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Wouldn't you hate to be this kid?


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Damages claim for abortion twin

A mother is hoping to win £250,000 in compensation after her twin daughter survived an abortion four years ago.

Stacy Dow, from Perth, was 16 when she found out she was pregnant with twins and decided to have an abortion.

However, when she returned to her doctor after 33 weeks she was told one of the babies had survived.

Tayside University Hospitals NHS Trust said there had been nothing to suggest a child had survived and plans to challenge the claim in court next year.

The surviving baby, Jayde, is now four. Her mother is claiming the damages for the "financial burden" of her upbringing.

In a landmark legal case, lawyers will argue that as a result of the failed termination, she suffered loss, injury and damage... and suffers "an impediment in her ability to obtain employment in consequence of her care for the child."


Ms Dow's action states: "As a result of the failed termination the pursuer suffered loss, injury and damage. She suffered distress and anxiety upon the discovery of her continuing pregnancy.

"She required to undergo an
C-section. She suffered pain and discomfort in consequence of surgery.

"She has the financial burden of care, upbringing and aliment of Jayde. She suffers an impediment in her ability to obtain employment in consequence of her care for the child."


Jayde now lives with her mother and grandparents Douglas, 40, and Barbara, 41.

Miss Dow said she thought long and hard before deciding to pursue the legal claim because of the potential impact it would have on her daughter.

"I have got a child now that I wasn't planning to have and I believe the hospital should take some responsibility for that," she said.

"They should have known, or at least warned me, that I might still be pregnant when I left. It has totally changed my life and my parents' lives.

"I still don't know if, or what, I am going to tell Jayde when the time comes. Maybe when she is nine or 10 I will sit her down and explain it to her."

She added: "The hospital knew it was twins when I went for the termination so they should have checked even more carefully before sending me home."

(remainder snipped)

How would you like to be this kid? (and you KNOW some news media -- the mirror, the sun, or something -- is going to find this kid and ask the kid what she thinks. Then imagine this conversation between a mother and a 4-year old:

"Gee honey, I tried to abort you but the doctors messed up!"

"What's abort mean mommy?"

"It's where I tried to keep you from being born"

"But why mommy?"

"Because I love you honey"


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"Miss Dow said she thought long and hard before deciding to pursue the legal claim because of the potential impact it would have on her daughter"

I have to wonder how much thought she's given to the impact that her daughter knowing she never wanted her will have.

What a maroon. Put her with the mama that put her baby in the dryer. Neither should be mama's.

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This just beats all I've ever heard. In this day and age there is just no reason to have to abort a baby. Birth control is the politically correct thing to do these days. There's really no need for unwanted pregnancies to occur anymore with the exception of rape.

If she had been raped I might see it differently, but with so many people wanting to adopt, why not have the babies and let someone raise them that wants them.

If I were the judge, I would throw her case out, saying shame on you and I'd order an immediate total hysterectomy. That woman is no Momma! Life's tough enough without adding all that unnecessary rejection and sadness.

How can a 9 or 10 year old possibly survive the knowledge that their very life is a total accident, that their own mommy destroyed their twin and it's just an accident that they're ALIVE?

I happen to have a 9 year old daughter. That statement alone (that she'll tell the kid at that age) tells me that woman needs to be removed from that precious child's life.

Yeah Shell, this one and that one that put that precious baby in the dryer to die that horrific death ought to be put together, away somewhere that they not only can't have any more babies, but can't harm anymore either.

Edited by bowtwi
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I'm having a hard time swallowing this one in so many ways. If she didn't want the baby, why did she keep her?

And an "elective c-section"??? What the hell is that? I thought c-sections were only "elective" if one had previously had a c-section and was pregnant again. Then, depending on circumstances they could choose to try to go natural or have a repeat c-section. Who chooses to go under the knife????

And where is her responsibility in getting pregnant in the first place? and the father's too?

yeah, it does sound like the doctor's screwed up. and IF she had given the child up for adoption and sued for the medical costs of the birth and/or pain and suffering, etc. I might understand. But she CHOSE to keep her daughter.

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I really despise a parent who would tell a child they should have aborted them.

Adoption is always an avenue and there are plenty of couples waiting on long lists to adopt.

The doctors in this case sound like morons just as well as the mother. But, the mother made the decision to keep the baby so she should shut up an love her and take care of her. If she wanted the child to truly have a better life she would have given her up for adoption and could have even assisted in finding her daughter a great home.


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And an "elective c-section"??? What the hell is that? I thought c-sections were only "elective" if one had previously had a c-section and was pregnant again. Then, depending on circumstances they could choose to try to go natural or have a repeat c-section. Who chooses to go under the knife????

An elective c-section is when it's decided to deliver by c-section before labor begins...for whatever reasons.

Most of the time, an elective section is for a second birth where Dr's don't believe the once cut uterus will withstand the pressures of delivery and birth.

But in this case, I believe they decided to do this because they did not know enough about the structures remaining internally. It was probably safer to do this than risk normal labor and birth since the abortion occurred fairly shortly before the other twin was born.

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she should have given the baby up for adoption.

today at four,the state should take the baby away and find a home that is honest and loving.

She thinks the dr. who messed up the abortion owes her ?

she owes that kid the right to a life without this on her head and heart.

What can she say "oh I was young and stupid and made a mistake?

ok even if the kid can handle that with the death of her twin, mom has made it even worse by still not accepting responsibility for this child by asking the dr. to pay for her .

so give the witch the money for the botched abortion and take the baby away and tell her live with her own dam self and leave those who survive her alone.

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"'I have got a child now that I wasn't planning to have and I believe the hospital should take some responsibility for that,' she said.

Wow!! True words from a complete moron! I hope her parents have enough cajones to stand up and take care of the little one. There's no way she should explain to that child that she didn't want her. It will scar her for life.

That biyatch is just looking for some money. I wish I were on that jury..... :angry:

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