The only person looking this topless woman in the face is the other woman ....... All the men are staring at her bare breasts. Camaras are even pointed downwards for closeups.
SACRAMENTO — Police arrested two members of an organization called Breasts Not Bombs after they removed their tops during a protest on the steps of the state Capitol on Monday afternoon.
The women, who were protesting Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's ballot measures for today's special election, took off their shirts despite warnings from the California Highway Patrol last week that doing so would lead to their arrests — and possibly their inclusion on the state's list of sex offenders. A federal judge Friday refused to grant a request from Breasts Not Bombs to block the police from arresting topless protesters.
Officials at the Sacramento County district attorney's office said they have not decided whether to prosecute the protesters, and if they do, whether to seek to have them listed as sex offenders.
"We have done these demonstrations from San Francisco to Mendocino to the gates of the White House and never been restrained in this way," said Breasts Not Bombs member Sherry Glaser of Albion, Calif., near Mendocino, addressing about 100 onlookers.
Soon after, Glaser, 45, removed her top and was promptly arrested. Renee Love, 40, also of Albion, was arrested after she removed her top. Both were charged with indecent exposure, disorderly conduct and going beyond the scope of their permit to demonstrate on state property.
"The permit specifically said that nudity would not be allowed," said Tom Marshall, a CHP spokesman. "We're clearly following the law as it was written. They took us to court Friday seeking a restraining order to stop us from arresting them and the judge came down on our side."
Angered that Glaser and Love could be listed on the sex offender registry if convicted of lewd acts, state Sen. Gloria Romero (D-Los Angeles) joined the protesters before their arrests to announce that she would introduce legislation to decriminalize the baring of breasts in public. "While it is legal for men to go shirtless in public in California," she said, "women risk being classified as sex offenders for baring the same body parts."
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The only person looking this topless woman in the face is the other woman ....... All the men are staring at her bare breasts. Camaras are even pointed downwards for closeups.
Tsssk Tsssk Tsssk
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It's Deer Season..................Nice Rack
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I wonder...
Why is we see women we would rather see clothed without...
And. women we would rather see without with???
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"The only person looking this topless woman in the face is the other woman ......."
Isn't that often the case, regardless of whether or not the woman is fully clothed?

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"I'd like to talk to you today about the dangers of global warming..."
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Dot Matrix
So, how do you like my sex change operation?
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And then I take off my shoes and I can count all the way to 12!"
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Only 50 more pounds to lose on the Kate Moss diet and I can become a model.
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... 3 guesses as to where that 50 lbs comes from.
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And why is that guy holding a microphone???
:D :D
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Raf -- good thing you're not a Polack.
I've heard they have to drop their pants, to count to 21. ;)
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I do not!!! :o
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How can YOU tell from that vantage point?
Who is she, and WHY is that guy to the right holding her SHIRT?
Is she promoting a NEW Breast Implant Augmentation?
Perhaps she is trying to encourage 'breast cancer survivors' that there ARE breasts after Surgery?
Looking for "Howard Stern" to be involved somehow...... :blink:
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SACRAMENTO — Police arrested two members of an organization called Breasts Not Bombs after they removed their tops during a protest on the steps of the state Capitol on Monday afternoon.
The women, who were protesting Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's ballot measures for today's special election, took off their shirts despite warnings from the California Highway Patrol last week that doing so would lead to their arrests — and possibly their inclusion on the state's list of sex offenders. A federal judge Friday refused to grant a request from Breasts Not Bombs to block the police from arresting topless protesters.
Officials at the Sacramento County district attorney's office said they have not decided whether to prosecute the protesters, and if they do, whether to seek to have them listed as sex offenders.
"We have done these demonstrations from San Francisco to Mendocino to the gates of the White House and never been restrained in this way," said Breasts Not Bombs member Sherry Glaser of Albion, Calif., near Mendocino, addressing about 100 onlookers.
Soon after, Glaser, 45, removed her top and was promptly arrested. Renee Love, 40, also of Albion, was arrested after she removed her top. Both were charged with indecent exposure, disorderly conduct and going beyond the scope of their permit to demonstrate on state property.
"The permit specifically said that nudity would not be allowed," said Tom Marshall, a CHP spokesman. "We're clearly following the law as it was written. They took us to court Friday seeking a restraining order to stop us from arresting them and the judge came down on our side."
Angered that Glaser and Love could be listed on the sex offender registry if convicted of lewd acts, state Sen. Gloria Romero (D-Los Angeles) joined the protesters before their arrests to announce that she would introduce legislation to decriminalize the baring of breasts in public. "While it is legal for men to go shirtless in public in California," she said, "women risk being classified as sex offenders for baring the same body parts."
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I am polish and just to let you know I can keep my pants on while counting HMMmmmm Hmmmm
one two three four uhh uhh hold on five six seven hmmm eight ..... oh yah regenerate ok on two ...
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