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Secret Initiation?


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i don't know where to write about this, but i had a recent nightmare about one of the gals who undershepherded me

looking back, she kind of "offered me" in an unspoken way to the limb leader and to veepee

of course i didn't get it at the time, but i sure do now

she got ordained, and i know for damn sure another one got ordained who dot talks about


i wonder if that was a reward -- "bring me virgins and i give you the big prize of ordination"

how gross


when i posted to one of them on the way corps site of john r's

you know, she asked me how i was doing, and i responded that i still haven't gotten over the sexual abuse/assault of veepee, she deleted it from her page



i had a thought of starting a blog over there about what it's like to be taken for a ride on the coach

but so far i've chickened out

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  • 1 year later...
  On 12/10/2005 at 12:18 PM, shazdancer said:

Did they use their ministerial/academic robes?

No. The robes were exclusive to this usage. They were fully hooded. If I remember correctly, wierwille's was white and all the others were black. They carried torches and chanted as the procession took place. It reminded me a bit of the Ave Maria scene from Fantasia with a more sinister tone. I think we were blind-folded by the hooded figures, though I may be confusing that part with another incident that took place in fellow laborers.

The atmosphere was very somber and mystic, but, most of us knew it was a prank. I think that dismissing it as a "joke", however, really misses the essence of the incident. Consider the context in which this was being carried out. It was during the Advanced Class, a class that teaches the supposed severity of dabbling in anything resembling witchcraft. Looking back on it, I think it was wierwille's cruel way of mocking us.

Edited by waysider
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  • 8 months later...


Was this some deep dark initiation, with deep dank meaning, conscious or subconsciously calling out the spirit-za's from their shallow graves to light upon the innocent and brand their psyche's with the sign of the soybean so that it could be left to lie dormant and silent, the evil seed, till called upon to sprout and provide identification into the Sanctum Satanus De Olectum Mi Orifice? Or at the least stirring the pot again and again to see what bits of ancient detritus can be brought to the top for perusal if yet now providing some form of the past in these final fleeting moments?

It was a stupid joke.

Wasn't it?

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Yes, it was all just a stupid joke.

But, the twist of irony that tickles my funny bone is that it was carried out at the Advanced Class. You know, the class where we were instructed to shun "devilish" activities. It was there, at the Advanced Class, that we were sternly warned of the dangers of dabbling with "witchcraft" in any form. So, here we were---dabbling. Having a few laughs in the process, perhaps, but still dabbling. Like holding our hands really close to an open fire in defiance of its heat. To me, it's like a joke with more than one punch-line.

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  On 2/4/2011 at 4:49 AM, Bolshevik said:

If it was secret it happened in plain sight . . .

. . . That I'm sure of . . .

Yes, it was held right there beside the road. I wonder what locals must have thought as they drove past.( Not that it was a very well traveled road.) It makes you wonder if part of the joke wasn't being done for their benefit as well. Maybe Wierwille should have become a "shock radio" personality instead of a preacher.

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  On 2/3/2011 at 6:24 AM, socks said:

As the old saying goes - "You have to learn to laugh at yourself. You might as well - everyone else is".

Beware what people palm off as humor. Good jokes are good jokes because the contain some truth.

The Arabs have a proverb: "If your going to speak the truth, be sure one foot's in the stirrup." There are truth's people can't accept, so we have humor. It's a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down type of thing. Why do you think, in the western, when the hero got insulted, he often retorted: "Smile when you say that."

Or when somebody tells you something offensive, they often retreat behind: "I was only joking."

How does this relate to the thread? Let's say said ceremony was real and palmed off as a joke. What would it be for? Has anyone inquired into what the Indian turip was used for in black magic?

Surprisingly, the Indian turnip is poisonous (source). According one site, its often used to induce sterility and to draw plant spirits (source). Another site says it was often used to prevent conception (source). Another says its herbal birth control and should be ingested by both genders (source).

Just some food for thought.


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