There are many, many different symptoms that resulted out of our failure to carry out the specific orders we were given, but it all traces back to one common trait we share, how we TOTALLY refused to get the message in our heads as accurate as it was put into print.
That would be YOUR opinion, that's it's merely my opinion I express. Right?
SOMEONE'S got to be able to have a correct opinion that's from God. The question is WHO? Come back to PFAL and find out.
Wafer Not!,
It's not an attitude, but a notation of fact.
Dr's final instructions were thoroughly ignored, and my calling attention to them is totally ignored.
I mean to say that I'm ignored in the serious sense, where the ideas I present are carefully considered and explored. It's the content of my posts that is ignored. I realize my posts are noticed by many and focused upon for ridicule, razzing, and remonstrating.
The extremely strong forces that hid Dr's Last/Lost Teaching are very much at work. Nearly all grads, in step with nearly all leaders, have done anything and everything BUT focus in a big and exclusive way on the written form of PFAL like Dr told us to do.
Even those who work the collaterals a little also mix in many contradictory doctrines, and refuse to rigorously master the material of PFAL. The adversary can cope with, and even work with, ALL the religious activities of grads EXCEPT that activity of us grads where we FINALLY get a handle on the power that's promised in PFAL. If we would only do it God's way and not our own we'd see that promised power.
It seems to me that you be would want to be very familiar with all of veepee's plagiarisms, especially the concepts from secular sources, both proximate & remote.
In a way I agree with you. However, I do not fit the definition of a troll.
Where I agree with you is this: I'd be pretty happy to state my case and leave it at that. However my posts stimulate such guile (those extremely strong spiritual forces again) that someone has got to try and undo what I just posted. It seems that those who are against me are a divided house and not standing. Of course, their "feeding the troll" merely opens a door for me to correct their error and all of a sudden the thread is derailed, but I've gotten more of my message posted than originally planned. I gotta laugh at it all, that is, when I'm not grieving for the closed mindedness towards the good we were given.
I'd have been happy to state my case about Chris Geer, and how his direction of the ministry for those two years lacked all specifics like sunesis pointed out, and then my further point that we too were blinded to or deaf to the same specifics plainly spoken by Dr.
So, you too, jardinero, even with your post about not feeding the troll have made it available for me to repeat and summarize my latest contribution to this Geer thread. You fed the troll and made him stronger with your sage advice.
You wrote: "It seems to me that you be would want to be very familiar with all of veepee's plagiarisms, especially the concepts from secular sources, both proximate & remote."
It seems to me that you would want to be very familiar with the OPPOSING points of view to the plagiarism charges, but it's evident you are not.
I've posted reams about the supposed plagiarism.
I am VERY familiar with all you wish me to be. It's you who are in the dark.
If you want to start a thread on it or PM me I may take the time to inform you. Otherwise you can do simple or advanced searches on the topic to see what's been posted by me. You'd not only see these currently unseen points, but you'd also see that I am VERY familiar with it all... so familiar I can refute it effectively for those who want to know more than the very constricted point of view usually expressed here.
I've told you before that this is an OLG thing, that we Older Leader Grads, are the ones who blew it here and entered into total disobedience to God by ignoring this specific change order.
Actually, it's an FOS thing.
You are not to be blamed for our grievous error. You arrived too late to see the GREAT good that we saw, and I can't blame you for ignoring Dr's specific advice. I doubt if God blames you, either. But we OLGs have got a lot of explaining to do at the bema.
Well, General Grievous,
we'll all take our chances.
If I'm snout-to-nose with Jesus Christ himself,
and he wants to discuss a particular class I took or a set of books
I read,
I'll probably be interested in what the opposition wants to discuss that week.
God is well aware of this, too.
He hasn't gotten around to destroying me for it yet, so you'll have to wait for
So am I to understand that no one has anything to say about Geer's total lack of specific instructions, and Dr's totally refused specific instructions?
How about the irony?
How about any curiosity as to what could have happened if we HAD dropped all the stupid TVTs and gone back to PFAL as Dr specifically instructed?
Any curiosity about what might happen if any of us DO return to PFAL minus the TVT baggage?
1) So am I to understand that no one has anything to say about Geer's total lack of specific instructions, and Dr's totally refused specific instructions?
2) How about the irony?
3) How about any curiosity as to what could have happened if we HAD dropped all the stupid TVTs and gone back to PFAL as Dr specifically instructed?
4) Any curiosity about what might happen if any of us DO return to PFAL minus the TVT baggage?
5) Any at all?
In order,
1) trick question, they've discussed it, and it's your delusion, not ours
2) I wear Permanent Press, t-shirts, denim and flannel specifically to avoid ironing.
3) No, and trick question again.
4) No, and trick question again.
5) No, and this answer has been "no" for over 2 years now.
I agree with Jardinero. Please don't feed the troll.
The ignore function is a wonderful thing and it seems to have run off more than one troll when people refuse to acknowledge them and especially refuse to engage them in conversation.
Probably what he's doing now is related to what he did around POP time.
Related Sub-topic: Sunesis' post on Geer's POP and followup devoid of specifics.
Yes, I remember pulling out my already thin hair back then with this maddening state of vague generalities. Many others remember this too and have bitterly complained of it's injustices.
Summary of my posting before the ad homonym attacks: Geer had a blind spot to the specifics, and so did all of us.
What we see in the POP is a very detailed and specific recounting of many of Dr's warnings of the dire state of the ministry. Towards the end of the POP we see many details of the few minutes Geer spent with Dr before his last (and soon to be lost) final teaching. Then the blind spot is manifested: not one detail in POP about the contents of these dying last words to us that contained a very specific instruction TWICE in that one very short teaching, which was for even the big-wig leaders to come back to written PFAL and master it.
Geer then went on in later years with this surgically precise bind spot in his mind, unable to see the specific remedy Dr gave him and us, totally ignoring the contents of the last teaching. He soon was totally contradicting Dr's SPECIFIC instructions by junking PFAL and producing his own class and materials.
All the other splinter groups, in one way or another, have done similarly: total avoidance of the specific instructions. We all had the same surgically placed blind spot as Geer's to the SPECIFIC instructions many of us complained were missing.
Years pass and finally someone here in San Diego discovers Dr's last teaching and literally obeys it. A few years later he shows this to me. I turn to the internet and discover that the blind spot has invaded every single grad in the world.
The posters who have chimed in ever since sunesis' post and then my response have no comment on this blind spot because they are still afflicted by it. All they want to do is attack me and ignore the topic.
Lurking readers who are beginning to see, pray for the grads who are so utterly blinded to the remedy. Open your collaterals and again start receiving strength to help this family rise from the dead. God has given us life and new sight. Praise the Lord!
Had the Patron Saint of Aloofness left us with Dr.'s last lost teaching ONLY, without all the accusations against the BOT, and all the other subsequent gobbledygook, ... and then after THAT, had the ministry failed or split, there would be no excuse whatever.
But instead of that, Geer left us with no specifics, gobbledygook, ... that unfortunately Craig (primarily) and others got deceived with.
There was so much suspicion and doubt against Craig and the BOT by 1988, that when Craig did write to all the believers that we should master PFAL, folks were way too suspicious, and weren't listening.
I believe Geer had a major role in that continued suspicion.
I agree with Jardinero. Please don't feed the troll.
The ignore function is a wonderful thing and it seems to have run off more than one troll when people refuse to acknowledge them and especially refuse to engage them in conversation.
It's ad hominem, not ad homonym, i.e., a personal attack, typically irrelevant & borne of logical fallacy, due to the fact that the antagonist cannot efficaciously refute the protagonist's 'logic.'
However, in this case, your soft 'logic' is of waylore, cornfield cults, & Herr Vierville Corn Wizard.
Finally someone who wants to engage the topic instead of me!
I respectfully (and I really mean that) do not concur with you on the thesis you brought forward.
There may have been suspicions about Craig in some leadership circles, but on the field he was pretty revered as far as I knew. I was rooting for him and ignoring Dr along with many others then.
Like I've posted before, I see the hand of the adversary working 5 to 10 years earlier to build this blindness to Dr's advice BECAUSE Dr was getting that advice from the Father. Attention was systematically distracted and shifted away from Dr's advice and the written doctrine in many, many ways, each tailored for each individual.
By the time the POP and all came out we were all programmed in one way or another to turn to all sorts of strategies, anything BUT what Dr was saying.
Like someone else posted here before Sunesis' post, I think any other scenario would have still resulted in one type of meltdown or another. Had there been no leadership suspicion of Craig built up by the time he called for a return to PFAL it still would have gone into the toilet because either Craig would have botched the recovery mastery program, or others would have, or no one would have taken it seriously.
To this day TWI stands by most of those books and dabbles with them, but there's no serious mastery being accomplished by them.
There was one such "return" to PFAL the BOT attempted, I think prior to the release of the POP. If memory serves me (and it often does not) it was in the Spring of 1986 when the BOT were shown the POP privately. For about ONE SINGLE MONTH the SNS tapes were of the BOT members reading from the Blue Book.
I now wish I had saved those SNS tapes, but they were so weird and boring back then that I recorded secular music on top of them. The BOT teachers on those tapes were obviously downcast and depressed, injecting no life or inspiration whatsoever into the teachings. They were beyond the Twilight Zone in how they blew it, completely sabotaging the mastery of PFAL.
My impression, in hindsight, is that the BOT knew they were screwed up, thought Geer would rescue them, heard the call to return to the collaterals, BUT DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT. Their teachings resembled a teenage boy who hates to make his bed in the morning, but is sternly told that he must make his bed or there's no breakfast for him. So he reluctantly throws the sheets and blankets together haphazardly, deliberately botching the job with wrinkles and crooked alignment of blankets. I remember trying this kind of strategy on my parents, going through the motions of obedience but sabotaging the results in hopes that my parents would give up on the daily insistence that I perform.
Oldiesman, I've just seen that the strength of the forces that did what they did to get us all to refuse to get serious about collateral focus and study, were so strong that no alternate scenario would have thwarted their success. They are still at work to this day.
These same forces can be seen all through the OT. God would do great things for His people, and in one generation or less they'd walk away from Him. The Golden Calf incident is the epitome of this process, but it's seen everywhere in there. The collapse of the first century church is another spectacular example of how great a grip the adversary has on large groups of people. The ONLY way to thwart these forces is for God to intervene with a huge miracle, which He did in giving us PFAL, and we'll see the results when we finally do start mastering it properly. As our broken cisterns run dry a few of us will sample PFAL again and find it thirst quenching, leading others to follow suit.
Interesting. The pot meets the kettle and is startled at its color.
It's ad hominem, not ad homonym, i.e., a personal attack, typically irrelevant & borne of logical fallacy, due to the fact that the antagonist cannot efficaciously refute the protagonist's 'logic.'
The logic in this case has been fully addressed on numerous occasions. Judging on the replies, Mike may have a point when it comes to the "reproof-corrective" value of POP. It had none. I agree with what Oldiesman said: POP was a prime example of reproof without correction, and I'm ashamed that I didn't notice that sooner than I did. In it were demands that were so vague that they could not be met except according to the standard of the whim of the reprover. I am grateful for the effect of POP, but not for the document itself. It was a 40-page cheap shot.
Still glad I left in 1989, though. History proved us right.
And Chris Geer's mid-90s meltdown proved his critics right, I should add.
My dear friend, I was reading this very interesting thread until the same-old same-old nut jobs began to go after you.
Look, you know what you saw, most of us that were around saw what you saw, you know you are an honest guy, I know you were one of the most truthful ministry friends I had -- let it roll off your back. Some people choose to remain crazy. I guess they keep the hospitals full and the pharmaceutical companies in business producing adivan and the like.
Love you HW
As I recall the tape sent to the corps with CG yelling at us, all he did was talk about all the work he had been doing -- trying to look good, then made people feel bad. F- him
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Mike mounted the soapbox and exclaimed....
That would be *your opinion*, right?
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That would be YOUR opinion, that's it's merely my opinion I express. Right?
SOMEONE'S got to be able to have a correct opinion that's from God. The question is WHO? Come back to PFAL and find out.
Wafer Not!,
It's not an attitude, but a notation of fact.
Dr's final instructions were thoroughly ignored, and my calling attention to them is totally ignored.
I mean to say that I'm ignored in the serious sense, where the ideas I present are carefully considered and explored. It's the content of my posts that is ignored. I realize my posts are noticed by many and focused upon for ridicule, razzing, and remonstrating.
The extremely strong forces that hid Dr's Last/Lost Teaching are very much at work. Nearly all grads, in step with nearly all leaders, have done anything and everything BUT focus in a big and exclusive way on the written form of PFAL like Dr told us to do.
Even those who work the collaterals a little also mix in many contradictory doctrines, and refuse to rigorously master the material of PFAL. The adversary can cope with, and even work with, ALL the religious activities of grads EXCEPT that activity of us grads where we FINALLY get a handle on the power that's promised in PFAL. If we would only do it God's way and not our own we'd see that promised power.
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It seems to me that you be would want to be very familiar with all of veepee's plagiarisms, especially the concepts from secular sources, both proximate & remote.
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In a way I agree with you. However, I do not fit the definition of a troll.
Where I agree with you is this: I'd be pretty happy to state my case and leave it at that. However my posts stimulate such guile (those extremely strong spiritual forces again) that someone has got to try and undo what I just posted. It seems that those who are against me are a divided house and not standing. Of course, their "feeding the troll" merely opens a door for me to correct their error and all of a sudden the thread is derailed, but I've gotten more of my message posted than originally planned. I gotta laugh at it all, that is, when I'm not grieving for the closed mindedness towards the good we were given.
I'd have been happy to state my case about Chris Geer, and how his direction of the ministry for those two years lacked all specifics like sunesis pointed out, and then my further point that we too were blinded to or deaf to the same specifics plainly spoken by Dr.
So, you too, jardinero, even with your post about not feeding the troll have made it available for me to repeat and summarize my latest contribution to this Geer thread. You fed the troll and made him stronger with your sage advice.
You wrote: "It seems to me that you be would want to be very familiar with all of veepee's plagiarisms, especially the concepts from secular sources, both proximate & remote."
It seems to me that you would want to be very familiar with the OPPOSING points of view to the plagiarism charges, but it's evident you are not.
I've posted reams about the supposed plagiarism.
I am VERY familiar with all you wish me to be. It's you who are in the dark.
If you want to start a thread on it or PM me I may take the time to inform you. Otherwise you can do simple or advanced searches on the topic to see what's been posted by me. You'd not only see these currently unseen points, but you'd also see that I am VERY familiar with it all... so familiar I can refute it effectively for those who want to know more than the very constricted point of view usually expressed here.
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Quote by Mike: "It's not an attitude, but a notation of fact. "
No, Mike, it is only your opinion. Your constant accusations is what keeps you in the troll category.
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Time for bed, Mike.
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Actually, it's an FOS thing.
Well, General Grievous,
we'll all take our chances.
If I'm snout-to-nose with Jesus Christ himself,
and he wants to discuss a particular class I took or a set of books
I read,
I'll probably be interested in what the opposition wants to discuss that week.
God is well aware of this, too.
He hasn't gotten around to destroying me for it yet, so you'll have to wait for
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So am I to understand that no one has anything to say about Geer's total lack of specific instructions, and Dr's totally refused specific instructions?
How about the irony?
How about any curiosity as to what could have happened if we HAD dropped all the stupid TVTs and gone back to PFAL as Dr specifically instructed?
Any curiosity about what might happen if any of us DO return to PFAL minus the TVT baggage?
Any at all?
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In order,
1) trick question, they've discussed it, and it's your delusion, not ours
2) I wear Permanent Press, t-shirts, denim and flannel specifically to avoid ironing.
3) No, and trick question again.
4) No, and trick question again.
5) No, and this answer has been "no" for over 2 years now.
We've been thru this before, many times.
All things cyclical imply futility.
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I agree with Jardinero. Please don't feed the troll.
The ignore function is a wonderful thing and it seems to have run off more than one troll when people refuse to acknowledge them and especially refuse to engage them in conversation.
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Time for your picture!!!!
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??? I no understand. :huh:
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{{Gollum Gollum}}
I would do it myself, but I can't figure it out! Just thought it would be appropriate right now !!
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Topic, topic topic!
Topic: What is Chris Geer doing now?
Probably what he's doing now is related to what he did around POP time.
Related Sub-topic: Sunesis' post on Geer's POP and followup devoid of specifics.
Yes, I remember pulling out my already thin hair back then with this maddening state of vague generalities. Many others remember this too and have bitterly complained of it's injustices.
Summary of my posting before the ad homonym attacks: Geer had a blind spot to the specifics, and so did all of us.
What we see in the POP is a very detailed and specific recounting of many of Dr's warnings of the dire state of the ministry. Towards the end of the POP we see many details of the few minutes Geer spent with Dr before his last (and soon to be lost) final teaching. Then the blind spot is manifested: not one detail in POP about the contents of these dying last words to us that contained a very specific instruction TWICE in that one very short teaching, which was for even the big-wig leaders to come back to written PFAL and master it.
Geer then went on in later years with this surgically precise bind spot in his mind, unable to see the specific remedy Dr gave him and us, totally ignoring the contents of the last teaching. He soon was totally contradicting Dr's SPECIFIC instructions by junking PFAL and producing his own class and materials.
All the other splinter groups, in one way or another, have done similarly: total avoidance of the specific instructions. We all had the same surgically placed blind spot as Geer's to the SPECIFIC instructions many of us complained were missing.
Years pass and finally someone here in San Diego discovers Dr's last teaching and literally obeys it. A few years later he shows this to me. I turn to the internet and discover that the blind spot has invaded every single grad in the world.
The posters who have chimed in ever since sunesis' post and then my response have no comment on this blind spot because they are still afflicted by it. All they want to do is attack me and ignore the topic.
Lurking readers who are beginning to see, pray for the grads who are so utterly blinded to the remedy. Open your collaterals and again start receiving strength to help this family rise from the dead. God has given us life and new sight. Praise the Lord!
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Mike, my two cents:
Had the Patron Saint of Aloofness left us with Dr.'s last lost teaching ONLY, without all the accusations against the BOT, and all the other subsequent gobbledygook, ... and then after THAT, had the ministry failed or split, there would be no excuse whatever.
But instead of that, Geer left us with no specifics, gobbledygook, ... that unfortunately Craig (primarily) and others got deceived with.
There was so much suspicion and doubt against Craig and the BOT by 1988, that when Craig did write to all the believers that we should master PFAL, folks were way too suspicious, and weren't listening.
I believe Geer had a major role in that continued suspicion.
Do you concur?
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Who said I read anything he wrote? :)
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Aaahhhhhh, .....
You mean this one?
my precioussssss!!
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I am speechless.
But not songless...
Pee Ef A Ell
has something just for you
It shows you the keys
that unlock those doors
And how to walk right through
Or should this be in the other (historical) tread ??
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And, Raf, you definitely didn't have to read a thing to know how appropriate your post was. ;)
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It's ad hominem, not ad homonym, i.e., a personal attack, typically irrelevant & borne of logical fallacy, due to the fact that the antagonist cannot efficaciously refute the protagonist's 'logic.'
However, in this case, your soft 'logic' is of waylore, cornfield cults, & Herr Vierville Corn Wizard.
Gaudeamus igitur,
Juvenes dum sumus;
Post icundum iuventutem,
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus.
Vita nostra brevis est,
Brevi finietur;
Venit mors velociter,
Rapit nos atrociter;
Nemini parcetur.
Ubi sint qui ante nos
In mundo fuere?
Vadite ad superos,
Transite in inferos
Hos si vis videre.
Vivat academia,
Vivant professores,
Vivat membrum quodlibet,
Vivat membra quaelibet;
Semper sint in flore!
Vivat et republica
Et qui illam regit.
Vivat nostra civitas,
Maecenatum caritas
Quae nos hic protegit.
Vivant omnes virgines,
Faciles, formosae!
Vivant et mulieres,
Tenerae, amabiles,
Bonae, laboriosae.
Pereat tristitia,
Pereant osores.
Pereat diabolus,
Quivis antiburschius
Atque irrisores!
Quis confluxus hodie
E longinquo convenerunt,
Protinusque successerunt
In commune forum.
Vivat nostra societas,
Vivant studiosi!
Crescat una veritas,
Floreat fraternitas,
Patriae prosperitas.
Alma Mater floreat,
Quae nos educavit;
Caros et commilitones,
Dissitas in regiones
Sparsos, congregavit.
Salve, jkb
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Hi oldiesman!
Finally someone who wants to engage the topic instead of me!
I respectfully (and I really mean that) do not concur with you on the thesis you brought forward.
There may have been suspicions about Craig in some leadership circles, but on the field he was pretty revered as far as I knew. I was rooting for him and ignoring Dr along with many others then.
Like I've posted before, I see the hand of the adversary working 5 to 10 years earlier to build this blindness to Dr's advice BECAUSE Dr was getting that advice from the Father. Attention was systematically distracted and shifted away from Dr's advice and the written doctrine in many, many ways, each tailored for each individual.
By the time the POP and all came out we were all programmed in one way or another to turn to all sorts of strategies, anything BUT what Dr was saying.
Like someone else posted here before Sunesis' post, I think any other scenario would have still resulted in one type of meltdown or another. Had there been no leadership suspicion of Craig built up by the time he called for a return to PFAL it still would have gone into the toilet because either Craig would have botched the recovery mastery program, or others would have, or no one would have taken it seriously.
To this day TWI stands by most of those books and dabbles with them, but there's no serious mastery being accomplished by them.
There was one such "return" to PFAL the BOT attempted, I think prior to the release of the POP. If memory serves me (and it often does not) it was in the Spring of 1986 when the BOT were shown the POP privately. For about ONE SINGLE MONTH the SNS tapes were of the BOT members reading from the Blue Book.
I now wish I had saved those SNS tapes, but they were so weird and boring back then that I recorded secular music on top of them. The BOT teachers on those tapes were obviously downcast and depressed, injecting no life or inspiration whatsoever into the teachings. They were beyond the Twilight Zone in how they blew it, completely sabotaging the mastery of PFAL.
My impression, in hindsight, is that the BOT knew they were screwed up, thought Geer would rescue them, heard the call to return to the collaterals, BUT DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT. Their teachings resembled a teenage boy who hates to make his bed in the morning, but is sternly told that he must make his bed or there's no breakfast for him. So he reluctantly throws the sheets and blankets together haphazardly, deliberately botching the job with wrinkles and crooked alignment of blankets. I remember trying this kind of strategy on my parents, going through the motions of obedience but sabotaging the results in hopes that my parents would give up on the daily insistence that I perform.
Oldiesman, I've just seen that the strength of the forces that did what they did to get us all to refuse to get serious about collateral focus and study, were so strong that no alternate scenario would have thwarted their success. They are still at work to this day.
These same forces can be seen all through the OT. God would do great things for His people, and in one generation or less they'd walk away from Him. The Golden Calf incident is the epitome of this process, but it's seen everywhere in there. The collapse of the first century church is another spectacular example of how great a grip the adversary has on large groups of people. The ONLY way to thwart these forces is for God to intervene with a huge miracle, which He did in giving us PFAL, and we'll see the results when we finally do start mastering it properly. As our broken cisterns run dry a few of us will sample PFAL again and find it thirst quenching, leading others to follow suit.
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Did Mike say something about ad homonym attacks?
Interesting. The pot meets the kettle and is startled at its color.
The logic in this case has been fully addressed on numerous occasions. Judging on the replies, Mike may have a point when it comes to the "reproof-corrective" value of POP. It had none. I agree with what Oldiesman said: POP was a prime example of reproof without correction, and I'm ashamed that I didn't notice that sooner than I did. In it were demands that were so vague that they could not be met except according to the standard of the whim of the reprover. I am grateful for the effect of POP, but not for the document itself. It was a 40-page cheap shot.
Still glad I left in 1989, though. History proved us right.
And Chris Geer's mid-90s meltdown proved his critics right, I should add.
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Dot Matrix
My dear friend, I was reading this very interesting thread until the same-old same-old nut jobs began to go after you.
Look, you know what you saw, most of us that were around saw what you saw, you know you are an honest guy, I know you were one of the most truthful ministry friends I had -- let it roll off your back. Some people choose to remain crazy. I guess they keep the hospitals full and the pharmaceutical companies in business producing adivan and the like.
Love you HW
As I recall the tape sent to the corps with CG yelling at us, all he did was talk about all the work he had been doing -- trying to look good, then made people feel bad. F- him
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