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kids today and some of their phrases


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Keanu, good to see you on here! Thank your dad for letting you edu-ma-cate us. ;)

I'm not around kids, teens or anywhere I could learn about these unless they're used in a song on the radio, but I don't listen to the radio much, so I'm frequently "pedestrian" when it comes to the latest slang. It's fun to read these!

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OK guys and gals I am typing for my hubby here, he works at a High School.

Whaz up? ........... How are you Doing?

My Bad .............. My Fault

G ................ Gangsta ........... also used as "What up G" doesnt' really mean thery are a gangster in all cases

Keep it on the DL ............. keep it on the down low or secret

Its All Good .......... something is messed up and there is nothing you can do about it anyway

Thats Retarded .......... thats funny

That MF was Unconscious .......... i.e. He was playing unconcsious = playing very well scoring all the points

Pimping ........... doing a good job

Don't slip .......... don't make a mistake

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hi keanu and thanks for posting

same with everyone here, i'm laughing my head off (ka plunk)

These expressions really come as news to you people?

ha ha aaah ha ha ha ha ha ha ahhh ha ha ha ha


said like a true new yorker or new jerseyite which is really a replanted new yorker

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well i think its all great the kids are great, alot of the slang is very similar to here in the united kingdom,

although we say things like

got new carpet on me apples and pears,

sorry be right back its the dog and bone

just bought my mum some great harry rippers for christmas

just had a great ruby murray

would anyone like to take a guess at the 4 statements made and what they think i am talking about

:P :P :P

this is a great forum hope you have fun with the English slang

Edited by marypoppins
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welcome mary !!!!!!!!!!! i was chatting with mr. dawes last night

i know you carpeted your stairs

your mom is getting slippers

the other two i don't know

i was married to a dear brit and he would do a whole cockney thing which i loved (he was actually from near manchester)

oh dog and bone must be the phone :biglaugh:

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Noted in last conversation with own 20-somethings:

"tight".....that's good

"off the hook".....that's good too.

"hook you up".....take care of you, get you something, connected to something, something to something

Keanu -howdy! (old guy talk for hello)

When my son is talking to his friends, it's a "dude" fest.

"Whoa, dude......dude!......yeah, dude......that's tight dude!......duuuuuude...!...." :biglaugh:

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SORRY HAPe4me you are wrong :P

shall i leave you to guess again, no that would be cruel :)

so ruby murry = curry

its a language all of its own

Adam and Eve = Believe ......... Would you Adam and Eve it?

Alligator = Later .......... See you later alligator.

Army and Navy = Gravy.......... Pass the army, will you?

Bacon & Eggs = Legs............ She has such long bacons.

Barnet Fair = Hair............. I'm going to have my barnet cut.

Bees and Honey = Money......... Hand over the bees.

Bull and Cow = Row .......... we don't have to have a bull about it.

Butcher's Hook = Look........... I had a butchers at it through the window.

Cobbler's Awls = Balls ........... You're talking cobblers!

Crust of Bread = Head........... Use your crust, lad.

Hampton Wick = Prick .......... You're getting on my wick!

Khyber Pass = Arse ........... Stick that up your Khyber.

Loaf of Bread = Head ........... Think about it; use your loaf.

Oxford Scholar = Dollar ......... Could you lend me an Oxford?

Pen and Ink = Stink .......... Pooh! It pens a bit in here.

Rabbit and Pork = Talk........... I don't know what she's rabbiting about.

Scarpa Flow = Go ........... Scarpa! The police are coming!

Trouble and Strife = Wife ......... The trouble's been shopping again.

Uncle Bert = Shirt ........ I'm ironing my Uncle.

Weasel and Stoat = Coat ........ Where's my weasel?

what about this one: Nice Whistle and Flute = ? :dance:

Edited by marypoppins
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lol Tom Tit =

i was being polite power i will leave you to explain that one ha ha ha :dance:

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