Tom Jenk**son was as close to the devil himself that I ever want to come. Toadfriend was extremely generous in her post, evidence of how much deliverance that she has had since she left twi.
I don't know what the earlier corps experienced at Gunnison.........but I know that the 12th and 13th corps were close to sacrificial lambs there. To this day, I can't stand to drive thru the state, or even fly over it. TJ was maniacal, and an idolator......but I don't think he was an adulterer. He was mean, brutal and cruel and his oversight of the camp has colored my entire view of the state of Colorado to this day.....(okay, so maybe I need counseling :blink: )
Ya'll want to know more.......ask me privately, or Toadfriend or Al Poole or just about any 13th corps person ever in residence there, unless they are with the Mahone/Jenkinson Group in DC. When I lived in DC, Bruce's wife Pam (also thirteenth corps) called me and invited me to a meeting that Jenkie was teaching at.......I flat out asked her........."If I hated to hear him teach when we were in residence.......WHY ON EARTH WOULD I WANT TO HEAR HIM NOW>???????????"
TJ was the kind of man who would enjoy stepping on your fingers and then scold you for having them in his way...
...Like many twi "leaders" of that time, he was quite taken with himself and expected you to be also. I was surprised when they sent him to Gunnison...he always seemed more comfortable in an office or classroom, not the outdoors type. Fortunately for me, I didn't spend much time around him.
mean nasty little man.............. ex-- you said it exactly right!
I am surprised to see/hear that he is associated with any type of ministry. If thats the case it would seem that he would 'own up ' to all the carnage he left in his wake.
But ..of course....mean nasty little men don't admit to those things now do they?!!
We were at Gunnison first block of our last year in Res...... it was absoulty horrible. If we had had ANY money we would have just left.
Trapped with a rat.
To this day TJ would only be referred to as 'Arlenes husband'......... my husband will not even say his name out loud!!
But of course.............people change...we all have changed............... ya think?
dam n--- thats right--- Gunnison was beautiful................and I never saw it.
Here's another TJ story from a friend of mine, who some of you know of the 9th Corps know as macmarine.
Mac, a former Marine and about as much of a target of TJ's as I was while at Gunnison years later, had just taken his first trail ride ...a long one...he had not been sitting in the saddle correctly and it rubbed the lower part of his back raw ... he told me his jeans had been bloody when he took them off. He was lying on his stomach at Gunnison, not even able to stand the sheet on his lower back/rump during the "Holiday" party the Corps was having. TJ came up the stairs to see him ... Mac thought, "Well, maybe this guy is not so bad. He came to see me during the party." Those of you who have seen the true hatred TJ seemed to have for people can guess what comes next: Tom proceded to rail upon Mac for every wrong thing Mac had done while there ... concluding with the "sentence" that he was going to KEEP him there at Gunnison another block to try to whip him into shape.
Great compassion, huh? The man had none, and nothing that I have heard about him since makes me think he is any different.
A good friend of mine, a Godly man who does not care for his name to be on the internet, once told me that he felt like the reason TJ was the way he was was because he was so emasculated by Arlene...I could certainly believe that! TJ, the devilish imp, sure had a Napoleon complex.
No Exie, you are not an i-d-u-l-t-e-r-e-r. You are a represent-ta-tive of the 9th corps.
"Nasty mean little man"... interesting. Anyone ever notice that the guys with the smallest members drive the biggest trucks?? Just throwing it out there (ek ballo - to throw or to throw out).
So Mac-Army got a bit burned on a trail ride, and then got ministered to by REVEREND jenks??? Oh, the depth of love and bowels of compassions (plural). Maybe his bowels of compassion had done gushed out. Why, he had more compassion FOR his lil' pinkie than he did for the people in residence who bothered his life so much ... I guess he thought we were there to serve HIM.
They were kernels of truth, my dear sistren. You see, God can only teach a man in terms of what that man knows. For VPW, who was accustomed to reaching up into people's wallets and clothing, it was reaching up into a "cookie" lovsteadt jar. In TJ's life, maany had said to him, in a polite way, "Bite Me!!!". TJ had obviously confused a current day figure of speech (chompisensio) with his favorite scripture "...there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth...".
But in any case, we were the receivers of this his delight, to feed his flock the kernels truth. There was a lot of truth to be learned if one gazed at and intensly studied those kernels from between his teeth long enough. And just wait until I share on what can be realized when one looks for those kernels underneath ones fingernails, while blowing out hot air from terse, taut lips, making a hissing noise ...
I always thought TJ seemed conflicted. I think he, like so many other guys ran their "commands" as if they were trying to prove they would have been a better choice for Pres. than LCM.
Maybe they were right.
What was interesting to me about my time at Gunnison was that an "unbeliever" treated me much better than TJ did.
I was there the 2nd block of our 11th Corps Graduating year, a few weeks after being injured in the LEAD accident. I had to go through a little bit of "whatever" to get TJ's approval to go to get "whatever treatment I needed." but the Chiropractor told me this:
"I have a son about your age whos away at college too. I will take care of you the way I would want someone to care for him, if something happened to him like this."
That was open, honest and warm with real tenderness and a genuine concern.
That man made a similar commitment in his hypocratic oath as Tom made when he was ordained.
Let' s just say for brevity's sake, there was a stark contrast between the two. I don't remember Tom even asking me what happened. I felt like he thought I MAY have been "dogging it" but tolerated me because of the huge liability factor concerning my injuries.
When I went to the chiropractor, I felt warm and cared for.
SHouldn't that have been the other way around, if the contrast existed at all?
HCW, I think you just illustrated the difference between the genuine and counterfit.
You tell ME who should be demonstrating genuine loving care and concern? Suprising that a supposed spiritual leader would exhibit such little regard for one in their care.
Actually from what I read of tj here, he gives every evidence of not only being a counterfit leader but a christian wannabe as well...
I do not believe that a genuine brother in Christ would ever have been able to treat you with such calloused indifference.... it is an inside *thing* ... just my opinion..
That is an accurate description on MANY of twi's top "leaders"...not all, but MANY. I watched dozens of young people, who had committed their lives to this thing, receive heavy verbal abuse and public humiliation...dished out by twi "leaders"...without a second thought and without regard.
Many of these young people were devastated by this treatment...most of them were.
While in residence, I realized that I could never be that hard on people...thus, I realized that I would never fit in with the twi "leadership mode"...sadly, at the time, I thought it was a deficiency on MY part. As I look back today, I am grateful that twi was never able to turn me into a mean bastard. It just wasn't in me.
So....when I think back to people like LCM, TJ, CG, and a LOT of other people like that...I think that a lot of these people were "disturbed" to start with...Wierwille just exploited that meanness that was already in them...gave them a reason to legitimitize their abuse towards others...they "dug it". How many of them are sorry now for how they treated people? How many have repented and asked for forgiveness and have changed their ways???
To tell you the truth...I really don't care. We are all ultimately responsible for the things that we do in this life. Since I left twi 18 years ago, I avoid people that are manipulative, controlling, mean, and condescending. Life's too short to spend around people like that.
So....when I think back to people like LCM, TJ, CG, and a LOT of other people like that...I think that a lot of these people were "disturbed" to start with...Wierwille just exploited that meanness that was already in them...gave them a reason to legitimitize their abuse towards others...they "dug it".
Groucho, they really did....and that isn`t normal or healthy...certainly never acceptable in a minister or leader.....
Groucho said ....How many of them are sorry now for how they treated people? How many have repented and asked for forgiveness and have changed their ways???
Not too damned many of them....which is why I cannot trust them and their newer, nicer, eating the fish and spitting out the bones, selves......
Forget about being a leader ...a GENUINE christian would comprehend the nature of the harm they had inflicted and understand the necessity of addressing their biblical responsibility to those whom they harmed....not just conveniently relegate their sins to the past by deeming it the other person`s problem.
I thought the zealous finger pointing condemnations were reserved exclusively for Vicktor Fuhrer and BOT?
Anyway, don't you know that Tom J. snapped somewhere along the way?
That's riiiiiiight
Before TWI, he was gentle as a wimp cat.
But because of twi's strategically designed epidemic of synthetically pseudomystic procilvity for harmful cultic personality changes, that's what happened to Tom ol' boy.
He was brainwashed, hypnotized, his own self destroyed in favor of being a bizarre heremetic parasitic Furhrer automoton, scans of his brain must show the biochemical changes by cultic packaged persuasion, his stinkin' injuriously psychologically exploited neurotransmitters may be disgusting to YOU:
Just remember, he was not responsible for his actions.
He was brainwashed, hypnotized, his own self destroyed with the repackaged paganism of the homeletic's master.
If someone says that he's not responsible for his actions, and that it's all TWI's fault, then MAYBE you have a reason for a diatribe like the one above. I don't see that in this thread, though. TWI may have inspired arrogance in its leaders, but no one here is excusing TJ for joining in.
"...I think that a lot of these people were "disturbed" to start with...Wierwille just exploited that meanness that was already in them...gave them a reason to legitimitize their abuse towards others...they "dug it""
Amen to that! I remember one of TJ's most disturbing invited teachers ... Randy F**se, the Region Coordinator ... he talked about how a "young man" could work his way up through the ranks of TWI and make a career of it ... most of us were pretty horrified about the implicit message of making merchandise of God's people ... RF was cheered on afterward by TJ, who remembers the "excitement I felt as a young man when I first heard this." The ONLY person I remember being excited about it that night was, interestingly, J*ff K**foot ... yes, I know I added an extra "s" to his name, but consider it added for emphasis, as he was and is an a** .... these men saw TWI leadership NOT as a service to God, but as a career choice, where they could be lords over God's heritage ... as they were surely NOT "examples to the flock." They were interested in fleecing the flock and making themselves a nice sweater out of the fleece.
TF, Friend of the Toad, but not of the Fleece-Flocker
I actually went right back to Gunnison in the fall of my graduating year, and was there through the whole block without being kicked out. Did a block at HQ till X-Mas, and then was sent to the Big E. I finished out the year at the Big E with Jal and the Red Dragon, and then graduated. And now for the clincher. On the first night of Corps Week with me as a Corps grad for the first time, I remember heading into the Big Top Auditorium for the opening night. And who do you think was ushering people in and trying to get them seated? None other than The Last Boy Scout, TJ. Yup, as JP used to call him "The Red Headed Stranger". But, I was excited to see him and have him see my nice WC 10 name tag, for then he would know that I graduated! That I "had come into The Corps" as he once told me that he hoped to see me do that one day; "come into The Corps".
And so, as the line got closer, I noticed that my esteemed colleague Tom Ho**ocks (TJ's favorite and clone at that time from my Corps) was right in front of me. And as Tom H finally was seen by TJ, TJ broke into a wonderful smile and said something to the effect of "Well Tom! Congratulations on your graduation! Welcome to The Way Corps! I am so proud of you sir!" And even I got a little misty eyed, as I saw Tom and Tom as they embraced in genuine fellowship. And I knew I was next.! And so, as TJ directed TH off in the direction of proper seating, I was ecstatic about my next moment. And as TJ turned to me, and as recognition set in, his smiling face dropped into a look of condesencion, as he looked at me with extended hand with emerald Way Corps ring on it and said almost sadly yet ominously; "Hello Jonny. The seating will be up front where you can see the chairs filling in..."
And I was dumbfounded, dashed, really shook so to speak. And I heard someone say; Hey, somebody ought to set that fella down! Looks like he's been shocked right between the eyeballs!" But, I recomposed myself, and shook it off as my limp hand slid from his. But the damage was done. I had thought that TJ would be proud of me. But noooo! I don't know, I guess he wanted me to not make it. To see me weeded out. But, being the happy go lucky guy that I always was and always will be, I shook it off and went and sat down with some friends who were seated in another section..
And so now, since my wife is familiar with the two lines "You were fishing weren't you Johnny?" And "Hello Jonny" in that ominous tone of voice, this has been a family joke for the last 23 years! Haha! If ever I am doing something I like to do, like fishing, when I come home she says; "You were fishing, weren't you Jonny!?"
Jonny, you are a man after God's own heart!!! Great sto-rie. I can hear it yet, "You've been fishing, haven't you Jonny???". Such love only a MOTHER could display.
Tom Hamhocks, please stand and have the blessing ...
JL, I am sorry that that happened to you......what a crushing dissapointment..... it wouldn`t have cost that man a darned thing to have acknowledged your accomplishment....and it would have meant so much to you...... don`t EVEN get me started about lack of courtesy and respect.....
I wonder what scintillating qualities this guy n his wife posessed in hq`s eyes ....that qualified them for an assignment that placed in this position of authority.....
From what I have read here.....they were not a blessing or helpfull in anyway..... they even managed to poison the beautifull colorado wilderness....
Johnny I am GLAD that you went fishing....that you managed to have some fun in SPITE of those anal creeps.
Ex 10 that story is pitifull.... you go to this woman for help....and get lambasted for a condition that her camp her responsible for....augh...
Y'all really endured some terrible things and none of it is lame, Ex10! :)
All those things build up to make one huge impact on our lives. I wonder if that woman was afraid of getting into trouble for not believing big enough for those she was responsible for. OR she was a superb prototype TWIt and blamed you for having a problem and needing to come to her in the first place..... either way - sheesh! So much for "doing good unto all men", eh? ;)
Johnny, You are a true treasure! Thanks for sharing that story! I'm sorry you were treated so badly, but living well is the best revenge and you're living it in 48K Gold!
I think the reason TJ rose as quickly as he did in the ranks of TWI is that he had the worldly credentials VPW and others so craved to represent TWI ... he had been a teacher (high school, I think) teacher of Social Studies (history, government, and the like) and taught the folks in the ministry things about the Godly nature of the founding fathers, the Declaration of Independence, etc. and particularly the concept of unalienable rights (around the time the Way was trying to get folks to support Hayes Gahagan for the Maine Senate, which later almost cost them their tax-exempt status) ... I took his class called Blessings of Liberty many years before I was in the Corps, and it was good ... but then again, I didn't have to live with the man.
TomTuttle, perhaps you will remember with fondness TJ's utter inability to correctly pronounce the word "bulldozer." Macmarine still laughs about "buhdozer."
Yeah, the least he could do is extend to you some amt. of professional courtesy. Sorry to hear he hasn't.
He played a lot of games with me, or tried to. I was not impressed and just looked at him funny. One day he called me over to his "lodge." When I got there, Arlene didn't know what to say so she was quiet and told me I could sit down and wait. After about 10 mins., I asked where he was. She said he was in the john. I heard the flush but he never came out. After about 20 mins., Arlene said she guessed I could go. I looked at her funny, gave her one of those fake way smiles, and left. He never did say what he wanted, and I surmised he was just playing with me. Sigh.
Later, the next block, he was at E teaching something, so I went up to the stage after the teaching and said hi. He looked right through me, never acknowledged my presence, and never spoke to me.
I think the reason TJ rose as quickly as he did in the ranks of TWI is that he had the worldly credentials VPW and others so craved to represent TWI ... he had been a teacher (high school, I think) teacher of Social Studies (history, government, and the like) and taught the folks in the ministry things about the Godly nature of the founding fathers, the Declaration of Independence, etc. and particularly the concept of unalienable rights (around the time the Way was trying to get folks to support Hayes Gahagan for the Maine Senate, which later almost cost them their tax-exempt status) ... I took his class called Blessings of Liberty many years before I was in the Corps, and it was good ... but then again, I didn't have to live with the man.
TomTuttle, perhaps you will remember with fondness TJ's utter inability to correctly pronounce the word "bulldozer." Macmarine still laughs about "buhdozer."
In 1989,
I spoke for a time with a guy who taught about history-
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TJ......the scourge of Gunnison.........HELL YES.
Tom Jenk**son was as close to the devil himself that I ever want to come. Toadfriend was extremely generous in her post, evidence of how much deliverance that she has had since she left twi.
I don't know what the earlier corps experienced at Gunnison.........but I know that the 12th and 13th corps were close to sacrificial lambs there. To this day, I can't stand to drive thru the state, or even fly over it. TJ was maniacal, and an idolator......but I don't think he was an adulterer. He was mean, brutal and cruel and his oversight of the camp has colored my entire view of the state of Colorado to this day.....(okay, so maybe I need counseling :blink: )
Ya'll want to know more.......ask me privately, or Toadfriend or Al Poole or just about any 13th corps person ever in residence there, unless they are with the Mahone/Jenkinson Group in DC. When I lived in DC, Bruce's wife Pam (also thirteenth corps) called me and invited me to a meeting that Jenkie was teaching at.......I flat out asked her........."If I hated to hear him teach when we were in residence.......WHY ON EARTH WOULD I WANT TO HEAR HIM NOW>???????????"
Oh I am in a really bad mood
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ewwww there's a group ?
i'm going to DC over thanksgiving maybe i'll look him up SNORT
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TJ was the kind of man who would enjoy stepping on your fingers and then scold you for having them in his way...
...Like many twi "leaders" of that time, he was quite taken with himself and expected you to be also. I was surprised when they sent him to Gunnison...he always seemed more comfortable in an office or classroom, not the outdoors type. Fortunately for me, I didn't spend much time around him.
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mean nasty little man.............. ex-- you said it exactly right!
I am surprised to see/hear that he is associated with any type of ministry. If thats the case it would seem that he would 'own up ' to all the carnage he left in his wake.
But ..of course....mean nasty little men don't admit to those things now do they?!!
We were at Gunnison first block of our last year in Res...... it was absoulty horrible. If we had had ANY money we would have just left.
Trapped with a rat.
To this day TJ would only be referred to as 'Arlenes husband'......... my husband will not even say his name out loud!!
But of course.............people change...we all have changed............... ya think?
dam n--- thats right--- Gunnison was beautiful................and I never saw it.
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Here's another TJ story from a friend of mine, who some of you know of the 9th Corps know as macmarine.
Mac, a former Marine and about as much of a target of TJ's as I was while at Gunnison years later, had just taken his first trail ride ...a long one...he had not been sitting in the saddle correctly and it rubbed the lower part of his back raw ... he told me his jeans had been bloody when he took them off. He was lying on his stomach at Gunnison, not even able to stand the sheet on his lower back/rump during the "Holiday" party the Corps was having. TJ came up the stairs to see him ... Mac thought, "Well, maybe this guy is not so bad. He came to see me during the party." Those of you who have seen the true hatred TJ seemed to have for people can guess what comes next: Tom proceded to rail upon Mac for every wrong thing Mac had done while there ... concluding with the "sentence" that he was going to KEEP him there at Gunnison another block to try to whip him into shape.
Great compassion, huh? The man had none, and nothing that I have heard about him since makes me think he is any different.
A good friend of mine, a Godly man who does not care for his name to be on the internet, once told me that he felt like the reason TJ was the way he was was because he was so emasculated by Arlene...I could certainly believe that! TJ, the devilish imp, sure had a Napoleon complex.
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No Exie, you are not an i-d-u-l-t-e-r-e-r. You are a represent-ta-tive of the 9th corps.
"Nasty mean little man"... interesting. Anyone ever notice that the guys with the smallest members drive the biggest trucks?? Just throwing it out there (ek ballo - to throw or to throw out).
So Mac-Army got a bit burned on a trail ride, and then got ministered to by REVEREND jenks??? Oh, the depth of love and bowels of compassions (plural). Maybe his bowels of compassion had done gushed out. Why, he had more compassion FOR his lil' pinkie than he did for the people in residence who bothered his life so much ... I guess he thought we were there to serve HIM.
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i just reported what i wanted to say
can a moderator throw that report in here
oh never mind, here it is ~
what did he want to, "break" mac ?
i got sentenced to more than one block there
he was always pulling tricks too, saying we had an evening off, and then calling a mandatory meeting, such fun
rev. tootles what was he picking at in his teeth ?
(((((( 2life & hubby ))))))
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They were kernels of truth, my dear sistren. You see, God can only teach a man in terms of what that man knows. For VPW, who was accustomed to reaching up into people's wallets and clothing, it was reaching up into a "cookie" lovsteadt jar. In TJ's life, maany had said to him, in a polite way, "Bite Me!!!". TJ had obviously confused a current day figure of speech (chompisensio) with his favorite scripture "...there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth...".
But in any case, we were the receivers of this his delight, to feed his flock the kernels truth. There was a lot of truth to be learned if one gazed at and intensly studied those kernels from between his teeth long enough. And just wait until I share on what can be realized when one looks for those kernels underneath ones fingernails, while blowing out hot air from terse, taut lips, making a hissing noise ...
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I always thought TJ seemed conflicted. I think he, like so many other guys ran their "commands" as if they were trying to prove they would have been a better choice for Pres. than LCM.
Maybe they were right.
What was interesting to me about my time at Gunnison was that an "unbeliever" treated me much better than TJ did.
I was there the 2nd block of our 11th Corps Graduating year, a few weeks after being injured in the LEAD accident. I had to go through a little bit of "whatever" to get TJ's approval to go to get "whatever treatment I needed." but the Chiropractor told me this:
"I have a son about your age whos away at college too. I will take care of you the way I would want someone to care for him, if something happened to him like this."
That was open, honest and warm with real tenderness and a genuine concern.
That man made a similar commitment in his hypocratic oath as Tom made when he was ordained.
Let' s just say for brevity's sake, there was a stark contrast between the two. I don't remember Tom even asking me what happened. I felt like he thought I MAY have been "dogging it" but tolerated me because of the huge liability factor concerning my injuries.
When I went to the chiropractor, I felt warm and cared for.
SHouldn't that have been the other way around, if the contrast existed at all?
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HCW, I think you just illustrated the difference between the genuine and counterfit.
You tell ME who should be demonstrating genuine loving care and concern? Suprising that a supposed spiritual leader would exhibit such little regard for one in their care.
Actually from what I read of tj here, he gives every evidence of not only being a counterfit leader but a christian wannabe as well...
I do not believe that a genuine brother in Christ would ever have been able to treat you with such calloused indifference.... it is an inside *thing* ... just my opinion..
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..."calloused indifference"...
That is an accurate description on MANY of twi's top "leaders"...not all, but MANY. I watched dozens of young people, who had committed their lives to this thing, receive heavy verbal abuse and public humiliation...dished out by twi "leaders"...without a second thought and without regard.
Many of these young people were devastated by this treatment...most of them were.
While in residence, I realized that I could never be that hard on people...thus, I realized that I would never fit in with the twi "leadership mode"...sadly, at the time, I thought it was a deficiency on MY part. As I look back today, I am grateful that twi was never able to turn me into a mean bastard. It just wasn't in me.
So....when I think back to people like LCM, TJ, CG, and a LOT of other people like that...I think that a lot of these people were "disturbed" to start with...Wierwille just exploited that meanness that was already in them...gave them a reason to legitimitize their abuse towards others...they "dug it". How many of them are sorry now for how they treated people? How many have repented and asked for forgiveness and have changed their ways???
To tell you the truth...I really don't care. We are all ultimately responsible for the things that we do in this life. Since I left twi 18 years ago, I avoid people that are manipulative, controlling, mean, and condescending. Life's too short to spend around people like that.
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are we not supposed to lead by example? glad i didn't turn into being a GREAT leader.
damn i don't think i knew this tj guy
glad i didn't!
i have fond memories of gunnisson
took the ac there and every one was wonderful
espically steve and his wife margerette wish i could remember thier last name
they came to maine as leaders shortly after the ac they were great!!! oh the last name was kyle
when was tj's holy reign?
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Gee, what's up with this thread?
I thought the zealous finger pointing condemnations were reserved exclusively for Vicktor Fuhrer and BOT?
Anyway, don't you know that Tom J. snapped somewhere along the way?
That's riiiiiiight
Before TWI, he was gentle as a wimp cat.
But because of twi's strategically designed epidemic of synthetically pseudomystic procilvity for harmful cultic personality changes, that's what happened to Tom ol' boy.
He was brainwashed, hypnotized, his own self destroyed in favor of being a bizarre heremetic parasitic Furhrer automoton, scans of his brain must show the biochemical changes by cultic packaged persuasion, his stinkin' injuriously psychologically exploited neurotransmitters may be disgusting to YOU:
Just remember, he was not responsible for his actions.
He was brainwashed, hypnotized, his own self destroyed with the repackaged paganism of the homeletic's master.
Show some mercy, will ya?
The extent of this damage is deep.
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If someone says that he's not responsible for his actions, and that it's all TWI's fault, then MAYBE you have a reason for a diatribe like the one above. I don't see that in this thread, though. TWI may have inspired arrogance in its leaders, but no one here is excusing TJ for joining in.
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"...I think that a lot of these people were "disturbed" to start with...Wierwille just exploited that meanness that was already in them...gave them a reason to legitimitize their abuse towards others...they "dug it""
Amen to that! I remember one of TJ's most disturbing invited teachers ... Randy F**se, the Region Coordinator ... he talked about how a "young man" could work his way up through the ranks of TWI and make a career of it ... most of us were pretty horrified about the implicit message of making merchandise of God's people ... RF was cheered on afterward by TJ, who remembers the "excitement I felt as a young man when I first heard this." The ONLY person I remember being excited about it that night was, interestingly, J*ff K**foot ... yes, I know I added an extra "s" to his name, but consider it added for emphasis, as he was and is an a** .... these men saw TWI leadership NOT as a service to God, but as a career choice, where they could be lords over God's heritage ... as they were surely NOT "examples to the flock." They were interested in fleecing the flock and making themselves a nice sweater out of the fleece.
TF, Friend of the Toad, but not of the Fleece-Flocker
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J0nny Ling0
And now, for the rest of the stow-ree....
I actually went right back to Gunnison in the fall of my graduating year, and was there through the whole block without being kicked out. Did a block at HQ till X-Mas, and then was sent to the Big E. I finished out the year at the Big E with Jal and the Red Dragon, and then graduated. And now for the clincher. On the first night of Corps Week with me as a Corps grad for the first time, I remember heading into the Big Top Auditorium for the opening night. And who do you think was ushering people in and trying to get them seated? None other than The Last Boy Scout, TJ. Yup, as JP used to call him "The Red Headed Stranger". But, I was excited to see him and have him see my nice WC 10 name tag, for then he would know that I graduated! That I "had come into The Corps" as he once told me that he hoped to see me do that one day; "come into The Corps".
And so, as the line got closer, I noticed that my esteemed colleague Tom Ho**ocks (TJ's favorite and clone at that time from my Corps) was right in front of me. And as Tom H finally was seen by TJ, TJ broke into a wonderful smile and said something to the effect of "Well Tom! Congratulations on your graduation! Welcome to The Way Corps! I am so proud of you sir!" And even I got a little misty eyed, as I saw Tom and Tom as they embraced in genuine fellowship. And I knew I was next.! And so, as TJ directed TH off in the direction of proper seating, I was ecstatic about my next moment. And as TJ turned to me, and as recognition set in, his smiling face dropped into a look of condesencion, as he looked at me with extended hand with emerald Way Corps ring on it and said almost sadly yet ominously; "Hello Jonny. The seating will be up front where you can see the chairs filling in..."
And I was dumbfounded, dashed, really shook so to speak. And I heard someone say; Hey, somebody ought to set that fella down! Looks like he's been shocked right between the eyeballs!" But, I recomposed myself, and shook it off as my limp hand slid from his. But the damage was done. I had thought that TJ would be proud of me. But noooo! I don't know, I guess he wanted me to not make it. To see me weeded out. But, being the happy go lucky guy that I always was and always will be, I shook it off and went and sat down with some friends who were seated in another section..
And so now, since my wife is familiar with the two lines "You were fishing weren't you Johnny?" And "Hello Jonny" in that ominous tone of voice, this has been a family joke for the last 23 years! Haha! If ever I am doing something I like to do, like fishing, when I come home she says; "You were fishing, weren't you Jonny!?"
Hokay. End of long stow-ree. Sorry...
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Jonny, you are a man after God's own heart!!! Great sto-rie. I can hear it yet, "You've been fishing, haven't you Jonny???". Such love only a MOTHER could display.
Tom Hamhocks, please stand and have the blessing ...
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JL, I am sorry that that happened to you......what a crushing dissapointment..... it wouldn`t have cost that man a darned thing to have acknowledged your accomplishment....and it would have meant so much to you...... don`t EVEN get me started about lack of courtesy and respect.....
I wonder what scintillating qualities this guy n his wife posessed in hq`s eyes ....that qualified them for an assignment that placed in this position of authority.....
From what I have read here.....they were not a blessing or helpfull in anyway..... they even managed to poison the beautifull colorado wilderness....
Johnny I am GLAD that you went fishing....that you managed to have some fun in SPITE of those anal creeps.
Ex 10 that story is pitifull.... you go to this woman for help....and get lambasted for a condition that her camp her responsible for....augh...
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Y'all really endured some terrible things and none of it is lame, Ex10! :)
All those things build up to make one huge impact on our lives. I wonder if that woman was afraid of getting into trouble for not believing big enough for those she was responsible for. OR she was a superb prototype TWIt and blamed you for having a problem and needing to come to her in the first place..... either way - sheesh! So much for "doing good unto all men", eh? ;)
Johnny, You are a true treasure! Thanks for sharing that story! I'm sorry you were treated so badly, but living well is the best revenge and you're living it in 48K Gold!
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**** Jl******
You know where I live...geographicaly..I know the face of him.
Not at all a true representation of our heavenly father it?
there will come a day!!!!!!!!but for now, lets Go FIshing!!yehaw!
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I think the reason TJ rose as quickly as he did in the ranks of TWI is that he had the worldly credentials VPW and others so craved to represent TWI ... he had been a teacher (high school, I think) teacher of Social Studies (history, government, and the like) and taught the folks in the ministry things about the Godly nature of the founding fathers, the Declaration of Independence, etc. and particularly the concept of unalienable rights (around the time the Way was trying to get folks to support Hayes Gahagan for the Maine Senate, which later almost cost them their tax-exempt status) ... I took his class called Blessings of Liberty many years before I was in the Corps, and it was good ... but then again, I didn't have to live with the man.
TomTuttle, perhaps you will remember with fondness TJ's utter inability to correctly pronounce the word "bulldozer." Macmarine still laughs about "buhdozer."
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Hi TF!
Yeah, the least he could do is extend to you some amt. of professional courtesy. Sorry to hear he hasn't.
He played a lot of games with me, or tried to. I was not impressed and just looked at him funny. One day he called me over to his "lodge." When I got there, Arlene didn't know what to say so she was quiet and told me I could sit down and wait. After about 10 mins., I asked where he was. She said he was in the john. I heard the flush but he never came out. After about 20 mins., Arlene said she guessed I could go. I looked at her funny, gave her one of those fake way smiles, and left. He never did say what he wanted, and I surmised he was just playing with me. Sigh.
Later, the next block, he was at E teaching something, so I went up to the stage after the teaching and said hi. He looked right through me, never acknowledged my presence, and never spoke to me.
Haha. Poor guy.
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In 1989,
I spoke for a time with a guy who taught about history-
it could have been that class he mentioned.
He was a real pinhead.
I bet it was this guy.
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