i went to a wake last night for a wonderful christian man, my friend and neighbor
and their retired pastor and his wife came from virginia to be there for his wife and family
this methodist pastor had performed my mom's and her husband's wedding because the catholic church would not. they never went to his church before or after their wedding. he asked me how they were doing
and the pastor and his wife asked me all about our son who went to their day care and pre-k. we never went to their church either. but i would call with prayer requests which they were always so gracious to include in their services
Someone shared how he was ashamed of his beat up old cane.....and though he couldn`t see it...he could feel the chipped paint .....so one day...he and his wife went to buy a new one at the local drug store...which was right next to the dr.s office.....well after recieving his new cane....you know the white kind with the red tip that shows people you are blind......he handed his old one to his wife.....n when she asked well what do you want to do with THIS?????
HE whispered......... *Ham it up Baby* !!!! So she started pretending to be blind too!....they both clacked their canes back and forth out of the store....out the door.....down the side walk ....they felt their way around the car.....she helped him into the car....clacked her way around to the drivers side....and got in....much to the mounting horror of all of the people whose faces were plastered against the drug store window and dr.s office waiting room....she started the car and drove away.....lmao.... she later recieved a phone call from the dr.s office to PLEASE never do that again as it freaked out so many of their waiting patients....lol
It struck me with blinding impact.... I turned and whispered softly to my husband... that Thurman had been .....the REAL deal.... a man who manifested on a daily basis through the most difficult of circumstances.....the pure heart of love, tolerance and patience that God has for each and every one of us. Ever willing to love us wherever we are at ..... extending a never failing light that will lead us out of any darkness back to his love and light.
It dawned on me that THIS was the real deal....and that so many of us (me included)
tend to just be wanna bees...
Rascal -- although I was just kidding about your *blinding impact* statement, the rest of the quote struck me pretty forcibly, as did your post about Thurman (even with his disabilities), giving unconditional love and tolerance to all that crossed his path.
Plus what you said about twi expecting *perfection* from one and all.
I've worked with the disabled for 4 years now, and each day is a new revelation on
How Big -----
How Complete ----- (and)
How All-Encompassing their love is ---
for anyone they meet,
for anyone that has problems,
for anyone that has a reason to be happy ---
They don't expect perfection, but they see it everywhere
They see other's problems, and forget their own
Every day is a party, regardless of what is happening.
I'm thinking Thurman must've been like that, and to be honest -------
I'm jealous!
Count me in on being one of the *wanna-bees* too.
When I first started working with *my guys* (I hate to admit it, but it's true), I tried to elevate them to my level. Now, the best I can hope for in this life, is for me to elevate myself to their level of
Excathedra, it is so neat to meet these beacons of kindness like you are talking about....they don`t want or require anything of us....they seem to just want to genuinely help wherever they can....it kills me that we were taught to so distain them so...to not see their value....
Thanks Psalmie...they truly played a major role in my recovery from harshness....
Dave that was pretty funny, I didn`t catch that when I wrote it...lol
I DO understand what you are talking about....when I started attending this little country church years ago, it was with the arrogant attitude that *I* was blessing THEM with my oh so superior spiritual self....
I was so condescending, so stiff, so dissaproving, maaaan, I look back now and think how much these people loved us...the longsuffering and patience exhibited time and time again as we stumbled towards recovery.
It took a long time to recognise that just maybe....we were the ones being ministered to....lol
I may have doctrinal issues, ie I don`t know what specifically I hold as truth any more.......but one thing I DO feel strongly is that God blessed us with incredible people in our lives to help us on our journey towards spiritual and mental wholeness after leaving twi.
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what a nice story
i went to a wake last night for a wonderful christian man, my friend and neighbor
and their retired pastor and his wife came from virginia to be there for his wife and family
this methodist pastor had performed my mom's and her husband's wedding because the catholic church would not. they never went to his church before or after their wedding. he asked me how they were doing
and the pastor and his wife asked me all about our son who went to their day care and pre-k. we never went to their church either. but i would call with prayer requests which they were always so gracious to include in their services
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How are we supposed to take this!!?? :)
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Too cool!!!
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Psalm 71 one
awww, Cathy-- what a man! I wish I'd known him too!
Not knowing him, I still have tears in my eyes!
and David-- that was the funniest story, too!!!
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Rascal -- although I was just kidding about your *blinding impact* statement, the rest of the quote struck me pretty forcibly, as did your post about Thurman (even with his disabilities), giving unconditional love and tolerance to all that crossed his path.
Plus what you said about twi expecting *perfection* from one and all.
I've worked with the disabled for 4 years now, and each day is a new revelation on
How Big -----
How Complete ----- (and)
How All-Encompassing their love is ---
for anyone they meet,
for anyone that has problems,
for anyone that has a reason to be happy ---
They don't expect perfection, but they see it everywhere
They see other's problems, and forget their own
Every day is a party, regardless of what is happening.
I'm thinking Thurman must've been like that, and to be honest -------
I'm jealous!
Count me in on being one of the *wanna-bees* too.
When I first started working with *my guys* (I hate to admit it, but it's true), I tried to elevate them to my level. Now, the best I can hope for in this life, is for me to elevate myself to their level of
(ps --- we need more Thurman's in the world)
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Awww Thanks you guys :)
Excathedra, it is so neat to meet these beacons of kindness like you are talking about....they don`t want or require anything of us....they seem to just want to genuinely help wherever they can....it kills me that we were taught to so distain them so...to not see their value....
Thanks Psalmie...they truly played a major role in my recovery from harshness....
Dave that was pretty funny, I didn`t catch that when I wrote it...lol
I DO understand what you are talking about....when I started attending this little country church years ago, it was with the arrogant attitude that *I* was blessing THEM with my oh so superior spiritual self....
I was so condescending, so stiff, so dissaproving, maaaan, I look back now and think how much these people loved us...the longsuffering and patience exhibited time and time again as we stumbled towards recovery.
It took a long time to recognise that just maybe....we were the ones being ministered to....lol
I may have doctrinal issues, ie I don`t know what specifically I hold as truth any more.......but one thing I DO feel strongly is that God blessed us with incredible people in our lives to help us on our journey towards spiritual and mental wholeness after leaving twi.
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