=tupos??branded.....I know what you mean..I got into the ///way in 75, I didnt throw out everything I learned. I probaly wont..I relinquish to the fact..it was good..past tense. I wanted understanding therefore I got some. I served to my limits. I do understand and am emphathetic....I do feel the same
I think most of us can relate to what you are saying...just the other day I rode past a slaughter house and when I caught a whiff, I immediately thought about Emporia...
...seriously though...there are certain "trigger words" that dredge up certain twi concepts in my mind...and yes, a conscious decison is required to get past it.
My child says last night, "they all just said I am very creative!"
It takes all of my being to look at it in a positive/liguistic American way.
"yes honey, you are!"
So much better than correcting them and saying Only God Creates, you are artistic!
Who cares?
That's how deep imprinting is for me.....................but not so deep for me to wrench it from the pit with my brain cells and change what I WAS going to say!
Sucks, doesn't it, Bliss? Creative does NOT only mean "creating something from nothing" in the Modern English Vernacular. TWIts are too narrow-minded because of how we were "imprinted" linguistically by TWI.
One thing that helped me, I think, is intentionally using words that were verbotten by TWI. I consciously brought those words into conversations over and over again till I could quit wincing when I heard them. For me, it started with words like:
Bet - I'll bet he says....
"Available" still sounds like fingernails on a chalk board to me. There are some phrases that make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, but it's getting better every day.
BTW - I'm not Catholic, but I bought a necklace containing three different Catholic Saints on it. I also, unintentionally, bought a Rosary in Mexico. It was just a beautiful pearl & hematite necklace for a bargain price of $1.00 to me. When I found out it was a Rosary I just laughed and wear it with that much more pride! :D Yep, I'm a sh1t.
Available..AHHHHHH. Crazy stuff :huh: When I met my husband in 92 ( when I got out) He wore this beautiful CROSS made of emeralds and gold. I used to give him a bad time about it. But now, that too I have overcome and have a few nice crosses of my own Isn't great to be set free from that junk?
Remember debt being slothfullness and hardheartedness?
A month after we left we got rid of the junkerclunker and bought a nice minivan. Debt! Car Payment!
Never regretted it a moment. Saved hubby from spending about a weekend a month on car repairs, no nasty surprises when something broke down...
Then we got really 'lucky.' We moved to a new town and assumed the mortage on a small old house belonging to a family friend. Right before a real estate boom. We're laughing all the way to the bank about that bit of slothful indebtedness! House value went up about 50k in a year. We could sell it today for more than 3 times what we bought it for.
Thanks all for your imput...I mean sharing. Its nice to know I'm not alone in my struggle to be free emotinally from words that are just words. I think it is a good suggestion to use the words bunches to become desensitized to them. Somehow I emotionally go into convulstions with a few. The one word that just angers me to no end is" God" . This too shall pass. Thanks ;)
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=tupos??branded.....I know what you mean..I got into the ///way in 75, I didnt throw out everything I learned. I probaly wont..I relinquish to the fact..it was good..past tense. I wanted understanding therefore I got some. I served to my limits. I do understand and am emphathetic....I do feel the same
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I think most of us can relate to what you are saying...just the other day I rode past a slaughter house and when I caught a whiff, I immediately thought about Emporia...
...seriously though...there are certain "trigger words" that dredge up certain twi concepts in my mind...and yes, a conscious decison is required to get past it.
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My child says last night, "they all just said I am very creative!"
It takes all of my being to look at it in a positive/liguistic American way.
"yes honey, you are!"
So much better than correcting them and saying Only God Creates, you are artistic!
Who cares?
That's how deep imprinting is for me.....................but not so deep for me to wrench it from the pit with my brain cells and change what I WAS going to say!
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Sucks, doesn't it, Bliss? Creative does NOT only mean "creating something from nothing" in the Modern English Vernacular. TWIts are too narrow-minded because of how we were "imprinted" linguistically by TWI.
One thing that helped me, I think, is intentionally using words that were verbotten by TWI. I consciously brought those words into conversations over and over again till I could quit wincing when I heard them. For me, it started with words like:
Bet - I'll bet he says....
"Available" still sounds like fingernails on a chalk board to me. There are some phrases that make the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, but it's getting better every day.
BTW - I'm not Catholic, but I bought a necklace containing three different Catholic Saints on it. I also, unintentionally, bought a Rosary in Mexico. It was just a beautiful pearl & hematite necklace for a bargain price of $1.00 to me. When I found out it was a Rosary I just laughed and wear it with that much more pride! :D Yep, I'm a sh1t.
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Available..AHHHHHH. Crazy stuff :huh: When I met my husband in 92 ( when I got out) He wore this beautiful CROSS made of emeralds and gold. I used to give him a bad time about it. But now, that too I have overcome and have a few nice crosses of my own
Isn't great to be set free from that junk?
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Heehee, Belle.
Remember debt being slothfullness and hardheartedness?
A month after we left we got rid of the junkerclunker and bought a nice minivan. Debt! Car Payment!
Never regretted it a moment. Saved hubby from spending about a weekend a month on car repairs, no nasty surprises when something broke down...
Then we got really 'lucky.' We moved to a new town and assumed the mortage on a small old house belonging to a family friend. Right before a real estate boom. We're laughing all the way to the bank about that bit of slothful indebtedness! House value went up about 50k in a year. We could sell it today for more than 3 times what we bought it for.
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Thanks all for your imput...I mean sharing.
Its nice to know I'm not alone in my struggle to be free emotinally from words that are just words. I think it is a good suggestion to use the words bunches to become desensitized to them. Somehow I emotionally go into convulstions with a few.
The one word that just angers me to no end is" God" . This too shall pass. Thanks ;)
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