Hmmm. Tough question for me. There were sooooo maaaaany. Where do I begin?
Well, two of my most memorable were Word in Business in New Orleans and a crazy weekday night in Emporia in residence. Both involved stayng out all night partying till sun up. (They NEVER had another Word in Business in New Orleans after that!)
In Emporia we barely made it back from the discos and clubs in time to go running with the in-residence group who had gathered by the hundreds at 5:30 am. We blended right in because we had our sweats with us and changed in the cars and no one was he wiser. (We were practicing the revelation manifestations.)
Interestingly, Excathedra was at both these memorable events along with a handfull of others. Maybe she will remember. (Maybe not.)
Corps wedding rehearsals at Emporia - we were in "bottom floor Wierwille" listening to John Lynn's instructions about how to line up for the rehearsal. Then, as everyone walked single file across the bridge of the pond to stand in rehearsal format, to go through the wedding motions, which was to happen the next day, fine fellow G Spicer and I RAN a Godly sprint to the car maintenance bldg, where his car was. We drove down to a licquer store at the mall, bought 2 quarts of beer apiece, and drank them, as the ground was thirsty (condescensio), until we had inbibed the uttermost of each bottle, as we drove back to campus. As we arrived, we saw the rehearsal was disbanding, sos we ran diligently so as to enjoin them. Several corps, walking right on by the Spirit, noticed a familiar smell eminating from our souls.
For those who were never in the corps, the leadershi+ at times would not like the fact you left campus like that to have a couple beers, they might even say something to you about it...
I remember a mural painted on a barn at the Kipp farm. It dipicted a rather cozy gathering of some lewd fellows of the baser sort, drinking all manner of drink, smoking and using their noses as chimneys, and the clock on the wall reading "Corps Meeting Time!!!" ...
... couldn't afford to waste mah time with a little meeting like that.
Where's Simonion!!! ??? !!! For time would fail me to share about JP & Sarah's wedding at HQ, hows we manned the beer & brat stations, although legitimately it could not be ruled as PHYSICALLY skipping out. But by the time it was over, there was no skipping to be done. Crawling, maybe ...
Sexie, does the car ride out to the rodeo in Gunnison count?? Hows about the pics we took of you on the side of the road?? Remember the sickly-looking deer at the gorge???
I found it was difficult finding a hiding spot during everyday clases at Emporia. Thank God for the snack shop office, where the door had a lock on it...
Now I should have known that Tuttle would be spinning a few yarns in this context.
May I be permitted to post a picture of an alternative believers meeting that was being held at a smoke filled hotel room in St. Marys whilst larger crowds were gathered on grounds at a certain Corps Week?
What is that, a Heinekin I am holding? And is that a bottle of Tonic I see on the table in front of excathedra and Tuttle? No, don't be fooled. It was for baptism and annointing. Not a guilty thought in our heads. We were doing the lords work, undershepherding one another.
I'm with Belle... was married to someone who wouldn't HEAR of missing a meeting, class, fellowship, event, function, gathering, teaching, fun-night, work-day, witness outing, you-name-it. God, that was miserable!
So, I enjoyed the heck out of my first ROA as a mom. It meant I got to set my own schedule and stay in our tent for the evening teachings. LOVED IT!!
Sunesis, ahh, we should have had better communications, like AIM back then. We could have joined all our little "parties" and had a bonfire outdoors somewhere. I am sure there were pockets of stealth meetings all over the place.
So many in our Corps were strict and by the book. I found some of these wild 9th Corps ones and begn undershepherding them. My wife (sickth Corps) is taking our picture and was my designated driver.
John, I just had to tell you that my mom and I had lunch at Old Hickory Barbeque in Owensboro today. It was delicious. Sliced mutton sandwich, fries, and blackberry cobbler w/ ice cream. I thought of you and wondered if you and Hope would be here anytime soon.
Then I went for my facial (oh, what a feeling that is!!!!!!!!!). Soon after that, Mom and I went to Cracker Barrel for coffe and there was a man cleaning the big windows that all CB's have. I thought of you again, though I doubt that you actually CLEAN them anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, back on topic.
I don't know if I ever skipped out on a function, except teachings at ROA!!! Duh, what a dull person I was. :(
By far the best twi "function" I ever skipped out on was the reading of POP at Corps Week '86. I had heard it the first time, on a phone hook-up, and I sure as heck wasn't going to sit through it again! I went and had a couple brewskis with a friend of mine who lived in NK.
Oh, and then there was the time the Family Corps stopped at Emporia for a couple days on our way to Gunnisack, just before graduation. The first night we got there, we told the Corps Coordinator (I forget who was in chage at the time) that it was Family Night for us Rome Citians, and that meant free time. He didn't know what else to do with us, so he cut as loose and we went to the movies and then for pizza and beer while the 9th and 11th Corps (sorrrrrrrry, guys) were in some long, boring class or meeting.
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Hmmm. Tough question for me. There were sooooo maaaaany. Where do I begin?
Well, two of my most memorable were Word in Business in New Orleans and a crazy weekday night in Emporia in residence. Both involved stayng out all night partying till sun up. (They NEVER had another Word in Business in New Orleans after that!)
In Emporia we barely made it back from the discos and clubs in time to go running with the in-residence group who had gathered by the hundreds at 5:30 am. We blended right in because we had our sweats with us and changed in the cars and no one was he wiser. (We were practicing the revelation manifestations.)
Interestingly, Excathedra was at both these memorable events along with a handfull of others. Maybe she will remember. (Maybe not.)
John R.
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It was possible to skip out on TWI functions?
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Corps wedding rehearsals at Emporia - we were in "bottom floor Wierwille" listening to John Lynn's instructions about how to line up for the rehearsal. Then, as everyone walked single file across the bridge of the pond to stand in rehearsal format, to go through the wedding motions, which was to happen the next day, fine fellow G Spicer and I RAN a Godly sprint to the car maintenance bldg, where his car was. We drove down to a licquer store at the mall, bought 2 quarts of beer apiece, and drank them, as the ground was thirsty (condescensio), until we had inbibed the uttermost of each bottle, as we drove back to campus. As we arrived, we saw the rehearsal was disbanding, sos we ran diligently so as to enjoin them. Several corps, walking right on by the Spirit, noticed a familiar smell eminating from our souls.
For those who were never in the corps, the leadershi+ at times would not like the fact you left campus like that to have a couple beers, they might even say something to you about it...
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why i've forgotten more about skipping out of functions.....
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
never tell a strictly raised catholic girl she is not allowed to do something !!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha igotout
corps week skipouts eh tuttles and getout ?
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I remember a mural painted on a barn at the Kipp farm. It dipicted a rather cozy gathering of some lewd fellows of the baser sort, drinking all manner of drink, smoking and using their noses as chimneys, and the clock on the wall reading "Corps Meeting Time!!!" ...
... couldn't afford to waste mah time with a little meeting like that.
Where's Simonion!!! ??? !!! For time would fail me to share about JP & Sarah's wedding at HQ, hows we manned the beer & brat stations, although legitimately it could not be ruled as PHYSICALLY skipping out. But by the time it was over, there was no skipping to be done. Crawling, maybe ...
Sexie, does the car ride out to the rodeo in Gunnison count?? Hows about the pics we took of you on the side of the road?? Remember the sickly-looking deer at the gorge???
I found it was difficult finding a hiding spot during everyday clases at Emporia. Thank God for the snack shop office, where the door had a lock on it...
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Now I should have known that Tuttle would be spinning a few yarns in this context.
May I be permitted to post a picture of an alternative believers meeting that was being held at a smoke filled hotel room in St. Marys whilst larger crowds were gathered on grounds at a certain Corps Week?
Corps Week 1983
What is that, a Heinekin I am holding? And is that a bottle of Tonic I see on the table in front of excathedra and Tuttle? No, don't be fooled. It was for baptism and annointing. Not a guilty thought in our heads. We were doing the lords work, undershepherding one another.
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I know you .... I've seen that face before :D
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what a neat pic
yes indeed that reminds me of the old days

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I'm with Belle... was married to someone who wouldn't HEAR of missing a meeting, class, fellowship, event, function, gathering, teaching, fun-night, work-day, witness outing, you-name-it. God, that was miserable!
So, I enjoyed the heck out of my first ROA as a mom. It meant I got to set my own schedule and stay in our tent for the evening teachings. LOVED IT!!
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Igotout - what a great pic! Does bring back memories - where was I??? I've been in many a wonderful fellowhip just like that one!
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Sunesis, ahh, we should have had better communications, like AIM back then. We could have joined all our little "parties" and had a bonfire outdoors somewhere. I am sure there were pockets of stealth meetings all over the place.
So many in our Corps were strict and by the book. I found some of these wild 9th Corps ones and begn undershepherding them. My wife (sickth Corps) is taking our picture and was my designated driver.
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John, I just had to tell you that my mom and I had lunch at Old Hickory Barbeque in Owensboro today. It was delicious. Sliced mutton sandwich, fries, and blackberry cobbler w/ ice cream. I thought of you and wondered if you and Hope would be here anytime soon.
Then I went for my facial (oh, what a feeling that is!!!!!!!!!). Soon after that, Mom and I went to Cracker Barrel for coffe and there was a man cleaning the big windows that all CB's have. I thought of you again, though I doubt that you actually CLEAN them anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, back on topic.
I don't know if I ever skipped out on a function, except teachings at ROA!!! Duh, what a dull person I was. :(
Just know that I have more fun now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Linda Z
By far the best twi "function" I ever skipped out on was the reading of POP at Corps Week '86. I had heard it the first time, on a phone hook-up, and I sure as heck wasn't going to sit through it again! I went and had a couple brewskis with a friend of mine who lived in NK.
Oh, and then there was the time the Family Corps stopped at Emporia for a couple days on our way to Gunnisack, just before graduation. The first night we got there, we told the Corps Coordinator (I forget who was in chage at the time) that it was Family Night for us Rome Citians, and that meant free time. He didn't know what else to do with us, so he cut as loose and we went to the movies and then for pizza and beer while the 9th and 11th Corps (sorrrrrrrry, guys) were in some long, boring class or meeting.
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