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Global Warming...Still Waiting

Hills Bro

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  Belle said:
I've only had two glasses of wine and ten hot wings ...

I've been looking for it again, but all I can find is articles how the earth's thawing in some areas which is good for one species of penguins but worse for others. (Global Warming) this article also mentions that it's freezing more in some areas, but warmer in others.... ..

MMMmmm , hot wings ... I'll have to get some of those ...

Nice points there Belle ... some penguins are actually increasing in number ... cool! Seems to me these cooling/warming cycles have no doubt led to many species coming and going, sorta the natural process. (Would we really be happy if dinosaurs were tromping around our neighborhoods?) :o

My sister did some post grad work in chemistry and is working on some informational paper about global warming. She admitted that it is so complex that it is beyond her to really understand just what is supposedly happening with all the CO2 to cause warming, yet she bascially accepts it on faith. LOL For those that get paid the final analysis is always the same ... we need more funding to study this serious problem. Party on dudes... :spy:

  dmiller said:
Hiya Bill! Haven't seen you in a while. :wave:

What really ticks me off about this whole global warming (or cooling) crap is ---

where is the data from the beginning of time --- eh???



Howdy David :)

They supposedly study ice cores and stuff ... but some article made your point, saying back that far is really difficult to be accurate, which may be one reason some cooling/heating cycles look so rhythmic ... they just fit the data into their conjectured timelines.

  Jonny Lingo said:
In regards to Rhino's post;

Unfortunately, many do gooders have been hoodwinked by those who want to blame America for a natural warming trend, and chop up our economy in the name of saving the goddess Gaia also known as Mother Earth. It's just more religion and money. Earth worship disguising the lust for money and power. Nothing changes under this old sun...

I think most people feel good about doing the right thing for the environment, but are hoodwinked as you say. It is hard to keep up with all the misinformation, but the internet is opening a lot of doors to get the facts. I wish they would just let Mother Earth" do her thing and warm the place up a little if she wants. ;)

Edited by rhino
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Thirty years ago after three record cold winters there was talk of us entering a new ice age.

Today its global warming.

Every time there is a new study it proves one way or the other.

The base truth is that we live on a living planet. The climate changes some from time to time. We have had at least two ice ages and thaws without mans influance.

My point is that we have very little true impact.

Species come and go as climate changes and other species thrive and end others.

Give it a rest.

O by the way. Last summer was the coolest summer in Texas that I have ever experienced.

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So, if the caps arent melting, then how do we get the salt water that is in the ocean currents. I thought that was apart of the caps melting. I watched a documentary about 5 yrs. ago and it was very explicit.

Yes, I have heard of the Mother Goddess of the earth. another icon to put man below his creation..when we are at the top of the list:)

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So, if the caps arent melting, then how do we get the salt water that is in the ocean currents.

I thought that was apart of the caps melting.

I watched a documentary about 5 yrs. ago and it was very explicit.

Likeaneagle -- You forgot the *great salt shaker* in the sky. ;)

THE great salt shaker, with infinite wisdom

liberally dispensing sodium into the atmosphere, waters,

and marguarita glass rims,

as needed.

But there is an adversary ---


The great Pepper shaker in the sky

Raining Cayenne down, to replace the salt,

Thus the heat, thus the global warming.

The salt hath lost it's savour

A little cayenne, cayenne's the whole earth.

(or so some will say -- these days!)

This makes (almost) as much sense as the claims of global warming (imo).

(and I wuz jest *funnin* there)

But hey -- we all tap into different news sources, eat the banana and throw out the peel, so what do I know?

Lifted -- yessir -- You and I got off on the wrong foot, but thankfully, we both regained our feet. It never hurts to hear opposing opinions.

Hearing the other side is a good thing. Looking at it is better. Mutual info garnered when both sides do the same thing.

(I like looking at the other side ---

gives me a break from my own thoughts

time and again!!)


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I just saw that movie on HBO where the erudite scientist warns the world that if they don't immediately sign onto the Kyoto treaty, then we're all in for dire consequences. The vice president of the US snarls his disapproval of the treaty in defense of the rich, greedy capitalists, and suddenly, as a result, the world is quickly plummeted into an ice age caused by global warming.

No political message there folks.


Not at all.

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Belle- If the north ad south pole are shifting, as you mentioned , that would explain the hurricanes and sunamis we have had. The poles are pulled by the moon on a daily bases, thats how we get the tide.

My understanding of the salt in our oceans is a direct effect of the North Pole. It releases salt into the ocean currents that are in constant motion..Have you ever watched the movie Nemo..He hitched a ride on the Austraian current..haha

Edited by likeaneagle
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Actually, global warming, if it were indeed true, wouldn't be a bad thing. CO2 released from fossil fuel burning is wonderful for ecosystems.

During the last Ice Age, CO2 levels fell to less than half of the modern level. They had recovered to .028% by the late 1800s. All our fossil fuel burning has raised the CO2 to a whopping… .038%. But we still have a long way to go to get back to Jurassic levels. Back in the good ol’ days, when the ecosystem was really seething with life, the atmosphere was .3% CO2, about eight times greater than today.

These high CO2 levels made life very easy for plants with the original "C3" photosynthetic system. In addition to their direct CO2 fertilization effect, higher CO2 levels also help in droughts. With enough CO2, C3 plants can close their "stomata" (pores) more, and lose less water.

As CO2 levels fell during the Age of Mammals (and Ice Ages), "C4" plants (e.g., grasses) have tended to gain on older C3 species. Today, it is estimated that the optimum CO2 levels for agricultural productivity in C3 plants (which include wheat and other important crops) would be at least .070%. So we have to at least double the amount of fossil fuel that we have already burned… or more, if we increase the area of Earth that is hospitable to plant life.

Much of the world is desert even today. In fact, there is less total life in the sea than on the much smaller land area of our planet. Most of the ocean is "desert," in the sense of having very low densities of life. This is because most of the ocean suffers from a severe mineral deficiency. Iron is the limiting factor on ocean life over most of the world ocean. A tiny amount of iron will cause a huge increase in plankton growth. If the oceans were privatized, sea farmers would fertilize with iron…. And then we would really need to burn more fossil fuel to supply enough CO2. Fortunately, there's plenty left/

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