Can you send some of it down here to Memphis? It's cooled off a bit today but its been in the eighties most of the week. You know, we used to get snow every Winter but all we've gotten is little dibs and dabs for the past several years. I'm waiting for a good 10 incher so I can take a few days off at the office.
I've already been wearing my cowboy boots just to keep my feet warm, mind you it was just a dusting of snow early this morning but now as I look out my kitchen window over the horizon I can see lots of snow clouds moving in.
BRRRRRRRRRRRR........time to bring out the flannels and the Christmas music !!
Just a little dusting in the hills of western Massachusetts so far--the wood's all split, the boots and coats came out about a week ago--Im about ready....I complain sometimes but I like rugged winters
The "Farmer's Alamac" (whom I trust alot more than the forecasters on TV) predict a mild but LOTS OF SNOW this winter. It's when the temp gets around minus 15-30 degrees below celsius that I say enough! I live in a snowbelt area and I love tons of snow so I say bring it on !!
All I need to keep me warm this winter is my sweetheart (Goey) and one of these...........................
The snow is already here in Alaska ........ We just all got together and breathed real heavy all at once and sent it down to you so you could enjoy the snow too. Our temps are the same it seems it must have worked. I am happy for you and Goey, enjoy your winter ......... I like the fireplace, we have a wood stove in our cabin ... but I like it too.
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Can you send some of it down here to Memphis? It's cooled off a bit today but its been in the eighties most of the week. You know, we used to get snow every Winter but all we've gotten is little dibs and dabs for the past several years. I'm waiting for a good 10 incher so I can take a few days off at the office.
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Sudo, Eighties????? HA!!!
I've already been wearing my cowboy boots just to keep my feet warm, mind you it was just a dusting of snow early this morning but now as I look out my kitchen window over the horizon I can see lots of snow clouds moving in.
BRRRRRRRRRRRR........time to bring out the flannels and the Christmas music !!
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White stuff? Please tell a tan Floridian what white stuff is? (be creative)
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What's snow?
I love Arizona in the Winter

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here in western maine we got about 3 inches last night...gone now thankfully!!

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Just a little dusting in the hills of western Massachusetts so far--the wood's all split, the boots and coats came out about a week ago--Im about ready....I complain sometimes but I like rugged winters
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The "Farmer's Alamac" (whom I trust alot more than the forecasters on TV) predict a mild but LOTS OF SNOW this winter. It's when the temp gets around minus 15-30 degrees below celsius that I say enough! I live in a snowbelt area and I love tons of snow so I say bring it on !!
All I need to keep me warm this winter is my sweetheart (Goey) and one of these...........................

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Down to 30 degrees here in Indy tonight, but no white stuff yet :)
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Blame that evil global warming!!!
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The snow is already here in Alaska ........ We just all got together and breathed real heavy all at once and sent it down to you so you could enjoy the snow too. Our temps are the same it seems it must have worked. I am happy for you and Goey, enjoy your winter ......... I like the fireplace, we have a wood stove in our cabin ... but I like it too.
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