Ok, I have a confession to make. I am a corps person. I'm sure that some remember me fondly, and others perhaps don't. I don't really know for sure. But, some of the people mentioned on this thread as being really great corps people, etc, etc, really wrecked my life for a while. Because they were such uh, um, for lack of a better word, asses.
So I guess what I'm saying is that I have a problem with naming names of people here. For every "good experience" that someone had with a corps person, somebody else might've had a reaaly bad one. and I am one of "them."
Geeze, life gets complicated at times, doesn't it?
Please, let me tell you that I am aware of some of the things you went through with TWI and the topmost of leadership. A friend of mine told me who you are and what you went through via "private messaging", and that was back when you and I had that flap where I got kicked out of here for a while. After my friend told me about you, I had a serious change of heart, and determined to apologize to you, and sent you an e-mail. You remember that I sent you an e-mail of apology? Well, I deserved to be kicked out of here, and, I was wrong and that is why I apologized. And so, well, I just want to tell you that, well, I am not really that bad of a guy. My involvement in TWI was mostly a really good time. I was challenged in areas where I was really deficient, and I accepted those challenges and became a better person. Especially in the corps. I had grown up a lazy upper middle class kind of a kid, and was glad to have someone kicking my a$$ and becoming more responsible. I looked at the Corps training as the something like the military which I hadn't ever taken a part of. And, I liked it. You know: "Push me. Try and break me". I'm gonna make my way through it". I think if there is anything I can thank The Way for, it is the presentation of, and teaching to me, this thing called the "work ethic". And, I would think that George Jess made the biggest impression on me on that subject. He was a nice old farmer. Talked way less than I do, that's for sure!
You have called me "Lingo" before, in the midst of an argument, and so, this time around, I just just thought it was the same old same old...I won't call you "Thedra again", but I did say it earlier on some other thread you started. I was feeling, vengefull. Sorry. But I won't do it anymore. For some reason, I like to call you "ExCath", when we are on good terms, which if that is okay with you, I'll continue with from time to time, should we intermix in the future...
But anyway, during my fifteen years in The Way (the best years of my youth- 18 through 33), during that time, like you, I met some really great people. I had a comaraderie(sp? somebody help me here!) with others like I had never experienced before in my entire life. I had a few amorous flings with a couple of girls, but honestly, never in an abusive way, and never as a "leader with an underling" type of a deal. I was just a young 22 year old kid in the Corps who thought he was helping to make the World a better place. I actually enjoyed alot of the times I had in Rez.
And so, once again, I want to tell you that I love you, and that I hope that the hurt will heal, and I am sorry if I sound "too exuberant" at times. Yes, that must seem crazy to you, I am a moron at times. But, I just want to live life, be happy and move on, and, I guess I get carried away at times about good times I had, while rejecting the negs...
You take care, and dagnabbit, I pray that I put this across in the correct and most humble-est of manners, for, I only wish for you, and everybody else here, wellness...
Peace out,
P.S. PM me if you want to talk more about who told me about you. She is a wonderful gal, and loves you, and made sure to let me know that you are a wonderful gal also........
How did this thread end up being about YOU?????????????
I completely and TOTALLY disagree with naming names here on Gspot......other than twi trustees<bod, bot and very public corps cordinators, etc. (in other words.....the old waydale guidelines.) HOWEVER........if people are going to name names.......and the gspot admin agrees.....so be it. What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.........is how and why you made yourself a focus point of the thread.
Please...........go back and read the thread from the title to present.........AND STOP PERSONALIZING the fricking thing. People have the right to their own thoughts and feelings. They are entitled to their own points of view.......stop picking on people for feeling the way they do. Over the past few years.......I dont remember anyone picking on you for speaking your own mind and vocalizing your own thoughts.
Radar, I do apologize if I named names and shouldnt have. I guess I was thinking that if you say something good about someone, it is ok to use their names.
It wont hurt my feelings if the moderators !!!@@@ )))(((__&& use these symbols instead.
I certainly mean no harm.
I am truly thankful that I did not have MANY bad experiences while 'in' for 19 years, but my heart BREAKS for those who did. I tell everyone about Greasespot if they have ANY knowledge of twi, even if they never attended, such as my family. (BTW, I did have a few BAD things happen to me.)
I want EVERYONE to know what twi did to so many innocent lives. So I WITNESS GREASESPOT to them!!!
Well, it is my bedtime. So good nite and sweet dreams.
Please.........I in no way meant to bitch or complain about anything.....or anyone said. It is just ME........I personally have a problem about anyone other than bot/bod and total twi heavies being named.
Like you........I have WONDERFUL memories of people, times and situations.
These are trying times.........we are all walking on either quicksand or clouds. Forgive me if I hurt your feelings.
I thought this thread was supposed to be about the "nice " people that we knew in The Way, Radar. Now, I won't mention anybodies names anymore if that's a problem for you. And, maybe I should have pm'd ExCath instead of telling her openly about my feelings in this situation. Sorry if that was offensive to you.
And, thanks ExCath. I love you too....
Oh, and concerning the Circuit Rider, all I can say is...Oh well...
And so, I think it is time to say as that guy on Saturday Night Live used to say after the news........I am outa here!
You've been fee-shing for friendship. haven't you Jonny??
I think Socks had the right curve on this present truth of good corps. Yes, Teek and TJ never exhibited any ill-intent toward me (although I DID see Tic become overly "loving" toward a corps gal once).
Also, Ambassador One had many times comforted my rear end.
The snack shop at Emporia also met maany needs of mine while in residence.
But my all-time favorite was Buck, the old trail horse at Gunnison. He didn't care what ANYONE said, he did what was right in his sight, even falling asleep on a trail ride, rolling down a hill with rider in tow...
Radar, no apology needed, really. Even though I have been posting for about 3 years here, there are still things that I dont know. This is the only website that I post on, so I dont have alot of experience doing it.
Jonny, it is about good ones, but also about bad ones, as the second line of the subject says!!!
tom, I dont think Jonny is catching very many fee-sh on this thread!!!!!!!!!!!
ex10, I failed to mention your name in my previous post about what you had said regarding some having good experiences and some having bad experiences with the same person.
In my 18 years of working for a trucking company, there was a safety supervisor that most ALL drivers hated, because he was a former state cop and told it like it was, and did not sugarcoat anything. I was kinda scared of him because of his persona. But as I worked with him for a few years and got to see the man behind the mask, so to speak, I grew to really like and respect him. He was a man of his word, and he would back you up all the way, no matter who he was dealing with, be it the pres., v/p, terminal mgr, etc. of the company. He even came by to see hubby and me a few times when we owned the car wash. I admire the man.
But I never had to listen to him tell me that I was in the wrong and would be charged with a chargeable accident, as many drivers had to endure!!!!! That affected their safety bonus so they would really be angry about it.
But my all-time favorite was Buck, the old trail horse at Gunnison. He didn't care what ANYONE said, he did what was right in his sight, even falling asleep on a trail ride, rolling down a hill with rider in tow...
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I must confess, I'm a Corps Grad myself; 11th to be exact. I feel like our whole group (in general) was a bunch of really great people. We were the largest group in the history of the corps (over 500 on opening day) and to a man, we really loved each other, even the ones of us we didn't like, we loved them because they were part of the "us." We became family. Say what you like about John Lynn but he was the catalyst that built our group, he drummed the "We're in this thing together" concept into our heads.
We were LOUD, rowdy and completely out of control in that "Animal House" John Belushi kinda way. We were CONSTANTLY getting in trouble in residence for breaking the rules. As a group we have a blue million hilarious stories about the exploits we did. A good bit of them involve our "RULES!, We don't need no stinking RULES!" attitude. At least one of us was in trouble for something EVERY single day. The rest of us who knew about it were laughing about it.
Yes, someone mentioned Glenn Edmonson earlier up the thread. He was 11th Elite (as was our nickname JAL gave us, I think it was...) and I'd say Glenn personified the heart of the 11th Corps. He & I were good friends. We were on LEAD 104 (Growl when you say that, buddy) together, the group of "losers" & misfits that the "leadership" decided were not "ready" to finish our training. Glenn stuck by my side and did everything in his power to make sure I was ok in the aftermath of the LEAD accident at Tinnie.
We fought at times like cats & dogs but when it came right down to it, we'd come together like nobody's business. We were as faithful and steadfast as we were irrerevernt. There was just a slight difference of opinion as to when we should and when we should not toe the line. :P
It's like excathedra said, my experience in The Way Corps was college. The friendships I made there were close and everlasting.
I was, am and always will be proud to call myself one of the 11th Corps. In fact, our group picture hangs on my wall today.
Yeah HCW, ExCath, like college. I'd been a highschool drop out in the tenth grade and run off and joined the Merchant Marines. And so, I missed out on all of the high school stuff. And so, being in the Tenth Corps was for me college and highschool combined. I mean, I really had a fun time when we (our twig) were "sentenced" to sleep in the empty pool over at Allen Gymn. Hell, all we did was be funny and laugh all night about it.
One time, I snuck a small catfish that I had caught (when we drained the pond) into the big huge aquarium at the campus center (wasn't that what it was called, where we ate?), and it went on a wild rampage and started eating all of the pretty little tropical fish while a bunch of guys were standing around watching and going; "Ooo! Aah!" as the mayhem progressed. I fully excpected to be busted for that, but later under the cover of darkness, St*ve Lowd*er and I (he had put me up to it, and he was a rev) snuck in there with a flashlight, careful not to wake up anyone in the Martindale apartment,and netted that miscreant catfish and threw him back into the pond...
Yes, that may have been my biggest prank, which really wasn't much. But I had great times with so many many of those folks. Ya know, I just did not see the wicked underbelly that many of you saw. But I do believe now that it was there...
Ken Brown and his wife. While he was in NYC, he taught a class on logic that sticks with me today. Frank Scaife - another great guy. Not only the 11th corps but many of the 10th as well. The Mooncotch sisters, a girl in the 11th named Nicole - I'm sick tht we were great friends but now I can't recall her last name.
We were united by a love of God and a desire to do good. What I am most thankful for is that without my itme in the Corps I would have had no chance or reason to spend as much time with these people as I did.
How can I mention how rowdy we were without giving some examples?
One of our most regular times of getting in trouble was in the dining room at meals. Remember how they used to feed us all this ultra healty food that nobody wanted to eat?
We really were fed well but of course we wanted stuff like burgers and pizza, which we NEVER got fed. The gave us these soy/fallaffle burger shaped things once and we cheered when we saw them. Then people started literally screaming, "These aint no burgers! EWE, Yuk! What IS this stuff!"... things like that. John Lynn had his apartment wired so he could yell at us when he wasn't even in the room. We snickered through him reproving us about how thankful we should be for all the hard work Willie Thomas (an 8th Corps good guy) and his kitchen crew put into getting us such healthy food.
There was always a comment from "way over there" like, "We're thankful for it all right, we just aint gonna EAT it."
This particular day they served us the infamous broccoli - millet caserole. They served it in scoops that looked like lime green igloos with green tree roots sticking out of it. Whenever we had it we'd just sit and look at it and make lots of crude jokes about it. We'd just crack up! ... then go back to your room & eat the apple or those peanutbutter honey & sesame seed bar things you had stashed from the last sack supper trade wars on the ramp to the campus center. ( I also have to admit, ladies, that a LOT of lunch or dinner "dates", especially on Sundays, were made according to the relative size and how little we knew you'd eat ratios. Us guys would get together and plan and try to stack tables with women who we'd previously scoped out that didn't eat very much. Thay way the plurality bowls would have more food and the big guys could get enough to eat on days when seconds from the kitchen were scarce. Its not that we didn't like you, its just that at meal times some guys REALLY liked the little ladies :-))
However. The really big guys would eat anything when they got hungry enough and this day we were especially hungry as I remember, maybe from one of those work day things or somethin'. Since few people were eating it was especially loud and we had been making these broccoli millet mountains on the "plurality bowls."
Then the announcement came from the kitchen over the loudspeaker, "Seconds are available." A wave of loud laughter rolled through the room. Then Larry Ramberg, I think it was, got up to go get seconds, then another big guy, Dave ( forget his last name sorry) & a couple others went for more.
We started cheering! Like YAY! SOME-body's gonna eat this stuff! They started dancing and walking and presenting the food like "lovely assistant" women do on The Price Is Right. The whole place erupted, people rolling on the floor laughting - that kind of thing.
John really reamed us bad that day.
We hid our faces & laughed some more... to John's saying... "This isn't funny!"
Did JAL ever ask in his Richard Pryor voice from that Richard Pryor comedy routine; "How lllooong is this
bulls h it gonna be goin on!!!??
With us in the Tenth, he had played that comedy tape for us a time or two, and at times he would ask that question of us when we were too loud, and we would all errupt in hilarity. And then, as time would go on, we reversed it on him. When he would go on and on at a meal, and be serious about whatever, somebody "in the back" (usually J*y W*ls*n, one of our resident funny guys), would inevitably yell out; "How loooonnggg!!?? And JAL would stop, try to be mad, while three or four more "How Longs?!" would permeate through all of the laughter, and, JAL would finally give it up, toss his microphone in the air, and laugh too. Lots of fun, that. He really was a pretty funny guy. I was never let into his inner sanctum though, and I am glad of that...
HWC-Your story about the cassorole incident sounds identical to an occurance in the Tenth corps, except it was, in our case, Al**n Sm**h (right, the girl from Scotland with the wonderful accent?) announcing "Seconds are available" and Richard Thomas who reamed us out. Whatever happened to him?
P.S. I had a few tours working in the kitchen with Willie, both at Emporia and Gunnison, and a kinder, sweeter man you've never met. He had a way of keeping my head on straight when I was about to lose it many times.
P.S.S. My apologies to the 8th and 10th Corps for the occasional interesting creations that came out of the kitchen: we had a menu plan and were stuck with it. How did you like the poppyseed dressing? That was one of my creations. Sure liked the wheat bread right out of the oven!
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Ok, I have a confession to make. I am a corps person. I'm sure that some remember me fondly, and others perhaps don't. I don't really know for sure. But, some of the people mentioned on this thread as being really great corps people, etc, etc, really wrecked my life for a while. Because they were such uh, um, for lack of a better word, asses.
So I guess what I'm saying is that I have a problem with naming names of people here. For every "good experience" that someone had with a corps person, somebody else might've had a reaaly bad one. and I am one of "them."
Geeze, life gets complicated at times, doesn't it?
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((((group hug)))) My thoughts on starting this thread was to acknowledge publicly that there were, in my dealings, good corps people.
I realize that some who were good to me were bad to others, and maybe vice versa.
So many bad things are said about WC, that I simply wanted to say that, to me, there were some good ones.
And I agree, excathedra, that they are no better than I am, but the facts are, that most of us former 'leaves' are not the topic of most posts.
Jonny, I agree about R@ndy @nderson. He was the LC, I think, when I first became involved. Then, he left and it was Do^g McM^llen.
Anyway, continue on. Post your thoughts, good, bad, or otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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J0nny Ling0
Please, let me tell you that I am aware of some of the things you went through with TWI and the topmost of leadership. A friend of mine told me who you are and what you went through via "private messaging", and that was back when you and I had that flap where I got kicked out of here for a while. After my friend told me about you, I had a serious change of heart, and determined to apologize to you, and sent you an e-mail. You remember that I sent you an e-mail of apology? Well, I deserved to be kicked out of here, and, I was wrong and that is why I apologized. And so, well, I just want to tell you that, well, I am not really that bad of a guy. My involvement in TWI was mostly a really good time. I was challenged in areas where I was really deficient, and I accepted those challenges and became a better person. Especially in the corps. I had grown up a lazy upper middle class kind of a kid, and was glad to have someone kicking my a$$ and becoming more responsible. I looked at the Corps training as the something like the military which I hadn't ever taken a part of. And, I liked it. You know: "Push me. Try and break me". I'm gonna make my way through it". I think if there is anything I can thank The Way for, it is the presentation of, and teaching to me, this thing called the "work ethic". And, I would think that George Jess made the biggest impression on me on that subject. He was a nice old farmer. Talked way less than I do, that's for sure!
You have called me "Lingo" before, in the midst of an argument, and so, this time around, I just just thought it was the same old same old...I won't call you "Thedra again", but I did say it earlier on some other thread you started. I was feeling, vengefull. Sorry. But I won't do it anymore. For some reason, I like to call you "ExCath", when we are on good terms, which if that is okay with you, I'll continue with from time to time, should we intermix in the future...
But anyway, during my fifteen years in The Way (the best years of my youth- 18 through 33), during that time, like you, I met some really great people. I had a comaraderie(sp? somebody help me here!) with others like I had never experienced before in my entire life. I had a few amorous flings with a couple of girls, but honestly, never in an abusive way, and never as a "leader with an underling" type of a deal. I was just a young 22 year old kid in the Corps who thought he was helping to make the World a better place. I actually enjoyed alot of the times I had in Rez.
And so, once again, I want to tell you that I love you, and that I hope that the hurt will heal, and I am sorry if I sound "too exuberant" at times. Yes, that must seem crazy to you, I am a moron at times. But, I just want to live life, be happy and move on, and, I guess I get carried away at times about good times I had, while rejecting the negs...
You take care, and dagnabbit, I pray that I put this across in the correct and most humble-est of manners, for, I only wish for you, and everybody else here, wellness...
Peace out,
P.S. PM me if you want to talk more about who told me about you. She is a wonderful gal, and loves you, and made sure to let me know that you are a wonderful gal also........
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well i feel like $*@! as usual
i was "in" about the same age range as you
i'm sorry i called you lingo before in a bad way, don't remember
but this time i really didn't (i believe) because i like you so much more
but maybe i did subconsciously
sorry either way
you're a great guy, sometimes i feel like you're my brother who i want to beat up and then hug forever
nah hopefully whoever told you knows me
i'm starting to get paranoid about this place
ps. randy anderson tried to get more girls in the sack than i can shake a stick at
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Radar OReilly
How did this thread end up being about YOU?????????????
I completely and TOTALLY disagree with naming names here on Gspot......other than twi trustees<bod, bot and very public corps cordinators, etc. (in other words.....the old waydale guidelines.) HOWEVER........if people are going to name names.......and the gspot admin agrees.....so be it. What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.........is how and why you made yourself a focus point of the thread.
Please...........go back and read the thread from the title to present.........AND STOP PERSONALIZING the fricking thing. People have the right to their own thoughts and feelings. They are entitled to their own points of view.......stop picking on people for feeling the way they do. Over the past few years.......I dont remember anyone picking on you for speaking your own mind and vocalizing your own thoughts.
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ummmm ah ummmm uh
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Radar OReilly
LOL...........EXXIE........AM I *$(#*@#( WITH YOUR HEAD???
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Radar, I do apologize if I named names and shouldnt have. I guess I was thinking that if you say something good about someone, it is ok to use their names.
It wont hurt my feelings if the moderators !!!@@@ )))(((__&& use these symbols instead.
I certainly mean no harm.
I am truly thankful that I did not have MANY bad experiences while 'in' for 19 years, but my heart BREAKS for those who did. I tell everyone about Greasespot if they have ANY knowledge of twi, even if they never attended, such as my family. (BTW, I did have a few BAD things happen to me.)
I want EVERYONE to know what twi did to so many innocent lives. So I WITNESS GREASESPOT to them!!!
Well, it is my bedtime. So good nite and sweet dreams.
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Radar OReilly
Please.........I in no way meant to bitch or complain about anything.....or anyone said. It is just ME........I personally have a problem about anyone other than bot/bod and total twi heavies being named.
Like you........I have WONDERFUL memories of people, times and situations.
These are trying times.........we are all walking on either quicksand or clouds. Forgive me if I hurt your feelings.
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J0nny Ling0
I thought this thread was supposed to be about the "nice " people that we knew in The Way, Radar. Now, I won't mention anybodies names anymore if that's a problem for you. And, maybe I should have pm'd ExCath instead of telling her openly about my feelings in this situation. Sorry if that was offensive to you.
And, thanks ExCath. I love you too....
Oh, and concerning the Circuit Rider, all I can say is...Oh well...
And so, I think it is time to say as that guy on Saturday Night Live used to say after the news........I am outa here!
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You've been fee-shing for friendship. haven't you Jonny??
I think Socks had the right curve on this present truth of good corps. Yes, Teek and TJ never exhibited any ill-intent toward me (although I DID see Tic become overly "loving" toward a corps gal once).
Also, Ambassador One had many times comforted my rear end.
The snack shop at Emporia also met maany needs of mine while in residence.
But my all-time favorite was Buck, the old trail horse at Gunnison. He didn't care what ANYONE said, he did what was right in his sight, even falling asleep on a trail ride, rolling down a hill with rider in tow...
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Radar, no apology needed, really. Even though I have been posting for about 3 years here, there are still things that I dont know. This is the only website that I post on, so I dont have alot of experience doing it.
Jonny, it is about good ones, but also about bad ones, as the second line of the subject says!!!
tom, I dont think Jonny is catching very many fee-sh on this thread!!!!!!!!!!!
ex10, I failed to mention your name in my previous post about what you had said regarding some having good experiences and some having bad experiences with the same person.
In my 18 years of working for a trucking company, there was a safety supervisor that most ALL drivers hated, because he was a former state cop and told it like it was, and did not sugarcoat anything. I was kinda scared of him because of his persona. But as I worked with him for a few years and got to see the man behind the mask, so to speak, I grew to really like and respect him. He was a man of his word, and he would back you up all the way, no matter who he was dealing with, be it the pres., v/p, terminal mgr, etc. of the company. He even came by to see hubby and me a few times when we owned the car wash. I admire the man.
But I never had to listen to him tell me that I was in the wrong and would be charged with a chargeable accident, as many drivers had to endure!!!!! That affected their safety bonus so they would really be angry about it.
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There were tons of great folk in the Way Corps.
I must confess, I'm a Corps Grad myself; 11th to be exact. I feel like our whole group (in general) was a bunch of really great people. We were the largest group in the history of the corps (over 500 on opening day) and to a man, we really loved each other, even the ones of us we didn't like, we loved them because they were part of the "us." We became family. Say what you like about John Lynn but he was the catalyst that built our group, he drummed the "We're in this thing together" concept into our heads.
We were LOUD, rowdy and completely out of control in that "Animal House" John Belushi kinda way. We were CONSTANTLY getting in trouble in residence for breaking the rules. As a group we have a blue million hilarious stories about the exploits we did. A good bit of them involve our "RULES!, We don't need no stinking RULES!" attitude. At least one of us was in trouble for something EVERY single day. The rest of us who knew about it were laughing about it.
Yes, someone mentioned Glenn Edmonson earlier up the thread. He was 11th Elite (as was our nickname JAL gave us, I think it was...) and I'd say Glenn personified the heart of the 11th Corps. He & I were good friends. We were on LEAD 104 (Growl when you say that, buddy) together, the group of "losers" & misfits that the "leadership" decided were not "ready" to finish our training. Glenn stuck by my side and did everything in his power to make sure I was ok in the aftermath of the LEAD accident at Tinnie.
We fought at times like cats & dogs but when it came right down to it, we'd come together like nobody's business. We were as faithful and steadfast as we were irrerevernt. There was just a slight difference of opinion as to when we should and when we should not toe the line. :P
It's like excathedra said, my experience in The Way Corps was college. The friendships I made there were close and everlasting.
I was, am and always will be proud to call myself one of the 11th Corps. In fact, our group picture hangs on my wall today.
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now that you mention it dear hcw, i think my closest friends were misfits like myself
meaning misfits in the way "climb" (not lead)
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J0nny Ling0
Yeah HCW, ExCath, like college. I'd been a highschool drop out in the tenth grade and run off and joined the Merchant Marines. And so, I missed out on all of the high school stuff. And so, being in the Tenth Corps was for me college and highschool combined. I mean, I really had a fun time when we (our twig) were "sentenced" to sleep in the empty pool over at Allen Gymn. Hell, all we did was be funny and laugh all night about it.
One time, I snuck a small catfish that I had caught (when we drained the pond) into the big huge aquarium at the campus center (wasn't that what it was called, where we ate?), and it went on a wild rampage and started eating all of the pretty little tropical fish while a bunch of guys were standing around watching and going; "Ooo! Aah!" as the mayhem progressed. I fully excpected to be busted for that, but later under the cover of darkness, St*ve Lowd*er and I (he had put me up to it, and he was a rev) snuck in there with a flashlight, careful not to wake up anyone in the Martindale apartment,and netted that miscreant catfish and threw him back into the pond...
Yes, that may have been my biggest prank, which really wasn't much. But I had great times with so many many of those folks. Ya know, I just did not see the wicked underbelly that many of you saw. But I do believe now that it was there...
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i had a great time too, jonny, really
edited to say "at times" :)
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Out There
I could never say it better myself. We were family and we all loved each other. There was never a time we didn't stand up for each other in res.
You make a great spokesman for the 11th
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Ken Brown and his wife. While he was in NYC, he taught a class on logic that sticks with me today. Frank Scaife - another great guy. Not only the 11th corps but many of the 10th as well. The Mooncotch sisters, a girl in the 11th named Nicole - I'm sick tht we were great friends but now I can't recall her last name.
We were united by a love of God and a desire to do good. What I am most thankful for is that without my itme in the Corps I would have had no chance or reason to spend as much time with these people as I did.
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Thanks for the kind words all. B)
How can I mention how rowdy we were without giving some examples?
One of our most regular times of getting in trouble was in the dining room at meals. Remember how they used to feed us all this ultra healty food that nobody wanted to eat?
We really were fed well but of course we wanted stuff like burgers and pizza, which we NEVER got fed. The gave us these soy/fallaffle burger shaped things once and we cheered when we saw them. Then people started literally screaming, "These aint no burgers! EWE, Yuk! What IS this stuff!"... things like that. John Lynn had his apartment wired so he could yell at us when he wasn't even in the room. We snickered through him reproving us about how thankful we should be for all the hard work Willie Thomas (an 8th Corps good guy) and his kitchen crew put into getting us such healthy food.
There was always a comment from "way over there" like, "We're thankful for it all right, we just aint gonna EAT it."
This particular day they served us the infamous broccoli - millet caserole. They served it in scoops that looked like lime green igloos with green tree roots sticking out of it. Whenever we had it we'd just sit and look at it and make lots of crude jokes about it. We'd just crack up! ... then go back to your room & eat the apple or those peanutbutter honey & sesame seed bar things you had stashed from the last sack supper trade wars on the ramp to the campus center. ( I also have to admit, ladies, that a LOT of lunch or dinner "dates", especially on Sundays, were made according to the relative size and how little we knew you'd eat ratios. Us guys would get together and plan and try to stack tables with women who we'd previously scoped out that didn't eat very much. Thay way the plurality bowls would have more food and the big guys could get enough to eat on days when seconds from the kitchen were scarce. Its not that we didn't like you, its just that at meal times some guys REALLY liked the little ladies :-))
However. The really big guys would eat anything when they got hungry enough and this day we were especially hungry as I remember, maybe from one of those work day things or somethin'. Since few people were eating it was especially loud and we had been making these broccoli millet mountains on the "plurality bowls."
Then the announcement came from the kitchen over the loudspeaker, "Seconds are available." A wave of loud laughter rolled through the room. Then Larry Ramberg, I think it was, got up to go get seconds, then another big guy, Dave ( forget his last name
sorry) & a couple others went for more.
We started cheering! Like YAY! SOME-body's gonna eat this stuff! They started dancing and walking and presenting the food like "lovely assistant" women do on The Price Is Right. The whole place erupted, people rolling on the floor laughting - that kind of thing.
John really reamed us bad that day.
We hid our faces & laughed some more... to John's saying... "This isn't funny!"
That made it all the more funny.
We even got him to crack that time....
He yelled at us for that.
We laughed some more.
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J0nny Ling0
Did JAL ever ask in his Richard Pryor voice from that Richard Pryor comedy routine; "How lllooong is this
bulls h it gonna be goin on!!!??
With us in the Tenth, he had played that comedy tape for us a time or two, and at times he would ask that question of us when we were too loud, and we would all errupt in hilarity. And then, as time would go on, we reversed it on him. When he would go on and on at a meal, and be serious about whatever, somebody "in the back" (usually J*y W*ls*n, one of our resident funny guys), would inevitably yell out; "How loooonnggg!!?? And JAL would stop, try to be mad, while three or four more "How Longs?!" would permeate through all of the laughter, and, JAL would finally give it up, toss his microphone in the air, and laugh too. Lots of fun, that. He really was a pretty funny guy. I was never let into his inner sanctum though, and I am glad of that...
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HWC-Your story about the cassorole incident sounds identical to an occurance in the Tenth corps, except it was, in our case, Al**n Sm**h (right, the girl from Scotland with the wonderful accent?) announcing "Seconds are available" and Richard Thomas who reamed us out. Whatever happened to him?
P.S. I had a few tours working in the kitchen with Willie, both at Emporia and Gunnison, and a kinder, sweeter man you've never met. He had a way of keeping my head on straight when I was about to lose it many times.
P.S.S. My apologies to the 8th and 10th Corps for the occasional interesting creations that came out of the kitchen: we had a menu plan and were stuck with it. How did you like the poppyseed dressing? That was one of my creations. Sure liked the wheat bread right out of the oven!
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HCW - did you work in IT at HQ (too many abbreviations!!) ????
Jonny - you sure do seem to gravitate towards fishing. MY bible says, "I go a fishing. We go with thee also."
Exie - you are one of the best corps I know. You should start a program for DFAC/DOA/LOA corps... After meal announcements would be fun!!
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