Eloquently, tenderly and gingerly put, my sexie Exie. And a FINE prick he was.
You see Jim, "prick-ness" is accurately judged by the closeness to which one can mimmick the insane antics of self-adoring testicles.
For example, let's say you're "lucky" enough to be in the corps program, and double-lucky enough to be sentenced, err, assigned, to Gunnison (which, of course, was made with YOUR blessing and growth in mind).
And let's say also (bullinger) that you are a normal human who is joking around with a like-minded saint while breaking bread at about the 12th hour (the hour of lunch). Now let's suppose the "leaders", LCM and TJ, hear of your communications with said like-minded saint, and do not approve of your godly choice of words (unless THEY are the ones using these colorful terms), and invite you to sit in audience with them directly after the mealtime announcements. Your heart would RACE in excited anticipation of this two-on-one healing time with His finest. After being screamed at delicately and tactfully by LCM, TJ is moved by the spirits to go and do thou likewise, endeavoring with all his heart, soul, mind and strength to replicate, with a mathematical exactness and a scientific precision, the same blessed loving reproof. The same hand motions, the same voice inflections, the same jugulars bulging. Why, if one were medically inclined, he might boldly proclaim, "TWINS!!!!".
... be ye therefore followers (imitators) of (insert MOG name here) ...
Burton was at least partly right about that. But in TWI, they exercized the figure of speech 'ascensio', which is to attribute to "leadership" God-like characteristics ...
I was involved in a dispute with several other people who were likewise sentenced to Gunnison. (You might imagine how such a thing could easily arise given 14 hour work days, complete exhaustion and an environment electrified with fear.) It was sort of a group disagreement. Arlene (Mrs. TJ) had spoken with me and the other's involved individually earlier in the day and asked for some specific details. When I met with her I told her things which happened to be extremely relevant to solving the situation. She said that Tom should meet with all parties involved at once, and during said meeting, I should repeat what I had told her and everything should be easily resolved.
Well, at the beginning of the meeting Arlene told TJ that she had met with all of us one on one and then she asked me to speak. I barely got 2 words out of my mouth before TJ began foaming at the mouth in my direction. He just started screaming - without having any handle on the problem. I then realized that he had no real desire to help anyone involved in this matter. I supose he thought that by screaming and ranting at us all he would enhance his own reputation as the "big man." I remember Arlene looking from TJ to me and once feebily trying to say something. Then she shut up and let him rip each of us apart. I felt pity for her but I also lost all respect for her that day.
He wanted to be a harda$$. He so wanted to be that slick leader that LCM was promoting. And he was ruthless in his ways. He seemed to think the way to 'train' corps was to annihilate them. I know several people that he systematically destroyed from the day they got to Gunnison. He wiped away their very dignity.
Major Prick? Isn't he under Commander C- oh, never mind.
T.J. isn't he the red haired guy, I seem to remember he looked like a little like Elton John, but with red hair and skinnier?
It's always so strange to read about these guys and their temper tantrums. Bad behavior, conduct unbecoming an orifice.
But oh how far the mighty fall! With less and less people to scream at, all the Lance Corporal Cleetus's will have only each other to gnaw at! Ya gotta figure one of these days someone's going to blow a gasket and ream themselves out for being so incompetent, just to keep in practice!
Burton was at least partly right about that. But in TWI, they exercized the figure of speech 'ascensio', which is to attribute to "leadership" God-like characteristics ...
I have a most excellent remembrance of how TJ was when I was in rez at Camp Gunnison (CG). I do not think he is the same man now, but, he was really, shall we say "anal" to the max back then.
I had been sent with 48 Tenth Corps to "restore order" at CG, after a certain bunch of 8th Corps and Staff allegedly screwed the place up by way of negligence and "frivolity". Chris Geer was our boss man during that time, and, I will say, that I enjoyed myself during that particular time. We worked hard, played hard, and, we really did restore order to many situations there.
But once things came back into being orderly (restoration of the lumber racks, roads cleared of mud and ruts, and construction schedules back on track), Chris Geer (CG) was called to go back and be Dr. Wierwille's driver and whatever it was he did. And so, being informed of this, CG met with all of us Tenth Corps and informed us of "who was going to stay when TJ got there, and who was going to have to go back to The Way College Of Emporia." In other words, there was going to be a "cut". Well, needless to say, I was begging God to let me stay at Camp Gunnison. One of my main motivations was that I love to fish. That's right. I am an "angler", and I just flat out love to go fishin! Plus, I loved the smell of the mountain air, the sage brush, and there was no way I wanted to go back to Emporia, Kansas. And so, when CG read the list of names of who had to go back to "The Big E" (Emporia), I was overjoyed when "I made the cut". CG had decided that I was "worthy" of staying, and I was really happy about that.
Well, finally, the day came when "TJ" showed up to take the reins of command, and, naturally we welcomed him with welcome arms, for, he was VPW's "pick". We said goodbye to Chris whom we really came to love, and welcomed Tom with open arms.
Well. After a bit, it seemed as if TJ was way more interested in "academics" than CG. TJ was way more "perfunctory" than CG, and TJ did not seem to like the fact that certain people really enjoyed the "resort aspect" of living at 7,800 feet above sea level and enjoying the Colorado High Country lifestyle.
Hokay, with that background set, here is my story:
I had a very sweet friend at that time in the Tenth Corps named "G.A." We'll just call her "Gee". She was engaged to another guy whom she did in fact marry, and I was engaged with a gal whom I did not marry. But, we really hit it off as friends, and, she took an interest in my obsession with fishing.
Well, one morning, waaaayyy before breakfast at 7:00 a.m., I took her fishing on a stretch of the Gunnison up by the horse corals. We had been on the River for about an hour, caught a couple of nice brown trout, and after a bit, according to my watch , it was time to get to breakfast with "TJ" and the Corps. And so, we re-crossed the "Tarzan bridge", and headed on back to "The Barn" for breakfast. But, as we got nearer, we did not see the usual group of cigarette smokers on the front deck, and it began to look "worrisome". We hadn't heard that old bell that was rung when it was time for meals, and so, we were a little confused. And the closer we got, the more we realized that we had (I) had f***** up, and that put plain and simply, we were LATE!
And then, I did the stupidest thing! At least the stupidest thing one could do when screwing up with TJ. As we passed the building and headed for the front door, and passed by the windows that were viewable from the inside from the Head Table, I kept my fishin pole leaned against my shoulder sticking straight up in the air, and it was viewed on the inside by ALL as it (the pole only) "walked" past those two windows!
Friends later told me that the "walking fishing pole" as it "marched past the window"caught the attention of everyone immediately, including T Jenks and his wife, and they were mouthing the the letters of my three letter last name! My Corps Brethren were all thinking; "Uh oh, he-is-busted!"
And so, the lovely Gee and I stepped up onto the deck, I parked my flyrod against the logs of the building, and we entered The Barn with all eyes upon us, with T Jenks looking most severe. And so, Gee and I sat down at a table that had the largest collection of friends at it, and muttered collectively; "Oh $h*t..." And our friends nodded as if to agree that we were in deep doo doo. And yet, there were many smirks on their faces, for they remembered that "marching fishing pole" past the windows. And so, as Gee and I were looking down at our empty plates, with a nervous glance at each other from time to time, were interrupted by an "Ahem" from the gal who was the head table hostess. Julie Somebody. We looked up to see this gal glaring at us, as she proceeded to deliver her message from the Head Table. She said; "Rev. J would like to see you "Jonny" at the head table. And with an air of authority said; "Please come with me."
And so, with Gee looking at me as if I were about to be fed to the lions, I got up and went to the Head Table to receive my punishment. And it was weird man, really weird ! When I got there, I stood to the left of TJ as he continued to eat his breakfast, never even turning his head my way as I said; "Yes sir? You wanted to see me?" And without looking up, he said; "And where were you this morning Jonny?" And I said; "Well sir, I was down by the river with Gee, and before we knew it, the time got awa..." And he interrupted and said; "You were fishing, weren't you Jonny?" And I said; "Well, yes, I was uh, yes, yes sir, I was fishing". As if it were the worst crime in the world!
And without even looking up once, he pronounced judgement. He said; You will not be having any breakfast this morning Mr Lingo, and you can tell Miss "Ashton" the same. You are dismissed". And without another word, I figured that I'd better get back to my table where Miss Ashton, the one whom I had led astray, awaited our sentence. As I sat down, she elbowed me and whispered harshly, "What'd he say!" And I repeated it all, and everyone at the table heard, and we all grinned, as I looked at the hand tied fly that was embedded in the brim of Miss Ashton's felt fedora style fishin' hat...
Yeah, that was TJ at that time in his life. He may be a new man now though. We have all been granted that opportunity...
Right-O, Johnny!!! You nailed the hammer on the head!!! The 'without turning his head, not even looking up' attitude and aire was ever-present at Gunnison. But remember, many did far less wrong and received a far greater blasting at his hands. I read somewhere awhile ago that T Jenks had cjanged and is really a good guy today. I hope so. I suppose none of us were without sin, but some sure managed to leave a lasting impression in many people's minds.
I guess I should reply to this post while i'm here
The only thing I ever heard about TJ...was that he was NOT liked....
I never heard a good thing about this man when I was in TWI. Not a one... everytime I heard his name come up in conversation, it was always in the context of some Way Corps horror story.
He must have been a good leader in TWI's eyes... to have such a reputation! ;)
Jenkinson attends an offshoot somewhere in the Northeast. He also taught at CFF a time or two. It is my opinion that those kind of men are cowards. I personally consider him a coward until such time that he publicly acknowledges he was wrong and offers remorse or apologies. I have a feeling too much pride is in the way for him to do that.
...Pride goeth before a fall. and a haughty spirit before construction...
You have a decent point there, yougotclout. I have yet to hear ANY apologies, any "Geez, I was such an a$$ back then" from ANYONE. Not that I am waiting for any. But I would think anyone with a genuine, pure heart would be anxious to right past wrongs. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, " ", well, I forget what that proverb is, but I can tell you this, it HAS happened unto them!!!
I knew him when he was our lowly branch leader in Col. Ohio. He and his wife Arlene were wonderful people. He was full of life, a real jokster and had a lot of love for people - they were just great people.
One of my close relatives went in the corps when he was coordinating Rome City. She too had known him very wall in Col. He started giving her attitude, she just looked at him and said, don't pull this stuff on me buster! After that, he was fine with her, the old TJ she had known.
I too heard nothing but bad things about him while I was on staff. I think he was another example of how TWI totally corrupted their young leadership, and how heardhearted they had to become to be noticed and rise up in the organization.
Give TJ a few years out, like others who slowly revert back to their "true" selves and drop the false "I am a great spiritual man of god" false persona they all put on out of necessity to survive TWI in a high position, its interesting to watch people become their "real" selves again - the way they were before TWI. Hopefully the same will happen with him.
He has HAD the chance to apologize and be nice to me, and refused ... I fully agree with the following assessment:
He wanted to be a harda$$. He so wanted to be that slick leader that LCM was promoting. And he was ruthless in his ways. He seemed to think the way to 'train' corps was to annihilate them. I know several people that he systematically destroyed from the day they got to Gunnison. He wiped away their very dignity.
He was just a nasty little man.
Friend of the Toad, But Not of The Jerk (Interesting how his initials happen to be the same ... T J)
Ok, this is gonna sound really lame. I had many bad experiences at Gunnison, but there is one that just really hacks me off.
We had community showers there, and I somehow contracted a rip roaring case of Athlete's foot while incarcerated. However, not having been acquainted with this vile perstilence, (even though I grew up with 4 jock brothers) I went to Arlene who was the Third Aid Person (not a nurse, as they should have had available).
I showed Arlene my foot and explained my toe dilemna. She diagnosed me as having a really bad case of Athlete's foot and also claimed that I could not have possibly contracted it there at Camp Gunnison because they cleaned the showers with bleach. If I had Atlete's Foot, I brought it with me from Emporia and therefore she was not obliged to treat me or help me in any way.
WHAT??? sorry I can't help you?
Fortunately for me, one of the staff guys came up to me after my meeting with Arlene, and gave me a tube of Tinactin. He told me he heard about my problem. He told me to use this on my (pedicured) toes and I would be fungus free. "Don't worry," he said, "we get it all the time here and this stuff will take care of it." OMG. I ended up passing that little tube around to all my roomies, who also ended up with the same vile toe curse.
Ok, this is gonna sound really lame. I had many bad experiences at Gunnison, but there is one that just really hacks me off.
We had community showers there, and I somehow contracted a rip roaring case of Athlete's foot while incarcerated. However, not having been acquainted with this vile perstilence, (even though I grew up with 4 jock brothers) I went to Arlene who was the Third Aid Person (not a nurse, as they should have had available).
I showed Arlene my foot and explained my toe dilemna. She diagnosed me as having a really bad case of Athlete's foot and also claimed that I could not have possibly contracted it there at Camp Gunnison because they cleaned the showers with bleach. If I had Atlete's Foot, I brought it with me from Emporia and therefore she was not obliged to treat me or help me in any way.
WHAT??? sorry I can't help you?
Fortunately for me, one of the staff guys came up to me after my meeting with Arlene, and gave me a tube of Tinactin. He told me he heard about my problem. He told me to use this on my (pedicured) toes and I would be fungus free. "Don't worry," he said, "we get it all the time here and this stuff will take care of it." OMG. I ended up passing that little tube around to all my roomies, who also ended up with the same vile toe curse.
What the heck was up with that?
I think I heard about this, on Corps Tape # 2,456 titled "The Fungus Among Us - Infiltration Techniques of the Enemy".
You always had trouble...toeing the line, didn't ya???
Thank God for Goodyear (rubber company). And thank God for .... Tough Actin' TINACTIN !!!!!
Master Tom made it most clear to all the corps who went to Gunnison that they were not there to see the beautiful high country, this was NOT gonna be a vacation. It was normally the FIRST thing of business he covered, usually the FIRST words most corps heard come from his kissable lips.
exactly my dear reverend tuttle. when i look at pictures of gunnison and colorado, i'm astounded by the beauty. i can't believe i was there !!!!!!!!!! was it because i was an i-d-u-l-t-e-r-e-r
Ya know, I want to finish out my "TJ" experience". Even though I got "busted for fishing", I still loved the man. I loved it when he taught on the subject of "Christianity In America", and for some reason, I wanted him to like me. Yes, it is true. I was a young person, only 23, and I was in the thick of "comittment", and I wanted TJ to like me and acknowledge me as a believer. Also, I was never a very disciplined person, and I admired Tom for the things he was good at, which were in contrast to the things I was not good at.....
But, now, I am now getting kicked off the computer by my wife, SW, of the 7th Corps. She has to look at the bills, which is her area of expertise in that she is an insurance agent for AllState. She's good at that sh i t, I hates paperwork, and so, I gotta go...
But, I'll finish this later, for. I need to get it out, off my chest! I am hurting! No, not really, but it is kind of telling.....
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he was a major prick
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Eloquently, tenderly and gingerly put, my sexie Exie. And a FINE prick he was.
You see Jim, "prick-ness" is accurately judged by the closeness to which one can mimmick the insane antics of self-adoring testicles.
For example, let's say you're "lucky" enough to be in the corps program, and double-lucky enough to be sentenced, err, assigned, to Gunnison (which, of course, was made with YOUR blessing and growth in mind).
And let's say also (bullinger) that you are a normal human who is joking around with a like-minded saint while breaking bread at about the 12th hour (the hour of lunch). Now let's suppose the "leaders", LCM and TJ, hear of your communications with said like-minded saint, and do not approve of your godly choice of words (unless THEY are the ones using these colorful terms), and invite you to sit in audience with them directly after the mealtime announcements. Your heart would RACE in excited anticipation of this two-on-one healing time with His finest. After being screamed at delicately and tactfully by LCM, TJ is moved by the spirits to go and do thou likewise, endeavoring with all his heart, soul, mind and strength to replicate, with a mathematical exactness and a scientific precision, the same blessed loving reproof. The same hand motions, the same voice inflections, the same jugulars bulging. Why, if one were medically inclined, he might boldly proclaim, "TWINS!!!!".
... be ye therefore followers (imitators) of (insert MOG name here) ...
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The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself.
Richard Burton
Seems dear Mr. Burton may have been onto something....think he knew LCM or TJ?
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Burton was at least partly right about that. But in TWI, they exercized the figure of speech 'ascensio', which is to attribute to "leadership" God-like characteristics ...
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Mercedes Benz
I was involved in a dispute with several other people who were likewise sentenced to Gunnison. (You might imagine how such a thing could easily arise given 14 hour work days, complete exhaustion and an environment electrified with fear.) It was sort of a group disagreement. Arlene (Mrs. TJ) had spoken with me and the other's involved individually earlier in the day and asked for some specific details. When I met with her I told her things which happened to be extremely relevant to solving the situation. She said that Tom should meet with all parties involved at once, and during said meeting, I should repeat what I had told her and everything should be easily resolved.
Well, at the beginning of the meeting Arlene told TJ that she had met with all of us one on one and then she asked me to speak. I barely got 2 words out of my mouth before TJ began foaming at the mouth in my direction. He just started screaming - without having any handle on the problem. I then realized that he had no real desire to help anyone involved in this matter. I supose he thought that by screaming and ranting at us all he would enhance his own reputation as the "big man." I remember Arlene looking from TJ to me and once feebily trying to say something. Then she shut up and let him rip each of us apart. I felt pity for her but I also lost all respect for her that day.
He wanted to be a harda$$. He so wanted to be that slick leader that LCM was promoting. And he was ruthless in his ways. He seemed to think the way to 'train' corps was to annihilate them. I know several people that he systematically destroyed from the day they got to Gunnison. He wiped away their very dignity.
He was just a nasty little man.
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What is the time frame that all this happened?
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Major Prick? Isn't he under Commander C- oh, never mind.
T.J. isn't he the red haired guy, I seem to remember he looked like a little like Elton John, but with red hair and skinnier?
It's always so strange to read about these guys and their temper tantrums. Bad behavior, conduct unbecoming an orifice.
But oh how far the mighty fall! With less and less people to scream at, all the Lance Corporal Cleetus's will have only each other to gnaw at! Ya gotta figure one of these days someone's going to blow a gasket and ream themselves out for being so incompetent, just to keep in practice!
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J0nny Ling0
I have a most excellent remembrance of how TJ was when I was in rez at Camp Gunnison (CG). I do not think he is the same man now, but, he was really, shall we say "anal" to the max back then.
I had been sent with 48 Tenth Corps to "restore order" at CG, after a certain bunch of 8th Corps and Staff allegedly screwed the place up by way of negligence and "frivolity". Chris Geer was our boss man during that time, and, I will say, that I enjoyed myself during that particular time. We worked hard, played hard, and, we really did restore order to many situations there.
But once things came back into being orderly (restoration of the lumber racks, roads cleared of mud and ruts, and construction schedules back on track), Chris Geer (CG) was called to go back and be Dr. Wierwille's driver and whatever it was he did. And so, being informed of this, CG met with all of us Tenth Corps and informed us of "who was going to stay when TJ got there, and who was going to have to go back to The Way College Of Emporia." In other words, there was going to be a "cut". Well, needless to say, I was begging God to let me stay at Camp Gunnison. One of my main motivations was that I love to fish. That's right. I am an "angler", and I just flat out love to go fishin! Plus, I loved the smell of the mountain air, the sage brush, and there was no way I wanted to go back to Emporia, Kansas. And so, when CG read the list of names of who had to go back to "The Big E" (Emporia), I was overjoyed when "I made the cut". CG had decided that I was "worthy" of staying, and I was really happy about that.
Well, finally, the day came when "TJ" showed up to take the reins of command, and, naturally we welcomed him with welcome arms, for, he was VPW's "pick". We said goodbye to Chris whom we really came to love, and welcomed Tom with open arms.
Well. After a bit, it seemed as if TJ was way more interested in "academics" than CG. TJ was way more "perfunctory" than CG, and TJ did not seem to like the fact that certain people really enjoyed the "resort aspect" of living at 7,800 feet above sea level and enjoying the Colorado High Country lifestyle.
Hokay, with that background set, here is my story:
I had a very sweet friend at that time in the Tenth Corps named "G.A." We'll just call her "Gee". She was engaged to another guy whom she did in fact marry, and I was engaged with a gal whom I did not marry. But, we really hit it off as friends, and, she took an interest in my obsession with fishing.
Well, one morning, waaaayyy before breakfast at 7:00 a.m., I took her fishing on a stretch of the Gunnison up by the horse corals. We had been on the River for about an hour, caught a couple of nice brown trout, and after a bit, according to my watch , it was time to get to breakfast with "TJ" and the Corps. And so, we re-crossed the "Tarzan bridge", and headed on back to "The Barn" for breakfast. But, as we got nearer, we did not see the usual group of cigarette smokers on the front deck, and it began to look "worrisome". We hadn't heard that old bell that was rung when it was time for meals, and so, we were a little confused. And the closer we got, the more we realized that we had (I) had f***** up, and that put plain and simply, we were LATE!
And then, I did the stupidest thing! At least the stupidest thing one could do when screwing up with TJ. As we passed the building and headed for the front door, and passed by the windows that were viewable from the inside from the Head Table, I kept my fishin pole leaned against my shoulder sticking straight up in the air, and it was viewed on the inside by ALL as it (the pole only) "walked" past those two windows!
Friends later told me that the "walking fishing pole" as it "marched past the window"caught the attention of everyone immediately, including T Jenks and his wife, and they were mouthing the the letters of my three letter last name! My Corps Brethren were all thinking; "Uh oh, he-is-busted!"
And so, the lovely Gee and I stepped up onto the deck, I parked my flyrod against the logs of the building, and we entered The Barn with all eyes upon us, with T Jenks looking most severe. And so, Gee and I sat down at a table that had the largest collection of friends at it, and muttered collectively; "Oh $h*t..." And our friends nodded as if to agree that we were in deep doo doo. And yet, there were many smirks on their faces, for they remembered that "marching fishing pole" past the windows. And so, as Gee and I were looking down at our empty plates, with a nervous glance at each other from time to time, were interrupted by an "Ahem" from the gal who was the head table hostess. Julie Somebody. We looked up to see this gal glaring at us, as she proceeded to deliver her message from the Head Table. She said; "Rev. J would like to see you "Jonny" at the head table. And with an air of authority said; "Please come with me."
And so, with Gee looking at me as if I were about to be fed to the lions, I got up and went to the Head Table to receive my punishment. And it was weird man, really weird ! When I got there, I stood to the left of TJ as he continued to eat his breakfast, never even turning his head my way as I said; "Yes sir? You wanted to see me?" And without looking up, he said; "And where were you this morning Jonny?" And I said; "Well sir, I was down by the river with Gee, and before we knew it, the time got awa..." And he interrupted and said; "You were fishing, weren't you Jonny?" And I said; "Well, yes, I was uh, yes, yes sir, I was fishing". As if it were the worst crime in the world!
And without even looking up once, he pronounced judgement. He said; You will not be having any breakfast this morning Mr Lingo, and you can tell Miss "Ashton" the same. You are dismissed". And without another word, I figured that I'd better get back to my table where Miss Ashton, the one whom I had led astray, awaited our sentence. As I sat down, she elbowed me and whispered harshly, "What'd he say!" And I repeated it all, and everyone at the table heard, and we all grinned, as I looked at the hand tied fly that was embedded in the brim of Miss Ashton's felt fedora style fishin' hat...
Yeah, that was TJ at that time in his life. He may be a new man now though. We have all been granted that opportunity...
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Right-O, Johnny!!! You nailed the hammer on the head!!! The 'without turning his head, not even looking up' attitude and aire was ever-present at Gunnison. But remember, many did far less wrong and received a far greater blasting at his hands. I read somewhere awhile ago that T Jenks had cjanged and is really a good guy today. I hope so. I suppose none of us were without sin, but some sure managed to leave a lasting impression in many people's minds.
God I miss my daily exhortations from TJ!!
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wow you came to love CG ?
he takes the prize for being even a bigger prick than TJ
yeah yeah yeah i'm glad they all changed
i wish they would come on this site
but that would take major balls wouldn't it
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Between the Major Balls and Pricks, Exceeshee, I may not sleep well tonight.
But I've found a new sig, thanks to your storee J.L.! A classic.
That line....Translated, according to Howard Allen:
"You were fee-shing, weren't you Jonny?"
According to Don Weirwille:
"Uh, well. Dad said you were fishin', Jonny".
According to LCM:
"Only homo's fish in the morning instead of cuddling up close to me at the head table and eating breakfast here with me!!!"
According to Harve Platig:
"You will only prevail in victorious fishing when your life is in alignment with the household breakfast".
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A la prochaine
Just when I go and make a big deal about your signature ... you go and change it!
Oh well... <_<
I gotta' admit .... Socks... your posts of the many voices of TWI was quite clever and funny too!
Thanks ^_^
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A la prochaine
I guess I should reply to this post while i'm here
The only thing I ever heard about TJ...was that he was NOT liked....
I never heard a good thing about this man when I was in TWI. Not a one... everytime I heard his name come up in conversation, it was always in the context of some Way Corps horror story.
He must have been a good leader in TWI's eyes... to have such a reputation! ;)
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Jenkinson attends an offshoot somewhere in the Northeast. He also taught at CFF a time or two. It is my opinion that those kind of men are cowards. I personally consider him a coward until such time that he publicly acknowledges he was wrong and offers remorse or apologies. I have a feeling too much pride is in the way for him to do that.
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...Pride goeth before a fall. and a haughty spirit before construction...
You have a decent point there, yougotclout. I have yet to hear ANY apologies, any "Geez, I was such an a$$ back then" from ANYONE. Not that I am waiting for any. But I would think anyone with a genuine, pure heart would be anxious to right past wrongs. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, " ", well, I forget what that proverb is, but I can tell you this, it HAS happened unto them!!!
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I knew him when he was our lowly branch leader in Col. Ohio. He and his wife Arlene were wonderful people. He was full of life, a real jokster and had a lot of love for people - they were just great people.
One of my close relatives went in the corps when he was coordinating Rome City. She too had known him very wall in Col. He started giving her attitude, she just looked at him and said, don't pull this stuff on me buster! After that, he was fine with her, the old TJ she had known.
I too heard nothing but bad things about him while I was on staff. I think he was another example of how TWI totally corrupted their young leadership, and how heardhearted they had to become to be noticed and rise up in the organization.
Give TJ a few years out, like others who slowly revert back to their "true" selves and drop the false "I am a great spiritual man of god" false persona they all put on out of necessity to survive TWI in a high position, its interesting to watch people become their "real" selves again - the way they were before TWI. Hopefully the same will happen with him.
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nice post sunesis
sorry socks
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He has HAD the chance to apologize and be nice to me, and refused ... I fully agree with the following assessment:
He wanted to be a harda$$. He so wanted to be that slick leader that LCM was promoting. And he was ruthless in his ways. He seemed to think the way to 'train' corps was to annihilate them. I know several people that he systematically destroyed from the day they got to Gunnison. He wiped away their very dignity.
He was just a nasty little man.
Friend of the Toad, But Not of The Jerk (Interesting how his initials happen to be the same ... T J)
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Ok, this is gonna sound really lame. I had many bad experiences at Gunnison, but there is one that just really hacks me off.
We had community showers there, and I somehow contracted a rip roaring case of Athlete's foot while incarcerated. However, not having been acquainted with this vile perstilence, (even though I grew up with 4 jock brothers) I went to Arlene who was the Third Aid Person (not a nurse, as they should have had available).
I showed Arlene my foot and explained my toe dilemna. She diagnosed me as having a really bad case of Athlete's foot and also claimed that I could not have possibly contracted it there at Camp Gunnison because they cleaned the showers with bleach. If I had Atlete's Foot, I brought it with me from Emporia and therefore she was not obliged to treat me or help me in any way.
WHAT??? sorry I can't help you?
Fortunately for me, one of the staff guys came up to me after my meeting with Arlene, and gave me a tube of Tinactin. He told me he heard about my problem. He told me to use this on my (pedicured) toes and I would be fungus free. "Don't worry," he said, "we get it all the time here and this stuff will take care of it." OMG. I ended up passing that little tube around to all my roomies, who also ended up with the same vile toe curse.
What the heck was up with that?
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I think I heard about this, on Corps Tape # 2,456 titled "The Fungus Among Us - Infiltration Techniques of the Enemy".
You always had trouble...toeing the line, didn't ya???
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Thank God for Goodyear (rubber company). And thank God for .... Tough Actin' TINACTIN !!!!!
Master Tom made it most clear to all the corps who went to Gunnison that they were not there to see the beautiful high country, this was NOT gonna be a vacation. It was normally the FIRST thing of business he covered, usually the FIRST words most corps heard come from his kissable lips.
And thanks to Socks and Get A Tan Caravan...
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exactly my dear reverend tuttle. when i look at pictures of gunnison and colorado, i'm astounded by the beauty. i can't believe i was there !!!!!!!!!! was it because i was an i-d-u-l-t-e-r-e-r
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J0nny Ling0
Ya know, I want to finish out my "TJ" experience". Even though I got "busted for fishing", I still loved the man. I loved it when he taught on the subject of "Christianity In America", and for some reason, I wanted him to like me. Yes, it is true. I was a young person, only 23, and I was in the thick of "comittment", and I wanted TJ to like me and acknowledge me as a believer. Also, I was never a very disciplined person, and I admired Tom for the things he was good at, which were in contrast to the things I was not good at.....
But, now, I am now getting kicked off the computer by my wife, SW, of the 7th Corps. She has to look at the bills, which is her area of expertise in that she is an insurance agent for AllState. She's good at that sh i t, I hates paperwork, and so, I gotta go...
But, I'll finish this later, for. I need to get it out, off my chest! I am hurting! No, not really, but it is kind of telling.....
Rev. Tuttle, thank you for seeing "my heart"!
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