Gee, Paw, I haven't really thought about it. I'm going to get to go home and to see my whole family and, to me, that's the best part. I'm more excited about that than anything else.
I also think I did really good on my presents this year and can't wait for everyone to open the things I got them. I didn't spend a lot of money, but I did pay attention throughout the year and think I got them thoughtful, heart-felt gifts that they will really enjoy. I know Daddy is going to LOVE his picture and I figure they'll all think the 365-Jars are kinda kooky, but, I'm hoping throughout the year they'll come to appreciate them and look forward to pulling one out each day no knowing if it's gonna be a quote, trivia or personal memory.
I wish my brother would see the light and open up his heart a little so that we could have a little dialogue between us again before one of us leaves the planet for good.
That my exfiance, 15th Corp-get counseling with someone smarter than himself to help him through a very difficult time in life. To see the green pastures as he once saw. To take hold of life again and himself and finish it, happy in his heart.
safe, warm, loving holiday to my family and this family.
My wish would be for my exfiance (15th C) to be able to see green pastures like he once saw. To be able to complete this life with a happy heart and to compete something he once started. To find someone smarter than he who can reach into him and help him see what he is doing is throwing something very precious away.
For all of my family and my family here to remember a love so profound to us all, to remember the good that we can bring to others and remember life we give to others is never wasted.
I think in the back of my mind I have been waiting for him, but after 4yrs. Im finaly am thru the discontent. So I asked God and Santa to bring me a good man that I can give to again. I have no chimney so he will have to walk into path:)
For my neice who is in Marine Boot Camp to have a Merry Christmas.
George! You have to have more. There's people that need your inner Santa out there!
I don't know what you're going through, but let me say this - long ago on this board I saw a photo of you, seems like, could swear I did. Reading your post I saw that guy laughing his head off with his arm around two people, one on each side. Nope, not a "vision", I have really bad eyesight as it is. But that's how I see you. Your friendship and heart wrapped around others. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it, my friend. I wish you the merriest of Christmases and Next Year's.
I need a new steering wheel for my tractor. It's a Ford 8N and will accept any N series, NAA, or Ford 600 or 800 splined steering wheel.
Ron we have a place here that can get you a new steering wheel . They are involved in ford tractor pulls and restoration. they have aftermarket wheels which are cheaper but they said they thought they had some originals also around. I'll IM you the info.
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Right now? For Vixen to behave on the plane. :P
Gee, Paw, I haven't really thought about it. I'm going to get to go home and to see my whole family and, to me, that's the best part. I'm more excited about that than anything else.
I also think I did really good on my presents this year and can't wait for everyone to open the things I got them. I didn't spend a lot of money, but I did pay attention throughout the year and think I got them thoughtful, heart-felt gifts that they will really enjoy. I know Daddy is going to LOVE his picture and I figure they'll all think the 365-Jars are kinda kooky, but, I'm hoping throughout the year they'll come to appreciate them and look forward to pulling one out each day no knowing if it's gonna be a quote, trivia or personal memory.
What are yours?
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I'm wishing for a sudden heat wave in Ohio. Actually, I'm getting my Christmas wish. I'm spending Christmas with my honey.
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I wish my brother would see the light and open up his heart a little so that we could have a little dialogue between us again before one of us leaves the planet for good.
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Lemme see-
How about
Peace on Earth and Good will to men
I know it'll probably never happen, at least in my lifetime-but if it happens for a day or even an hour I'd take it as a start.
other than that just some good family time-then a long vacation someplace warm
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That my exfiance, 15th Corp-get counseling with someone smarter than himself to help him through a very difficult time in life. To see the green pastures as he once saw. To take hold of life again and himself and finish it, happy in his heart.
safe, warm, loving holiday to my family and this family.
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This will be the first Christmas since the Nixon Administration that all the siblings are sober at the same time. Mine came true.
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I asked for Peace on earth--but I'll take that one-- Thats great Paw--congratulations--enjoy every minute of your times together
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My wish would be for my exfiance (15th C) to be able to see green pastures like he once saw. To be able to complete this life with a happy heart and to compete something he once started. To find someone smarter than he who can reach into him and help him see what he is doing is throwing something very precious away.
For all of my family and my family here to remember a love so profound to us all, to remember the good that we can bring to others and remember life we give to others is never wasted.
I think in the back of my mind I have been waiting for him, but after 4yrs. Im finaly am thru the discontent. So I asked God and Santa to bring me a good man that I can give to again. I have no chimney so he will have to walk into path:)
For my neice who is in Marine Boot Camp to have a Merry Christmas.
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Ron G.
I need a new steering wheel for my tractor. It's a Ford 8N and will accept any N series, NAA, or Ford 600 or 800 splined steering wheel.
Otherwise, I'd like a 1971 Dodge Challenger with a 440 hemi (425 bhp) and a 4spd stick.

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i know it is ccorny
but my wish is peace on earth and love
i have 3 kids in the military
and paw that is wonderful news from you
merry christmas to you all
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My wishes are that my son stay safe in the military.
My daughter to continue on with University.
My other son to get over his writing block in Language Arts.
For me and my husband to have a great night to open a bottle of Kristal without any of the kids around.
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George Aar
My wish is to never have another one like yesterday.
Come to think of it, maybe just never have another one...
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George Aar
About your steering wheel:
If they don't have one, they don't exist...
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George! You have to have more. There's people that need your inner Santa out there!
I don't know what you're going through, but let me say this - long ago on this board I saw a photo of you, seems like, could swear I did. Reading your post I saw that guy laughing his head off with his arm around two people, one on each side. Nope, not a "vision", I have really bad eyesight as it is. But that's how I see you. Your friendship and heart wrapped around others. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it, my friend. I wish you the merriest of Christmases and Next Year's.
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Paw, I'm tickled to pieces for you!! I just know this will probably rank in the Top 10 Christmases list for you. :) That's just awesome!!
I hope everyone had a super Christmas. George, you're welcome to join my family at Christmas....heck, you can join us anytime! ;)
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Ron we have a place here that can get you a new steering wheel . They are involved in ford tractor pulls and restoration. they have aftermarket wheels which are cheaper but they said they thought they had some originals also around. I'll IM you the info.
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