in open court.
THAT is bravery. Not setting up an internet page and letting folks vent, then collecting mega money.
But money is sometimes too tempting to walk away from, isn't it?
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NOBODY should have to relive the horrors and secret shame of what one endured at the hands of twi leadership to simply to satisfy your morbid curiosity for the salacious titillating little details of what/where/when/for how nausium....oldies
It is ENOUGH to know that twi was SO afraid of the truth being made known in a public court of law that they willingly paid MILLIONS to keep their dirty little secrets private.
The laughs on twi though....because there are still thousands of us out here that know their shamefull dirty way they treated their supporter and are more than willing to pass it on to any who have ears to hear :D
Edited by rascalLink to comment
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