Maybe it means that it takes 3 of these guys to do what it took one Ermal Owens to do.
Rev. Rosalie F. Rivenbark - President
Rev. Vince McFadden - Vice President
Rev. Roger Mittler - Vice President
Rev. John Rupp - Vice President
Rev. Jean-Yves De Lisle - Secretary-Treasurer
McFadden, Mittler and Rupp. Sounds like a group of attorneys. (picture 3 guys on TV with smarmy smiles saying in unison "We want - to help - YOU! Wills? We do 'em! Been hurt drinking coffee? Get what you deserve! Neighbor's dog doing his business on your lawn? We can help! Call us now!"
Rivenbark and Rupp - sounds like a dental practice. "We drill 'em and fill 'em, and that's the...tooth!"
Yves De Lisle - a new fragrance line? Noveau Euro-trash commercial - Tom Cruise look alike, jumping up and down on a couch while 8 German clowns dressed in black and white striped pajama outfits play "Misty" in the background on violins and a straw haired skinny blonde in a pink poodle skirt slaps a female mime in the face repeatedly in the foreground whispering "Ignorance cannot speak!!" and the voice over intones - "Promises, promises...she said we'd always have France...the smell of...Yves De Lisle...."
What in the Heck do these people DO???? A VP is there in case something happens to the "P". And they ususally head up specific departments in corporations, like "Vice President of Sales."
Are they in numeric order or do they draw straws if they take over for Rosie???
John Garner, United States V.P to FDR, may be an appropriate role model here. He once described the office of the vice presidency as being "not worth a bucket of warm pi$$" - the quoted version was cleaned up to fill that bucket with "spit". He ran for Pres against FDR and joined the ticket as V.P. only after realizing he would lose the nomination to FDR.
I have to assume that these 2nd tier underlings to the President of the Way must have important work to do not readily evident to the out-of-the-present-truth observer, in addition to being ready to step up to the throne in time of need. Gotta love 'em.
Tom, although I haven't actually seen any of them, I'd guess Harry Potter....?
The three vice presidents is simple if some of you can open your eyes and think without cutting down first. RFR will not be president for much longer. The vice president posts are also temporary. We talk alot about the need to change things but when they finally do we scoff. If you understnad that all three of them have different skills and capicities. It is also obvious that these men are lifers and are in for the long haul. I like the fact that none of them were even rumored to be involved in any of the adultry scandal that took place. Rupp is considered to a great people person and a very good teacher of the word. I got the itch that he will get the go and be made next pres. Mittler is the only leader left with any building or contracting experience since all of Way Builders left. I was told once that every single building and machine owned by TWI is in his care. And I think the other Irish guy is on the field somewhere may be New York or Gunnison?
Thank you, RickyGee (any relation to Kenny??), for your iron reproof in love sharpening my iron. I admit, my eyes have been shut up like an old woman's womb, and I have scoffed at the innocent. From henceforth shall I (absolute tense) read AND post ALL posts with a more doulos-like attitude.
Well, I agree excareeski. I don' t know about anyone else but I think I finally feel I'm beginning to start, if not actually wake up for once in my life, to at least sort of do that little snort you do first thing in the morning.
Now - rickyo, call me stupid, call me - whatever, "Theodore the III" is fine. It would be a help if TWI would publish the specific areas their vice pres's handle. Others have commented to that. That way, those involved who care can know who does what. Generally speaking.
When you have one, they do - whatever Vice Pres's do. That deserves some description, maybe. Could be, kind of sorta.
But when you have 3, as themex originally noted - it would be nice to know who's doing what and if it's changed, what that means. Because if they're single handedly carrying the entire weight of the Way properties and interests on their shoulders, well it would be nice to know so anyone who cares could send them a card, like those that have the little kitten hanging from the tree branch and the caption reads "Hang in there!"
Not necessary, no. And not even expected because as you know I'm sure TWI publishes very little about itself or what it does.
I'm sure this has been handled in some tapes, or assigngment-year information. Right? A simple statement to the outside world would be nice. Kind of like "here who we are and here's what we do! and we're proud of it!" But there's not much of that.
Which certainly gives the impression that - well, not much is going on or being done. No news is - no news. And thus the question, what about 3 VP's? It's sort of a cycle, goes round and round.
Anyway, your information didn't add much for me, since I don't know 4 of the 5 names from a can of paint and wouldn't recognize them if they were trying to give me 20 bucks, and less about their background and what they do, don't do or would do if called upon to do. It.
What I'm interested in knowing is HOW they justify adding people to the payroll (and you know VP level leadership don't get the peanuts that the dorm dwelling staff do) - ESPECIALLY when non-membership is at an all time low. I mean, does it really take 3 VP's a President and a staff of HUNDREDS to oversee, what - 3,000 people?? Possibly even less than that!!
"... we talk alot about the need to change things, but when THEY do ..."
What the "F" (with a capital F) have THEY changed!!!???!!!
How's 'bout changing some important things, like apologies, genuine interest in people and their lives, etc, etc, etc ...
Oh, maybe a change like "Let's have THREE vice presidents" or "Let's change from Folgers to Maxwell House (for the VIP's only though) will do the trick. Yep, there, you got it, a brand spankin' new Way ministry complete with more tenderness and compassion, more ethical values, less intimidation, less love of money, truely after God's own heart.
BAAAA!!!! That's .............NO DEAL!!!!
Golly Beaver, look at the time!! We'd better hurry to fellowship, before it changes!!!!
Maybe the plan is to slooooowly add 3 or 4 VP's every year until there's a V.P. for every person in TWI. Done over long enough periods of time, no one will really notice. Eventually, each person will have their own personal Vice President. So yes! Maybe this is a real turn to a more caring and service minded TWI, as each person in TWI will someday have their onw personal "Vice Server". I'm sure there's lots of useful chores they can do, with a little supervision and encouragment of course. :P
Socks, you have brought NEW light to me. I never thought of it from that perspective. Oh, fool that I am, and slow of heart to believe. Gee, or RickyGee, maybe THEY will take the place of the absent Christ. I will be FREE at last, as I will have a V.P. to show me, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, what I shall do. Imagine how much time that will save me from reading the Bible!!! Don't need to - I gots my own VP!!! Don't need no revelation, don't need no meetings, the VP's will direct my paths. The best part is that nobody is EVER more that ONE STEP from the TOP!!!!!!
Will these new VP's have special nametags, so's we can iden ti fie (thanks, TJ) them, or will we need to ask a fellow believer to ask HIS VP if the one in question is my personal VP ??
Aaah, the smell of blasphemy in the morning....muwhaaa!
"There can be only one".
Little known fact: I myself am a Vice President. Of our home. I serve under The President, AKA "My Wife"
( praised be Her Name ). Thus I can speak with some authority and experience on the duties, demands and rewards of the position.
It's actually a pretty sweet job, I must admit. When things get out of hand, Questions being asked by the kids, plans, dates and arrangements under scrutiny, I always know the answer. "Where's your Mom....?"
While The President doesn't deal with specifics, she is able to address Big Issues and keep things moving in the Right Direction while leaving me free to deal with important homeland issues, like The Garage (hallowed be that place of Storage), The Roof (may it remain over our heads) and philosophical questions like "Why Does The Furnace Heat The Rooms We're Not In More Than The Rooms We're In?"
It's a good job if you're with the right company. I'm very happy.
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My guess is -
it takes 3 of their VP's to do the work of one part-time Temp worker.
But that's just a guess.
three's a lot - is that for backup? that way they always have a spare handy?
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um have you ever seen the 3 stooges ? but i have to figure out the top dog (no, not donna)....
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What it is not....
Spiritual Perfection
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What does what mean??
The *rev* before their names?
The *vice-president* after their names?
:unsure: :D :unsure:
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Maybe it means that it takes 3 of these guys to do what it took one Ermal Owens to do.
Rev. Rosalie F. Rivenbark - President
Rev. Vince McFadden - Vice President
Rev. Roger Mittler - Vice President
Rev. John Rupp - Vice President
Rev. Jean-Yves De Lisle - Secretary-Treasurer
McFadden, Mittler and Rupp. Sounds like a group of attorneys. (picture 3 guys on TV with smarmy smiles saying in unison "We want - to help - YOU! Wills? We do 'em! Been hurt drinking coffee? Get what you deserve! Neighbor's dog doing his business on your lawn? We can help! Call us now!"
Rivenbark and Rupp - sounds like a dental practice. "We drill 'em and fill 'em, and that's the...tooth!"
Yves De Lisle - a new fragrance line? Noveau Euro-trash commercial - Tom Cruise look alike, jumping up and down on a couch while 8 German clowns dressed in black and white striped pajama outfits play "Misty" in the background on violins and a straw haired skinny blonde in a pink poodle skirt slaps a female mime in the face repeatedly in the foreground whispering "Ignorance cannot speak!!" and the voice over intones - "Promises, promises...she said we'd always have France...the smell of...Yves De Lisle...."
Platig - the latest....oh, wait. Shred that.
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I'll explain,
but first you should sit down and watch the
movie "Highlander",
or 5 or 6 episodes of the television show.
Once you've done that,
you'll probably know what I was going to say
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Socks, you paint one hullava picture!! The mind is a TERRIBLE thing...
I've seen these names before .... Let's see, was it ..... uuuummmmmm ..... GAUT EET !!!!! Can you guess which one??
A Clockwork Orange
Caligula (non-rated version)
A Hard Man is Good To Find
Harry Potter
Dirty Harry
The Way - Living in Lust
Gilligan's Island
Being There
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What in the Heck do these people DO???? A VP is there in case something happens to the "P". And they ususally head up specific departments in corporations, like "Vice President of Sales."
Are they in numeric order or do they draw straws if they take over for Rosie???
Interesting title for TWI--- "Vice" Presidents
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I found these words in an online Thesaurus Rejoice. The bold words are
ones I found interesting and of possible use in this context.
agent, alternate, alternative, analogy, archon, backup, chancellor,
change, changeling, chief executive, chief executive officer,
comparison, copy, counterfeit, dean, deputy, double, dummy, equal,
equivalent, ersatz, exchange, executive, executive director,
executive officer, executive secretary, fake, fill-in, ghost,
ghostwriter, imitation, locum tenens, magistrate, makeshift,
management, managing director, metaphor, metonymy, next best thing,
officer, official, personnel, phony, pinch hitter, prefect,
president, prexy, provost, proxy, relief, replacement,
representative, reserves, ringer, second string, secondary,
secretary, sign, spares, stand-in, sub, substituent, substitute,
substitution, succedaneum, superseder, supplanter, surrogate,
symbol, synecdoche, the administration, third string, token,
treasurer, understudy, utility player, vicar, vice-chairman,
vice-chancellor, vice-consul, vice-director, vice-governor,
vice-king, vice-legate, vice-master, vice-premier, vice-queen
vice-regent, vice-warden, vicegerent, viceroy, warden
John Garner, United States V.P to FDR, may be an appropriate role model here. He once described the office of the vice presidency as being "not worth a bucket of warm pi$$" - the quoted version was cleaned up to fill that bucket with "spit". He ran for Pres against FDR and joined the ticket as V.P. only after realizing he would lose the nomination to FDR.
I have to assume that these 2nd tier underlings to the President of the Way must have important work to do not readily evident to the out-of-the-present-truth observer, in addition to being ready to step up to the throne in time of need. Gotta love 'em.
Tom, although I haven't actually seen any of them, I'd guess Harry Potter....?
Second guess - Clockwork Orange.
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The three vice presidents is simple if some of you can open your eyes and think without cutting down first. RFR will not be president for much longer. The vice president posts are also temporary. We talk alot about the need to change things but when they finally do we scoff. If you understnad that all three of them have different skills and capicities. It is also obvious that these men are lifers and are in for the long haul. I like the fact that none of them were even rumored to be involved in any of the adultry scandal that took place. Rupp is considered to a great people person and a very good teacher of the word. I got the itch that he will get the go and be made next pres. Mittler is the only leader left with any building or contracting experience since all of Way Builders left. I was told once that every single building and machine owned by TWI is in his care. And I think the other Irish guy is on the field somewhere may be New York or Gunnison?
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Thank you, RickyGee (any relation to Kenny??), for your iron reproof in love sharpening my iron. I admit, my eyes have been shut up like an old woman's womb, and I have scoffed at the innocent. From henceforth shall I (absolute tense) read AND post ALL posts with a more doulos-like attitude.
I'll follow the man of god,
wherever he wants to go ...
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i would just like to add....
if some of you can open your eyes and think FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE
thank you
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Well, I agree excareeski. I don' t know about anyone else but I think I finally feel I'm beginning to start, if not actually wake up for once in my life, to at least sort of do that little snort you do first thing in the morning.
Now - rickyo, call me stupid, call me - whatever, "Theodore the III" is fine. It would be a help if TWI would publish the specific areas their vice pres's handle. Others have commented to that. That way, those involved who care can know who does what. Generally speaking.
When you have one, they do - whatever Vice Pres's do. That deserves some description, maybe. Could be, kind of sorta.
But when you have 3, as themex originally noted - it would be nice to know who's doing what and if it's changed, what that means. Because if they're single handedly carrying the entire weight of the Way properties and interests on their shoulders, well it would be nice to know so anyone who cares could send them a card, like those that have the little kitten hanging from the tree branch and the caption reads "Hang in there!"
Not necessary, no. And not even expected because as you know I'm sure TWI publishes very little about itself or what it does.
I'm sure this has been handled in some tapes, or assigngment-year information. Right? A simple statement to the outside world would be nice. Kind of like "here who we are and here's what we do! and we're proud of it!" But there's not much of that.
Which certainly gives the impression that - well, not much is going on or being done. No news is - no news. And thus the question, what about 3 VP's? It's sort of a cycle, goes round and round.
Anyway, your information didn't add much for me, since I don't know 4 of the 5 names from a can of paint and wouldn't recognize them if they were trying to give me 20 bucks, and less about their background and what they do, don't do or would do if called upon to do. It.
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What I'm interested in knowing is HOW they justify adding people to the payroll (and you know VP level leadership don't get the peanuts that the dorm dwelling staff do) - ESPECIALLY when non-membership is at an all time low. I mean, does it really take 3 VP's a President and a staff of HUNDREDS to oversee, what - 3,000 people?? Possibly even less than that!!
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"... we talk alot about the need to change things, but when THEY do ..."
What the "F" (with a capital F) have THEY changed!!!???!!!
How's 'bout changing some important things, like apologies, genuine interest in people and their lives, etc, etc, etc ...
Oh, maybe a change like "Let's have THREE vice presidents" or "Let's change from Folgers to Maxwell House (for the VIP's only though) will do the trick. Yep, there, you got it, a brand spankin' new Way ministry complete with more tenderness and compassion, more ethical values, less intimidation, less love of money, truely after God's own heart.
BAAAA!!!! That's .............NO DEAL!!!!
Golly Beaver, look at the time!! We'd better hurry to fellowship, before it changes!!!!
I wouldn't buy any toothbrushes from you either!!
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I agree with Rejoice and Excie.
What are they there for? What do they do anyway?
They need more people to oversee less people?
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Tom -
Maybe the plan is to slooooowly add 3 or 4 VP's every year until there's a V.P. for every person in TWI. Done over long enough periods of time, no one will really notice. Eventually, each person will have their own personal Vice President. So yes! Maybe this is a real turn to a more caring and service minded TWI, as each person in TWI will someday have their onw personal "Vice Server". I'm sure there's lots of useful chores they can do, with a little supervision and encouragment of course. :P
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Socks, you have brought NEW light to me. I never thought of it from that perspective. Oh, fool that I am, and slow of heart to believe. Gee, or RickyGee, maybe THEY will take the place of the absent Christ. I will be FREE at last, as I will have a V.P. to show me, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY, what I shall do. Imagine how much time that will save me from reading the Bible!!! Don't need to - I gots my own VP!!! Don't need no revelation, don't need no meetings, the VP's will direct my paths. The best part is that nobody is EVER more that ONE STEP from the TOP!!!!!!
Will these new VP's have special nametags, so's we can iden ti fie (thanks, TJ) them, or will we need to ask a fellow believer to ask HIS VP if the one in question is my personal VP ??
Farther along
we'll know all about it
Farther along
we'll understand why
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Aaah, the smell of blasphemy in the morning....muwhaaa!
"There can be only one".
Little known fact: I myself am a Vice President. Of our home. I serve under The President, AKA "My Wife"
( praised be Her Name ). Thus I can speak with some authority and experience on the duties, demands and rewards of the position.
It's actually a pretty sweet job, I must admit. When things get out of hand, Questions being asked by the kids, plans, dates and arrangements under scrutiny, I always know the answer. "Where's your Mom....?"
While The President doesn't deal with specifics, she is able to address Big Issues and keep things moving in the Right Direction while leaving me free to deal with important homeland issues, like The Garage (hallowed be that place of Storage), The Roof (may it remain over our heads) and philosophical questions like "Why Does The Furnace Heat The Rooms We're Not In More Than The Rooms We're In?"
It's a good job if you're with the right company. I'm very happy.
But foolishly, I digresss.
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"VP and Me" will be changed to "Me and my VP".
Why aren't there any female VP's?
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Why Igotclout, MY bible says "Foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strife".
Why do YOU think there are no female VP's??
Let me ask you a question...
Who did God make first, Adam or Eve??
And who in the bible are "laden with sins..." ???
You tell ME what you think about why there are no female VP's, and I'll tell you how far you're going to go on your next vacation.
Do you remember the biblical significance of the number 3??
Do you remember the Checker cab we had at HQ??
What do you think Paul's back looked like???
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I think I've figured out why there are three vice presidents...
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