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Way Corps--the good ones that I knew


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well lingo i think you disregarded bramble's story with a quick word and then asked her to tell what "corps" she liked. i thought it was a bit shallow

i believe it might be your rah rah personality (not meant as an insult at all) but i took it the way bramble did

dear (((((((act2))))))), your intentions were really great, but i can't get into this thread for some reason, i'm sorry

people are wonderful in their own right as people. i don't see any distinction about the corps training program. the reason i like the corps threads i go on is because i made friends there just like in college

Edited by excathedra
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dear (((((((act2))))))), your intentions were really great, but i can't get into this thread for some reason, i'm sorry

Then don't get into "Thedra". The topic is plain and simple. It's about the "Good Ones That You knew" .You want to turn this into a negative thread, but this is not the topic. And I acknlwledged Brambles plight with the moron that misguided them, but I also went back to the topic.

You want to be negative, go ahead, I'll be positive...



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Um, those were the nice corps I met. The guy who counselled us about debt was nice. He cared--he was wrong, but his intention was to help us. Didn't scream, didn't belittle or threaten us with scary consequences. We had 3 kids under the age of two, everything was scary at that point. We were faithful twig coordinators with a big need, he wanted to help. He liked us--we even ran a class during the fog years, yay us, so we were part of the rebuild the way efforts, along with him. He was a True Believer of TWI doctrine. I don't know if he is still nice.

I didn't post about the other kind of way Corps I've met, the non nice ones. I could tell a few stories there.

My experience of the Way International was overwhelmingly negative, and it affected every part of our lives, not just our finances. I was so relieved to finally leave.

Most of the really terrific, truly caring people I have met and loved in life were either not religious or of Roman Catholic background.

Sorry I screwed up your thread, Acts2. I no longer believe it is wicked to speak a negative, so don't pay much attention to positive/negative.

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Actually, I asked for experiences. (The last sentence in my first post, I believe.) And the thread is called

Way Corps--the good ones that I knew vs the bad ones some knew... or something like that. Duh, I thought the second line showed up on the page, but it doesnt.

Anyway, tell the good and the bad....that is what I asked for.


Bramble, you didnt screw up my thread. Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carry on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm really not a good guy Ala P...for, I am really baaaaadd. Good thing you never met me before I was in The Way, because, if you had, no doubt, I would have taken one good look at you and your incredible beauty and would have tried to devise a way to get to know you more intimately...But alas, it never happened....sigh....

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Thanks act2, you're sweet.

Also thanks excathedra for understanding.

As for Mr Lingo, I think his exchange here exemplified alot of what I saw in the corps in the last decade in TWI. They would have their vision of reality--even if it was wrong--then attempt to reprove and control the little people to conform to their vision, because, dammit, their view had to be obeyed, because it was theirs.

Meh. Here we have the ignore feature.

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Yeah, you girls can go go and figure....

All I ever did was want to LOVE in the purist of ways. You just ask Ala prochaine, and Chatty Kathy and Sunesis. They know my heart. All I did here was to mention some wonderful people here who were actually kind hearted and wonderful, and try to keep this thread on that same track. And so, if you want to try and drag me into the muck, then go ahead, for, I know that God is my witness, and that He knows that I love people and do not USE them.....

Sleep well friends, for, I know that I will...

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Excathedra darling ......... after chatting with you honey I can understand some of your feelings. After reading about some of what you went through I know it makes it challenging for you to see good when what was directly about you was not that which was loving and good and that included the way corps who you interacted with.

I am sorry ex I really am ........... but if the love of God is to overcome, just know I think of you and pray and love you without condition my dear sister in christ.

No matter what the thead topic is You are loved Excathedra

Bless your heart


, :offtopic:

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Johnny Lingo... I agree, Suzy W@ssung was a very loving, and giving person. That whole family was wonderful. Including her sister, M!ssy. She married a fella named Jeff G@rdner back in the 80s and they have lived at HQ ever since. They sing in the choir and now she's one of the "singing ladies". These two were always soft-spoken and kind. Always just wanted to genuinely help people. Much like Bramble's story, though, as they got more involved at HQ, and as things got more and more legalistic in the 90s, they got less and less approachable and personable. It got so that I hardly cared to say "hello" after SNS meetings (the only time we had personal contact anymore). I'd like to think they are still basically good, decent people... I think they have just walled off a big part of their hearts and minds so they don't have to face the fact that so much of their lives has been spent fronting other people's greed and lies. Big ((sigh)). I'd love to see them out.

M@rk and Conn!e R!ch@rds were the BEST!! Spontaneous. Fun-loving. Huge hearts. Never afraid of doing something unconventional if they thought it would help someone. Even after becoming corps, I never heard anything negative about them. Even when they were going through really tough times themselves, they would laugh and joke to relieve other people's discomfort. As far as I know they are still in... another big ((sigh)) on my part. I'd love to see folks like this recover what's left of their lives for their own private use.

Believe it or not, R!co M@gnell! was once a terrific person. He was just so exuberant and joyious. He loved God and loved the Bible and couldn't wait to tell everyone about it. He loved to talk about bettering his personal relationship with God. And now look at what they've done to him... he spews twi's BS as their PR-rep... And his wife, R0bin, was once a bold, almost brutally honest woman who held strong convictions of right and wrong. Always ready to laugh. Now, she's a somber-faced twi-leader's wife... dressed in clothes and makeup she clearly never would have picked for herself... just the image of what they told her she should be. Very sad.

But there's the "happy ending" stories, too... like Radar O'Reilly. She's was very caring and loving to me, a total stranger, when I first met her on the wow-field -- holy crap, Radar, was that back in 83? -- and she still is today. Very willing to get involved and stick her neck out to help others. (thanks again, dearie... you were a life-saver!!)

For the most part, I never was close with any of my leadership. They were always so holier-than-thou toward me: WC and non-WC alike. (with the single exception of my wonderful Washington TCs who left with the POP uproar, so I didn't know them very long... pity)

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  TheHighWay said:
Believe it or not, R!co M@gnell! was once a terrific person. He was just so exuberant and joyious. He loved God and loved the Bible and couldn't wait to tell everyone about it. He loved to talk about bettering his personal relationship with God. And now look at what they've done to him... he spews twi's BS as their PR-rep... And his wife, R0bin, was once a bold, almost brutally honest woman who held strong convictions of right and wrong. Always ready to laugh. Now, she's a somber-faced twi-leader's wife... dressed in clothes and makeup she clearly never would have picked for herself... just the image of what they told her she should be. Very sad.

I knew R!co on his interim corps year when he was sent to Carbondale, IL. My initial impression of him was the same as yours; however, as I saw him through that year, what I initially thought was exuberence and joyousness turned out to actually be fanaticism...and that is not intended as a compliement. He was as close to TWI-III as I would have ever wanted to see.

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At the top of my list......"the good ones that I knew".....

Rev. Lonnxll and Brxnda Jxhnsxn.......hearts of gold

And, if I remember correctly.......they exited twi around 1983. Seemingly, they had their own goals and passions in a wonderful balance of spiritual, family and career goals.

They were not pursuaded into veepee's agendas. Last I knew, some two years ago.......they continue to exemplify the Christian walk and God has prospered them in all their ways.

IMO, they took the high road.......and never looked back.


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Those were two really fine folks to be sure! I always got a kick out of that Changed film where their brand new baby was shown at one of the banquets at PFAL 77...

Someone here posted a link to Dr. Lonnel Johnson's website only recently. It mighta been Thedra who posted it...

Edited by Jonny Lingo
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  Jonny Lingo said:
BTW Lifted Up, I was also in the, or a jogging scene. I wonder if we were jogging together. I was wearing a yellow shirt, and my friends back in Oregon laughed at me because I had black socks on...

Must have been since I think there was only one jogging scene, which was accompanied by music, "Believing's the key to heaven...". I remember that they announced they would be filming at a certain time, so I showed up. We jogged a few times around thw lawn on the sidewalk.

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Yup, I remember that that they told us that they'd be filming also, and so I made sure to have my running shorts and tennis shoes on. I thought to myself, well, this is pretty vain, but, I gonna do it anyway! I figured that if they weren't going to put my picture in The Way Mag, id' get in the film. I was beginning to lose my purity of heart by then it seemed (and I was only twenty), wanting recognition other than God's recognition of me as one of His kids. That ought to be recognition enough, ya know?

Actually, I was also photographed in the "It Lives" photo essay that they did of pfal 77. I was up in a tree, and the caption says; spmething like "a different version of The Way tree" or something like that.

Oh, and to keep this on topic.

I really enjoyed the humor of Randy Anderson! That guy was too funny! I remember him making me laugh till the tears rolled down my cheeks. I'd sure love to get a copy of that "Circuit Rider" tape he once did. Anybody remember that one? Did I get the name of it right? I didn't really know Randy, or what he was like as a leader. Was he one of "the good ones?" He damn sure was funny...

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I can't let this pass without mentioning Way Productions. *All* of the performers were just great to work with.

Compared with working in the secular video business, working with Way Productions was great.

And how about Flight Services? There was a bunch of great people. Went on several trips, had a great time each time. Too bad I can't remember any names....

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