I think I've figured out why there are three vice presidents...
I would guess that it was done on advice of their lawyers for some reason. That seems to be the only real reason they've made any changes since 2000.
With 3 monkeys in charge (because WTF does Rozilla really do anyway, besides atend depositions), each of whom are ignoring one major sense, that's a lot of plausible deniability.
More than one VP reminds me of a corporation, where each major department is headed by a VP. More corporate seems to be the Way's Modus Operandi anyway.
if some of you can open your eyes and think FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE
thank you
Well I have been looking for something to say just like that but youd did a wonderful job Excath why don't you all in this place just open your eyes and think for once.
I agree with socks a few posts back....... they should publish what they all do.
I'm PTA prez at my kids school, I came in the middle of the year because things were in complete confusion and people were quiting left and right.
The first thing I did was have a meeting to figure out loose ends and ALL responsibilities that needed to be done. Next, I spoke with all officers individually to find out their interests and talents. Then, I made a list of each officers responsibilities - who was to handle what - passed it out to each officer.
I then passed it out at our next PTA mtg to everyone there. A COUPLE OF THE OFFICERS FREAKED OUT - they didn't want people to know what they were suppose to be doing..........why..........because now they were held accountable for their actions. No more wiggle room, no more blaming someone else.
People act different, treat others different and do what their suppose to be doing when details of their jobs are there to behold.
When it's time to have a new President, perhaps there will be a vote as to which VP did the best 'job'. Which one of those guys was the most pliable...I mean faithful to the Way, or er, ummm to God.
Which guy had his wife and family in 'order'? Which one could make the better appearance? Which of them knows the law enough to not have to pay out more money in lawsuits?
It's a plan in action. Nothing left to chance. They'll be ready when the time comes. They continue to MAKE STRONG the walls of ZION!!! They've marched in, and they plan on staying!!!
my question is, why do you care? if someone gave you an iron-clad, logical, even biblical reason why there are 3 VP's, or some new class, or whatever, WOULD YOU GO BACK? please tell me you never, ever would.
So WordWolf... should posts be replyed to only if they're current?
I do notice that some people here are funny, and seem to lend humor to posts, some are serious, some angry... a big group of different kinds of people...
Seems to be okay... me, I think I'm a thread killer... maybe too serious :( or just boring?!?
safari... I too enjoyed the comedy from the past... the socks and tuttle show would be a hit on 'comedy thursday' (well, at least a lot better than 'Joey')...
I guess on this thread it is kind of relevant since the 'nature' of the thread (as I take it) was that there were (now) 3 VPs at TWI (which was new news then)... I think...
Safari, I think WordWolf was about ck specifically and, in general, to make sure everyone was aware that this thread was dragged up from the depths of the pages. :)
We drag things up all the time, so that's really not an issue. Sometimes a subject comes up and one of us will remember a former thread and hunt it down and bring it back to the top for the new, fresh eyes. There was absolutely no purpose for this one being brought up except that ck must have been scouring the pages trying to find something he could use to insult us. He's a stoopid kid, so I continue to hope that he'll wisen up, but stunts like this make me wonder... <_<
WW, most likely wanted to make sure that people recognized that the topic is old before rumors and speculation started regarding this as new news and fresh changes. That's all. Tone of voice doesn't carry very well in cyberspace.
You make great points and I would be floored if they actually allowed their own people to - gasp - vote! OMG, what a concept. *snicker* :P I wonder....would they actually vote for the most ethical out of the bunch or the one with the best personality? Those services are awfully boring these days.... would be tempting...
Why does the President of a ministry with less than 4,000 members (including children) need three Vice Presidents, when the President of the United States only has one Vice President?
Isn't the purpose of the Cabinate for the President to surround himself/herself with people who operate in various capasities and carry expertise in many different fields (as in, advisory positions)?
Finally, what happens should the President punt out tomorrow? Would all three Vice Presidents step up to the plate as Predient and we suddenly have (gasp!) a TRINIY running TWI?
All this wonderment.... and from someone with her "eyes closed"
my question is, why do you care? if someone gave you an iron-clad, logical, even biblical reason why there are 3 VP's, or some new class, or whatever, WOULD YOU GO BACK? please tell me you never, ever would.
Just for that, you troll, I would!
(And just because I know you don't have a REAL Biblical Reason - don't tell me it's because of what the number three represents in the Word - completeness - that's TWI's bad use of numbers in scripture, which bordes on numerology (a pretend science) - number in scripture is for SCRIPTURE - not the psudo-religion dogma you spout!)
No, you'd rather come in here, spout off a bunch of crap about people with their eyes closed than try to explain anything - and then complain how OUR eyes are closed some more... Get a grip! I bet you go in public restrooms in your off time so you can complain about the smell!
I'm usually a peace-maker. I'm usually pretty nice and all to new posters, but don't come in this forum with insults and no facts or meat to your post. Why not answer the question - isn't TWI a teaching ministry anymore? Do you have a logical answer worth presenting?.... tap.... tap....tap....
whoa! chill, chas. you misunderstood completely. i don't know where you got the idea that i was a current wayee, but i'm not--been out since '87. among the first, i'm proud to say! (though it wasn't soon enough.) what i was saying, to everyone here, was 1) why do you care if they have 3 or 300 vps? and 2) please don't ever go back.
We ask the question, Sprawled, not because anyone who's out really cares, but so someone could possible provide an answer as to the probable improper use of TWI funds or ridiculous misuse of manpower.
Scales have dropped off of the eyes of many lurkers by having similar questions raised. It may even emboldened someone still on the inside to take corrective measures, and when that fails, to see what TWI is really like.
There are some great people here, Sprawled, who have been through a lot and have the guts to talk about it. And who have no intention of going back. Give 'em a break. If you disagree with them, I'm sure there is a way for you to show it courteously.
my question is, why do you care? if someone gave you an iron-clad, logical, even biblical reason why there are 3 VP's, or some new class, or whatever, WOULD YOU GO BACK? please tell me you never, ever would.
Why do you think that people wouldn't respond in a similarly blunt fashion?
Maybe you didn't mean it like it was here (above) in b&w, but it comes across rather, er.... rude. No, I'm not the etiquette police, but I don't think I'm the only one who felt this way based on another posters response. As you know, I can hear your voice, see your face, etc. when you write a post. I can only interpret your meaning by the words in front of me. Your second post certainly clarified and softened things. But can you understand how it was easy to misunderstand you? Especially with some of the narrow-mindedness that several new posters around here exhibiting. My apologies for lumping you in with them.
Maybe we care because we have friends or family still in. Maybe we care because we funded these twerps for so long. Maybe we care because it's something really different than what we were used to when we were in and we're trying to understand it. Maybe we care because ________________________ . (fill in your version). Really, topoftheworld had a good post about it....
I don't get here to GreaseSpot often, although I'm from the older generation from WayDale. You probably don't know who I am but I do pop in when I can.
In answer to your question - I wouldn't go back for anything.
I didn't take your posting as insulting, I took it that you were expressing your thoughts more than anything. BUT, I did think CK's was insulting.
I figure everyone has a right to their own opinions and postings BUT I vote that no one should be insulting to any of us here - for ANY reason.
the truth is, I'M insulted. i know i'm new here, and probably won't hang around as long as some of you, but honestly, chas, both your original comment and your follow-up were out of line. i've re-read my original post 10 times and there's nothing in it that should've elicited that kind of response--other than what you read into it. and then to respond to my attempt to clarify (when no clarification should've been necessary) by saying i was "blunt" and "rude?" i'm sorry, i don't buy it. i understand how words alone, without facial expressions, tone of voice, etc. can sometimes make communication tricky, but i don't think that's what happened here. misinterpreted what i wrote because you lumped me in with some other posters. you almost said it yourself.
i get that we're all supposed to be nicey-nicey here, but isn't that a big part of what got us all into trouble in the first place?
i am glad i asked, though, because i really couldn't understand for the life of me why anyone would care about how many way vice presidents can dance on the head of a pin. now i know.
my question is, why do you care? if someone gave you an iron-clad, logical, even biblical reason why there are 3 VP's, or some new class, or whatever, WOULD YOU GO BACK? please tell me you never, ever would.
(((((((((((((sprawled out)))))))))))))
gee... I don't see a thing wrong with your post!
To answer you question though... it's not that I 'care' about what 'they're' doing there at TWI, but since I had been fixed in my mind for SOME time that THIS WAS the TRUE HOUSEHOLD...etc, it's nothing MORE than INTERSTING to OBSERVE their actions.
The more I read, and think for myself, and 'hear' other's similar situations and perspectives... and think MORE... I heal... I like it.... please don't leave the Cafe'... I've been looking on & off here for years... just never had to much to say... mostly reading...
My comments in CAPS AND BRACKETS (not because I'm yelling, but because I don't want it confused with your orig. 2nd post.)
the truth is, I'M insulted. i know i'm new here, and probably won't hang around as long as some of you, but honestly, chas, both your original comment and your follow-up were out of line. i've re-read my original post 10 times and there's nothing in it that should've elicited that kind of response--other than what you read into it. and then to respond to my attempt to clarify (when no clarification should've been necessary) [sORRY BUT YOUR POST READ BY ITSELF DIDN'T COME ACROSS THAT WAY. MAYBE MINE DIDN'T EITHER. TOUCHE.] by saying i was "blunt" and "rude?" i'm sorry, i don't buy it. i understand how words alone, without facial expressions, tone of voice, etc. can sometimes make communication tricky, but i don't think that's what happened here. misinterpreted what i wrote because you lumped me in with some other posters. you almost said it yourself.
i am glad i asked, though, because i really couldn't understand for the life of me why anyone would care about how many way vice presidents can dance on the head of a pin. now i know. [iT CAME ACROSS AS BEING SMART-ARSED - MAYBE NOT WHAT YOU INTENDED BUT PERHAPS YOU CAN ADMIT YOU COULD HAVE BEEN MORE DIPLOMATIC IN THE WAY YOU ASKED. THAT'S ALL.]
Again, I'm NOT yelling with the caps - please don't misinterpret it. My mouse is ailing and won't highlight for bolding or whatever, so I've had to resort to this.... sorry.
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I would guess that it was done on advice of their lawyers for some reason. That seems to be the only real reason they've made any changes since 2000.
With 3 monkeys in charge (because WTF does Rozilla really do anyway, besides atend depositions), each of whom are ignoring one major sense, that's a lot of plausible deniability.
More than one VP reminds me of a corporation, where each major department is headed by a VP. More corporate seems to be the Way's Modus Operandi anyway.
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Just call them the Vice Squad heh heh heh!
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Well I have been looking for something to say just like that but youd did a wonderful job Excath why don't you all in this place just open your eyes and think for once.
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I agree with socks a few posts back....... they should publish what they all do.
I'm PTA prez at my kids school, I came in the middle of the year because things were in complete confusion and people were quiting left and right.
The first thing I did was have a meeting to figure out loose ends and ALL responsibilities that needed to be done. Next, I spoke with all officers individually to find out their interests and talents. Then, I made a list of each officers responsibilities - who was to handle what - passed it out to each officer.
I then passed it out at our next PTA mtg to everyone there. A COUPLE OF THE OFFICERS FREAKED OUT - they didn't want people to know what they were suppose to be doing..........why..........because now they were held accountable for their actions. No more wiggle room, no more blaming someone else.
People act different, treat others different and do what their suppose to be doing when details of their jobs are there to behold.
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When it's time to have a new President, perhaps there will be a vote as to which VP did the best 'job'. Which one of those guys was the most pliable...I mean faithful to the Way, or er, ummm to God.
Which guy had his wife and family in 'order'? Which one could make the better appearance? Which of them knows the law enough to not have to pay out more money in lawsuits?
It's a plan in action. Nothing left to chance. They'll be ready when the time comes. They continue to MAKE STRONG the walls of ZION!!! They've marched in, and they plan on staying!!!
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sprawled out
my question is, why do you care? if someone gave you an iron-clad, logical, even biblical reason why there are 3 VP's, or some new class, or whatever, WOULD YOU GO BACK? please tell me you never, ever would.
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the original poster, from what I've seen,
asked this MONTHS AGO as an honest question of genuine curiousity.
(It's like when I asked about that robes thing.)
Someone (CK) decided to drag the thread up just so he had a
place to post an insult.
Once in a while, the dates on a thread are relevant.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
congrats on another under educated insult ck
man you are something
if you were my kid i would.. well never mind
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So WordWolf... should posts be replyed to only if they're current?
I do notice that some people here are funny, and seem to lend humor to posts, some are serious, some angry... a big group of different kinds of people...
Seems to be okay... me, I think I'm a thread killer... maybe too serious :( or just boring?!?
Edited by SafariVistaLink to comment
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Tom Strange
safari... I too enjoyed the comedy from the past... the socks and tuttle show would be a hit on 'comedy thursday' (well, at least a lot better than 'Joey')...
I guess on this thread it is kind of relevant since the 'nature' of the thread (as I take it) was that there were (now) 3 VPs at TWI (which was new news then)... I think...
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Thanks... it was new news to me... maybe that type of 'reproof' is given for infrequent reading?
j/k It's all good
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Safari, I think WordWolf was about ck specifically and, in general, to make sure everyone was aware that this thread was dragged up from the depths of the pages. :)
We drag things up all the time, so that's really not an issue. Sometimes a subject comes up and one of us will remember a former thread and hunt it down and bring it back to the top for the new, fresh eyes. There was absolutely no purpose for this one being brought up except that ck must have been scouring the pages trying to find something he could use to insult us.
He's a stoopid kid, so I continue to hope that he'll wisen up, but stunts like this make me wonder... <_<
WW, most likely wanted to make sure that people recognized that the topic is old before rumors and speculation started regarding this as new news and fresh changes. That's all. Tone of voice doesn't carry very well in cyberspace.
You make great points and I would be floored if they actually allowed their own people to - gasp - vote! OMG, what a concept. *snicker* :P I wonder....would they actually vote for the most ethical out of the bunch or the one with the best personality? Those services are awfully boring these days....
would be tempting...
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Yes, that was my point.
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Why does the President of a ministry with less than 4,000 members (including children) need three Vice Presidents, when the President of the United States only has one Vice President?
Isn't the purpose of the Cabinate for the President to surround himself/herself with people who operate in various capasities and carry expertise in many different fields (as in, advisory positions)?
Finally, what happens should the President punt out tomorrow? Would all three Vice Presidents step up to the plate as Predient and we suddenly have (gasp!) a TRINIY running TWI?
All this wonderment.... and from someone with her "eyes closed"
Just for that, you troll, I would!
(And just because I know you don't have a REAL Biblical Reason - don't tell me it's because of what the number three represents in the Word - completeness - that's TWI's bad use of numbers in scripture, which bordes on numerology (a pretend science) - number in scripture is for SCRIPTURE - not the psudo-religion dogma you spout!)
No, you'd rather come in here, spout off a bunch of crap about people with their eyes closed than try to explain anything - and then complain how OUR eyes are closed some more... Get a grip! I bet you go in public restrooms in your off time so you can complain about the smell!
I'm usually a peace-maker. I'm usually pretty nice and all to new posters, but don't come in this forum with insults and no facts or meat to your post. Why not answer the question - isn't TWI a teaching ministry anymore? Do you have a logical answer worth presenting?.... tap.... tap....tap....
Edited by ChasUFarleyLink to comment
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Chas --- I could be wrong -- but I think that applies more to CK.
Like I say -- I prolly read it wrong. :unsure:
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sprawled out
whoa! chill, chas. you misunderstood completely. i don't know where you got the idea that i was a current wayee, but i'm not--been out since '87. among the first, i'm proud to say! (though it wasn't soon enough.) what i was saying, to everyone here, was 1) why do you care if they have 3 or 300 vps? and 2) please don't ever go back.
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We ask the question, Sprawled, not because anyone who's out really cares, but so someone could possible provide an answer as to the probable improper use of TWI funds or ridiculous misuse of manpower.
Scales have dropped off of the eyes of many lurkers by having similar questions raised. It may even emboldened someone still on the inside to take corrective measures, and when that fails, to see what TWI is really like.
There are some great people here, Sprawled, who have been through a lot and have the guts to talk about it. And who have no intention of going back. Give 'em a break. If you disagree with them, I'm sure there is a way for you to show it courteously.
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errr, who are they??? never heard of 'em.
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When you write something really blunt like this:
Why do you think that people wouldn't respond in a similarly blunt fashion?
Maybe you didn't mean it like it was here (above) in b&w, but it comes across rather, er.... rude. No, I'm not the etiquette police, but I don't think I'm the only one who felt this way based on another posters response. As you know, I can hear your voice, see your face, etc. when you write a post. I can only interpret your meaning by the words in front of me. Your second post certainly clarified and softened things. But can you understand how it was easy to misunderstand you? Especially with some of the narrow-mindedness that several new posters around here exhibiting. My apologies for lumping you in with them.
Maybe we care because we have friends or family still in. Maybe we care because we funded these twerps for so long. Maybe we care because it's something really different than what we were used to when we were in and we're trying to understand it. Maybe we care because ________________________ . (fill in your version). Really, topoftheworld had a good post about it....
Still... the questions are not answered....
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
ditto chas
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Sprawled out,
I don't get here to GreaseSpot often, although I'm from the older generation from WayDale. You probably don't know who I am but I do pop in when I can.
In answer to your question - I wouldn't go back for anything.
I didn't take your posting as insulting, I took it that you were expressing your thoughts more than anything. BUT, I did think CK's was insulting.
I figure everyone has a right to their own opinions and postings BUT I vote that no one should be insulting to any of us here - for ANY reason.
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sprawled out
the truth is, I'M insulted. i know i'm new here, and probably won't hang around as long as some of you, but honestly, chas, both your original comment and your follow-up were out of line. i've re-read my original post 10 times and there's nothing in it that should've elicited that kind of response--other than what you read into it. and then to respond to my attempt to clarify (when no clarification should've been necessary) by saying i was "blunt" and "rude?" i'm sorry, i don't buy it. i understand how words alone, without facial expressions, tone of voice, etc. can sometimes make communication tricky, but i don't think that's what happened here. misinterpreted what i wrote because you lumped me in with some other posters. you almost said it yourself.
i get that we're all supposed to be nicey-nicey here, but isn't that a big part of what got us all into trouble in the first place?
i am glad i asked, though, because i really couldn't understand for the life of me why anyone would care about how many way vice presidents can dance on the head of a pin. now i know.
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(((((((((((((sprawled out)))))))))))))
gee... I don't see a thing wrong with your post!
To answer you question though... it's not that I 'care' about what 'they're' doing there at TWI, but since I had been fixed in my mind for SOME time that THIS WAS the TRUE HOUSEHOLD...etc, it's nothing MORE than INTERSTING to OBSERVE their actions.
The more I read, and think for myself, and 'hear' other's similar situations and perspectives... and think MORE... I heal... I like it.... please don't leave the Cafe'... I've been looking on & off here for years... just never had to much to say... mostly reading...
Take care~
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My comments in CAPS AND BRACKETS (not because I'm yelling, but because I don't want it confused with your orig. 2nd post.)
Again, I'm NOT yelling with the caps - please don't misinterpret it. My mouse is ailing and won't highlight for bolding or whatever, so I've had to resort to this.... sorry.
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