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Snow Sledding


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Over about the last week we received almost an additional 2 ft in snow.

It was fresh and very powdery.

We have a half a mile dirt road that leads out to a 3 mile long rock road. The half mile road to get to our cabin was at least 2 feet deep in powder, it had not been plowed and we had to put the truck in 4 wheel low to get to our place. Our 300ft driveway we kept clear.

So we hitched up a rope on the ball on the back of truck and left about 20 ft space and tied the other end to the sled and pulled our 12 year old son and his friend on down the road.

The kids were up on their knees on the sled, play fighting like they were in a James Bond movie and falling all over the road and then running to catch up with sled and jumping back on. We were not going fast of course but it was the funnest time I had sledding and I only drove the truck .......

It was just a fun time with the kids ......... made me want to be a kid again.

Just something fun done with the kiddo this winter.

Wondering what everyone else does for winter fun ......... we don't want cabin fever again this yearl.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi DiGi,

That sounds real great fun.

me and mary poppins cant wait to try it for ourselves when we come stay with you.

that snow looks sooo good. reminds me of when i was a kid playing in it jumping into it. and of course trying to eat it. B)

we wish we were there playing in the snow with you guys


Powerfilled :spy::wave:

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at my club tonight we have hired a pair of those real big horses {belgian?} and a big wagon to pull us around town

we will sing carrols and have toys and 3 bikes to give to any kids we see

oh and did i mention we will be stopping at a few of our favorite bars for some cheer

but the real part of it is we will ride through some poorer parts of town and santa wil give away to the kids some thousand bucks worth of toys

it is a yearlly tradition and we have a ball

merry christmas!!

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PowerFilled, .............. Just remember not to eat the yellow snow. As kids we use to put vanilla extract on fresh snow white and powdery and eat it. It was like ice cream to us.

LikeAnEagle ......... I have't ice skated in awhile, but the culdesac at the end of our road where I driveway comes off is a perfect place for it ........... my son says he is gonna get me out to try.

WhiteDove .......... Walking the dog is always an option as long as its 20 degrees or above for me. Dog loves it when I go with him otherwise he patrols the property on his own.

CoolChef, .......... Pick me up with those Belgiums and drop me off at the Dirty Dawg down the road for a drink or two, will have a blast. Got to see the inside of that bar sometime.


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I love 4-wheeling through new snow.

It's been a few years since I did any skating, or sledding though.

Come to think of it, it's been a while since I did any X-C skiing or snow shoeing either.

Cab of the truck with cd playing, thermos of coffee, and heat ---

makes it too easy to *wimp out* (these days). :D

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Maybe we should have a winter weenie roast ..........

I can see tents up all over our acreage in subzero temps LOL.

Ahhh I can just see it now.

Tents and sleeping bags,

goose down and poly-propylene clothing,

snow shoes *parked* by a campfire and

skiis and poles stuck upright in the snow

while the users party at the campfire



Belle fixing s'mores (???) :D

open camp fires

Midnight Sun

No Greasespots by midnight!



(Sounds like a plan!) ;)

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