I've been there, done that when it comes to carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, tendonitis (knuckles, wrists, and as I mentioned, elbows). So I can empathize a bit.
Unless some radical, new procedure has developed in the last year or two. there's not a lot that can be done about tendonitis - other than preventing it to begin with. Being as it's "white tissue" damage, there's not a lot of bloodflow to the damaged area. So, as a result, healing can be quite slow in coming.
The only thing I can recommend is to keep your wrists tightly wrapped to avoid strain on the tendons as much as possible. If you feel the characteristic pain coming on, stop whatever you're doing and attack it from a different angle. That's what I've learned to do to keep from hurting the tendons to begin with. I've done it often enough that I recognize the pain in my elbow or knuckles and have learned to avoid the particular movement that aggravates the problem.
Psalmie, I'm praying for your surgery and recovery.
Instead of crutches, how about a walker? I know it sounds like something only old people use, but a coworker in her 40s used one after her back surgery, and it was a lot easier than crutches. Seems that would spare your armpits (I was on crutches once and know what you mean--it's painful!) and not put so much pressure on your wrists.
I once had carpal tunnel syndrome that was so painful I'd wake up during the night, crying in my sleep. A naturopath with the ministry (go ahead, Geo., take your best shot :D ) recommended that I take high-dose vitamin B6 and it was amazing. I'd suffered with it a long time, and it went away in a matter of a week after I started taking the vitamin and never came back. Remembering that prompted me to Google tendonitis +vitamins, and I found this site:
Use your own judgment, of course, but the topical glucosamine/MSM spray sounds like it could help. I think I'm going to order some myself. I get tendonitis around one rotator cuff and have osteoarthritis pain in other locations. I figure it's worth a try. The topical formula is appealing to me because I just might be the most noncompliant pill taker on the planet.
Well I do know a little about this. After my accident I now have every kind of "itis" known to man in my shoulder area. The absolute best OTC pain reliever that woks for me is Advil or some less expensive generic. However when I started to use more than the maximum dose for two days in a row the doctor put me on Celebrex.
Now I know all the hype about it and it's sisters, but since I have no heart of other related problem or history, it is safe for me. Maybe a short term therapy with it after surgery might be helpful.
Here's an idea. (Tongue in cheek) Learn how to hang back and be helpless until it's safe to do otherwise. Promise yourself you won't do too much too soon.
And, it's annoying, it's a drag, and sometimes it hurts....but attend every single physical therapy session and work your heart out. The surgery is excellent, but the physical therapy seals the deal. Working with a therapist is theraputic, doing too much yourself isn't the same.
Have you tried some of those support gloves for your wrists? I understand they are helpful. The walker sounds like an answered prayer I thing - that's a great idea. Maybe using wheels on it would make life even easier (?) and don't forget there are baskets you can put on them to hold things so your hands are free when you need to carry something.
I'll be thinking and praying for you. We all want you back here and in the thick of all the food fights to come.
Thwap - here's a little mayonaise for your coffee...and twapp plop, there's some mustard in your oatmeal!
I imagine it's the same person, Geo, but he did a hair analysis on me and didn't find "aluminum poisoning."
All I know is that the treatment he recommended worked wonders on the carpal tunnel syndrome, and I've since read articles by MDs supporting B6 for that condition.
I'm not a huge fan of all the naturopathic treatments and diagnostic methods but my alternative was carpal tunnel surgery, which the MD specialist who diagnosed my condition said has a fairly frequent failure rate and is associated with a difficult recovery. For me it was a no-brainer. I took vitamins. It worked. It worked better than I could have imagined.
You know, a little bit of skepticism is a good thing. Too much and you might just miss out on some things that would do ya good!
I suggest you talk to your doc and see if he/she could write you and your hubby a prescription for a low dose of valium during your recovery time. It will take the edge off for both of you and it will give you the patience to stay in bed and off your feet during the healing.
Don't know about the B6 therapy. Never tried it. or heard of it.
The other side of the squishy "alternative" side of medicine is that you'll seem to get results when, in fact, you may just be experiencing a coincidental subsiding of symptoms or other anomaly that gives you the - possibly false - impression that your "treatment" is working.
Such was the case with my carpal tunnel. I went over 25 years with a misdiagnosis from an Osteopath, then got "ministered" to by "believers" on a couple of occasions, then a vitamin and herb regimen prescribed by a "naturopath", then - FINALLY - I went to a medical doctor (HORRORS!) and got a REAL diagnosis.
I was sent to a plastic surgeon who specialized in carpal tunnel surgery and he told me that I was tied for being the worst case he'd ever seen in some 30 years of practice. I did a LOT of damage by pursuing the freeze-dried granola school of medicine as opposed to seeking the counsel of those that actually HAVE some medical training. But the morning after my surgery - both hands all bandaged up - I felt better than I had in 25 years. It would have called it miraculous, save there were very down to earth, thoroughly understood reasons for the healing - non of which involved invoking invisible forces from the beyond or beckoning Mother Earth to sooth my ailments with magic herbs.
Geo, I wasn't thinking of wrapping before they start to hurt! Probably a good idea. Everything I read on the internet told how to prevent it-- (don't do the things that bring it on! LOL! 'cept they didn't address when ya HAVE to do the stuff that brings it on--like using crutches when ya have to!)
Geo, while I don't agree with ya on everything--(I still believe Jesus is real, and the Bible is truth, and try to follow it), but I totally agree that the name it claim it stuff went farther in causing my damage than in healing me. I'm sure there have been some genuine miraculous healings, but my ankle wasn't healed even though I confessed it to be healed and walked on it when I did one of my more serious sprains--that time I had broken bones. I have permanent damage to a bone in this same foot that this surgery-- no surgery--is ever going to be able to fix.
Linda-- the walker might work-- I can give it a try at least-- my guess is, that my wrists will still be bent far enough to stress the tendons, but at least my armpits won't hurt also. I will try the B-6 and look for the spray. Can't hurt to try that too. Nowadays, I look into the alternative methods fist, but go to the doctors, too. Both of my boys wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for "invasive" doctors! LOL! (I had to have C sections-- long story, but both me and my oldest woulda died without it) I didn't think you were telling me NOT to go to a Dr., I was just making a statement in the general direction of yours and George's comments.
Krys, I'm trying to prepare myself to do just as you suggest. My ankle is in this state partly because of my not listening to the doctors and doing the exersizes i was supposed to do in the healing. If I don't allow it to heal properly, I'm just going to have to go through it again later. And the support gloves might be cooler than the ace wraps-- Hotflash woman doesn't need any more heat than is absolutely necessary!!!!
Now, as to the mayo in the coffee-- SHEESH! why'dya do that?? OH! I get it-- it's some new flavor of creamer, isn't it? But ya went TOO FAR with the mustard in my oatmeal, now yer gonna get it! SPLATT! Raspberry preserves in yer tomato sauce!
SPLAT! SPLAT!! curdled sour milk in your pumpkin pie! HA! take THAT! :P
Jim--ya might be on to something--I doubt my hubby would take it-- he was embarrassed that I took an antidepressant a couple years ago, when i just couldn't pull myself up out of a "grey time" was in. It did wonders for me-- the doc put me on Lexapro and within two weeks the sun was shining again, birds sang and butterflies fluttered by. That was a bit expensive, so I switched to the generic of prosac, stayed on it for about 6 months, and then was able to wean off. I will ask the doctor about it--I get a bit grey with the onset of winter anyway, and now that I am going to loose my independance for awhile, I'm concerned with how I will handle this.
I'd be interested in hearing how your surgery turns out, as I have blown my ankles more than once also, and they can be painful at times.
Meantime, you want to get your wrists, elbows and shoulders stronger, gradually. I like the idea of wrist supports. Exercise? Try push-ups, but do them this way to use the same muscles you will be using on crutches:
Get a stepstool, block, large book, or parallettes (they are like small parallel bars with feet). If you use a something other than parallettes, you are going to put your palms at the edges, fingers hanging down the sides, so choose something about as wide as your shoulders. Put the prop up to about shin height, and your feet on the floor. Do 5 push-ups in this position, rest, 5 more, rest, and 5 more. Work GRADUALLY up to doing 10, rest, 10, rest 5. Lower the prop until it is ankle height. That should do the trick.
I am not a physical therapist, I just like to think through exercises that help this old dancer body run with the youngsters.
A piggie on one wheel and both hands on crutches that should make for some interesting food fights. Now lets see where did I put those banana peels I've been saving........
(Psalmie gives the BIRDBRAIN a banana-peel wig and then does batting practice with a crutch, aiming carefully at a certain banana peel. . . :P )
Shaz, I'm intersted in how this is going to turn out also! LOL! I sure hope it's worth it!
I have two differnt stools I can do the excersize with, but they are not shoulder width--one's wider, one's smaller. My wrists are already hurting a bit with the weight excerises I've been doing--not enough to need pain relievers, but enough to cause me to lighten up! LOL!
I'm getting my room stocked up with sewing and school supplies for my "confinement". I have a circle of friends that are going to visit me and help my hubby as much as they can, and I'm already feeling smothered! I think smothered is too harsh, but I can't think of another word yet, and by the time I think of it, my editing time will be up! LOL! Anyway, they are all telling me I can't go up and down stairs, and that the kids will have to come upstairs to me for school. (The school room and this computer are in the basement--and I don't know if the dr will say I can't go up or down steps or not yet) And I'm thinking-- um, noooo, I didn't plan of going up or down the steps on crutches-- but I did plan on crawling on my knees up, and bouncing on my rear down! LOL! But now my hubby has support in telling me I shouldn't even have to leave my room! akkkkk! I'm gonna go crazy!!!! Oh, too late!!!
I'm laughing, but I am concerned with how well I'm gonna handle this, too!
Heeheehee, Dove, It would REALLY cheer me up! BTW, how's yer hearing???? :P
Krys, my hubby says he can let me use his laptop occasionally, but I really want my own puter. (I hate using a laptop--I want a mouse!!!) I do want my puter upstairs, but am not sure I will get what I want on that one! Tomorrow and Monday I will be setting up my room to be a schoolroom, sewing center, reading center, and fellow gimp-dom with my new puppy. (She has a broken leg, and is an active little bugger that we can't keep from running around, although the vet says to keep her confined!!!) She's a bright spot, but I won't be able to work with her much, and she hasn't exactly endeared herself to my hubby yet. And the best word I can describe her with is "tenacious"! I'm gonna try to keep her with me as much as possible.
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George Aar
I've been there, done that when it comes to carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, tendonitis (knuckles, wrists, and as I mentioned, elbows). So I can empathize a bit.
Unless some radical, new procedure has developed in the last year or two. there's not a lot that can be done about tendonitis - other than preventing it to begin with. Being as it's "white tissue" damage, there's not a lot of bloodflow to the damaged area. So, as a result, healing can be quite slow in coming.
The only thing I can recommend is to keep your wrists tightly wrapped to avoid strain on the tendons as much as possible. If you feel the characteristic pain coming on, stop whatever you're doing and attack it from a different angle. That's what I've learned to do to keep from hurting the tendons to begin with. I've done it often enough that I recognize the pain in my elbow or knuckles and have learned to avoid the particular movement that aggravates the problem.
Sorry, that's about all I know about it...
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Linda Z
Psalmie, I'm praying for your surgery and recovery.
Instead of crutches, how about a walker? I know it sounds like something only old people use, but a coworker in her 40s used one after her back surgery, and it was a lot easier than crutches. Seems that would spare your armpits (I was on crutches once and know what you mean--it's painful!) and not put so much pressure on your wrists.
I once had carpal tunnel syndrome that was so painful I'd wake up during the night, crying in my sleep. A naturopath with the ministry (go ahead, Geo., take your best shot :D ) recommended that I take high-dose vitamin B6 and it was amazing. I'd suffered with it a long time, and it went away in a matter of a week after I started taking the vitamin and never came back. Remembering that prompted me to Google tendonitis +vitamins, and I found this site:
Use your own judgment, of course, but the topical glucosamine/MSM spray sounds like it could help. I think I'm going to order some myself. I get tendonitis around one rotator cuff and have osteoarthritis pain in other locations. I figure it's worth a try. The topical formula is appealing to me because I just might be the most noncompliant pill taker on the planet.
Wishing you well!
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Well I do know a little about this. After my accident I now have every kind of "itis" known to man in my shoulder area. The absolute best OTC pain reliever that woks for me is Advil or some less expensive generic. However when I started to use more than the maximum dose for two days in a row the doctor put me on Celebrex.
Now I know all the hype about it and it's sisters, but since I have no heart of other related problem or history, it is safe for me. Maybe a short term therapy with it after surgery might be helpful.
Here's an idea. (Tongue in cheek) Learn how to hang back and be helpless until it's safe to do otherwise. Promise yourself you won't do too much too soon.
And, it's annoying, it's a drag, and sometimes it hurts....but attend every single physical therapy session and work your heart out. The surgery is excellent, but the physical therapy seals the deal. Working with a therapist is theraputic, doing too much yourself isn't the same.
Have you tried some of those support gloves for your wrists? I understand they are helpful. The walker sounds like an answered prayer I thing - that's a great idea. Maybe using wheels on it would make life even easier (?) and don't forget there are baskets you can put on them to hold things so your hands are free when you need to carry something.
I'll be thinking and praying for you. We all want you back here and in the thick of all the food fights to come.
Thwap - here's a little mayonaise for your coffee...and twapp plop, there's some mustard in your oatmeal!
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George Aar
Is this the same "Naturopath" who would do a hair analysis on everybody and always find that they had "Aluminum poisoning"?
Yah, O.K. fine...
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Linda Z
I imagine it's the same person, Geo, but he did a hair analysis on me and didn't find "aluminum poisoning."
All I know is that the treatment he recommended worked wonders on the carpal tunnel syndrome, and I've since read articles by MDs supporting B6 for that condition.
I'm not a huge fan of all the naturopathic treatments and diagnostic methods but my alternative was carpal tunnel surgery, which the MD specialist who diagnosed my condition said has a fairly frequent failure rate and is associated with a difficult recovery. For me it was a no-brainer. I took vitamins. It worked. It worked better than I could have imagined.
You know, a little bit of skepticism is a good thing. Too much and you might just miss out on some things that would do ya good!
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I'm going to go out on a limb here...
I suggest you talk to your doc and see if he/she could write you and your hubby a prescription for a low dose of valium during your recovery time. It will take the edge off for both of you and it will give you the patience to stay in bed and off your feet during the healing.
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George Aar
Don't know about the B6 therapy. Never tried it. or heard of it.
The other side of the squishy "alternative" side of medicine is that you'll seem to get results when, in fact, you may just be experiencing a coincidental subsiding of symptoms or other anomaly that gives you the - possibly false - impression that your "treatment" is working.
Such was the case with my carpal tunnel. I went over 25 years with a misdiagnosis from an Osteopath, then got "ministered" to by "believers" on a couple of occasions, then a vitamin and herb regimen prescribed by a "naturopath", then - FINALLY - I went to a medical doctor (HORRORS!) and got a REAL diagnosis.
I was sent to a plastic surgeon who specialized in carpal tunnel surgery and he told me that I was tied for being the worst case he'd ever seen in some 30 years of practice. I did a LOT of damage by pursuing the freeze-dried granola school of medicine as opposed to seeking the counsel of those that actually HAVE some medical training. But the morning after my surgery - both hands all bandaged up - I felt better than I had in 25 years. It would have called it miraculous, save there were very down to earth, thoroughly understood reasons for the healing - non of which involved invoking invisible forces from the beyond or beckoning Mother Earth to sooth my ailments with magic herbs.
But then, YMMV.
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Psalm 71 one
Thanks, ya'll.
Geo, I wasn't thinking of wrapping before they start to hurt! Probably a good idea. Everything I read on the internet told how to prevent it-- (don't do the things that bring it on! LOL! 'cept they didn't address when ya HAVE to do the stuff that brings it on--like using crutches when ya have to!)
Geo, while I don't agree with ya on everything--(I still believe Jesus is real, and the Bible is truth, and try to follow it), but I totally agree that the name it claim it stuff went farther in causing my damage than in healing me. I'm sure there have been some genuine miraculous healings, but my ankle wasn't healed even though I confessed it to be healed and walked on it when I did one of my more serious sprains--that time I had broken bones. I have permanent damage to a bone in this same foot that this surgery-- no surgery--is ever going to be able to fix.
Linda-- the walker might work-- I can give it a try at least-- my guess is, that my wrists will still be bent far enough to stress the tendons, but at least my armpits won't hurt also. I will try the B-6 and look for the spray. Can't hurt to try that too. Nowadays, I look into the alternative methods fist, but go to the doctors, too. Both of my boys wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for "invasive" doctors! LOL! (I had to have C sections-- long story, but both me and my oldest woulda died without it) I didn't think you were telling me NOT to go to a Dr., I was just making a statement in the general direction of yours and George's comments.
Krys, I'm trying to prepare myself to do just as you suggest. My ankle is in this state partly because of my not listening to the doctors and doing the exersizes i was supposed to do in the healing. If I don't allow it to heal properly, I'm just going to have to go through it again later. And the support gloves might be cooler than the ace wraps-- Hotflash woman doesn't need any more heat than is absolutely necessary!!!!
Now, as to the mayo in the coffee-- SHEESH! why'dya do that?? OH! I get it-- it's some new flavor of creamer, isn't it? But ya went TOO FAR with the mustard in my oatmeal, now yer gonna get it! SPLATT! Raspberry preserves in yer tomato sauce!
SPLAT! SPLAT!! curdled sour milk in your pumpkin pie! HA! take THAT! :P
Jim--ya might be on to something--I doubt my hubby would take it-- he was embarrassed that I took an antidepressant a couple years ago, when i just couldn't pull myself up out of a "grey time" was in. It did wonders for me-- the doc put me on Lexapro and within two weeks the sun was shining again, birds sang and butterflies fluttered by. That was a bit expensive, so I switched to the generic of prosac, stayed on it for about 6 months, and then was able to wean off. I will ask the doctor about it--I get a bit grey with the onset of winter anyway, and now that I am going to loose my independance for awhile, I'm concerned with how I will handle this.
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Hi, Psalmie!
I'd be interested in hearing how your surgery turns out, as I have blown my ankles more than once also, and they can be painful at times.
Meantime, you want to get your wrists, elbows and shoulders stronger, gradually. I like the idea of wrist supports. Exercise? Try push-ups, but do them this way to use the same muscles you will be using on crutches:
Get a stepstool, block, large book, or parallettes (they are like small parallel bars with feet). If you use a something other than parallettes, you are going to put your palms at the edges, fingers hanging down the sides, so choose something about as wide as your shoulders. Put the prop up to about shin height, and your feet on the floor. Do 5 push-ups in this position, rest, 5 more, rest, and 5 more. Work GRADUALLY up to doing 10, rest, 10, rest 5. Lower the prop until it is ankle height. That should do the trick.
I am not a physical therapist, I just like to think through exercises that help this old dancer body run with the youngsters.
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A piggie on one wheel and both hands on crutches that should make for some interesting food fights.
Now lets see where did I put those banana peels I've been saving........ 
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Psalm 71 one
Step, clump, step, clump st--WHOA! SPLAT!
(Psalmie gives the BIRDBRAIN a banana-peel wig and then does batting practice with a crutch, aiming carefully at a certain banana peel. . . :P )
Shaz, I'm intersted in how this is going to turn out also! LOL! I sure hope it's worth it!
I have two differnt stools I can do the excersize with, but they are not shoulder width--one's wider, one's smaller. My wrists are already hurting a bit with the weight excerises I've been doing--not enough to need pain relievers, but enough to cause me to lighten up! LOL!
I'm getting my room stocked up with sewing and school supplies for my "confinement". I have a circle of friends that are going to visit me and help my hubby as much as they can, and I'm already feeling smothered! I think smothered is too harsh, but I can't think of another word yet, and by the time I think of it, my editing time will be up! LOL! Anyway, they are all telling me I can't go up and down stairs, and that the kids will have to come upstairs to me for school. (The school room and this computer are in the basement--and I don't know if the dr will say I can't go up or down steps or not yet) And I'm thinking-- um, noooo, I didn't plan of going up or down the steps on crutches-- but I did plan on crawling on my knees up, and bouncing on my rear down! LOL! But now my hubby has support in telling me I shouldn't even have to leave my room! akkkkk! I'm gonna go crazy!!!! Oh, too late!!!
I'm laughing, but I am concerned with how well I'm gonna handle this, too!
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OH Piggie over here YA Missed hahahah
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Psalm 71 one
Timeto get out the ole 45 qt pot, plop it over a CERTAIN WHITE TURKEY and clang on it with a metal spoon!!

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Somebody wanna get that phone it's been ringing for days now everywhere I go....... WHAT WHAT speak up I can't hear ya.........
Hey who you callin TURKEY Ham!
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I guess there is a good reason why the computer can't come upstairs too.
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Krysilis I can think of one Can you say 24hr. foodfights!
Do we realy want that piggy (in a bad mood) pitching her Thanksgiving leftovers at us all day.
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Psalm 71 one
Heeheehee, Dove, It would REALLY cheer me up! BTW, how's yer hearing????
Krys, my hubby says he can let me use his laptop occasionally, but I really want my own puter. (I hate using a laptop--I want a mouse!!!) I do want my puter upstairs, but am not sure I will get what I want on that one! Tomorrow and Monday I will be setting up my room to be a schoolroom, sewing center, reading center, and fellow gimp-dom with my new puppy. (She has a broken leg, and is an active little bugger that we can't keep from running around, although the vet says to keep her confined!!!) She's a bright spot, but I won't be able to work with her much, and she hasn't exactly endeared herself to my hubby yet. And the best word I can describe her with is "tenacious"! I'm gonna try to keep her with me as much as possible.
Krys, look for a pt, please.
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24 hour food fights are fine with me as long as they contain chocolate!
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Psalm 71 one
I made a flourless chocolate cake for Thanksgiving-- but I wouldn't throw that, I'll share it with Krys, and we can laugh at BIRDBRAIN!!!

How would ya tar and feather a bird? :lol:
I got it-- molases. . .
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Psalm 71 one
Well, here goes! If'n ya don't see me here in the next few weeks, you can guess I won't have my puter! <_< :o
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Hope all goes well, psalmie. I'll be thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers.
If you need some comic relief, give me a call!
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