Yes but all of the good things mentioned so far can be found in any decent church these days!! Imagine learning what we did without the manipulation, fear, and screaming!
Taught me not to believe everthing from any ole religous leader, taught me the basic principles in studying, althought I learned this more from One person in TWI than the whole ministry.
Actually teaching me those things was the cause I questioned TWI and walked away.
Some good did occur in the context of TWI. However, I think the good times people remember were due to the presence of genuine pure-hearted people amongst the rank and file, with an occasional WC grad willing to buffer the bs for we mere underlings. These most noble people were the beautiful, altruistic people with no ulterior pro-TWI agendas. I feel that the good that did transpire was in spite of TWI top leadship, not due to it.
I tend to agree with Raf: Many of the things that were once good about TWI {essentially the pure hearted people as noted above} are now to be found at the GreasespotCafe.
As with many others, I met a lot of really wonderful people who had wonderful hearts for God and for each other...really living the Great Commandment of Christ. (I also met a lot of a$$holes...but this is a positive thread)
But I think the most lasting thing that God was able to ignite in me as a consequence of being involved with TWI was an academic curiosity about things that I had abandoned somewhere along the way. Much of the specific learning from the Bible was taught incorrectly and had to be un-learned. But the innate curiosity that I try to apply to all areas of my life anymore -- academics, religion, work, home, etc. -- really started during my involvement with TWI. And that curiosity has served well through the years.
goes to show god must be an "individual" god. how in the hell he led you to the roman catholic church will be something i'll never understand..... in this life
goes to show god must be an "individual" god. how in the hell he led you to the roman catholic church will be something i'll never understand..... in this life
i guess he can enlighten me in the hereafter
The writings of St. Therese of Liseux taught me the simple beauty of God's love
The writings of St. Ignatius Loyola taught me self-discipline
The writings of Thomas à Kempis taught me humility
The writings of St. Augustine of Hippo taught me that God could actually forgive, no matter what
But none of the above can be fully understood outside of the framework of the Church.
But I fully recognize that the above means nothing.
Maybe some day that "individual" god will eventually be able to provide, through some mechanism, some peace in an "individual" method that will allow you to accept it. At least that's been my prayer for you...
Why did I stand for 10+ years? That's a very good question!
I didn't "really" stand for the first two years. I was in and out and came and went as I pleased. I was still very adamant about people not telling me what to do and how to live. I was slowly convinced that following leadership and their "suggestions" would protect me and bring more peace and blessings into my life. I had been through some rough times being on my own for the first time in my life and it was comforting to hear that I was going to be protected and cared for by God if I would do what the leadership said to do.
THEN, I met a very intelligent, very handsome man and fell in love. He was extremely serious about TWI and so I became very serious about TWI. While planning our wedding and during the first year of our marriage I noticed changes in myself and doubts about what kind of future life I was going to have, but put them out of my mind as normal concerns and "worldly" concerns.
Things started going so fast and our time was so rare that there wasn't really time to meditate and think about all the things that were uncomfortable, irritating and just seemed "wrong" - I was caught up in trying to be "good enough". By the time we decided that we couldn't keep up and needed a break we were sucked so far in that all we would hear was how needed we were. We tried to have less responsibility for over two years! It took me being extremely rude and blunt with our HFC one too many times for us to finally be relieved of the responsibility. It was extremely painful and a wake up call to just how much fear my husband had regarding TWI. He didn't stand up to them once in the whole meeting. He knew darn well (we had discussed it) that they were abusing us and that we were right to stand up to the HFC, but she was fixing to go into the WC and so, naturally, we were in the wrong.
I have never been so upset and disappointed in anyone in my whole life as I was that night. My husband just sat there staring at the floor, not saying a word and looking like he was about to cry. THEY WERE WRONG! He knew it but he just sat there and let them lambast us and then, when he continued to be quiet, they attacked me viciously. Three on one. I ended up apologizing just to end the meeting so we could leave.
I stayed with TWI for another five years after that because I never gave up hope that my ex would see TWI for what it really is. I wanted so bad for our marriage to not be a lie. I wanted kids and a family. I wanted my husband to be free from the spiritual bondage and oppression that we were under. I wanted to have the life I had dreamed about since a little girl and that wasn't going to happen with TWI running our lives.
I finally realized that he was not going to change and that he did not want to see TWI without those rose colored glasses. I was heartbroken to come to terms with the fact that if he would choose an evil group of people (not God - but PEOPLE) over his wife, then it was no marriage to begin with. When I came to terms with that (and came very close to a nervous breakdown), I was able to tell him that I wanted no part of TWI in my life. He said I was turning my back on God and that was the end of our marriage.
So, why did I stay in for as long as I did? I should have never gotten involved in the first place and once I did, it just took that long for me to build my self-esteem back up enough to extricate myself.
Good things about my involvement?
I learned that "close enough" usually isn't when it comes to my goals and dreams for my future.
I learned that it only hurts me when I sacrifice my emtional and physical well-being for people who don't appreciate, respect and deserve it.
I learned that you don't have to obey leadership - especially when they are wrong.
I learned that God will NOT strike you down or allow horrible things to happen to you when you disagree with leaders.
I learned that having a home provides great peace and security about the future.
I learned that the Bible is not the God-breathed word.
I learned that I can think for myself and that I'm not as stupid as TWI, TWI leaders and my ex-husband made me feel.
I learned to listen to that inner voice of mine.
I learned to really appreciate true friends and my family.
I met some nice people while I was in though I am quick to give those people the credit for that, not TWI. There were some cool people who were trying to make a difference. They would have been doing it under any circumstance. I point this out because some people
, if they met even one nice person while in TWI, want to give TWI total credit for that. "God led me to this place to meet such a great person". Chances are that person was great to begin with.
Hola El Mex! Como esta? Mi nombre es "Juanny" Lingo! Mi tiempo en El Camino fuy bueno tiempo con poco eccepcions. Porque, yo no tengo mala tiempos con el jefes. Yo fuy poco jefe, y no grande. Twig, branch, etc. Got involved in 1975, and I was kicked out in 1990.
Pero mi mas bueno reasona por gusto(ing) El Camino Ministerio fuy la gente. Muchos bueno gente con muchos amor de Dios en (their) corrazons. Y, muchos tiempos buenos con mi amigos en el cuerpos. Chistoso tiempos! Y, yo apprendes la lengu Espanol en el Ministerio de El Camino. Uno tiempo, (I met) uno hombre Mexicano en Los Angeles cuando yo soy WOW Ambajadore', y, el no comprende Englais, y, yo no comprende' Espanol. So, yo (purchased) Santa Biblia en Espanol, y, yo y mi amigo nuevo (learned to communicate) con nosotros (with eachother) by using that Spanish Bible.
Well, I quit LaMex. My Spanish is really lousy as you can tell, but, I try! If I were stranded in Mexico though, I could communicate. At least I could say; "Uno mas cerveza!" Anyway, that is that on that.
And, Excathedra, I have a bone to pick with you! You said;
"well there are a lot of nutcases here too, but that's life i'm including myself as #1"
And I'm sayin that at this point, I think that I am the #1 nutcase here! Hey, just pullin your chain Sistah.. Love you. Your bratty little brother,
Well, I quit LaMex. My Spanish is really lousy as you can tell, but, I try! If I were stranded in Mexico though, I could communicate. At least I could say; "Uno mas cerveza!"
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Yes there was some good.
As with many other denominations was it becomes a business it's road downward is well paved.
And without any system of checks and balances a single ring-master can run his circus in any direction he wants.
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Plenty of good. Taught me to actually read the Bible with the goal of understanding it.
I've always been very grateful for the time I spent there and the people I met.
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Yes but all of the good things mentioned so far can be found in any decent church these days!! Imagine learning what we did without the manipulation, fear, and screaming!
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Or the sexual misconduct, abuses and excuses.
But this is a thread about the good things. I'm capable of remembering that, too.
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Almost everyone I ever met was in LESS than 10 years, usually 5 years or less.
Where did this "average" come from?
I learned some things I found quite valuable.
And, as soon as it was obvious a madman was in charge,
I took off.
It was much later that I discovered that I had been
lied to many, many times,
and the good in my life was purchased with destruction
in the lives of my sisters in Christ.
Ever know a guy who died directly as a result of
I knew a guy who blew his brains out because he
couldn't deal with the options-
lcm was boinking his wife,
and supposedly, as the man of God, he was perfect....
There are many Christians I COULD have learned all that from,
WITHOUT the destruction of lives.
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Everything that was once good about TWI is now at the Greasespot Cafe. :)
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Ok I will behave this time... ummm
I learned how to clean and do setup for meetings. I also got over my fear of speaking in public.
How's that?

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Taught me not to believe everthing from any ole religous leader, taught me the basic principles in studying, althought I learned this more from One person in TWI than the whole ministry.
Actually teaching me those things was the cause I questioned TWI and walked away.
Kind of IRONIC
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We left out learning to string chairs....
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I too learned that the Bible could be understood. That I didn't have to just "take someone's word for it."
I also met a LOT of great people that also loved God and wanted to serve Him - at least that is what they said.
I got started on a road that has caused me to continue to seek truth, accuracy.
In spite of all that I am learning to forgive and to accept.
Edited by doojableLink to comment
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Some good did occur in the context of TWI. However, I think the good times people remember were due to the presence of genuine pure-hearted people amongst the rank and file, with an occasional WC grad willing to buffer the bs for we mere underlings. These most noble people were the beautiful, altruistic people with no ulterior pro-TWI agendas. I feel that the good that did transpire was in spite of TWI top leadship, not due to it.
I tend to agree with Raf: Many of the things that were once good about TWI {essentially the pure hearted people as noted above} are now to be found at the GreasespotCafe.
Edited by jkboehmeLink to comment
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well there are a lot of nutcases here too ;) ;) ;) ;)
but that's life
i'm including myself as #1
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As with many others, I met a lot of really wonderful people who had wonderful hearts for God and for each other...really living the Great Commandment of Christ. (I also met a lot of a$$holes...but this is a positive thread)
But I think the most lasting thing that God was able to ignite in me as a consequence of being involved with TWI was an academic curiosity about things that I had abandoned somewhere along the way. Much of the specific learning from the Bible was taught incorrectly and had to be un-learned. But the innate curiosity that I try to apply to all areas of my life anymore -- academics, religion, work, home, etc. -- really started during my involvement with TWI. And that curiosity has served well through the years.
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goes to show god must be an "individual" god. how in the hell he led you to the roman catholic church will be something i'll never understand..... in this life
i guess he can enlighten me in the hereafter
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The writings of St. Therese of Liseux taught me the simple beauty of God's love
The writings of St. Ignatius Loyola taught me self-discipline
The writings of Thomas à Kempis taught me humility
The writings of St. Augustine of Hippo taught me that God could actually forgive, no matter what
But none of the above can be fully understood outside of the framework of the Church.
But I fully recognize that the above means nothing.
Maybe some day that "individual" god will eventually be able to provide, through some mechanism, some peace in an "individual" method that will allow you to accept it. At least that's been my prayer for you...
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Why did I stand for 10+ years? That's a very good question!
I didn't "really" stand for the first two years. I was in and out and came and went as I pleased. I was still very adamant about people not telling me what to do and how to live. I was slowly convinced that following leadership and their "suggestions" would protect me and bring more peace and blessings into my life. I had been through some rough times being on my own for the first time in my life and it was comforting to hear that I was going to be protected and cared for by God if I would do what the leadership said to do.
THEN, I met a very intelligent, very handsome man and fell in love. He was extremely serious about TWI and so I became very serious about TWI. While planning our wedding and during the first year of our marriage I noticed changes in myself and doubts about what kind of future life I was going to have, but put them out of my mind as normal concerns and "worldly" concerns.
Things started going so fast and our time was so rare that there wasn't really time to meditate and think about all the things that were uncomfortable, irritating and just seemed "wrong" - I was caught up in trying to be "good enough". By the time we decided that we couldn't keep up and needed a break we were sucked so far in that all we would hear was how needed we were. We tried to have less responsibility for over two years! It took me being extremely rude and blunt with our HFC one too many times for us to finally be relieved of the responsibility. It was extremely painful and a wake up call to just how much fear my husband had regarding TWI. He didn't stand up to them once in the whole meeting. He knew darn well (we had discussed it) that they were abusing us and that we were right to stand up to the HFC, but she was fixing to go into the WC and so, naturally, we were in the wrong.
I have never been so upset and disappointed in anyone in my whole life as I was that night. My husband just sat there staring at the floor, not saying a word and looking like he was about to cry. THEY WERE WRONG! He knew it but he just sat there and let them lambast us and then, when he continued to be quiet, they attacked me viciously. Three on one. I ended up apologizing just to end the meeting so we could leave.
I stayed with TWI for another five years after that because I never gave up hope that my ex would see TWI for what it really is. I wanted so bad for our marriage to not be a lie. I wanted kids and a family. I wanted my husband to be free from the spiritual bondage and oppression that we were under. I wanted to have the life I had dreamed about since a little girl and that wasn't going to happen with TWI running our lives.
I finally realized that he was not going to change and that he did not want to see TWI without those rose colored glasses. I was heartbroken to come to terms with the fact that if he would choose an evil group of people (not God - but PEOPLE) over his wife, then it was no marriage to begin with. When I came to terms with that (and came very close to a nervous breakdown), I was able to tell him that I wanted no part of TWI in my life. He said I was turning my back on God and that was the end of our marriage.
So, why did I stay in for as long as I did? I should have never gotten involved in the first place and once I did, it just took that long for me to build my self-esteem back up enough to extricate myself.
Good things about my involvement?
I learned that "close enough" usually isn't when it comes to my goals and dreams for my future.
I learned that it only hurts me when I sacrifice my emtional and physical well-being for people who don't appreciate, respect and deserve it.
I learned that you don't have to obey leadership - especially when they are wrong.
I learned that God will NOT strike you down or allow horrible things to happen to you when you disagree with leaders.
I learned that having a home provides great peace and security about the future.
I learned that the Bible is not the God-breathed word.
I learned that I can think for myself and that I'm not as stupid as TWI, TWI leaders and my ex-husband made me feel.
I learned to listen to that inner voice of mine.
I learned to really appreciate true friends and my family.
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Thank you Belle.I've learned many of the same things, but would not be able to express them so concisely, and powerfully.
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I met some nice people while I was in though I am quick to give those people the credit for that, not TWI. There were some cool people who were trying to make a difference. They would have been doing it under any circumstance. I point this out because some people
, if they met even one nice person while in TWI, want to give TWI total credit for that. "God led me to this place to meet such a great person". Chances are that person was great to begin with.
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:huh: okey. Where did your average come from? WordWolf
how about if you put a poll in here?
How many years do you stand with The Way? may be the question.
a) less than one year
B) one to five.
c) five to ten.
d)ten to fifteen.
e) more than fifteen.
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Of what I been reading.
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J0nny Ling0
Hola El Mex! Como esta? Mi nombre es "Juanny" Lingo! Mi tiempo en El Camino fuy bueno tiempo con poco eccepcions. Porque, yo no tengo mala tiempos con el jefes. Yo fuy poco jefe, y no grande. Twig, branch, etc. Got involved in 1975, and I was kicked out in 1990.
Pero mi mas bueno reasona por gusto(ing) El Camino Ministerio fuy la gente. Muchos bueno gente con muchos amor de Dios en (their) corrazons. Y, muchos tiempos buenos con mi amigos en el cuerpos. Chistoso tiempos! Y, yo apprendes la lengu Espanol en el Ministerio de El Camino. Uno tiempo, (I met) uno hombre Mexicano en Los Angeles cuando yo soy WOW Ambajadore', y, el no comprende Englais, y, yo no comprende' Espanol. So, yo (purchased) Santa Biblia en Espanol, y, yo y mi amigo nuevo (learned to communicate) con nosotros (with eachother) by using that Spanish Bible.
Well, I quit LaMex. My Spanish is really lousy as you can tell, but, I try! If I were stranded in Mexico though, I could communicate. At least I could say; "Uno mas cerveza!" Anyway, that is that on that.
And, Excathedra, I have a bone to pick with you! You said;
"well there are a lot of nutcases here too, but that's life i'm including myself as #1"
And I'm sayin that at this point, I think that I am the #1 nutcase here! Hey, just pullin your chain Sistah.. Love you. Your bratty little brother,
"Juanny" Lingo
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Juanny Lingo
Un muy furte abrazo.
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