It is quite possible that given Dr's slips in morality that his final exhortations were designed to get us off of him and back to the Word the Word and only the Word - which he also said countless times.
Sure, it's quite possible, but consider and remember that he had been *slipping up* for over 40 years. Does his last lost teaching (as Mike puts it) as one of his final exhortations negate everything he did previously while *slipping up*??
No -- I would call it a jail-house conversion at best, and not a very good one at that.
He sees the end coming while he is in Scotland.
He gives a teaching called THE JOY OF SERVING.
If ya wanna read it, it is HERE, and it has the same old, same old in it.
He talks of mastering pfal, not the bible.
He credits pfal for the good the twi *family* does, not the bible.
Pfal is the source of power for witnessing, not the bible.
docvic does say --
And you earn people's respect by serving them the Word of God
But just before that statement, he said:
See the world is just opposite of the teaching of the Scriptures. They
exercise lordship over them; and then the great -eh - when he gets
higher up on the ladder, then he exercises authority over the top of
them too. That's why, so many times, we have heard that money is power.
Because money buys people, and then people become the slaves of those
who have the money. That's the world.
Sound familiar??? He didn't just describe the world,
He defined twi to a*T*.
Shucks -- while I am at it -- here's the *master pfal* statement Mike is so fond of:
Number one, you have to take PFAL and master it -- Intermediate,
you gotta master it; the collateral's that go with it, you gotta
master. Then you've got something to serve people. And then you
have to do it with the love of God in the renewed mind, -- agapao.
Then your service is just not a ministering service, it is a
doulos service, where you are a marked-out slave for serving.
No bible.
No intercessary prayer.
No financial giving out of the heart for those in need.
No Jesus Christ.
I don't think he was trying to get folks off of him, and back to the word like you said.
He was still hung up on the decades of thinking he had immersed himself in and couldn't shake it even there at the end.
Notice that he says to master the classes, not just the collaterals that come with them? That means the classes carry the same weight to him as the writings. But we KNOW that the classes are full of crap because Mike himself discounts them as authoritative. Meanwhile Wierwille himself says to master them! There's a word for that. It starts with an H and ends with a yporcrisy.
Are you happy with what you believe? Does it fill your soul and leave you satisfied?
If so, good. Having said that, don't plan on trying to convince me of your beliefs. Because I honestly am not interested. But if it works for you, I'm happy for you.
So I hope you aren't offended when I place you on ignore. It's nothing personal, but I just don't want to waste the screen loading time with your posts. Not that I'm mad at you (I'm not), but filtering through your posts to read the ones I am interested in just takes too much time, particularly considering they all essentially say the same thing, something about which I really am not interested. But I wanted to make sure you know it is just a matter of practicality rather than a matter of vitriol.
Have a good life! What did they used to say...God Bless, you're the best, or something along those lines???
When we recognize what God reveals in his Word then we have the means to recognize his Word wherever it’s written, spoken or otherwise declared. When Jesus Christ is revealed and glorified, God’s Word is revealed and glorified. Jesus Christ is the subject of God’s Word, the inerrant accuracy of God’s Word comes from the perfection of his walk and the completeness of his resurrection and ascension. If he'd failed everything God said in the Old Testament about the messiah would have been a lie and everything God says now would be a lie. If you want a standard for truth, there it is.
The declaration “He’s alive” is authoritative and not an approximation. And my authority to determine whether or not the statements I read are true and authoritative comes from Jesus Christ. First by recognizing whether those statements reveal and glorify him and second by him at work as the living head of his body.
It’s interesting to me how many discussions take place about God’s Word and how infrequently the REAL subject of God’s Word is brought up. The only yardstick I use to determine whether a man is declaring God’s Word (whether written or spoken) is to determine whether the sum total of what he says leads others to Christ or leads them to something else.
If I'm ever in legal trouble, I want you to be my lawyer. Actually, I want 12 of you on my jury. Especially if I'm actually guilty. Because you don't know up from down, right from wrong, or the dark side from the side the rest of us are on.
Mike lies, we point out and document his lies, and you criticize US for it?
I find your lack of faith ... "disturbing". :blink: (Darth Vader choke hold.)
The prayer side of twi was left up to the individual, after all, for the most part it is a personal thing.
However there was the 'house of His healing presence', 24 hour prayer sessions etc..
And as someone said awhile back...twi's record of deaths and tragedies, accidents etc..(per head of population) compared to many other churches was very, very low.
I'll have to try to find the article because I can't remember how the calculations were done.
I do remember the RC's came out right out on top, followed closely by the JW's.
Surprisingly the Mormons were way down the bottom with twi.
( Remember..this was 'per head of population' comparison ) Maybe it does have something to do with tithes and offerings ??
Or maybe it has something to do with "the power of positive thinking," which is a valuable way to go about life.
Or it could have something to do with the fact that the TWI population was and always has been small enough to not constitute a representative sample. In other words, one incident of any of those things in TWI would have a far greater impact on a per-capita count than it would in most other religions, and the absence of one incident of any of those things would have a much greater impact in reverse.
TWI was not a microcosm of society. Therefore, the numbers shouldn't reflect a microcosm of society.
If we were to conclude that TWI and the Mormons experienced this low incidence (which I certainly do not believe in TWI's case, but let's take the info for granted), and we were to conclude that it is because of their doctrine on tithes and offerings, we would have to conclude that TWI and the Mormons worship the same true God. Is that what you're saying, Allan?
I'll give you another example:
The retention rate in TWI was and always has been far lower than most other religions/denominations/groups. Is it possible that's because of the tithes and offerings?
The 'tithes and offerings' were just an offering of an explanation Raf.
There could be a number of other reasons as well, eg..attention to detail, real assimilation of Gods' Word etc..( but then the JW's are 'right' into the Word ) anyway.
Interesting exercize.
I think you could be right with the 'power of positive thinking', not being awful but the RC's and JW's aren't exactly the most positive, vivacious, inspirational bunch are they.
Both groups do believe that sickness is from God etc..and it's all Gods' will.
I see. Thanks Allan. Sorry if I sounded confrontational.
I'd start with questioning the premise that TWI's record of deaths and tragedies was abnormally low. For one thing, the TWI population skewed young and healthy. So, yeah, you'd get fewer incidents of certain illnesses. But fewer accidents?
You certainly have to be and must be joking - right? What I am about to say will likely rub you the wrong way, especially when you are someone affiliated with the media. Only the gullible could believe the media has the gospel on everything, and those inside the media and the 'so called know' are the custodians of "Truth". The funny thing is, nobody has seen a single retraction printed on the front page of any paper the media has ever publshed right after their lie had made it into the headline the previous day.
The gullible are those who believe the media has made and put forth a valid argument, but all that's been accomplished is the printing and the presentation of reams and volumes of biases based SOLEY on the petty squabblings of men. Those inside the media have never solved a thing. The war continues because the media loves to print reams and distorted volumes of prejudices to constantly fuel the bonfire of people's confusion. Afterall, that's what puts the almighty $ into their pocketbook so why change? The media has hardly contributed anything or resolved a single thing for the benefit of man. I would not call that amusing. In fact I find and call it rather tragic.
Oh well. I'm sure you'll have a "snappy come-back" for me. It's to be expected after I cut off your right arm with my "Truth-Saber!" Oh OUCHHH! I'm sure it must sting and hurt a lot.
It was just a flesh wound. OH! He hit me right in my profession, which is relevant to this discussion because... yeah, I don't know either. Must be from the Dodge, Distract School of Discourse.
What the Hey,
I don't know what to say. You are so divorced from reality it's not worth responding. But hey, you're a fun read.
By the way, it's SOLELY, not SOLEY. "Soley" is actually ancient estrangelo for "idolatrous sycophant."
See Raf, it's rantings like What the Hurl that just can't help but to cause me to be skeptical of the "Media is Controlled by the E-V-I-L, Left-Wing, One World Socialists" song-and-dance, regardless of who votes for whom. One of my reasons anyway.
Course, that's just the cynical ol' codger in me, I guess. ;)
I think the topic is whether mastery of PFAL is necessary.
I teach a grammar class. For students to pass the class, they need to score at least 75 on a test (over which I have no control). Semester after semester, I see students striving for that 75. They work hard to reach it, and most of them do. Then there are those students who strive for 100. They're usually the ones who get a 90 or better on the test.
To me, devoting time to mastering PFAL is like striving for the 75. If you hit it, great. You passed. But the better students are the ones who go beyond the merely acceptable passing grade.
PFAL is the flawed work of a flawed man. It has errors, both technical and doctrinal. To the extent that it leads people to an understanding of God in Christ, I rejoice. But I rejoice more when we aim higher. The law of believing is nothing. Faith in God in Christ is everything. Five sonship rights? That's it? What's more important, the number of crosses on the side, or the one in the middle? Which one did we spend more time on?
Did I say there wasn't a lot of great stuff in there? Did I say that "mastering PFAL" would result in a failing grade? No. All I said was "aim higher."
Stopping at mastery of PFAL is limiting God. By all means, master it. But don't stop there.
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Awwwww DARN!!! You mean I can't become, ............................
........ Garth Vader, Dark Graphics Lord of the Smikeol Sith???
((heavy breathing)) "Use the fork, Luke! Use the fork!!"
Graphics Update! The Ultimate Master of PFAL reaching The Dark Side of a Sith Lord!
((Dark music from Star Wars playing in the background)) :o
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Ha. Like Raf said -- there's nothing to forgive.
And why not get your feet wet quickly. ;)
It would have come up sooner or later anyway (again).
What was the other thread --- 200 plus pages?
SSDT -- same stuff different thread
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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No -- I would call it a jail-house conversion at best, and not a very good one at that.
He sees the end coming while he is in Scotland.
He gives a teaching called THE JOY OF SERVING.
If ya wanna read it, it is HERE, and it has the same old, same old in it.
He talks of mastering pfal, not the bible.
He credits pfal for the good the twi *family* does, not the bible.
Pfal is the source of power for witnessing, not the bible.
docvic does say --
But just before that statement, he said:
Sound familiar??? He didn't just describe the world,He defined twi to a*T*.
Shucks -- while I am at it -- here's the *master pfal* statement Mike is so fond of:
No bible.
No intercessary prayer.
No financial giving out of the heart for those in need.
No Jesus Christ.
I don't think he was trying to get folks off of him, and back to the word like you said.
He was still hung up on the decades of thinking he had immersed himself in and couldn't shake it even there at the end.
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Well --- Ratzzzzzzzz. I see my link didn't work.
Must be God's will no one sees it, eh? ;)
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Notice that he says to master the classes, not just the collaterals that come with them? That means the classes carry the same weight to him as the writings. But we KNOW that the classes are full of crap because Mike himself discounts them as authoritative. Meanwhile Wierwille himself says to master them! There's a word for that. It starts with an H and ends with a yporcrisy.
Guess what that spells?
myyyyyy precioussssssss.
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Ok.. Here goes.
At the risk of extending this thread to another 100 plus pages:
Here is docvic's "last lost teaching"
Read it, and decide for yourself if it is/ or is not
*B* (as in *B*) and *S* (as in S*).
He said NOTHING that inspired me.
Mike -- this is your *baby*. Say what you want, say what you will.
You'll be digging a deeper grave for yourself, since docvic is saying the same old.
IMHO -- Docvic said nothing new. I'd call this a graveside confession, but that might be too magnanimous.
docvic (to the end) promoted himself, and pfal. Period.
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Are you happy with what you believe? Does it fill your soul and leave you satisfied?
If so, good. Having said that, don't plan on trying to convince me of your beliefs. Because I honestly am not interested. But if it works for you, I'm happy for you.
So I hope you aren't offended when I place you on ignore. It's nothing personal, but I just don't want to waste the screen loading time with your posts. Not that I'm mad at you (I'm not), but filtering through your posts to read the ones I am interested in just takes too much time, particularly considering they all essentially say the same thing, something about which I really am not interested. But I wanted to make sure you know it is just a matter of practicality rather than a matter of vitriol.
Have a good life! What did they used to say...God Bless, you're the best, or something along those lines???
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I want to ask one question.
What does God reveal in his Word?
When we recognize what God reveals in his Word then we have the means to recognize his Word wherever it’s written, spoken or otherwise declared. When Jesus Christ is revealed and glorified, God’s Word is revealed and glorified. Jesus Christ is the subject of God’s Word, the inerrant accuracy of God’s Word comes from the perfection of his walk and the completeness of his resurrection and ascension. If he'd failed everything God said in the Old Testament about the messiah would have been a lie and everything God says now would be a lie. If you want a standard for truth, there it is.
The declaration “He’s alive” is authoritative and not an approximation. And my authority to determine whether or not the statements I read are true and authoritative comes from Jesus Christ. First by recognizing whether those statements reveal and glorify him and second by him at work as the living head of his body.
It’s interesting to me how many discussions take place about God’s Word and how infrequently the REAL subject of God’s Word is brought up. The only yardstick I use to determine whether a man is declaring God’s Word (whether written or spoken) is to determine whether the sum total of what he says leads others to Christ or leads them to something else.
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What The Hey
I find your lack of faith ... "disturbing". :blink: (Darth Vader choke hold.)
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Actually, what I would be saying is:
I find your gullibility amusing.
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The prayer side of twi was left up to the individual, after all, for the most part it is a personal thing.
However there was the 'house of His healing presence', 24 hour prayer sessions etc..
And as someone said awhile back...twi's record of deaths and tragedies, accidents etc..(per head of population) compared to many other churches was very, very low.
I'll have to try to find the article because I can't remember how the calculations were done.
I do remember the RC's came out right out on top, followed closely by the JW's.
Surprisingly the Mormons were way down the bottom with twi.
( Remember..this was 'per head of population' comparison ) Maybe it does have something to do with tithes and offerings ??
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Or maybe it has something to do with "the power of positive thinking," which is a valuable way to go about life.
Or it could have something to do with the fact that the TWI population was and always has been small enough to not constitute a representative sample. In other words, one incident of any of those things in TWI would have a far greater impact on a per-capita count than it would in most other religions, and the absence of one incident of any of those things would have a much greater impact in reverse.
TWI was not a microcosm of society. Therefore, the numbers shouldn't reflect a microcosm of society.
If we were to conclude that TWI and the Mormons experienced this low incidence (which I certainly do not believe in TWI's case, but let's take the info for granted), and we were to conclude that it is because of their doctrine on tithes and offerings, we would have to conclude that TWI and the Mormons worship the same true God. Is that what you're saying, Allan?
I'll give you another example:
The retention rate in TWI was and always has been far lower than most other religions/denominations/groups. Is it possible that's because of the tithes and offerings?
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The 'tithes and offerings' were just an offering of an explanation Raf.
There could be a number of other reasons as well, eg..attention to detail, real assimilation of Gods' Word etc..( but then the JW's are 'right' into the Word ) anyway.
Interesting exercize.
I think you could be right with the 'power of positive thinking', not being awful but the RC's and JW's aren't exactly the most positive, vivacious, inspirational bunch are they.
Both groups do believe that sickness is from God etc..and it's all Gods' will.
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I see. Thanks Allan. Sorry if I sounded confrontational.
I'd start with questioning the premise that TWI's record of deaths and tragedies was abnormally low. For one thing, the TWI population skewed young and healthy. So, yeah, you'd get fewer incidents of certain illnesses. But fewer accidents?
I'd like to see how this comparison was done.
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What The Hey
You certainly have to be and must be joking - right? What I am about to say will likely rub you the wrong way, especially when you are someone affiliated with the media. Only the gullible could believe the media has the gospel on everything, and those inside the media and the 'so called know' are the custodians of "Truth". The funny thing is, nobody has seen a single retraction printed on the front page of any paper the media has ever publshed right after their lie had made it into the headline the previous day.
The gullible are those who believe the media has made and put forth a valid argument, but all that's been accomplished is the printing and the presentation of reams and volumes of biases based SOLEY on the petty squabblings of men. Those inside the media have never solved a thing. The war continues because the media loves to print reams and distorted volumes of prejudices to constantly fuel the bonfire of people's confusion. Afterall, that's what puts the almighty $ into their pocketbook so why change? The media has hardly contributed anything or resolved a single thing for the benefit of man. I would not call that amusing. In fact I find and call it rather tragic.
Oh well. I'm sure you'll have a "snappy come-back" for me. It's to be expected after I cut off your right arm with my "Truth-Saber!" Oh OUCHHH! I'm sure it must sting and hurt a lot.
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It was just a flesh wound. OH! He hit me right in my profession, which is relevant to this discussion because... yeah, I don't know either. Must be from the Dodge, Distract School of Discourse.
What the Hey,
I don't know what to say. You are so divorced from reality it's not worth responding. But hey, you're a fun read.
By the way, it's SOLELY, not SOLEY. "Soley" is actually ancient estrangelo for "idolatrous sycophant."
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See Raf, it's rantings like What the Hurl that just can't help but to cause me to be skeptical of the "Media is Controlled by the E-V-I-L, Left-Wing, One World Socialists" song-and-dance, regardless of who votes for whom. One of my reasons anyway.
Course, that's just the cynical ol' codger in me, I guess. ;)
Anywho, back on topic.
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I think the topic is whether mastery of PFAL is necessary.
I teach a grammar class. For students to pass the class, they need to score at least 75 on a test (over which I have no control). Semester after semester, I see students striving for that 75. They work hard to reach it, and most of them do. Then there are those students who strive for 100. They're usually the ones who get a 90 or better on the test.
To me, devoting time to mastering PFAL is like striving for the 75. If you hit it, great. You passed. But the better students are the ones who go beyond the merely acceptable passing grade.
PFAL is the flawed work of a flawed man. It has errors, both technical and doctrinal. To the extent that it leads people to an understanding of God in Christ, I rejoice. But I rejoice more when we aim higher. The law of believing is nothing. Faith in God in Christ is everything. Five sonship rights? That's it? What's more important, the number of crosses on the side, or the one in the middle? Which one did we spend more time on?
Master PFAL if all you want to get is the 75.
Master the Bible if you want to go further.
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Good analogy!!!!!
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That's not it.
Yes, Session 8 is a great session.
But there's so much more.
Perhaps it is appropriate to summarize each Session, along with the collateral readings.
As you can see, there are lots of goodies there.
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
Session 9
Session 10
Session 11
Session 12
Collateral Readings
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Did I say there wasn't a lot of great stuff in there? Did I say that "mastering PFAL" would result in a failing grade? No. All I said was "aim higher."
Stopping at mastery of PFAL is limiting God. By all means, master it. But don't stop there.
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Great job, Raf! Now you gave Smikeol more ammo to work with, ... not that he won't find more anyway, real or imagined. <_<
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