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GreaseSpot.......Sore spot for twi


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I lift my glass high in the air.........to extend my best wishes and thanks to GreaseSpot for ANOTHER YEAR of open doors, open arms and open communication. Thanks, one and all.

Whenever a recent innie posts here.......it underscores the power of personal testimony. Clearly, there are those who lurk here week after week, and month after month (and perhaps, year after year) BEFORE the chains of mental bondage are broken. GreaseSpot is a voice of hope, a voice of deliverance.......to those longing to understand, longing to break free from the oppression and guilt of twi.

I remember those times of deep questioning twi's motives......those "fog years" and later, 1995-1997 before exiting twi's doors. Those late nights.....when I dared to think that twi's leadership was wrong and serving self-engaged agendas that were detrimental to my christian walk. Dare I question? Am I breaking fellowship to even think such thoughts? Who am I to question the MOG?

Sometimes, the guilt of questioning was too much to bear.......so, I'd refrain and just "obey" twi dictates. But then, after a month or two.......questions would arise from a corps teaching, or how lcm slandered and "gutted" one of my friends on a corps teaching. Open, frontal, public, assault on some meaningless little incident that left us corps cowering in fear of martindale's threats. Uuuuuuuugh.

I couldn't stomach such verbal abuse........nor could I rectify lcm's actions with the truth of God's Word. Why weren't the trustee's speaking up? Why was Don and Howard silent? Why did I have to listen to such accusations and personal attacks on a corps teaching? Why can't this be handled privately? Is there an agenda for berating corps in front of other corps?

The questions kept coming.............and I took time to ponder them.

Finally, when I could stomach no more........I exited twi, vowing NEVER to return. Did I do the right thing? Should I have given hq more time? NO....I told myself......I already did that after the "fog years." I labored and served to the best of my ability and kept waiting for twi to change. It never happened.

Then, I discovered trancenet and later Waydale..........a new day had dawned. Personal accounts, testimonies, information, incidents, twi history, and the rose-colored glasses were finally taken off. I had been manipulated and deceived and extorted.

Today, twi is a shell of its former self..........in size and content. The masses of youth (ages 18 - 28) are a drop in the bucket when it comes to fiery, full-bore commitment. Imo, the machinery of twi and its money ($48 million in assets) is what drives the production of interests. The staff have vested interests.

Thanks, GreaseSpot. Thanks Pawtucket.

Heck, I think I'll have another drink. :wave:

Edited by skyrider
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  skyrider said:
I couldn't stomach such verbal abuse........nor could I rectify lcm's actions with the truth of God's Word. Why weren't the trustee's speaking up? Why was Don and Howard silent? ...


I would suggest to you that just because we the believers may not have heard about Don & Howard's objections to Craig's verbal abuse, doesn't mean those objections weren't there. All it means is those objections weren't made public.

I do realize that it can be frustrating not knowing what goes on behind the scenes.

I learned this from being on the co-op board of my co-op, where shareholders have no idea what goes on behind closed doors in the board meeting, unless one of the board members speaks up.

Most times, the board members do not share what goes on in "executive session" as it can come back to haunt them.

  skyrider said:
I lift my glass high in the air.........to extend my best wishes and thanks to GreaseSpot for ANOTHER YEAR of open doors, open arms and open communication. Thanks, one and all.

I agree.

The open communication and open free ideas of Greasespot with little censorship is wonderful.


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AMEN, Skyrider!!

I was in shock when I found WayDale. I didn't sleep for months and I read everything I could. I couldn't believe that I wasn't the only one feeling horrible and empty of self-esteem. I couldn't believe that as bad as I felt like we had been abused, that many, many more had it much worse that I even imagined.

I lurked for months before I ever posted and even then my fingers were shaking like a leaf blowing in the wind and my shoulders were hunched waiting on that lightning bolt from the sky. I kept my eyes open at night for fear that the devil spirits were going to take over my body. I kept my eyes down at fellowship for fear that I was going to be exposed by God giving revelation to my leadership. I cried. I cried A LOT.

I finally worked up the nerve to contact someone. John R, God bless his heart, the poor guy was the first person I ever contacted and I was so darn paranoid that it was hard to communicate with me. He never gave up on me, though, and continued to feed me confidence and assurances. Eventually I met Hope, WashingtonWeather, Radar and Rascal. I spent as much time as I could in the chat room with them and nearly went through withdrawal when I had to change jobs and was unable to get online. Then Abigail and Oakspear were going through similar situations and I confided in them a great deal. The two of them were mainstays for my sanity and I'm forever indebted to all these wonderful people.

All of you who post and have posted your stories, research and thoughts on here are more valuable than you can imagine. I couldn't possibly list all those who have had the words I needed to hear over the past five or six years. Most of you have no idea how important and special you are to me - and, I'm sure, to many other people.

I've been contacted by quite a few people who are still in, or were still in at the time. It's been my pleasure to help them like I was helped. Some of these people never do post on GSpot, but they are lurking and they are reading. :) And you're helping them (well, most of you anyway ;) )!

I, too, am especially grateful for Paw and all the cr@p he puts up with to make this site possible for all of us. I owe Paw and y'all as much credit for my sanity and stability today as I do to the professional therapy I've been getting. :) I know my parents are also extremely thankful! They really gained a greater appreciation for what we went through and for how hard it is to extract yourself from a group like TWI at the Weenie Roast. They also grew to appreciate all of you more than there are words to describe after meeting our wonderful roasters and hearing more about TWI from someone besides their own daughter.

:wub: Okay, I'm getting teary eyed and must stop this right now. Anyway - thanks to Paw and thanks to all of you! :wub:

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I think tht Paw has done an admirable job of keeping the forums going and on track. For all of us that visit here to try to do what Paw is doing to keep GSC going, and the others who help him, would be hard for the rest of us to do. It takes a tremendous amount of time to keep track of everything, the small problems and the minor snaffoo's and such.

Also the people who post here that are in the real "Know" about what has happened when they were in, and the innies that are still in that help keep the rest of us up on what is going on with TWI, i salute you all. :beer:

TWI would like nothing better than have GSC go by the wayside. But as the bible says "ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."

I belive, like some others do, that TWI hasn't really changed much, IF any at all. Just more white wash and perfume to cover up what they don't want anyone else to know that is going on.

The lowering numbers indicate to me that more and more of the innies have realized that what has been told about the leaders of TWI is more true than not.

Paw, I raise my glass to you and what you are doing. :beer::dance:

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Indeed, Skyrider. Thanks, Pawtucket and others who have cared enough to share their hearts honestly. Why should the truth be shrouded? Is there somethng to hide?

Just a couple of weeks ago I got an email from yet another young couple who had finally left TWI. They had been in for years but could no longer tolerate the hypocrisy concerning debt. They simply wanted to buy a house. Can you blame them? There were other issues too.

Anyway, they have been reading things on Greasespot for a while and I guess they got my email address from here. They seem like a nice couple, just starting out. They said they feel such relief!

There is a place for a site like this. It has helped thousands come to grips with difficult decisions and experiences. It's like therapy. Plus if a fun gathering spot to meet old friends and make some new ones.


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Very True, John.

I was pretty frustrated a week or so ago and was ready to chunk the whole thing, but someone from here talked to me and then I got yet another anonymous PM from a lurker who wanted some help and advice. That reminded me how very important this place is and how utterly lost, confused and lonely I was when I was in their shoes.

I used to be here for me and now it's getting to be about being able to help others. I've been in contact with many people through PMs who lurk but never post. I've helped people get out of TWIt bondage and I've kept people from getting involved with it. I never post anything about it because it's personal and I remember how scary it was to see anything that might remotely reveal your identity to TWI. That alone is a huge red flag, or should be anyway. I mean, why should your church care? Why do they have anything to hide? If there's nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide or cover or justify then there shouldn't be any problem with people talking about them.

Paranoid Pariahs they are!

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  Belle said:
Very True, John.

I was pretty frustrated a week or so ago and was ready to chunk the whole thing, but someone from here talked to me and then I got yet another anonymous PM from a lurker who wanted some help and advice. That reminded me how very important this place is and how utterly lost, confused and lonely I was when I was in their shoes.

I used to be here for me and now it's getting to be about being able to help others. I've been in contact with many people through PMs who lurk but never post. I've helped people get out of TWIt bondage and I've kept people from getting involved with it. I never post anything about it because it's personal and I remember how scary it was to see anything that might remotely reveal your identity to TWI. That alone is a huge red flag, or should be anyway. I mean, why should your church care? Why do they have anything to hide? If there's nothing to be ashamed of and nothing to hide or cover or justify then there shouldn't be any problem with people talking about them.

Paranoid Pariahs they are!

Precious Belle:

I like a lot what you post. Very profound thinking. Very good black humour. It is inspirational. May be I do not agreed whit all that you post. But you have boldness. "Also I like that you are a girl" :wub:

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It used to be that every six months or so that someone would post something along the lines of "gee , there isn't anything new here anymore so why should I continue to come here ?". This behavior actually started on Waydale though at that time there was still a fair amount of interesting, "insider" information being posted since TWI had yet to take seriously the internet forums. They had initially attempted to dismiss Waydale , then they forbade innies from reading, and then they assigned their suckups to read it. And then we know that they liked to distribute false information in specific geographic areas to see if it showed up on the forums so they could "smoke out" traitors and opponents of the "one true ministry".

So over time we saw less and less information because of this but also because people were leaving - thus it is understandable that the "insider information" was drying up. I recall some people complaining about it as if these forums were supposed to serve as some type of gossip column for TWI. In my view its a bit immature to think that these forums are here to entertain and dazzle as if this is the national enquirer of the Way cult world. If someone is complaining about this aspect of it (not enough "insider info") then maybe they should take it upon themselves to find some and stop bugging the forum. This is a record of people's experiences with TWI. While one post might be terribly boring to one person , it could be EXACTLY what someone else needed so have some patience.

I've always felt certain that the larger part of the readership at Gspot are lurkers who never post. This includes WayGB and innies who are contemplating a departure. IT also includes many ex-Way who just don't want to be recognized or don't want to take the trip down memory lane so they are content to benefit from the information being posted albeit in a passive fashion. Fair enough. Frankly I think there is such a thing as posting too much but perhaps if I had more time I would post more.

Its also important to remember that we are not all at the station in life as another. Nor did we all leave TWI at the same time. Some are still trying to figure out what happened in TWI while others have long since moved on. The point is that just because someone is "over it" doesn't mean that another should be too. Thats a huge assumption I see being made though less frequently these days than in the early days of Gspot and on Waydale. Plus many people don't have lots of time to digest all the information on this site. I know I haven't. Some people do seem to spend a great deal of time here so if the material seems dry or not so fresh please understand that for many of us there is too much to wade though and we are getting there in our own time at our own pace. Also it might also be the case that we reach different conclusions so be prepared for that.

There is no requirement to be "like minded" in our lives after TWI so its a sure bet that lots of people will have their own ideas about their time with TWI and Gspot is a place for that type of information. I think its a good place and it needs to be here. In my mind even if TWI were to completely cease operations today, then Gspot would still need to remain because lots of people have yet to find this place. There are also others who do know its here but they simply aren't ready to start the rehabilitation process or start looking at all thats here so when they are, its here. TWI experience was very damaging for many people so having a place like this is important.

Edited by diazbro
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