Dear Pirate, Thanks for your info, how do I know if it's a tear or a pull? You have me in a bit of a panic here, I sure don't need an f$%^%$ tear in my muscle, how can I tell the difference Pirate, I can deal with a pull but not a tear!
Sorry to hear you hurt yourself. Being a nurse for many moons my best advice to you is to go have your doctor check it out. Then for your own peace of mind you'll know what's going on and what to do.
Wow, uponhigh, the "BIG pop" you describe makes me even wonder if you could have sprained your hip -- very unusual but possible. (In a sprain, the joint pops out and back in again, causing mild to severe damage to surrounding muscles, tendons, and/or ligaments.) Absolutely check with a doc, he may even want to x-ray it to be sure you didn't hairline fracture the femur. RICE is fine for the discomfort, and you can take aspirin or ibuprofen for the pain, if you can take aspirin safely. You can probably try stretching it out, GENTLY, but warm it up first, either by movement or a hot bath, then ice it down again afterward like it was a new injury.
I am not a doctor (so go see someone who is), so you shouldn't take my advice as gospel. Let us know what happens!
Any type of muscle pull or tear will require time to heal. If you don't let any type of injury heal properly, you will have problems down the road (pun intended :P-->).
Hey Zshot, mr. racquetball player, Iknow you're not a Dr. but how much time are you talking, i have some races scheduled for October. I'm going to the Dr's but in all honesty i'm not to keen because I don't want to take days and weeks off, i can't believe this crap happened!
You should really check with a DR on the time required to mend... There are going to be too many factors to determine on the amount of time:
The type and/or severity of the injury.
age (it takes me longer to mend now than it used to)
Just because you might "feel fine" does not mean that you are fine. I have "come back" too soon after an injury (because it felt fine -->). And ended up needing to take an extra couple weeks off.
Just got back from the Dr. he said there were definitely some tears, BUT not big ones, thank God, it shouldn't take that long to heal up and i could use my running as an indicator whether this thing is all healed up, start stretching and then go from there, take off 2wks but i wiil go with the running thing as my guide.I just wanted to say to all of you that posted here, thanks so much for your input, it was greatly appreciated!!!
To anyone who can answer this, I have to take f%^&$# pain killers for this stupid injury, (sorry I'm not in a very good mood right now) so if i'm all doped up on this stuff and it masks the pain how the hell do I know when this thing is all healed up, if i go out and run and I don't feel a thing because it masks the pain how the heck do i know I'm not causing more injury, it's just crap!!!
You need to stay off of it until it heals. I'm not a doctor, but I would stay off of it for at least two weeks and then just try walking and see how it feels. If you get back on it too quick you will injure it again and/or prolong the healing process. Do you want to be out of action for two weeks or two months? The choice is yours. I've had so many injuries from working out in the gym. I'm just warning you for your own good.
Yay, uponhigh, glad it's not too serious, just a pain in the a**!
Try to take just enough of the painkillers to be able to function. Chances are, you will feel it when you go to work out, and you will probably feel weaker on that leg. You won't be numb!
Listen to what your body is telling you. Keep it warm (and bandaged, if possible) when you are working out, then ice when you are done. I agree with Zshot, we heal slower than we did when we were 16, so be careful, there will be other races in your future if you pay attention now. Consider going to a physical therapist with good equipment and a knowledge of the sports you do. They are not afraid to push you if you want to be pushed!
If you want to speed up the healing process, get some "Arnica" tabs at your local health food store. Follow the directions on the bottle.
There is a product called "Bone,Flesh,and Cartilage" by Nature's Way. It is unbelievable for healing injuries. Only problem is that you need to take 4-6 capsules three times a day between meals. It works.
There is also an Arnica gel or lotion that you can rub into the injured area twice a day.
Go to any search engine and type in "Arnica" or "Arnica for injuries" etc for more info.
"Complete Tissue Formula" by Dr Christopher's Herbs is the exact same formula as "Bone,Flesh, and Cartilage". If you go to you will find many great testimonials about this formula.
There is also an ointment by Natures Way called "Bone,Flesh, and Cartilage". The same ointment by Dr.Christophers Herbs is called "Complete Tissue Formula". For my injuries I have taken the caps and used the ointment and it worked great. If you use the ointment you should wrap the area in clear plastic or whatever cause it will stain.
I would go with either the herbs and the ointment or with the Arnica and Arnica gel(or ointment).
uponhigh......this is coming from someone that has more scars than a Rand Mcnally Road Map. Some sports inflicted and others by means we shouldn't discuss hear. I think Shaz hit the nail on the head....since you've been to a doctor and been diagnosed... try out your local physical thereapist.....they can do wonders! They beat choiropracters to the draw everytime!
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If it's just a hamstring pull, the football trainers recommend the RICE treatment: Rest, Ice, Compression (ace bandage), Elevation.
If it's a tear, you'd better get to a doctor.
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up on high
Dear Pirate, Thanks for your info, how do I know if it's a tear or a pull? You have me in a bit of a panic here, I sure don't need an f$%^%$ tear in my muscle, how can I tell the difference Pirate, I can deal with a pull but not a tear!
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Dear Up on High,
Sorry to hear you hurt yourself. Being a nurse for many moons my best advice to you is to go have your doctor check it out. Then for your own peace of mind you'll know what's going on and what to do.
Hope you are feeling better soon. love tcat.
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up on high
Thanks guy and gal, I'm going in for 2:00 today, I just don't need to hear the word tear.
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A rule of thumb for me (one who has many
--> sports relateted injuries).
If after a day with the ice and trying to massage it out... and you have no noticable improvement... you most likely have a tear.
You need to see a doctor (I have one that is very familiar with sports related injuries.).
Ask your DR. what you can and can't do as far as re-hab.
One thing I do know...
From now on... you will need to do more stretching before and after your workouts.
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Wow, uponhigh, the "BIG pop" you describe makes me even wonder if you could have sprained your hip -- very unusual but possible. (In a sprain, the joint pops out and back in again, causing mild to severe damage to surrounding muscles, tendons, and/or ligaments.) Absolutely check with a doc, he may even want to x-ray it to be sure you didn't hairline fracture the femur. RICE is fine for the discomfort, and you can take aspirin or ibuprofen for the pain, if you can take aspirin safely. You can probably try stretching it out, GENTLY, but warm it up first, either by movement or a hot bath, then ice it down again afterward like it was a new injury.
I am not a doctor (so go see someone who is), so you shouldn't take my advice as gospel. Let us know what happens!
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up on high
[This message was edited by up on high on September 15, 2003 at 12:43.]
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Any type of muscle pull or tear will require time to heal. If you don't let any type of injury heal properly, you will have problems down the road (pun intended
You need to check with your DR.
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up on high
Hey Zshot, mr. racquetball player, Iknow you're not a Dr. but how much time are you talking, i have some races scheduled for October. I'm going to the Dr's but in all honesty i'm not to keen because I don't want to take days and weeks off, i can't believe this crap happened!
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Up on high,
You should really check with a DR on the time required to mend... There are going to be too many factors to determine on the amount of time:
The type and/or severity of the injury.
age (it takes me longer to mend now than it used to)
Just because you might "feel fine" does not mean that you are fine. I have "come back" too soon after an injury (because it felt fine
-->). And ended up needing to take an extra couple weeks off.
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up on high
Just got back from the Dr. he said there were definitely some tears, BUT not big ones, thank God, it shouldn't take that long to heal up and i could use my running as an indicator whether this thing is all healed up, start stretching and then go from there, take off 2wks but i wiil go with the running thing as my guide.I just wanted to say to all of you that posted here, thanks so much for your input, it was greatly appreciated!!!
Up on high
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Kit Sober
So glad you are doing better.
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up on high
To anyone who can answer this, I have to take f%^&$# pain killers for this stupid injury, (sorry I'm not in a very good mood right now) so if i'm all doped up on this stuff and it masks the pain how the hell do I know when this thing is all healed up, if i go out and run and I don't feel a thing because it masks the pain how the heck do i know I'm not causing more injury, it's just crap!!!
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You need to stay off of it until it heals. I'm not a doctor, but I would stay off of it for at least two weeks and then just try walking and see how it feels. If you get back on it too quick you will injure it again and/or prolong the healing process. Do you want to be out of action for two weeks or two months? The choice is yours. I've had so many injuries from working out in the gym. I'm just warning you for your own good.
Proud to be an American
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Yay, uponhigh, glad it's not too serious, just a pain in the a**!
Try to take just enough of the painkillers to be able to function. Chances are, you will feel it when you go to work out, and you will probably feel weaker on that leg. You won't be numb!
Listen to what your body is telling you. Keep it warm (and bandaged, if possible) when you are working out, then ice when you are done. I agree with Zshot, we heal slower than we did when we were 16, so be careful, there will be other races in your future if you pay attention now. Consider going to a physical therapist with good equipment and a knowledge of the sports you do. They are not afraid to push you if you want to be pushed!
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If you want to speed up the healing process, get some "Arnica" tabs at your local health food store. Follow the directions on the bottle.
There is a product called "Bone,Flesh,and Cartilage" by Nature's Way. It is unbelievable for healing injuries. Only problem is that you need to take 4-6 capsules three times a day between meals. It works.
There is also an Arnica gel or lotion that you can rub into the injured area twice a day.
Go to any search engine and type in "Arnica" or "Arnica for injuries" etc for more info.
Proud to be an American
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"Complete Tissue Formula" by Dr Christopher's Herbs is the exact same formula as "Bone,Flesh, and Cartilage". If you go to you will find many great testimonials about this formula.
There is also an ointment by Natures Way called "Bone,Flesh, and Cartilage". The same ointment by Dr.Christophers Herbs is called "Complete Tissue Formula". For my injuries I have taken the caps and used the ointment and it worked great. If you use the ointment you should wrap the area in clear plastic or whatever cause it will stain.
I would go with either the herbs and the ointment or with the Arnica and Arnica gel(or ointment).
Proud to be an American
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Also, Valerian Root Extract is a good natural muscle relaxer, which should ease the pain if you dont want to take the drugs.
Proud to be an American
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uponhigh......this is coming from someone that has more scars than a Rand Mcnally Road Map. Some sports inflicted and others by means we shouldn't discuss hear. I think Shaz hit the nail on the head....since you've been to a doctor and been diagnosed... try out your local physical thereapist.....they can do wonders! They beat choiropracters to the draw everytime!
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