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I'm Glad We're Calling It Christmas Again


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Twi's renaming of Christmas was yet another example of how they felt compelled to redefine accepted terms to fit into the mold of their cult reality. Afterall, the terms of the world weren't good enough for "gawd's household"...Had Martindale been given enough time, he probably would have made us all change our names to fit into his convoluted perspective:

"You say you're name is Simon Bell?"..."sorry but Simon was the name of a sorcerer and Bell rhymes with hell...so you're new name will be Craig HoHo (Craig, after the great prophet and HoHo after our esteemed household holiday")...

..."Ladies and gentlemen, leading songs tonight on the main stage will be our beloved brother Craig HoHo"

...Far fetched? I think not. :dance:

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Afterall, the terms of the world weren't good enough for "gawd's household"...Had Martindale been given enough time, he probably would have made us all change our names to fit into his convoluted perspective:

Groucho, after listening to craiggers go on a rant about how the months and days of the week got their names I told my ex that I was afraid he was going to change all the names for the months & weeks and we'd have to have our own calendar. The further along we went in TWI, the more that didn't seem like such a far fetched idea for him to have tried to enforce. :mellow: I imagine that it would probably have come to pass by now if he hadn't been stopped cold.

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I'm glad pretty much everybody here at GS can tolerate CHRIST-mas! You must not have been fully brainwashed...some resistance to the MOG during those times, I think...

I think the posters here are right....

Easter was bad because the name was pagan and it should have been called Resurrection Day.

...Okay, fine...I'll go along with that.

January 1st is not really the new year...Tishri 1 is...

...like God cares about that right now...Christ already was born...

Christmas was pagan after the Roman Saturnalia...should just be a winter holiday...Ho-Ho or Household holidays...

...depended on which household anyway...Trustee household...Corps household...or just everyone else's generic household...never ONE household...

...no Christian thinks "pagan" at Christmas anyway...they think Christ...and well...shopping...

and Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are harmless child fantasies...I know no one warped from the experience...

...maybe LCM, though...perhaps he had a thing for the Tooth Fairy all those years and we never knew it...damn those Disney characters...

the months were pagan...had to be changed...

the days of the week were pagan...had to be changed...

the name "Christian" was even bad...I still can't understand why he thought that...anybody shed light on that conversation or teaching Craig gave on that?...

someone was right...give it a while and even our names were bad..and names are re-assigned...


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Eagle--LCM had some corps parents change the name of their child from Christian to something else. Craig decided in Rise and Expansion book era that since Christian was at first a derogotory term given to the believers by unbelievers, we in TWI should never use it.

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LCM didn't think that one through. He let others rule what we call ourselves. "Christ-in's" or "Christians" may have seemed bad to unbelievers, but it was a badge of honor to believers. I love being called a Christian.

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