These are my recollections, dates and times are confusing after all these years:
1972: I took PFAL the first time in 1972 in Peoria, IL. Becky Belcher (later Fugit) and Dave Pettit were also in that class. Three WOWS were originally sent 71-72 to Peoria, only two were there by January when they found me. I think the rumor was that the third had left the field and had committed suicide, but such things were not talked about openly of course. Beth Harris from NY could be seen somewhere in the Life Magazine picture of "Groovy Christians" I was told. Bruce Bell came from Witchita. I cleaned my parents house for 4 weeks to raise the money. Dave pawned his guitar.
We had fun, being part of sort of a renegade type church, sort of a counter-culture. I don't recall many restrictions on our doings,
but drugs and sex were not a part of the twig scene proper. I remember all going to a rock concert, and "mother Becky" making sure we behaved ourselves. No pot, "be good witnesses", that sort of thing. Becky radiated peace and serenity, a real woman of God.
Many people would come through town, Steve Kunkle, Tommy Crabb, and of course Donnie Fugit. He was there for our 12th session. I think Becky set her mind then and there that he was gonna be her husband. His "Kicking the Hogs and Praising the Lord" was the song we would sing for the next 14 years, when thinking of those early Peoria days.
Up in northern IL, John Desmond led another group of believers in Antioch. They started before Peoria. (I always figured Desmond went there for its name alone). As the senior Way believer in IL at the time, he came down to run our intermediate class.
During that year the WOWs (and us) put together several other PFAL classes. Bunches of sweet people. Carolyn Young, her sister Megan, Dawn Clary, Ray Brasga, Brad Hinch and his brother (name escapes me now)......
ROA 72 was huge for us coming from such an ungrown state. We stood NOT alone! what a revelation. Hope Harmon sang, I was infatuated I remember. A movie was made of ROA72. Becky and I made the cuts in the film, but not the BetaVideo. (we are near the beginning, as we enter the grounds.) Was it Sydney that year? I remember, it rained- was there a Rock when it didn't? Rain was nice, it cooled us off, rain was bad, it got muddy. mixed blessings.
1973- more classes. Wit and Und, CF&S, they kept coming. more and more classes. Finally we had all those collateral classes. It was time for AC73 at HQ. It rained. The wind blew. Fortunately I had brought my parent's pop-up camper. It was a good thing. many tents blew down, and we slept 15 in that little 6 man camper. Seating in class was by alphabet I recall. I got to know all the P names. Pavlica, Panyard, Parrish. I thought how collegiate this was. I was also impressed by the roofing pattern on the barn. I had never seen letters worked into a roof before. I knew we had friends there, Howard Allen told us strangers are friends we haven't met before. We felt welcome. It was fun.
One of the last nights of the AC we were invited to be inititated into the secret "innermost sanctums of the Way" VPW, and other of the "names" were there. They were dressed in black, with hoods, around a bonfire. I don't recall much of the ceremony now, but in the end, we were given a piece of a root (maybe horseradish?) to eat. If we ate it we would be part of the inner wisdom and pledged to loyalty to the ministry. Maybe it was Bo who made the rounds distributing the stuff. I faked it, never swallowed (or inhaled?). My fate was written in the stars then. God had seen me cheat.
Christmas of 73, we decided we would call IL a limb, even though it was not yet so designated. I invited Mr. and Mrs. W to come and teach at our first "Limb meeting" I think it was Dec 23rd, and asked if he would bring some of the music ministry. I was awakened one morning by someone on the phone saying she was Dr. Wierwille's secretary, and that Dr. wanted to talk to me. I said Riiiiigggghhhttttt. I hung up. Phone rang again. "this is REALLY Dr. Wierwille's secretary...." I stayed on the phone this time, and Dr. thanked me for the invite, and accepted. He would bring Ted amd Mardelle and Claudette. I was giddy, mostly I think for the music. A letter with the details would follow he said.
The letter told us we would be responsible for his expenses, gas rooms for the special guests. He took the liberty of inviting Don and his wife, but would pay for their room himself.
They would arrive the day before, and Dr. would do a special teaching, for twig leaders only that night, before the day long events the next day.
Preparations became hectic as December came. A day before the date, Bo Reahard came to town to make sure things were ready. They weren't. The "Way Home" was not nearly clean enough for the Man of God to teach twig leaders. We all worked through the night, Bo included, cleaning every nick and cranny of that old 100 year old house.
The Wierwilles drove themselves in one car. Ted, Mardelle and Claudette in another.
I think they were black Lincolns, but now I am not sure. I remember I had expected them to have chauffeurs, but was impressed that they didn't. Wierwille taught that night, he sat in the nicest chair/throne we had. The arm broke immediatley. We were heartbroken at our failure to foresee that, and somewhat concerned for his reaction. It turned out we needn't have been. Dr. laughed and said "Better call Wierwille Upholstery" (I think that was a reference to Uncle Harry's business???) He went on and taught. we were awed. The next day was exciting and Ted's music was awesome. Claudette of course did "Amazing Grace" chills and thrills! Mrs. Wierwille presented me with a Christmas tree shaped candle for organizing the event. I still have most of it.
A month later, the bill from HQ arrived.
While I had hoped to have extra funds to send as a gift to HQ, I found that we were 3 dollars short of his bill. Still, I thought that was pretty cool that God had covered the expenses so well.
I did learn that Wierwille was a good tipper though, it was all on the itemized bill from HQ.
I remember escorting Wierwille to his room. en route Bo asked me to go buy
several bottles of Drambouie and bring them to the room.
I was shocked. I had never bought liquor before, and now, for the Man of God of the world??????
What was Drambouie I wondered. I did it anyway, and brought it in plain brown bags, kind of like smuggling it in, so that no other of the local believers would know. I was invited to share a glass with them. I was "in"! Maybe God didn't see me cheat afterall with that root thing.
1974- Illinois really became a limb. I ran a branch that ran from LaSalle-Peru down through Peoria to Pittsfield. I traveled running classes. My expenses (food and gas) were paid and taken out of the branch area blue forms. I was not paid other than that. Gerald Wrenn moved to a mansion like home in Bloomington, or was it Champaigne? The company I worked for donated the material and our labor to do aluminum siding on the house. It was a big job. Sammy Wilson came from HQ to Peoria that summer to take over the branch as I was going to go and grow as a WOW. I went to Allentown, PA.
WOW year was somewhat uneventful, ahem, except for meeting my wife-to-be as my WOW sister. I don't remember much else. We were allowed an occassional weekend off, which we used to go to NY city once, and Philadelphia another time. We also could go home for Christmas that year. I think that was not allowed in later years. sometime in spring,
Terri and I wrote to Wierwille and said we were getting married instead of coming into the 6th corps.
He gave his blessing to our choice, we were relieved by that.
1975- After the Rock I went home to Peoria for 2 months to earn money to move to CO and get married. I arrived in November 1st, and Terri and I immediately rented an apartment. Hendley the next day learned we planned to live together even though he would not marry us until the 29th of the month. Uh uh- we could not do that. Bad witness. I thought it strange, since we had lived together for a year as WOWs, but acceded to my leadership (kind of, sometimes, mostly, sort of). Its been a great 30 years with a remarkable lady.
I think it was around here that conspiracy theories began to permeate the thinking of the more spiritually alert folks (thats a joke). Sometime around this time the "Myth of the 6 Million" made it to us minions. I angered my dad when talking of it, and I found out my grandmother was jewish. I was embarrassed by my ignorance and his hurt, and swore to from then on only teach and speak what I understood, and could show from the Word. I think I did that the rest of my days in TWI. I think my Dad forgave me, I hope so.
Those theories were never important to me, and I failed to see how they moved the word.
1976- America Awakes.
We heard rumors of the secret rewrite of the constitution.
I recall something about the Illuminati, and I remember seeing various John Birch writings which tried to prove our fears. My thoughts were that fear was the devil's thing, and we should not have it. It seemed like we were the last stand of defense. It became very spiritual and secret. We all read "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" We prayed, we did several 24 hour of prayer things, simply said,
we were told we saved the country. We were the TRUE patriots. The music caravan, motorcoach etc toured the country. We celebrated "God's" victory.
I thought it was silly and superficial.
I guess what I have tried to portray, is that in these years we had fun, we were serious, but not overbearing or anal about things.
I had heard nothing about sex or drugs being a major part of the minsitry at this time,
in fact, it seemed to be less so than in the "worldly" segments of our generation. We celebrated the freedom we had through our salvation and our saviour, but at the same time, we tried to be witnesses of a godly life. We tried to walk our talk and talk our walk. (a phrase we often spoke). when the conspiracy things came, we tried to do our part to raise awareness, but MANY of us remained true to our initial reasons of signing on with God. We taught hot bible, (or tried to- some with better ability than others, most better'n me probably), we preached and lived love and tenderness, we truly cared about each other's well being, health and spiritual growth. Years later when I left the Way fellowships, I could do so without bitterness or hate, because I had remained true to myself, and in my mind at least, true to my God.
Christmas of 73, we decided we would call IL a limb, even though it was not yet so designated. I invited Mr. and Mrs. W to come and teach at our first "Limb meeting" I think it was Dec 23rd, and asked if he would bring some of the music ministry. I was awakened one morning by someone on the phone saying she was Dr. Wierwille's secretary, and that Dr. wanted to talk to me. I said Riiiiiggggttttt. I hung up. Phone rang again. "this is REALLY Dr. Wierwille's secretary...." I stayed on the phone this time, and Dr. thanked me for the invite, and accepted. He would bring Ted amd Mardelle and Claudette. I was giddy, mostly I think for the music. A letter with the details would follow he said.
The letter told us we would be responsible for
his expenses, gas rooms for the special guests.
He took the liberty of inviting Don and his wife, but would pay for their room himself.
Man, he was RUTHLESS about making everyone money only go ONE-WAY,
wasn't he?
(I've always wondered what the "way" in the name referred to-
now I know. The money only went ONE WAY- to HIM.)
Any REAL Christian ministry would have covered gas at LEAST for themselves,
and ASKED about room. (Unless it was truly BROKE, they would have paid for
their own room and board.)
The Wierwilles drove themselves in one car. Ted, Mardelle and Claudette in another.
I think they were black Lincolns, but now I am not sure.
I remember I had expected them to have chauffeurs, but was impressed that they didn't.
The corps travelled in TRUCKS- not even a refurbished BUS or whatever.
(VERY unsafe by modern standards, since there were no CHAIRS.)
El Jodong Grande travels in TOWNCARS-that's towncarS, plural.
What does God need with a TOWNCAR?
Mrs. Wierwille presented me with a Christmas tree shaped candle for organizing the event.
I still have most of it.
A month later, the bill from HQ arrived. While I had hoped to have extra funds to send as a gift to HQ, I found that we were 3 dollars short of his bill. Still, I thought that was pretty cool that God had covered the expenses so well.
I did learn that Wierwille was a good tipper though, it was all on the itemized bill from HQ.
I have one of vpw's newspaper articles that he wrote and PAID to have printed,
where he explains WHY he's a cheap tipper, and gives a SPECIFIC EXAMPLE.
(It's in the whole set.)
then he's a generous tipper.
When it's "his" money-
which, no matter what he thought, was not HIS money, but rather
he was incredibly cheap.
He didnt want to spend money if it meant he had less money in his hands...
I remember escorting Wierwille to his room.
en route Bo asked me to go buy
several bottles of Drambouie and bring them to the room.
I was shocked. I had never bought liquor before, and now, for the Man of God of the world??????
What was Drambouie I wondered. I did it anyway, and brought it in plain brown bags, kind of like smuggling it in, so that no other of the local believers would know.
I'd never heard of the stuff, really, before reading here myself.
How many weeks was he staying?
Was it really only a few DAYS?
Sometime in spring, Terri and I wrote to Wierwille and said we were getting married instead of coming into the 6th corps. He gave his blessing to our choice, we were relieved by that.
It's like walking into a library and wondering which book to read first. Here's a short one to start. Then time frame is fall of 1975, the program, fellowlaborers. After our evening meal it is announced that our usual evening duties have been suspended because we have a much more urgent mission to pursue. We must destroy any documents that link specific names to the monthly newsletter.(in other words the mailing list). Some work the 3x5 cards while others go through various files. Another crew sets about the task of destroying the mimeograph plates.we are instructed that this mission is a top priority and we must approach it seriously as it's been suspected that the illuminati may be "on to us". When work is completed we are instructed not to discuss this event with anyone, not even amongst ourselves. More stuff later but for now I have to answer the front door. There are two guys with black suits and sunglasses ringing my doorbell. One has a violin case. Could they be with WAY PRODUCTIONS?
Illuminati??? Wow! I didn't know they were that wacked about that stuff. It proves our adored cult leaders were lunatics in more way than one....sigh. It's too bad they put you guys on a special project just because they were paranoid. If only they were as important as they thought they were.
My sincere apologies to anyone in way productions who may have been offended by my referance. I really loved what you guys ( in the Greek that thar is all inclusive as to gender) were doing. It simply conjured up an image of a long forgotten skit.
Once while in the family corps (F12), I passed some F11 guys in the hall. They were alone with the exception of me passing by. At the time I could have sworn they were talking about swapping wives. I thought I must have missunderstood what they were saying and forgot about it. I can't remember who it was but remember the face of one of them. They were definitely F11.
Of course once I read about this sort of thing here, I thought maybe I heard correctly. Looking back, I was 12, why would I think of wife swapping unless they had said it or something about it?
I started with twi in the fall of 1973 as a freshman in college. I attended weekly twig meetings coordinated by one of those Rye Groovy Christians - a wonderful woman of God to this day! I took the PFAL class on film in April 1973. It was coordinated by C. Geer and was a lifechanging experience. Although I loved the twig meetings (strongest refreshment was juice and cookies), I was not interested in taking the class until I read TW - LIL.
I attended ROA in 73 for one day - it was at the Lima fair grounds, I believe.
I continued with twigs as the Word grew on our campus in 73-74. I went to Summer School at HQ in 74 and really was blessed. I remember 2 out of the 3 classes - Tabernable that was taught by an older couple and helped connect the new and old testaments. Leader's Wife - taught by Mrs. Wierwille about how to do pack a suitcase, how to make a house a home, to more spiritual stuff. Wonderful experience with Dorothy Owens leading Hillside Sings and all the healthful foods in the dining hall.
74-75 year I was a college WOW and did feel some pressure to spend enough time to honor that commitment.
Summer of 75 went to Emporia (I think) or might have been Ball State Indiana to take the Advanced Class = can't remember. That was also a really good experience.
74-75 year I lived in a "Way Home" with other college students. We had a pretty structured schedule and it was difficult at times, but I can't say it was ever such that I wanted to leave.
Went to ROA in 74 and 75. Can't remember when it switched to HQ. I do remember being at the open air location before the tent and having it rain during the evening teaching time. Dr. Weirwille had such a heart for the people that he came off the stage with big sheets of plastic to give to those listening so that they could use the plastic as cover as we were listening to the teaching. As he was giving those sheets of plastic to the audience, he slipped on the slick surface. I'll never forget his heart for the believers, no matter what his shortcomings may have been.
My experience in those years was that the Word was alive, was being taught with integrity, and there was enough love of God to cover any shortcomings of the people involved.
I learned so much that has benefited my life to this day.
I started with twi in the fall of 1973 as a freshman in college. I attended weekly twig meetings coordinated by one of those Rye Groovy Christians - a wonderful woman of God to this day! I took the PFAL class on film in April 1973. It was coordinated by C. Geer and was a lifechanging experience. Although I loved the twig meetings (strongest refreshment was juice and cookies), I was not interested in taking the class until I read TW - LIL.
Its good to hear your recollections. I read The Way Living In Love, too. In fact.. I've read pert near every TWI book. Now, hang around and get to know folks!
Miracles -- beyond the parking-space type -- I still love the parking-space miracles. They are the daily rest to my soul.
. Mary Belavitz brought her little car to Fred to fix. He is testing the valves. She needs a valve job. Expensive. Fred tests again, the pressure goes up. Fred says whatever you're doing keep doing it. Pressure on all valves go up to pass. Mary says, "I had such and such money to go to the Advanced class (California February 7?) and told the Father I really wanted to go..." Mary's car was a treasure with a bumper sticker that said, "Wise men still seek Him." When Del Duncan wanted to thank Mary for baby sitting Aaron and Luke, he and Nancy got Mary a set of much needed tires. Seeing Mary and her car on the road was a blessing, always.
. Our son Paul 3 or 4 yrs old was hit with a frisbee or something on his eye at the Rock. Tim ___'s daughter Ruth, about the same age, came over and prayed for Paul. We took him to hospital in New Bremen(or St Mary's?). He was fine. When Paul was born, 5/14/75 he was premie, neonatal ICU. I brought him to roa. That was a wet one. Made a portable tent for his bassinette out of the tent bag. He was fine and healthy and grew strong and healthy and kind hearted. Served as a chef in US Marine Corps in Desert Storm.
.Any moment with Del Duncan could be a living miracle in motion moment because,I believe, he saw the face of God in Jesus Christ.
.Other car miracles, and angels,too, that were part of the back and forth to Ohio each summer those 20 years from 1973 to 1995 (mostly California to and from).
.The walk with the Lord watching over us firmly built that relationship with Him / that trust and confidence that God is good and loves me so very much has kept me alive to this day.
This was the second of the "eyewitnesses" threads, looking for accounts from people who were "there." It has actual accounts from people who were there, :)
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Man, he was RUTHLESS about making everyone money only go ONE-WAY,
wasn't he?
(I've always wondered what the "way" in the name referred to-
now I know. The money only went ONE WAY- to HIM.)
Any REAL Christian ministry would have covered gas at LEAST for themselves,
and ASKED about room. (Unless it was truly BROKE, they would have paid for
their own room and board.)
The corps travelled in TRUCKS- not even a refurbished BUS or whatever.
(VERY unsafe by modern standards, since there were no CHAIRS.)
El Jodong Grande travels in TOWNCARS-that's towncarS, plural.
What does God need with a TOWNCAR?
I have one of vpw's newspaper articles that he wrote and PAID to have printed,
where he explains WHY he's a cheap tipper, and gives a SPECIFIC EXAMPLE.
(It's in the whole set.)
then he's a generous tipper.
When it's "his" money-
which, no matter what he thought, was not HIS money, but rather
he was incredibly cheap.
He didnt want to spend money if it meant he had less money in his hands...
I'd never heard of the stuff, really, before reading here myself.
How many weeks was he staying?
Was it really only a few DAYS?
THAT practice sure changed eventually.
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Those of you who have something to share, (relevant to the time-frame),
PLEASE add it here...
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It's like walking into a library and wondering which book to read first. Here's a short one to start. Then time frame is fall of 1975, the program, fellowlaborers. After our evening meal it is announced that our usual evening duties have been suspended because we have a much more urgent mission to pursue. We must destroy any documents that link specific names to the monthly newsletter.(in other words the mailing list). Some work the 3x5 cards while others go through various files. Another crew sets about the task of destroying the mimeograph plates.we are instructed that this mission is a top priority and we must approach it seriously as it's been suspected that the illuminati may be "on to us". When work is completed we are instructed not to discuss this event with anyone, not even amongst ourselves. More stuff later but for now I have to answer the front door. There are two guys with black suits and sunglasses ringing my doorbell. One has a violin case. Could they be with WAY PRODUCTIONS?
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Illuminati??? Wow! I didn't know they were that wacked about that stuff. It proves our adored cult leaders were lunatics in more way than one....sigh. It's too bad they put you guys on a special project just because they were paranoid. If only they were as important as they thought they were.
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My sincere apologies to anyone in way productions who may have been offended by my referance. I really loved what you guys ( in the Greek that thar is all inclusive as to gender) were doing. It simply conjured up an image of a long forgotten skit.
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Real quick on wife swapping.
Once while in the family corps (F12), I passed some F11 guys in the hall. They were alone with the exception of me passing by. At the time I could have sworn they were talking about swapping wives. I thought I must have missunderstood what they were saying and forgot about it. I can't remember who it was but remember the face of one of them. They were definitely F11.
Of course once I read about this sort of thing here, I thought maybe I heard correctly. Looking back, I was 12, why would I think of wife swapping unless they had said it or something about it?
Other than that, sorry, I was born in 75. :)
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I started with twi in the fall of 1973 as a freshman in college. I attended weekly twig meetings coordinated by one of those Rye Groovy Christians - a wonderful woman of God to this day! I took the PFAL class on film in April 1973. It was coordinated by C. Geer and was a lifechanging experience. Although I loved the twig meetings (strongest refreshment was juice and cookies), I was not interested in taking the class until I read TW - LIL.
I attended ROA in 73 for one day - it was at the Lima fair grounds, I believe.
I continued with twigs as the Word grew on our campus in 73-74. I went to Summer School at HQ in 74 and really was blessed. I remember 2 out of the 3 classes - Tabernable that was taught by an older couple and helped connect the new and old testaments. Leader's Wife - taught by Mrs. Wierwille about how to do pack a suitcase, how to make a house a home, to more spiritual stuff. Wonderful experience with Dorothy Owens leading Hillside Sings and all the healthful foods in the dining hall.
74-75 year I was a college WOW and did feel some pressure to spend enough time to honor that commitment.
Summer of 75 went to Emporia (I think) or might have been Ball State Indiana to take the Advanced Class = can't remember. That was also a really good experience.
74-75 year I lived in a "Way Home" with other college students. We had a pretty structured schedule and it was difficult at times, but I can't say it was ever such that I wanted to leave.
Went to ROA in 74 and 75. Can't remember when it switched to HQ. I do remember being at the open air location before the tent and having it rain during the evening teaching time. Dr. Weirwille had such a heart for the people that he came off the stage with big sheets of plastic to give to those listening so that they could use the plastic as cover as we were listening to the teaching. As he was giving those sheets of plastic to the audience, he slipped on the slick surface. I'll never forget his heart for the believers, no matter what his shortcomings may have been.
My experience in those years was that the Word was alive, was being taught with integrity, and there was enough love of God to cover any shortcomings of the people involved.
I learned so much that has benefited my life to this day.
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One question, alleycat-
do you currently own a copy of TW:LiL?
There's a reason I ask.
And it's not the one you're thinking.
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Yes, I do own a copy of TW LIL.
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Welcome Alleycat!!!
Its good to hear your recollections. I read The Way Living In Love, too. In fact.. I've read pert near every TWI book. Now, hang around and get to know folks!
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Kit Sober
Miracles -- beyond the parking-space type -- I still love the parking-space miracles. They are the daily rest to my soul.
. Mary Belavitz brought her little car to Fred to fix. He is testing the valves. She needs a valve job. Expensive. Fred tests again, the pressure goes up. Fred says whatever you're doing keep doing it. Pressure on all valves go up to pass. Mary says, "I had such and such money to go to the Advanced class (California February 7?) and told the Father I really wanted to go..." Mary's car was a treasure with a bumper sticker that said, "Wise men still seek Him." When Del Duncan wanted to thank Mary for baby sitting Aaron and Luke, he and Nancy got Mary a set of much needed tires. Seeing Mary and her car on the road was a blessing, always.
. Our son Paul 3 or 4 yrs old was hit with a frisbee or something on his eye at the Rock. Tim ___'s daughter Ruth, about the same age, came over and prayed for Paul. We took him to hospital in New Bremen(or St Mary's?). He was fine. When Paul was born, 5/14/75 he was premie, neonatal ICU. I brought him to roa. That was a wet one. Made a portable tent for his bassinette out of the tent bag. He was fine and healthy and grew strong and healthy and kind hearted. Served as a chef in US Marine Corps in Desert Storm.
.Any moment with Del Duncan could be a living miracle in motion moment because,I believe, he saw the face of God in Jesus Christ.
.Other car miracles, and angels,too, that were part of the back and forth to Ohio each summer those 20 years from 1973 to 1995 (mostly California to and from).
.The walk with the Lord watching over us firmly built that relationship with Him / that trust and confidence that God is good and loves me so very much has kept me alive to this day.
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The reason I asked is because you read it back in the early 1970s.
I wanted to recommend reading it again now, with your current perspective.
We discussed it here before, and I wanted to give you a fair chance to judge
its contents again on your own, before recommending the thread where
we dissected it. I think it would be more useful that way.
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This thread had a lot more responses-which was to be expected. It included the initial recruitment explosion of twi.
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Rock of Ages 1972 by Cunningham7777
Rock of Ages 1975 by Michael Scherling
Enjoy, thanks to the owners of these videos
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This was the second of the "eyewitnesses" threads, looking for accounts from people who were "there." It has actual accounts from people who were there, :)
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