themex...From what I've heard, Chris Geer "runs his own ministry" from behind a curtain. By this, I mean that he doesn't travel around as a "front man"...he knows that his personality is akin to a rattlesnake so he prefers to stay hidden in the background "selling franchises" of his own version of pfal (Walking in God's Power)...
Mr Geer is one of the most cold hearted, vicious, people I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. During Wierwille's hayday, Geer was known as the bus driving pimp who carried a gun...Just visualizing his face makes my skin crawl.
I know of a couple of great fellowships in the UK ....... people who used to be TWI who still fellowship together and have truly set up there own system of doing thins. Truly self supporting, self governing and the people are able to meet the needs of the people ......... because there truly isn't a complex hierchy of BS standing in there way.
They have nothing to do with Chris Gear or TWI and thus work great together. Gear is off in his own world in Europe doing his own thing. I believe he is still in Ireland.
Last I heard, not too long ago, he and his family were living in Maine. He moved back to the states some years ago, though still maintains an office in Scotland and a couple of former Gartmore staff as his staff for his Word Productions company. His wife and two daughters comprise most of his staff here.
He still produces his newsletter "Glimpses of Truth" (I'm sure WhiteDove can tell you more than I can about that). Last I talked to one of the people who's into his classes, he was awfully close to finally completing his re-make of vp's Advanced Class. The foundational and intermediate "Walking in God's Power" classes have been out for over 10 years and franchises of the his organizational deal are available to those who pony up the cash and pay a percentage of their annual take to him.
He's not a fan of the evil empire known as the Internet, so you won't find a website for him anytime soon, methinks.
I know of a couple of great fellowships in the UK ....... people who used to be TWI who still fellowship together and have truly set up there own system of doing things.
Truly self supporting, self governing and the people are able to meet the needs of the people ......... because there truly isn't a complex hierchy of BS standing in there way.
I think Jardinero about covered it. He is indeed in Maine.
Groucho Just for the record some info that you may have not considered. I believe that he does not travel much because Barbara Geer his wife has (MS) Multiple Sclerosis which has affected her mobility. This requires that he spend time caring for her as he should be.
Just thought you might want to know that so you could adjust your thoughts on what he is doing since you seem to be in the know.......
I must confess to holding a certain reserve of appreciation for this man -
as "nutcase" and as "wicked" as he may have been - in being so instrumental in pushing all the other nutcases over the edge, in the process putting on quite an ugly spectacle for many of us to behold (or in my case, read about), whether through POP or the transcripts of the emotionally-charged (and very weird) confrontation with the hq leadership under the stage spotlights. As egotistical as he may have been, and as bizarre as those meetings, they nonetheless underscored the corruption in the organization, and provided a many with sufficient reason (circ. 86?. 87) to get as far away from the Way as possible.
Hell no, I have no desire to join his church, which appears to me (from what little I've seen) as nothing more than the same old rehashed Wayfinism.
But he does appear to have played a pivotal role (some would say akin to Darth Vader) in the unraveling of the Way.
I'm hard-pressed to imagine how things might have played out with twi
had CG and 'POP" not entered into the scenario to upset the applecart.
It appears to have been the prime catalyst that brought many things to the surface
and got everyone else talking.
Without CG stirring up the murky waters when he did, it's quite possible that many of us
might have remained involved with twi a lot longer, which is a frightening prospect by itself.
The whole situation also gave Martindale a focus once he decided to reassert control. Geer was the devil incarnate to many wayfers in the 90's, the cause of all the "rebellion" in way-dom.
The existance of Geer allowed Martindale to publically ignore any real issues that people had with his "leadership" and put the spotlight on Geer's so-called devil spirits.
The whole situation also gave Martindale a focus once he decided to reassert control. Geer was the devil incarnate to many wayfers in the 90's, the cause of all the "rebellion" in way-dom.
Which makes the role of CG in the drama of the Way all the more curious, in that he was and still is viewed the "devil incarnate" among both wayfers and ex-wayfers. The impression of him conveyed through the old, pre-CES "Overview" tapes taught by the way-apostoli JAL is one of a petty, tyrannical pip-squeak, who strapped on a 44 Magnum and practiced walking on water in his bathtub. TO be certain, a tape of one of CG's teachings (which accompanied JAL's "Overview" tape) with him blaming the Way Corp. for all the backsliding of the organization naturally didn't endear him to the Corp.
It was also claimed that some Way Corp. even committed suicide as a result of hearing CG's condemnation of them - would anyone be so kind as to refresh my memory and actually confirm this? Thanks.
I agree that in a certain way he ws doing God's work. Kind of like Pharoah was doing God's work. I mean, without him many Isrealites might not have left the land of leeks, onions & Raca-a-ages.
The whole situation also gave Martindale a focus once he decided to reassert control. Geer was the devil incarnate to many wayfers in the 90's, the cause of all the "rebellion" in way-dom.
The existance of Geer allowed Martindale to publically ignore any real issues that people had with his "leadership" and put the spotlight on Geer's so-called devil spirits.
Do you honestly think that lcm wouldn't have just manufactured an excuse
if an excuse wasn't already at hand?
He made up the "Word is over the World" thing out of NOWHERE!
One painting became a segment in his class and a doctrine
Sorry to hear about the illness of Geer's wife...but I'll stand by my opinion of him...
...Wierwille liked him a lot because of his unquestioning loyalty to Veepee...Geer was one of the few people to be ordained before he went into the corps.
I think that after Mr Wierwiile died, Geer decided to lob a hand grenade into the organization...and yes, he was instrumental in a LOT of folks walking away from twi...
...I could never understand why twi's BOT and other top leaders allowed the guy to do what he did at the famous "clergy meeting" and how they went along with "POP"...I mean, others who disagreed (Ralph D, JAL, and many others) were shown the door when they spoke up...but for some reason Geer was treated with awe and reverence...of all people to listen to...scheeesch!
My experiences with Geer were unpleasant to say the least...I think that Geer's attitude and personality would have fit in nicely with the "leadership" that Adolph Hitler surrounded himself with...the guy was ruthless.
...I could never understand why twi's BOT and other top leaders allowed the guy to do what he did at the famous "clergy meeting" and how they went along with "POP"...I mean, others who disagreed (Ralph D, JAL, and many others) were shown the door when they spoke up...but for some reason Geer was treated with awe and reverence...of all people to listen to...scheeesch!
Remember, Geer was widely regarded as VPW's 'right hand man' at the time. Basically, since it was shortly after VPW's death, Geer was successful in manipulating the grief and uncertainty into one helluva guilt trip for the TWI leadership, particularly since he evidently convinced them of VPW's 'displeasure' in their 'worldliness' while running TWI while poor ol' VP was left out in the cold (so to speak). That, (and a good violin background music), and you have them eating out of his hand, .... until Craiggers one day said "Waittaminute! This crap has gone on long enough!" and kicked Geer out.
Ie., basically it wound up being a successful, altho' brief, and manipulative power play. <_<
While I don't concider myself a follower of CG, I am on his mailing list and he is indeed in the US. I think he is still in Main, but I would have to check the return address on the last thing I received to be sure.
The whole situation also gave Martindale a focus once he decided to reassert control. Geer was the devil incarnate to many wayfers in the 90's, the cause of all the "rebellion" in way-dom.
The existance of Geer allowed Martindale to publically ignore any real issues that people had with his "leadership" and put the spotlight on Geer's so-called devil spirits.
Do you honestly think that lcm wouldn't have just manufactured an excuse
if an excuse wasn't already at hand?
He made up the "Word is over the World" thing out of NOWHERE!
One painting became a segment in his class and a doctrine
about original sin!
Of course he would have, Geer just made it easy for him, enabled Martindale to have a man to pin things on, rather than manufacturing a devil spirit out of thin air.
Edited by Oakspear
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themex...From what I've heard, Chris Geer "runs his own ministry" from behind a curtain. By this, I mean that he doesn't travel around as a "front man"...he knows that his personality is akin to a rattlesnake so he prefers to stay hidden in the background "selling franchises" of his own version of pfal (Walking in God's Power)...
Mr Geer is one of the most cold hearted, vicious, people I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. During Wierwille's hayday, Geer was known as the bus driving pimp who carried a gun...Just visualizing his face makes my skin crawl.
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I know of a couple of great fellowships in the UK ....... people who used to be TWI who still fellowship together and have truly set up there own system of doing thins. Truly self supporting, self governing and the people are able to meet the needs of the people ......... because there truly isn't a complex hierchy of BS standing in there way.
They have nothing to do with Chris Gear or TWI and thus work great together. Gear is off in his own world in Europe doing his own thing. I believe he is still in Ireland.
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Last I heard, not too long ago, he and his family were living in Maine. He moved back to the states some years ago, though still maintains an office in Scotland and a couple of former Gartmore staff as his staff for his Word Productions company. His wife and two daughters comprise most of his staff here.
He still produces his newsletter "Glimpses of Truth" (I'm sure WhiteDove can tell you more than I can about that). Last I talked to one of the people who's into his classes, he was awfully close to finally completing his re-make of vp's Advanced Class. The foundational and intermediate "Walking in God's Power" classes have been out for over 10 years and franchises of the his organizational deal are available to those who pony up the cash and pay a percentage of their annual take to him.
He's not a fan of the evil empire known as the Internet, so you won't find a website for him anytime soon, methinks.
Edited by jardineroLink to comment
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Ahhh --- sounds like the way things should be. :)
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CG was not the only bus driving pimp who carried a gun.
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I had heard that he moved stateside too, Jardinera. Maine, eh??
Maybe coolchef could whip up something special for CG. :lol:
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if he is in my beautiful state of maine i will invite him for a wonderful meal
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Becareful of what you say CC. Remember, it is here for everyone to see. If something should happen to him....
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Salmon dinner, Chef, salmon dinner (sans poison)! :D
(that is if Jonny Lingo ever sends it to you!) :P
Let's see if CG can "eat the fish, and spit out the bones".
Edited by dmillerLink to comment
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I think Jardinero about covered it. He is indeed in Maine.
Groucho Just for the record some info that you may have not considered. I believe that he does not travel much because Barbara Geer his wife has (MS) Multiple Sclerosis which has affected her mobility. This requires that he spend time caring for her as he should be.
Just thought you might want to know that so you could adjust your thoughts on what he is doing since you seem to be in the know.......
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I must confess to holding a certain reserve of appreciation for this man -
as "nutcase" and as "wicked" as he may have been - in being so instrumental in pushing all the other nutcases over the edge, in the process putting on quite an ugly spectacle for many of us to behold (or in my case, read about), whether through POP or the transcripts of the emotionally-charged (and very weird) confrontation with the hq leadership under the stage spotlights. As egotistical as he may have been, and as bizarre as those meetings, they nonetheless underscored the corruption in the organization, and provided a many with sufficient reason (circ. 86?. 87) to get as far away from the Way as possible.
Hell no, I have no desire to join his church, which appears to me (from what little I've seen) as nothing more than the same old rehashed Wayfinism.
But he does appear to have played a pivotal role (some would say akin to Darth Vader) in the unraveling of the Way.
I'de like to at least thank him for that.
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DM ....... I am really happy for those people in the UK ..... small and got it down right.
I am really back logged on CG info if he stayed stateside permanently.
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My personal experience of him was quite different than most.
When I interacted directly with him,
he seemed a nice guy, levelheaded, and not off-the-mark.
At the time, I was SCRUTINIZING him whenever I was
around him, looking SPECIFICALLY for signs of problems.
I did not find any.
Granted-I'm possibly the only one here who can say that,
and many people had negative experiences here
and dealt with him more than a few weeks,
but I wanted to put that out there.
Under no circumstances am I claiming this made anyone
else's situations no less real, nor am I saying this excuses
him for what happened to them. My good experiences
happened, and their bad experiences happened.
(And they outnumber me.)
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does anyone know where in maine he is living?
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I'm hard-pressed to imagine how things might have played out with twi
had CG and 'POP" not entered into the scenario to upset the applecart.
It appears to have been the prime catalyst that brought many things to the surface
and got everyone else talking.
Without CG stirring up the murky waters when he did, it's quite possible that many of us
might have remained involved with twi a lot longer, which is a frightening prospect by itself.
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The existance of Geer allowed Martindale to publically ignore any real issues that people had with his "leadership" and put the spotlight on Geer's so-called devil spirits.
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Yes!! but if I told you then I'd be an accessory to rat poison murder.
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'Oakspear' wrote:
Which makes the role of CG in the drama of the Way all the more curious, in that he was and still is viewed the "devil incarnate" among both wayfers and ex-wayfers. The impression of him conveyed through the old, pre-CES "Overview" tapes taught by the way-apostoli JAL is one of a petty, tyrannical pip-squeak, who strapped on a 44 Magnum and practiced walking on water in his bathtub. TO be certain, a tape of one of CG's teachings (which accompanied JAL's "Overview" tape) with him blaming the Way Corp. for all the backsliding of the organization naturally didn't endear him to the Corp.
It was also claimed that some Way Corp. even committed suicide as a result of hearing CG's condemnation of them - would anyone be so kind as to refresh my memory and actually confirm this? Thanks.
Edited by TheInvisibleDanLink to comment
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I agree that in a certain way he ws doing God's work. Kind of like Pharoah was doing God's work. I mean, without him many Isrealites might not have left the land of leeks, onions & Raca-a-ages.
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Do you honestly think that lcm wouldn't have just manufactured an excuse
if an excuse wasn't already at hand?
He made up the "Word is over the World" thing out of NOWHERE!
One painting became a segment in his class and a doctrine
about original sin!
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Sorry to hear about the illness of Geer's wife...but I'll stand by my opinion of him...
...Wierwille liked him a lot because of his unquestioning loyalty to Veepee...Geer was one of the few people to be ordained before he went into the corps.
I think that after Mr Wierwiile died, Geer decided to lob a hand grenade into the organization...and yes, he was instrumental in a LOT of folks walking away from twi...
...I could never understand why twi's BOT and other top leaders allowed the guy to do what he did at the famous "clergy meeting" and how they went along with "POP"...I mean, others who disagreed (Ralph D, JAL, and many others) were shown the door when they spoke up...but for some reason Geer was treated with awe and reverence...of all people to listen to...scheeesch!
My experiences with Geer were unpleasant to say the least...I think that Geer's attitude and personality would have fit in nicely with the "leadership" that Adolph Hitler surrounded himself with...the guy was ruthless.
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Remember, Geer was widely regarded as VPW's 'right hand man' at the time. Basically, since it was shortly after VPW's death, Geer was successful in manipulating the grief and uncertainty into one helluva guilt trip for the TWI leadership, particularly since he evidently convinced them of VPW's 'displeasure' in their 'worldliness' while running TWI while poor ol' VP was left out in the cold (so to speak). That, (and a good violin background music), and you have them eating out of his hand, .... until Craiggers one day said "Waittaminute! This crap has gone on long enough!" and kicked Geer out.
Ie., basically it wound up being a successful, altho' brief, and manipulative power play. <_<
Edited by GarthP2000Link to comment
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While I don't concider myself a follower of CG, I am on his mailing list and he is indeed in the US. I think he is still in Main, but I would have to check the return address on the last thing I received to be sure.
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