I remember those days when Waydale was getting like a post or maybe two a day - at first there would be a couple of days sometimes with no posts at all. I remember lurking like a mad woman - that was before the ChasUFarley handle was born, as I was still "in" and didn't dare post. I enjoyed reading the posts that others wrote and immediately related to them - even the ones who'd been out for a while.
I think about some of the initial Waydale posters - OrangeCat, who could come up with some of the funniest posts, Sudo arrived not long after that, and Radar.
Yes, those early chatrooms could get "interesting", for lack of better words. I spent many nights with a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of wine just watching the action sometimes! LOL! It was better than anything on TV, that's for sure!
As the Allen's lawsuit progressed and Greasespot Cafe went live, I remember thinking that Waydale might be getting shut down and that GSC was the next level. I think I was like the fourth or fifth poster on GSC after it first opened. Having GSC also took some of the 'sting' out of the closing of Waydale. Personally, I felt that I had put so much of myself into Waydale that I was really upset by it closing. Although I understood it had to happen - it wasn't within the Allens' control - I felt part of me was shut down, too. GSC helped get me through it - I know it may sound silly - I can't explain it fully... maybe someone can relate...
Anyhow, for me the forums have been such a part of my life - I met my husband on Waydale, and my first son was born just a month or two before Waydale closed. I was able to share my new life with my old friends via Greasespot and couldn't be more thankful or happier for the connections I've been allowed via these boards!
Yes, those early chatrooms could get "interesting", for lack of better words. I spent many nights with a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of wine just watching the action sometimes! LOL! It was better than anything on TV, that's for sure!
who knows about tangible results or not ............... your right Paw ...... no proven fact......
Now that I think back on that project, there were, indeed, tangible results! Look what we did! We were really an unorganized group of individuals. Very few of us personally knew anybody else. We had a common bond - and that was to let others know there was no such thing as "GreaseSpots by Midnight". We left and we knew it could be done and we made a statement to that effect right in front of the organization's "Homeland". That's pretty powerful now that I look back on it. We put a little chink in the armor and rattled a few cages, and that was no small feat. I think it had lasting results.
dmiller - in those days, that was supper! Try it sometime, but over several hours - not one or two, okay?
The amazing thing about the billboard is that we could actually get more than two people in this group to agree on something back then! LOL! That alone was a milestone - nevermind the effects it had on the HQ area!
I just have to say.....in as few words as possilble....that extwi at Waydale, and now Paw here at GS, gave me the chance to tell my story of my involvment in the way.
Honestly, before waydale, I had told my own personal story of stuff, and got alot of.........."why didn't you speak up?, how could you go along with all that crap? you KNEW?" ad infinitum.
I don't exactly understand the why's and wherefore's, I was NOT, I repeat NOT, an important somebody in TWI. But I witnessed alot of stuff while in the corps, and had many experiences with family members, that made me a Homeless Way Person, after leaving. In other words, I saw I alot of sheeeet, that I couldn't talk to anyone about.
I had too much at stake with family, and I went to church., so I didn't feel free to talk about stuff. That fact was my dysfunction as much as anybody elses.
Extwi believed me, when I told him about the crap that happened to me. And he didn't condemn me, pontificate, lecture, throw bible verses at me, etc. He listened. And cared.
Paw has done the same thing. Here, I have always felt the freedom to tell my story, get silly, get involved in serious stuff, and yet still feel safe in doing that.
Honestly, I never had that before. It has totally changed my life. That is the understatement of the century.
Extwi believed me, when I told him about the crap that happened to me. And he didn't condemn me, pontificate, lecture, throw bible verses at me, etc. He listened. And cared.
Paw has done the same thing. Here, I have always felt the freedom to tell my story, get silly, get involved in serious stuff, and yet still feel safe in doing that.
Honestly, I never had that before. It has totally changed my life. That is the understatement of the century.
WOW!!! I just found this thread!!!!! What a wonderful capsule of Greasespot!!!! thanks everyone....
There was also the good ole days in the chat. Some of us were there close to 24/7 or came in in waves...rascal's baby girl was born in there!!! I went backpacking in Australia and would chime in here and there!!!! Way corps "elite" would pop in....PL came in and apologized to me (even tho she had no recollection of what she did)...there were many reunions of old friends in there....it was a grand ole time....Catcup would brew us \_/) and bake piping hot @@@@@ for breakfast!!!!
In those days, I was using the nick 'Redeemed'....long story why I changed it (nothing to do with the billboard project) . My participation in the project was to help Jimextwi coordinate and communicate the details. There was also a military guy, Jeff, who tried to help with collecting the contributions for the costs of the billboard.
There were lots of ideas & suggestions of what to put on the billboard, where the billboard should be placed, etc, etc. 'We' posted on Waydale the goals, and the hurdles (being the expenses) and asked those who wanted to contribute to send what they could. We didn't want to post anyone's address directly on the Internet, so a system had to be worked out to 'screen' givers without offending them (emotions ran high on every topic, it seemed) before giving them Jim's address. As money started pouring in, Jim had some personal problems - I can't remember now, if it was moving several thousand miles or his health or his wife's health. But I quickly found out that trying to e-mail Jeff & Jim was not an acountant's dream LOL. Communication was a challenge I didn't expect, and emotions ruled over practicality IMO when it came to accounting for the contributions.
At some point AFTER the billboard was up successfully, I realized that there were many questions about how much money was contributed and where it was because Jim claimed that much of the expense came out of his pocket. But no one was actually keeping track, apparently, of how much money was contributed. At some point he or someone else told me that the quoted cost was covered. I still have paper copies of all the e-mails, posts, and notes I took - in case anyone ever seriously questioned what happened to the money that was contributed.
My memories are foggy of the whole event, but I thought there was another billboard that said something to the effect of " The Emporer has no clothes." - or "Grease spots by midnight? No, I don't think so."......or maybe those were some of the submitted ideas for consideration. We held some kind of Waydale vote, didn't we? Those were the days......
MATILDA now, MATILDA then (at Waydale), along with lots of folks...amazing how time flies...
There were so many unanswered questions, or unresolved feelings, a kind of limbo once gone from The Way.
I, the ultimate cyper-spaz, searched for "stuff" to little avail until I came upon The Royal Tapestry and "links" therein...it was there that someone had written an express warning about this place called Waydale...not to go there...lololololol...so I immediately went there, natch.
It was a total and complete absorption of any free time I had back then...it was very amazing, if not cryptic at times with the psuedo names and such...the chat wars and thread baring was addictive...definitely could write a colorful book about internet recovery groups...
Extwi was gutsy and tenatious. It was a safe haven and a welcome, necessary reassessment spot...was sorry to see it go.
I wrote the damndest things in there..lol...a real kind of therapy, I think. I wish I had access to that stuff!
AND THEN THERE WAS PAW, the duffster of all duffsters...picked up, invented, re-invented, continued, built, and committed to the ongoing evolution of GSC...a herculean task (even in conception, let alone execution & maintenance)...a yeoman among yeoman...a cyber-mensch.The billboard was amazing...Wacky was well-traveled, Catcup was astute, Z was articulate, Socks is still my hero, and who knew that Chas was a girl...lol...we were chatty midwives to Rascal's last kidlet...so much to remember. Need a new pair of sneakers to travel that road down memory lane...
Merci beaucoup, mein duffmeister...you done and is doin' good...
I never had heard about the billboard before, it must have been a great feeling to stick it to TWI Hq like that and to help those still under the enchantment of their spell.
It would be great to have access to all of Waydale's content.
Trancechat, Waydale, the billboard, (Orange Cat where are you?)...I remember it all as if it were yesterday.
A lot of people have come and gone...a lot of folks have worked hard and contributed much...and the pay off is that Waydale and GreaseSpot Cafe have helped thousands of people. Thanks are owed to extwi and to Pawtucket...and to many others as well.
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What a great walk down memory lane!
I remember those days when Waydale was getting like a post or maybe two a day - at first there would be a couple of days sometimes with no posts at all. I remember lurking like a mad woman - that was before the ChasUFarley handle was born, as I was still "in" and didn't dare post. I enjoyed reading the posts that others wrote and immediately related to them - even the ones who'd been out for a while.
I think about some of the initial Waydale posters - OrangeCat, who could come up with some of the funniest posts, Sudo arrived not long after that, and Radar.
Yes, those early chatrooms could get "interesting", for lack of better words. I spent many nights with a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of wine just watching the action sometimes! LOL! It was better than anything on TV, that's for sure!
As the Allen's lawsuit progressed and Greasespot Cafe went live, I remember thinking that Waydale might be getting shut down and that GSC was the next level. I think I was like the fourth or fifth poster on GSC after it first opened. Having GSC also took some of the 'sting' out of the closing of Waydale. Personally, I felt that I had put so much of myself into Waydale that I was really upset by it closing. Although I understood it had to happen - it wasn't within the Allens' control - I felt part of me was shut down, too. GSC helped get me through it - I know it may sound silly - I can't explain it fully... maybe someone can relate...
Anyhow, for me the forums have been such a part of my life - I met my husband on Waydale, and my first son was born just a month or two before Waydale closed. I was able to share my new life with my old friends via Greasespot and couldn't be more thankful or happier for the connections I've been allowed via these boards!
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Chas ---

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Bowl of popcorn??? Bottle of wine??? LOL!!!!
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Now that I think back on that project, there were, indeed, tangible results! Look what we did! We were really an unorganized group of individuals. Very few of us personally knew anybody else. We had a common bond - and that was to let others know there was no such thing as "GreaseSpots by Midnight". We left and we knew it could be done and we made a statement to that effect right in front of the organization's "Homeland". That's pretty powerful now that I look back on it. We put a little chink in the armor and rattled a few cages, and that was no small feat. I think it had lasting results.
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dmiller - in those days, that was supper! Try it sometime, but over several hours - not one or two, okay?
The amazing thing about the billboard is that we could actually get more than two people in this group to agree on something back then! LOL! That alone was a milestone - nevermind the effects it had on the HQ area!
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I just have to say.....in as few words as possilble....that extwi at Waydale, and now Paw here at GS, gave me the chance to tell my story of my involvment in the way.
Honestly, before waydale, I had told my own personal story of stuff, and got alot of.........."why didn't you speak up?, how could you go along with all that crap? you KNEW?" ad infinitum.
I don't exactly understand the why's and wherefore's, I was NOT, I repeat NOT, an important somebody in TWI. But I witnessed alot of stuff while in the corps, and had many experiences with family members, that made me a Homeless Way Person, after leaving. In other words, I saw I alot of sheeeet, that I couldn't talk to anyone about.
I had too much at stake with family, and I went to church., so I didn't feel free to talk about stuff.
That fact was my dysfunction as much as anybody elses.
Extwi believed me, when I told him about the crap that happened to me. And he didn't condemn me, pontificate, lecture, throw bible verses at me, etc. He listened. And cared.
Paw has done the same thing. Here, I have always felt the freedom to tell my story, get silly, get involved in serious stuff, and yet still feel safe in doing that.
Honestly, I never had that before. It has totally changed my life. That is the understatement of the century.
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That was a great post, ex10.
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Thank you. laleo.
I think I can breathe now. I don't know why, but that post was really hard for me to write.
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Wacky Funster
WOW!!! I just found this thread!!!!! What a wonderful capsule of Greasespot!!!! thanks everyone....
There was also the good ole days in the chat. Some of us were there close to 24/7 or came in in waves...rascal's baby girl was born in there!!! I went backpacking in Australia and would chime in here and there!!!! Way corps "elite" would pop in....PL came in and apologized to me (even tho she had no recollection of what she did)...there were many reunions of old friends in there....it was a grand ole time....Catcup would brew us \_/) and bake piping hot @@@@@ for breakfast!!!!
I really miss the ole chat room....
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wow, I remember that billboard. We used to drive to HQ almost every Sunday from 250 miles away!
We couldn't believe it.
I am sorry I didn't heed the "sign" then.
Lets do another one! hahaha
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The Billboard Days
In those days, I was using the nick 'Redeemed'....long story why I changed it (nothing to do with the billboard project)
. My participation in the project was to help Jimextwi coordinate and communicate the details. There was also a military guy, Jeff, who tried to help with collecting the contributions for the costs of the billboard.
There were lots of ideas & suggestions of what to put on the billboard, where the billboard should be placed, etc, etc. 'We' posted on Waydale the goals, and the hurdles (being the expenses) and asked those who wanted to contribute to send what they could. We didn't want to post anyone's address directly on the Internet, so a system had to be worked out to 'screen' givers without offending them (emotions ran high on every topic, it seemed) before giving them Jim's address. As money started pouring in, Jim had some personal problems - I can't remember now, if it was moving several thousand miles or his health or his wife's health. But I quickly found out that trying to e-mail Jeff & Jim was not an acountant's dream LOL. Communication was a challenge I didn't expect, and emotions ruled over practicality IMO when it came to accounting for the contributions.
At some point AFTER the billboard was up successfully, I realized that there were many questions about how much money was contributed and where it was because Jim claimed that much of the expense came out of his pocket. But no one was actually keeping track, apparently, of how much money was contributed. At some point he or someone else told me that the quoted cost was covered. I still have paper copies of all the e-mails, posts, and notes I took - in case anyone ever seriously questioned what happened to the money that was contributed.
My memories are foggy of the whole event, but I thought there was another billboard that said something to the effect of " The Emporer has no clothes." - or "Grease spots by midnight? No, I don't think so."......or maybe those were some of the submitted ideas for consideration. We held some kind of Waydale vote, didn't we? Those were the days......
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Dot Matrix
I read your account of this and it gave me bumps all over!
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I only found this site after I quit working to take care of my grandson,never had a computor until then!
Had I had any idea there were others to talk with about leaving twi would have been a great support .
I have been busy working the last 30 yrs . I had no idea all this was going on! Thanks for all the work
that went into this to help people.
The billboard was a great idea!
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MATILDA now, MATILDA then (at Waydale), along with lots of folks...amazing how time flies...
There were so many unanswered questions, or unresolved feelings, a kind of limbo once gone from The Way.
I, the ultimate cyper-spaz, searched for "stuff" to little avail until I came upon The Royal Tapestry and "links" therein...it was there that someone had written an express warning about this place called Waydale...not to go there...lololololol...so I immediately went there, natch.
It was a total and complete absorption of any free time I had back then...it was very amazing, if not cryptic at times with the psuedo names and such...the chat wars and thread baring was addictive...definitely could write a colorful book about internet recovery groups...
Extwi was gutsy and tenatious. It was a safe haven and a welcome, necessary reassessment spot...was sorry to see it go.
I wrote the damndest things in there..lol...a real kind of therapy, I think. I wish I had access to that stuff!
AND THEN THERE WAS PAW, the duffster of all duffsters...picked up, invented, re-invented, continued, built, and committed to the ongoing evolution of GSC...a herculean task (even in conception, let alone execution & maintenance)...a yeoman among yeoman...a cyber-mensch.The billboard was amazing...Wacky was well-traveled, Catcup was astute, Z was articulate, Socks is still my hero, and who knew that Chas was a girl...lol...we were chatty midwives to Rascal's last kidlet...so much to remember. Need a new pair of sneakers to travel that road down memory lane...
Merci beaucoup, mein duffmeister...you done and is doin' good...
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it was something. so much fun so much heartache. so many people and times i really miss.
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now I see
I never had heard about the billboard before, it must have been a great feeling to stick it to TWI Hq like that and to help those still under the enchantment of their spell.
It would be great to have access to all of Waydale's content.
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Speaking of early logo's Paw this one from the Waydale move made me laugh so hard tears were running.........
I love the 50's format.
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Nice to see this thread brought back...
Trancechat, Waydale, the billboard, (Orange Cat where are you?)...I remember it all as if it were yesterday.
A lot of people have come and gone...a lot of folks have worked hard and contributed much...and the pay off is that Waydale and GreaseSpot Cafe have helped thousands of people. Thanks are owed to extwi and to Pawtucket...and to many others as well.
...What a long strange trip it's been.
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