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Somebody wants your kids to hate you.

Ron G.

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Next up on the insanity hit parade, ... Your Mommy Kills Tomatoes, with an 'indepth' article pointing out ((cough)) 'research' on how "tomatoes have shown to be very cabable of learning and remembering, and possess a range of cognitive skills that would surprise many people". One researcher put it, "I would no more eat a tomato than I would my cocker spaniel. ... Altho' I would probably smoke a tomato plant. Man, I get almost as high off of one of those doobies as I would a marijuana reefer!"


Don't laugh. They just might do it, as insane as these comics are. :wacko:

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As you've said before Ron, "fuggem".

Guess they don't have enough business of their own, so they have to stick their

nose in other people's business.

Next thing ya know, they'll be bitchin about killing innocent plants for food. :unsure:

(ps -- ask em if they ever slapped at a mosquito)

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yawn .... Ron, did you see anyone handing out this flyer with your own eyes?although this has made the news again since it is being recirculated by anti PETA blogs, the leaflet was used by PETA only in 2003 from what I could find, and I could not find it to order in their literature section. Even the sites that show the pic, (like the one Ron copied it from) have it in their archives. (right click on the "mommy" pic , and click on properties. that site has been gone for almost a year now)

Seems to me that someone who is anti-PETA is trying to perpetuate what was obviously an ill-concieved campaign, and was not done in PETA's style in the first place.

Can you smell something fishy?

P.S. According to their FAQ section on their website, they do not have any aims on plants. You can see their website at www.peta.org


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  GarthP2000 said:
Next up on the insanity hit parade, ... Your Mommy Kills Tomatoes, with an 'indepth' article pointing out ((cough)) 'research' on how "tomatoes have shown to be very cabable of learning and remembering, and possess a range of cognitive skills that would surprise many people". One researcher put it, "I would no more eat a tomato than I would my cocker spaniel. ... Altho' I would probably smoke a tomato plant. Man, I get almost as high off of one of those doobies as I would a marijuana reefer!"


Next, they'll be showing our kids a moving called...let's see..."The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" followed by "The Return of the Killer Tomatoes", as proof of the tomatoes intelligence and their need for revenge. Oh ya. Those movies have already been made haven't they? I guess that proves Garth's point pretty much, doesn't it?

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A couple of guys and some girl were out in front of Harp's which is a grocery store with some hardware, auto parts, sporting goods etc. It's also the local check station for hunters.

I seen it with my own eyes, but I think they were just handing some stuff out they'd printed up themselves. They obviously weren't locals or they'd have known better.

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Hap, according to the national news I read tonight, it is an ongoing current campaigne and kids in one school system were pretty traumatized by it.

The peta folks were unabashed claiming that the kids saw much more disturbing stuff on tv.

I wonder how they feel about bears, wolves and other predators.

Does the sight of a red tailed hawk soaring overhead bother them knowing that he is looking for rabbits?

Are they as offended by the fun loving otter who not only fishes for survival but sport?

What about the pike or bass whom they are defending which in turn subsist on the perch minnow?

The owl....searching nightly for rabbits and mice? the pretty fox?

I guess the planet needs to be rid of ALL predators....oh yeah and as far as the cute chimpanzees? You betcha, they hunt and devour their own cousins as well.

NO? I guess only the human carnivors are offensive and need to be persecuted by these nut jobs,

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I've heard an interview with somebody of PETA's mindset (he might have been with PETA, but I'm not sure), and his rationale in response to the points like Rascal brought up is because we humans are moral animals, unlike the rest of the animal kingdom, and morals forbid us to eat meat because we "know and can reason better", while animals go entirely by instinct and can't think their actions through.

Of course the flaw in this (lack of) thinking is that if there is something that is universally moral, then wouldn't it be moral and true throughout nature? Or for those who believe in God/the spiritual world, wouldn't God have engrained that 'moral' into creation itself?

No doubt fish/animals feel pain when they die/are killed. That's part of the nervous system that exists in all animals at one level or another. ... That alone doesn't make it 'immoral' to hunt animals.

Now humanity is in a constant process of learning what is right and wrong. But PETA's example of figuring out morality and right and wrong is not only so tunnel-visioned, but they came up with their Rule in such an arbitrary and "We are the ones to determine this rule ourselves" manner, w/o even consulting anybody else on this (particularly those who don't always agree with them). Which explains one reason why they are so anal-retentive and abusively controlling in their practices. :evildenk:

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Society has enough problems without attempting to alienate more kids from their parents. These guys are attempting to destroy the trust or respect their folks judgement with these creeps portraying the parents as mindless cruel killing machines when the kiddoes are young and impressionable.

I need to tell you....when I pulled this thread up to post ....my 8 yr old daughter was looking over my shoulder (I hadn`t noticed her walking up) ...but she found the pictures deeply disturbing.....and she only got a momentary glimpse....

* Oh Mommy why is that lady hurting the poor bunny?* ....and I heard her telling her sister later about the poor fish....imagine if she had gotten the chance to peruse the entire contents ....her parents (both of whom fish and have been known to process deer and chickens) portrayed as viscious monsters....

I am offended at their attempts to poison youngsters against their parents :angry:

Edited by rascal
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Anybody notice that at PETA's and associated websites, there is no link for email or form pages to give feedback? Pages that have FAQs and of course, to donate moeny to their cause, but no pages that allow for dialog.

Hhmmmmm, ... what other organization does this remind you of, hmmmmm?


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When I lived in Davis, CA, the public schools had these people come and speak to the kids. They mostly spoke against hunting and fishing describing parents who did this as "murderers" and "terrorists". I didn't hunt or fish in CA as you have to jump through too many hoops and spend too much money to do it there, but I was terribly offended at the tactic.

Like Garth said, there's no email on their websites as they, evidently, have no use for dialog.

Unfortunately, their websites seem to focus on kids. I've often thought the animal thing is just a cover for brainwashing kids against their parents and they could care less about animals.

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Ron I was thinking the same thing...and here is why....

In addition to my impressions from the propoganda I read.....

We were watching a show yesterday....where a very rich suburban conneticut family went to live for ten days in the brazilian rain forest with a family in a village.

Being extremely wealthy and used to a comfortable life style...they were quite taken aback at having to sleep on the floor communal style, kill chickens and armadillos deal with sickness....outdoor nasty potties...no running water etc.

But they adapted beautifully and were quite gracious to their host family and ended up enjoying their adventure and learning experience immensly.

The mother even ended up over coming her absolute terror of sickness. ....one of the host families babies had a very high fever ....not only did the suburban mom overcome her terror of exposure to a potentially fatal tropical jungle disease....she helped the mother to get the baby on a boat to the hospital and lovingly cared for the host families other many small children for days untill host villiage mom returned.

They were later in the episode joined by the suburban womans vegan sister.

From the very beginning the vegan was nasty and critical of the older sister. Her conversations all revolved around what a loser big sis was......She pis sed and moaned and complained all the way throughout the entire episode....She wailed brokenly when the chickens were butchered....

She ended the show and her dialogue by saying of her sisters daughter...that she certainly hoped that so and so would grow up to realise that there were alternatives to her parents lifestyle and values....that she hoped she would feel the freedom to explore other more wholesome avenues ...blah de blah....

Now mind you the Mother ...her sister was nothing but gracious and longsuffering...tolerant of the younger sister vegans rudeness and barbed comments....her non stop assault on their morals and character...

She behaved with patience, class and dignity.

I kid you not the vegan had nothing of value to contribute the entire experience........she even freaked out and was completely incapacitated at the idea of digging through thick viscuous mud to hunt crabs for dinner.....

That would be the LAST dam ned time my sister EVER had access to my children....

Anyway...your comments put me in mind of this womans demonstrated lack of respect for anything outside of her own narrow little universe.

I had thought perhaps she was just an extreme example...but seeing this material later in the news...I have to wonder if the attitude and attempt to turn children against their parents and families.

She struck me as the epidome of these useless social engineers....completely helpless, but oh so willing to try to control everybody else.

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Here in Duluth, Minney-soda there are so many deer running around, that a special bow-hunting season was declared to alleviate the population/ problem.

Deer are everywhere, and are a real hazard both in town and out of town.

PETA folks decry this *unnecessary action*, but too bad. They can live in a dream world, and hopefully one of the deer they have *saved* ends up as a hood ornament for their car --- forcing them to see reality.


If they want to live on lentils and rice -- fine by me.

Their choice. Not mine.

and as you said Ron ----

Unfortunately, their websites seem to focus on kids. I've often thought the animal thing is just a cover for brainwashing kids against their parents and they could care less about animals.

(say this in your best Mr. Rodger's voice -----)

Can you say social engineering??

social engineering??

Good -- I knew you could!

Edited by dmiller
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I find these adds revolting.... We live in the North country and hunting and fishing is just a way of life here. We do it for a certain amount of sport but definately to fill the freezer with meat for our families to eat.

Whats worse ..... kids starving ...... or filleting up some salmon.

Every Alaskan has 4 types of salmon and halibut in their freezer and to be honest with you, it really helps the grocery bill. Fish is quite expensive to purchase in the market and isn't always fresh. Salmon is also filled with Q10 and is very healthy for us.

I am appalled at these advertisements and would hate that any child might perceive their parents in this manner.

By the way we have two huge rabbit warrens on our property, they are running everywhere and I have thought about trapping a 3 or 4 a year or purchasing our son a 22 rifle to hunt them ........ does that make me horrible?

I love rabbit stew ........... had it for the first time from an elderly Italian woman ...... I know I have the recipe somewhere. Was the best stew I ever ate ....... Bless her heart ...... she has passed away.


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Here in my area, NJ (and surrounding states too) our building habits have divided up the natural habitat so deer and bear can't wanter freely. They reproduce and soon the heard is too large for the land it lives on. We have 2 choices, hunt the deer or let the entire herd starve to death during winter.

The herd will get through one or 2 tough winters, but by the third, all will have eaten all of the available food less than halfway into winter. Nothing left means the whole herd dies. I don't know a single hunter here who hunts for sport only. Every one brings home the meat and also tans the hide.

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((Twilight Zone Music playing eerily in the background))

"Garth and Ron, two GSers with usually opposing viewpoints were discussing one day and on the way to a particular thread, they took a detour. ... A change. ... And this will be a day like none they've ever spent --- in agreement --- and they'll spend it, ... in the Twilight Zone." :blink:

(Lifted and hatcheted from an actual Rod Serling intro to a Twilight Zone episode. :D Mucho apologies if any Rod Serling fanatics are deeply offended at my poor attempt.)

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For all of you here speaking your mind about the logic of using wild game for food and catching fish for food, as well as the individual who pointed out that in the Animal Kingdom, there is lots of carnage going on, umm, well you are waisting your breath. That is if you plan to use this logic to make a case to the PETA people, because, logic and reason means nothing to them, for with them, it is a religion. Of course, you really weren't waisting your breath, and btw, I am in agreement with all of you, but, this is the thing that is so crazy about these folks. Logic has not a damned thing to do with their beliefs. Reason is out the window, because they are bunch of silly emotionalists who will stop at nothing to achieve their ends. Personally, I think they should all be dipped in bacon grease and then be allowed to wander Kodiak Island where the world's largest Land Carnivore/Omnivore roams and slaughters salmon and deer for their "daily bread". But, they just might end up like Timothy "Bear Scat" Treadwell who loved the bears and animals so so much...

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Should Garth and I ever meet face to face, I trust we'll continue our little debates over some fine steaks.

Or maybe a roast piggie.

Incidently, Garth, the avatar is supposed to be a picture of Hugh Glass, although I sorta doubt it since Glass was killed in the 1830's. He's a historical figure who ate meat and the story of his survival when the meat tried to eat him is legendary.

Edited by Ron G.
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