To be completely honest, I'd forgotten all about The Way over the years. Recently, I was reminded of my experiences when running across a sort-of familiar face on Facebook. While doing some informal research on another group, I stumbled upon this forum.
I took PFAL with my father in 1984 in Jackson, Wyoming, at the home of some really wonderful folk. I always believed that he was involved simply because he was enamoured with the young WOW (her name was Diane, I don't remember her last name) that became our roommate. But who knows. . . That summer, we made the pilgrimage to ROA in Ohio. My father and the young lady WOW rode their motorcycles while I drove our flatbed pickup truck with camping equipment, including our tipi. It was a really fun trip, and I remember having a lot of fun at the festival, even though there were some things that weirded me out a bit. I was just 16 that summer, I believe. I wasn't forced into any of all this, but there was a bit of pressure, I must admit.
I also remember attending a weekend retreat sort of thing that was held at a lodge in, I believe, W. Yellowstone, MT sometime in the months prior to ROA that year.
I came to resent The Way, though honestly, I don't recall why. The things i do remember are in little bits and pieces; I feel like I've blocked a lot from my memory. Anyway, hello! :)
To be completely honest, I'd forgotten all about The Way over the years. Recently, I was reminded of my experiences when running across a sort-of familiar face on Facebook. While doing some informal research on another group, I stumbled upon this forum.....
I took PFAL with my father in 1984 in Jackson, Wyoming, at the home of some really wonderful folk. I always believed that he was involved simply because he was enamoured with the young WOW (her name was Diane, I don't remember her last name) that became our roommate. But who knows. . . That summer, we made the pilgrimage to ROA in Ohio. My father and the young lady WOW rode their motorcycles while I drove our flatbed pickup truck with camping equipment, including our tipi. It was a really fun trip, and I remember having a lot of fun at the festival, even though there were some things that weirded me out a bit. I was just 16 that summer, I believe. I wasn't forced into any of all this, but there was a bit of pressure, I must admit.
I also remember attending a weekend retreat sort of thing that was held at a lodge in, I believe, W. Yellowstone, MT sometime in the months prior to ROA that year.
I came to resent The Way, though honestly, I don't recall why. The things i do remember are in little bits and pieces; I feel like I've blocked a lot from my memory. Anyway, hello! :)
Welcome to Grease Spot Selkie Lass !
Enjoy a cup of Scottish Thistle Cappuccino!
I like the name you chose – reminded me of our trip to Nova Scotia a couple of years ago (my mom was from there) – I remember a billboard sign next to a gift shop “if it’s not Scottish… it’s crap” – so I felt compelled to buy a coffee mug and hat there.
…..Now this is scary – I read thru this whole thread after reading Selkie Lass’ post and enjoyed the quick read….could have sworn I posted something too – but I didn’t….well, it’s too late now - - cuz my recollection is getting worse….I fear someday a polite young man will knock at my door, show me a green card – I’ll zero in on one benefit “enables you to separate truth from error” and I’ll sign up for that class right on the spot.
I fear someday a polite young man will knock at my door, show me a green card – I’ll zero in on one benefit “enables you to separate truth from error” and I’ll sign up for that class right on the spot.
But only if there is a pretty, young lass standing behind him, flashing you a subtle wink and a smile.
In August 1984, since I'd had in-house training at The Way in Aramaic over the years, and I was a loyal 2nd Corps grad, I was invited to work on the biblical research team at Headquarters with Walter J. Cummins, Bernita Jess, John Schoenheit, and others. It was an "exciting time" in research ... we were getting ready to publish the long-worked-on Aramaic concordance (we did that the following year). But George Jess was dying in the hospital when I arrived at HQ, and he passed away November '84. Sad time for Bernita. For all of us who loved him. He was the first director of the Way Corps, a gentle man, although was misled like the rest of us about VP.
In the research room I was surrounded by other members of the team who, in recent years, had published books for Wierwille but it was his name on the cover, not theirs. When I joined the HQ research team, LCM had been president for two years. Less than a year later, in May 1985, V.P. Wierwille died and took many, but not all, of his secrets with him ...
Oops, this thread asked for memories about 1981 - 1984. VPW died in 85.
I can add little to this but can give a different European perspective. 1984 was the WoWFest in Amsterdam. My first big gathering of believers. There were heaps of people. I can't remember all the people that were there - but Geer was there being the big cheese. He wanted the WoWFest to be a calendar year thing in Europe rather than Aug-Aug as in the USA. I attended with British WoWs, but they were already on the field, don't know how or where they were appointed - before I met any of them - one of them witnessed to me in about the October. Even at that point. Geer's ego struck me as being inappropriate for a clergyman.
I remember the WowFest the following year (in Gartmore) better, but that's not the time being enquired about.
hmmm 1981-1984. 1981 I was in Mississippi as a Corps grad. Pretty much alone in Greenville, MS. A WOW vet was with me but she eventually left. Don't blame her. When I was sent, there was supposedly a Twig Area. That year the Corps were supposed to go to their assignments before ROA and then come back. There was a WOW family still there who would be gone after ROA. Horrible year. Lived in a trailer for awhile and worked at Sambo's. Was very poor. At first we couldn't get the heat on since we couldn't afford the deposit. Tom & Barb L were the limb leaders and they were like the Gestapo. Enough said about them.
1981 - 82 was in Jackson MS since the limb leader invited me there since I was such a failure in Greenville. Even worse year than before. Lots of condemnation. I worked in I-Hop with a 6th Corps Janet C who was hell on wheels. I just took all the crap because I thought it was ok since it was from people I thought were more spiritually mature than me. I was a mess by the end of the year. Decided to go WOW for my next assignment because I didn't know what else to do and didn't want to stay in MS. Had a nervous breakdown at Corps Week and got "sent home." You're supposed to forget your earthly family until TWI doesn't want you around and then they send you there.
1982- 1983 went to a school studying Advertising. Stayed clear of anything that would lead to a reproof session. Went to a nice little twig for awhile run by a regular "Joe Blow" believer. Was invited to live in a Way Home and oh no not that. I didn't want to spend my Saturdays cleaning and whatever else. No thank you. Didn't go to Corps Week or ROA that year.
1983-1984 Since I was in my 30's I wanted to find some one to marry and hadn't been able to do that in residence or since. I had fallen in love with a non Way guy in Greenville but wouldn't let myself be with him because he wasn't TWI and didn't want to be. Don't blame him now of course. Just hung around the TWI in San Diego where I had been since fall 1982. Still live here in 2016. Stopped moving around. I was done. All I really recall is staying on the periphery even though I was Corps. I was burnt out and wary. But I still thought it was God's ministry and didn't leave.
A sad report, for sure, outandabout. But unfortunately, probably not all that uncommon. It was far too easy to think what we were doing "for the ministry" was doing something for God. Which naturally led to thinking that if you weren't doing something good or profitable for the ministry, what use are you to God? (No matter what distance there did or didn't happen to be between you and "the ministry.")
Those Lally idiots were sociopathic Nazis. She was in the 4th corpse. From NY somewhere. He was 8th corpse, and really quite a knuckledragger imo. They stayed until 2000! Were big shots in the naked empire, and gleeful leaders of the inquisition years, Two very stupid and self-serving creatures who hurt many and were despised by many more.
Those Lally idiots were sociopathic Nazis. She was in the 4th corpse. From NY somewhere. He was 8th corpse, and really quite a knuckledragger imo. They stayed until 2000! Were big shots in the naked empire, and gleeful leaders of the inquisition years, Two very stupid and self-serving creatures who hurt many and were despised by many more.
Somehow I still feel some empathy towards them and others like them. I think they were just as trapped and victimized by TWI. When they left, they vanished overnight, just took off. That's what someone who is scared does, and I can understand it. (Sometimes I wish I had done similarly instead of giving half a year's notice with placement interviews and riding out all the crap they dished out.) I'm not giving them a pass for bad behavior, but I also acknowledge how abusers were often first the abused.
Those Lally idiots were sociopathic Nazis. She was in the 4th corpse. From NY somewhere. He was 8th corpse, and really quite a knuckledragger imo. They stayed until 2000! Were big shots in the naked empire, and gleeful leaders of the inquisition years, Two very stupid and self-serving creatures who hurt many and were despised by many more.
Well said. Thank you. I took their crap for two years.
Thanks for giving us the "kid's eye view" of WayWorld.
Gawd, I'm sorry for the crap that we put you through, I really am.
I don't think I know you but I had my own kids that we dragged all over the country in
pursuit of the Yellow Brick Road, or whatever it was we were after.
I do know Moneyhands, though - at least in passing. One would hope that Karma
catches up with that dip$%&t REAL soon.
Lordy, the needless hurt and deprivation that was handed out to you kids for absolutely nothing...
Hello everyone, I am a "Newbie" here at the GSC. I was in TWI from 1978-1988. George, I think you are right; a lot of the Way kids were jerked around a lot. As for me, 1984 was an important year for me; I decided that I was going to take AC 1985, and after I finished I was going to join the Navy. I took the AC in Rome City, IN in the summer of 1985. OMG!! I expected to learn a lot of "hot Bible." Instead, I damn near froze to death in RC. For some reason, the AC was on full-blast all the time. I guess we either had to sweat or freeze for the two weeks we were there; I can!t remember the reason. It was so cold; I wore my coat, and a blanket to keep warm. Well, I kept warm; I slept thru most of the class. When I was awake, I heard a lot of s--t. What a huge disappointment for me; I spent a lot of time and money on hearing a lot of right-wing nonsense. I couldn't wait to get back to Albany, and get warm. I realized when I finished the AC, that it was time for me to join the Navy. For those of you who have never been in the military, it was a huge shock for me to go from college, to boot camp. I hated it, and could not wait to leave!! I spent the next five years in the Navy, and got out in 1990. As much as I hated the Navy, I know that it was of God for me to join. Every month, I get disability money. When I get sick, I go to the VA Hospital, I know a lot of people wanted be to go Corps but I knew that was not what God wanted for me; He wanted me to join the Navy. I know a lot of the people who worked for TWI for decades, were kicked out when it was time for them to retire. What an ungodly thing to do to godly people. I had some good times in TWI, in the 80's, but I think my Naval Experience was a lot better for me than going Corps would have been.
On October 22, 2016 at 10:21 PM, frank123lol said:
Previous limbo said it.I had an escape plan by writing to the Lc of Mi.He said I could be Tc if I wanted it
Hello. I just wanted to ask a question. I have never met the "Moneyhands." But as I read the posts here at the GSC, I notice that many people have unkind words for them. Over, and over the people here at GSC, have made it clear, that this couple is not popular among the people who served with them. Again, just to be clear, I have never had any dealings with them. My question is: where are they now? Does anyone know? I find it very interesting that one couple attracts so much attention.
The Moneyhands are retired from TWI and living in Toledo to be near their son and his family. They have other retirement money than that which TWI offered...some they paid for over the years, just like a regular couple would do. I cannot say more than that, lest I betray a good friend's confidences, as he is the one that sold it to them many years ago. It is NOT money that Dottie's family gave them.
Grace, the reason they attract so much attention is that for many years, they were the Family Corps Coordinators at the Indiana Campus. Before and after that, they were Limb and/or Region Coordinators on the field, so they had contact with many, many people in TWI over the yearsl Lots of time and locations to affect lots of people's lives negatively ... and they did!
Rev. Ellie Ray Allen, who works as a surveyor (Allen and Associates), from New Bremen, Ohio;
Linda Emmons, Seventh Corps, from New Bremen, also working with Allen and Associates.
if those two names together don't stir any memories of shenanigans going on at HQ (years before the Calagary bike ride), not sure what would (if you were there, that is.) Wondered at the time why the affair wasn't addressed from the top, but after learning the extent of the malaise, their adulterous romping around together is hardly worth mentioning. Always felt bad for Doug, though. Couldn't understand how or why he could put up with it.
Was witnessed to in 81... Florida Beach... guy went wow that year... turned out he was a Heroin addict, thief & liar!
82 went to Nashville... way function there... what was that?... a weekend type deal... Received my first Confrontation from Mr. Wierwille... I didn't oblige his advances what an a**whole
83 went wow... Corps people were out of control... do as I say, not as I do type deal... their leadership covered for them~ Big push for numbers...
Many 'things' went on... but have suppressed most of them... wanting to forget I suppose~
SV, you are so right!! There was a big push to run classes, and to have people go WOW. Push, push, push. I thought it was a lot of nonsense, and was busy with College. My TC was lazy, and expected me to do all the work. When I graduated from college in 1983, she didn't even have the decency to send me a card. I have never seen her since I graduated, and hope I never do. What a lazy person she was.
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Hi everyone, In August 1984, since I'd had in-house training at The Way in Aramaic over the years, and I was a loyal 2nd Corps grad, I was invited to work on the biblical research team at Headqua
hmmm 1981-1984. 1981 I was in Mississippi as a Corps grad. Pretty much alone in Greenville, MS. A WOW vet was with me but she eventually left. Don't blame her. When I was sent, there was supposedl
A sad report, for sure, outandabout. But unfortunately, probably not all that uncommon. It was far too easy to think what we were doing "for the ministry" was doing something for God. Which naturall
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Thats because I only have to remember 4 of them even still they are a bit blurry.. as far as what was what.
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To be completely honest, I'd forgotten all about The Way over the years. Recently, I was reminded of my experiences when running across a sort-of familiar face on Facebook. While doing some informal research on another group, I stumbled upon this forum.
I took PFAL with my father in 1984 in Jackson, Wyoming, at the home of some really wonderful folk. I always believed that he was involved simply because he was enamoured with the young WOW (her name was Diane, I don't remember her last name) that became our roommate. But who knows. . . That summer, we made the pilgrimage to ROA in Ohio. My father and the young lady WOW rode their motorcycles while I drove our flatbed pickup truck with camping equipment, including our tipi. It was a really fun trip, and I remember having a lot of fun at the festival, even though there were some things that weirded me out a bit. I was just 16 that summer, I believe. I wasn't forced into any of all this, but there was a bit of pressure, I must admit.
I also remember attending a weekend retreat sort of thing that was held at a lodge in, I believe, W. Yellowstone, MT sometime in the months prior to ROA that year.
I came to resent The Way, though honestly, I don't recall why. The things i do remember are in little bits and pieces; I feel like I've blocked a lot from my memory. Anyway, hello! :)
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Welcome aboard!
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Welcome to Grease Spot Selkie Lass !
Enjoy a cup of Scottish Thistle Cappuccino!
I like the name you chose – reminded me of our trip to Nova Scotia a couple of years ago (my mom was from there) – I remember a billboard sign next to a gift shop “if it’s not Scottish… it’s crap” – so I felt compelled to buy a coffee mug and hat there.
…..Now this is scary – I read thru this whole thread after reading Selkie Lass’ post and enjoyed the quick read….could have sworn I posted something too – but I didn’t….well, it’s too late now - - cuz my recollection is getting worse….I fear someday a polite young man will knock at my door, show me a green card – I’ll zero in on one benefit “enables you to separate truth from error” and I’ll sign up for that class right on the spot.
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But only if there is a pretty, young lass standing behind him, flashing you a subtle wink and a smile.
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Hi everyone,
In August 1984, since I'd had in-house training at The Way in Aramaic over the years, and I was a loyal 2nd Corps grad, I was invited to work on the biblical research team at Headquarters with Walter J. Cummins, Bernita Jess, John Schoenheit, and others. It was an "exciting time" in research ... we were getting ready to publish the long-worked-on Aramaic concordance (we did that the following year). But George Jess was dying in the hospital when I arrived at HQ, and he passed away November '84. Sad time for Bernita. For all of us who loved him. He was the first director of the Way Corps, a gentle man, although was misled like the rest of us about VP.
In the research room I was surrounded by other members of the team who, in recent years, had published books for Wierwille but it was his name on the cover, not theirs. When I joined the HQ research team, LCM had been president for two years. Less than a year later, in May 1985, V.P. Wierwille died and took many, but not all, of his secrets with him ...
Oops, this thread asked for memories about 1981 - 1984. VPW died in 85.
If you want, you can read about more of my experiences in TWI from 1970 - 1987 in my memoir coming out next month: Undertow: My Escape from the Fundamentalism and Cult Control of The Way International
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funny Wayside .....that does sound like a familiar sales tactic.
== == == ==
I am really looking forward to reading Penworks' book !!!!
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I can add little to this but can give a different European perspective. 1984 was the WoWFest in Amsterdam. My first big gathering of believers. There were heaps of people. I can't remember all the people that were there - but Geer was there being the big cheese. He wanted the WoWFest to be a calendar year thing in Europe rather than Aug-Aug as in the USA. I attended with British WoWs, but they were already on the field, don't know how or where they were appointed - before I met any of them - one of them witnessed to me in about the October. Even at that point. Geer's ego struck me as being inappropriate for a clergyman.
I remember the WowFest the following year (in Gartmore) better, but that's not the time being enquired about.
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hmmm 1981-1984. 1981 I was in Mississippi as a Corps grad. Pretty much alone in Greenville, MS. A WOW vet was with me but she eventually left. Don't blame her. When I was sent, there was supposedly a Twig Area. That year the Corps were supposed to go to their assignments before ROA and then come back. There was a WOW family still there who would be gone after ROA. Horrible year. Lived in a trailer for awhile and worked at Sambo's. Was very poor. At first we couldn't get the heat on since we couldn't afford the deposit. Tom & Barb L were the limb leaders and they were like the Gestapo. Enough said about them.
1981 - 82 was in Jackson MS since the limb leader invited me there since I was such a failure in Greenville. Even worse year than before. Lots of condemnation. I worked in I-Hop with a 6th Corps Janet C who was hell on wheels. I just took all the crap because I thought it was ok since it was from people I thought were more spiritually mature than me. I was a mess by the end of the year. Decided to go WOW for my next assignment because I didn't know what else to do and didn't want to stay in MS. Had a nervous breakdown at Corps Week and got "sent home." You're supposed to forget your earthly family until TWI doesn't want you around and then they send you there.
1982- 1983 went to a school studying Advertising. Stayed clear of anything that would lead to a reproof session. Went to a nice little twig for awhile run by a regular "Joe Blow" believer. Was invited to live in a Way Home and oh no not that. I didn't want to spend my Saturdays cleaning and whatever else. No thank you. Didn't go to Corps Week or ROA that year.
1983-1984 Since I was in my 30's I wanted to find some one to marry and hadn't been able to do that in residence or since. I had fallen in love with a non Way guy in Greenville but wouldn't let myself be with him because he wasn't TWI and didn't want to be. Don't blame him now of course. Just hung around the TWI in San Diego where I had been since fall 1982. Still live here in 2016. Stopped moving around. I was done. All I really recall is staying on the periphery even though I was Corps. I was burnt out and wary. But I still thought it was God's ministry and didn't leave.
extra letter
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Was in Miss in 78-79 as well as 80.We were all told to leave for lallyos.Went back to Mi.Been here now for 36 years
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A sad report, for sure, outandabout. But unfortunately, probably not all that uncommon. It was far too easy to think what we were doing "for the ministry" was doing something for God. Which naturally led to thinking that if you weren't doing something good or profitable for the ministry, what use are you to God? (No matter what distance there did or didn't happen to be between you and "the ministry.")
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Did the Lallyos make you leave? They were always threatening to kick people out of "their" area. Some people sneaked away on their own. Disappeared.
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Those Lally idiots were sociopathic Nazis. She was in the 4th corpse. From NY somewhere. He was 8th corpse, and really quite a knuckledragger imo. They stayed until 2000! Were big shots in the naked empire, and gleeful leaders of the inquisition years, Two very stupid and self-serving creatures who hurt many and were despised by many more.
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Somehow I still feel some empathy towards them and others like them. I think they were just as trapped and victimized by TWI. When they left, they vanished overnight, just took off. That's what someone who is scared does, and I can understand it. (Sometimes I wish I had done similarly instead of giving half a year's notice with placement interviews and riding out all the crap they dished out.) I'm not giving them a pass for bad behavior, but I also acknowledge how abusers were often first the abused.
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Well said. Thank you. I took their crap for two years.
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Previous limbo said it.I had an escape plan by writing to the Lc of Mi.He said I could be Tc if I wanted it
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Glad you could get away.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Hello everyone, I am a "Newbie" here at the GSC. I was in TWI from 1978-1988. George, I think you are right; a lot of the Way kids were jerked around a lot. As for me, 1984 was an important year for me; I decided that I was going to take AC 1985, and after I finished I was going to join the Navy. I took the AC in Rome City, IN in the summer of 1985. OMG!! I expected to learn a lot of "hot Bible." Instead, I damn near froze to death in RC. For some reason, the AC was on full-blast all the time. I guess we either had to sweat or freeze for the two weeks we were there; I can!t remember the reason. It was so cold; I wore my coat, and a blanket to keep warm. Well, I kept warm; I slept thru most of the class. When I was awake, I heard a lot of s--t. What a huge disappointment for me; I spent a lot of time and money on hearing a lot of right-wing nonsense. I couldn't wait to get back to Albany, and get warm. I realized when I finished the AC, that it was time for me to join the Navy. For those of you who have never been in the military, it was a huge shock for me to go from college, to boot camp. I hated it, and could not wait to leave!! I spent the next five years in the Navy, and got out in 1990. As much as I hated the Navy, I know that it was of God for me to join. Every month, I get disability money. When I get sick, I go to the VA Hospital, I know a lot of people wanted be to go Corps but I knew that was not what God wanted for me; He wanted me to join the Navy. I know a lot of the people who worked for TWI for decades, were kicked out when it was time for them to retire. What an ungodly thing to do to godly people. I had some good times in TWI, in the 80's, but I think my Naval Experience was a lot better for me than going Corps would have been.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Hello. I just wanted to ask a question. I have never met the "Moneyhands." But as I read the posts here at the GSC, I notice that many people have unkind words for them. Over, and over the people here at GSC, have made it clear, that this couple is not popular among the people who served with them. Again, just to be clear, I have never had any dealings with them. My question is: where are they now? Does anyone know? I find it very interesting that one couple attracts so much attention.
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The Moneyhands are retired from TWI and living in Toledo to be near their son and his family. They have other retirement money than that which TWI offered...some they paid for over the years, just like a regular couple would do. I cannot say more than that, lest I betray a good friend's confidences, as he is the one that sold it to them many years ago. It is NOT money that Dottie's family gave them.
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Grace, the reason they attract so much attention is that for many years, they were the Family Corps Coordinators at the Indiana Campus. Before and after that, they were Limb and/or Region Coordinators on the field, so they had contact with many, many people in TWI over the yearsl Lots of time and locations to affect lots of people's lives negatively ... and they did!
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Some personal recollections are here, as well...
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if those two names together don't stir any memories of shenanigans going on at HQ (years before the Calagary bike ride), not sure what would (if you were there, that is.) Wondered at the time why the affair wasn't addressed from the top, but after learning the extent of the malaise, their adulterous romping around together is hardly worth mentioning. Always felt bad for Doug, though. Couldn't understand how or why he could put up with it.
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Grace Valerie Claire
SV, you are so right!! There was a big push to run classes, and to have people go WOW. Push, push, push. I thought it was a lot of nonsense, and was busy with College. My TC was lazy, and expected me to do all the work. When I graduated from college in 1983, she didn't even have the decency to send me a card. I have never seen her since I graduated, and hope I never do. What a lazy person she was.
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