I've looked for a site for them for years. The internet is probably too evil to be associated with - that's my guess...Haven't members been told to limit their searches about TWI? Knowledge is power, you know.
No, you were correct that many of us were told NOT to go on the internet and look up stuff about TWI. Specifically, LCM stated that the whole computer world was run by the devil spirit realm. And that we shouldn't "surf" the net, but rather get on - find what we were looking for - and get off.
By that logic, we probablly shouldn't watch TV or read the papers, unless we knew specifically what program or article we wanted. Never know when you might come across a reporter that's lying about a sex scandal or lawsuit or something. :)
When I first saw the website, back when I was in, I actually wanted to volunteer my services as a graphic designer because it looked so amateur. I thought "Hey, I could make this site look better than any lame old church web site!"
I believe Raf already mentioned it, however I don't see anyway other method than 'snail mail' of finding out where any fellowships are. They don't want email solicitations apparently. They don't even have a way in which to purchase books, or subscribe to the Way Magazine. A shame.
If anyone cares to know, I have written the organization about 5 times in three years to locate a Fellowship, and they NEVER REPLY.. They must have me down in their files as someone NOT to allow back, or something. I dunno.
I did find a friend who is still actively involved in TWI and I paid him a visit a year ago last June and went to a fellowship with him. They no longer have Twigs, and the only people who run fellowships are Corp Grads.... That's all I know. It didn't feel the same -- but they still ran the Fellowship much the same way and are still selling the PFAL class, only the call it something else now too.
Oh, Nato, I knew I wasn't too far off! Thanks for the info - you evil net surfer, you. Um, is your signature aimed at anyone in particular? Or is b**ch like saying "dog" now. Sometimes I'm terribly unhip...
Oh, sorry Karateka. It's a reference to the Dave Chappelle show. He does a sketch about Rick James, in which he (as Rick James) keeps smacking people and yelling "I'm Rick James, bitch!"
So, I guess the signature is my way of giving my real name to whatever WayGB minitors and not giving a damn them.
If anyone cares to know, I have written the organization about 5 times in three years to locate a Fellowship, and they NEVER REPLY.. They must have me down in their files as someone NOT to allow back, or something. I dunno.
Hey there Jetc. :)
About 5 or so months ago, someone here was wondering about something that got me curious as to whether or not Minney-soda even had a limb anymore.
So I called hdqtrs in New Knoxville.
Told em who I was, and what I wanted to know. I'm still on file down there, but no red flags must've come up, cause they were civil to me (maybe they do that to everyone, over the phone).
They wouldn't answer me over the phone, but did say that they would pass along my questions to the area leader. I thought "yea -- right"! But they did, and about two weeks later I got a phone call from a woman with a syrupy sweet southern drawl (from Minneapolis no less) who is the wife of the area leader.
By then I had lost interest, and to know that there were twi folk in Mpls. was enough for me. I never called back, cause I didn't care that much -- and it did take a couple of weeks for them to get hold of me by phone. Meebe red flags did come up after all! :D
I got some pretty anemic literature in the mail too about how some class they were running here was a *great success*, even though the staff for the class outnumbered the new students. From the itinerary of the area leader (and wife) listed in the brochure, they were coming to an area near me.
And so they did. They passed by my house (4 blocks away - according to the itinerary), and kept on going to the area of interest. No note on the door or anything, so I guess they thought I *snubbed* them.
Folks like this don't need a web-site. They don't need the internet. They don't even take it upon themselves to physically go 4 blocks out of their way to say howdy (even by a post-it note) to someone who called their hdqtrs in a state far away, and had to wait for a response by phone. Shucks -- they can't even follow up on the physical, how can they handle cyber-space??
I guess the Word has prevailed. I guess that no new inquiries are valid ('specially from old-timers like me), and that only *new applicants* need apply, who don't know the drill.
B*ll and Ren*ta Sag* -- next time yer in town, leave a note on my door. I promise to get back to you. :)
Yeah I've lost interest. When I visited my 'friend' (acquaintence really) in Houston about two yrs ago, I went to a fellowship -- It was quite a bit different. There are so many 'new' things they do now. I asked him tons of questions and one interesting thing I was told was a shocker to me.
When I had PFAL and the Live Advanced Class -- I had heard a different theory on what Adam and Eve's original 'sin' was in eating of the fruit. (It was that they would know good vs evil) or so I was taught.
Now he tells me that they did further research on it and even published some book about this, and now they say that the 'original sin' is (are you sitting down?) Homosexuality!
Excuse me, and forgive me, I did not buy the book nor am I interested in finding out how they could possibly come to that conclusion --- BUT it was enough for me to NOT return to a WAY Fellowship again. Grant it I am NOT 'homosexual' -- however I think much of their new 'theories' and 'new found teachings' just might have VPW rolling over in his grave. "IF the dead were alive now".
Thanks for sharing. I guess they would have ALL us 'bad grads' on their list. Heck they ought to have me down as having sent plenty of money to support someone in the Way Corp who never ended up doing the program. I certainly didn't get any refunds either. I went WOW , was a FELLOW LABORER, and they had me down in their ABS records for years.... I'm not sure they want 'ex-wayfers' coming back into the flock and trying to seduce folks out of the fold?
Jetc -- I still think some of pfal is right, but I also realize a lot of it is wrong.
Back when I was in, some of us got to see videos of *extra* versions that showed the original sin as masturbation vs. homosexuality
Gotta love how the *original sin* had to deal with sex. :o
They were hung up on a hang up.
Yes, I remember that too, I also remember that 'revelation' in Christian Family and Sex class.
Another 'lie from the pit' in CFnS was (and I'm blushing as I write this even at 48 now.)
Course when I had the class, I was still pretty young and nieve, and had absolutely NO PROOF whether or not the statement (to come) was true, but now that I have enough experience (married twice). I KNOW IT IS A LIE.... and the lie is (and I'd like to know how many of ya'll out here in GS will remember VPs statement from CFnS) and it goes something like this....
VPW said "All men, fully erect are ALL THE SAME SIZE".
Well I was foolish to BELIEVE him, but I am here to tell you that - that statement is A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL..... (I suspected it was back then cause my granny who taught me all she knew about sex - said the size of a man f#ll# E##ct - had something to do with the Size of his feet!)
Well my first husband was tall and had 'good size feet', and now my second husband, well hes a size 6.5 foot. (NE born and bred). But my granny had a point there. Still its not the size that matters, its what you do with whatever God blessed ya with.
Now I don't have pictures to prove it, but guys -- and gals -- you know what I mean. Knowledge (the experiencial kind) was worth the Education in Finding out the TRUTH!!
IMO The real reason that TWI only has snail mail for replies is that their email system would crash because they would be inundated with "hate" mail from ex-wayfers.
In my opinion TWI website is nothing more than a placeholder site. The irony is that they used to forbid their followers from surfing the internet. It is hilarious how they want you to send postal mail to them as if anyone would do that. Also TWI used to talk about being "the best" though that attitude surely isn't reflected in the quality of their site which is totally amateur looking. It looks like websites did 7 years ago.
I notice on their "Research" page that they have a picture that tells you all you need to know about TWI. You have what appears to be a bible, a concordance, both of which are are pushed to either side in favor of a pad of paper with various Way approved books in the back center as if those are "really what its all about". If you go into any REAL seminary library or theology library you see students buried under stacks of books preparing REAL biblical research and not just using one-sided books which advocate some arcane "teaching" designed to perpetuate the myth of VPW
as "The Teacher". If nothing else ,TWI presents , in this one picture, the priorities for TWI follower 1) Push your Bible aside in favor of what we tell you verbally (the pad in the center is for taking notes at teachings) and 2) use the approved Books (displayed in the back center) to see what God really wants you to learn.
WOW.I havent been involved with the way since 88-90 and cant believe that the devil runs the net[lol]I saw the site , the way site,I guess they are kind of paranoid or else they dont want to recieve mail that they dont want to read.Theres nothing on their website
It came as quite a shock to me too, dawna. Apparently Satan is 28 years old, wears glasses, eats Cheetos and Pepsi for breakfast, has a degree in Communications but still has to use Spell Check, loves Halo, thinks Angelie Jolie would marry him if she would just answer his emails and fully intends to pay off his college loans as soon as his parents decide to do the remodel to his room and he has to move out and start figuring out how to charge money for his mod's to Firefox.
But it's true, there's nothing on their website, although I'd bet good money a Big Announcement is being planned right now, for 2008, as to some dramatic additions that will really bless a lot of people. Perhaps the introduction to a new book title "Why Debt is Bad But First A Word As To Why You Owe Us A Large PerCentage of Every Nickel You'll Ever Earn" with a preface explaining why it took 12 years for the various Trustees, Alumnae Trustees, Trustee wives, Trustee Children, past and present, to give their approval and with a 5 page disclaimer stating why they're not responsible for anything contained in it if there's a lawsuit.
Something I did notice is how often the word "enjoy" is used on their website. They use it all over the place, even on their Agreements page. They seem fixated on enjoyment. Which is weird. Because there's nothing enjoyable about the website unless you like the pathologically programmed rollovers on the homepage that change so fast and so meaninglessly they'd make Ghandi curse like a sailor, trying to use them.
It came as quite a shock to me too, dawna. Apparently Satan is 28 years old, wears glasses, eats Cheetos and Pepsi for breakfast, has a degree in Communications but still has to use Spell Check, loves Halo, thinks Angelie Jolie would marry him if she would just answer his emails and fully intends to pay off his college loans as soon as his parents decide to do the remodel to his room and he has to move out and start figuring out how to charge money for his mod's to Firefox.
Don't encourage me Nato. The Rick James being quoted in a satire by Dave Chappelle - 's all good!!
I'm just hurt that the Way "missed it" and let the internet get invented and taken over by Mr. Satan. A little known but true fact - and this is really true - is that way back in the 70's VPW talked about communication in a meeting and talked about how it would be great if regular people had a way to just sit at their desks and communicate with each other and type back and forth with messages and information. I don't remember the context but it was before the PC. Given that the state of PC's as a communication device was just past the garage-programmer stage, it was a rather interesting sounding idea. Maybe he read about it somewhere but he certainly picked up on the idea clearly. Interesting.
But I can hear it now - "well, we just aw-fer our web-saht as a...suh-vice to our peo-puhl, to blay-us them, so if peo-puhl want to crit-sahz, wa-hl, they can just go raht ahay-yud". Which is kind of like the Captain of the Titanic telling his Navigator "yeah yeah yeah, there's always a lot of ice this time of year". Or something.
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I've looked for a site for them for years. The internet is probably too evil to be associated with - that's my guess...Haven't members been told to limit their searches about TWI? Knowledge is power, you know.
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The Way International does have a Web site.
It's http://www.theway.org
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Raf is right -- that is their address, but it is pretty
B-O-R-I-N-G reading. ;)
And if you want to contact them, it is snail-mail only.
Ya gotta love how they keep up with the times!! :D
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In this era of internet communication, it's almost unbelievable.
If they actually believed that they held "the truth" , they wouldn't hide it
under a bushel, but would shout it from these cyber rooftops.
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A wrong assumption on my part then - well, mostly.
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No, you were correct that many of us were told NOT to go on the internet and look up stuff about TWI. Specifically, LCM stated that the whole computer world was run by the devil spirit realm. And that we shouldn't "surf" the net, but rather get on - find what we were looking for - and get off.
By that logic, we probablly shouldn't watch TV or read the papers, unless we knew specifically what program or article we wanted. Never know when you might come across a reporter that's lying about a sex scandal or lawsuit or something. :)
When I first saw the website, back when I was in, I actually wanted to volunteer my services as a graphic designer because it looked so amateur. I thought "Hey, I could make this site look better than any lame old church web site!"
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The Way International's Official Web Site is:
I believe Raf already mentioned it, however I don't see anyway other method than 'snail mail' of finding out where any fellowships are. They don't want email solicitations apparently. They don't even have a way in which to purchase books, or subscribe to the Way Magazine. A shame.
If anyone cares to know, I have written the organization about 5 times in three years to locate a Fellowship, and they NEVER REPLY.. They must have me down in their files as someone NOT to allow back, or something. I dunno.
I did find a friend who is still actively involved in TWI and I paid him a visit a year ago last June and went to a fellowship with him. They no longer have Twigs, and the only people who run fellowships are Corp Grads.... That's all I know. It didn't feel the same -- but they still ran the Fellowship much the same way and are still selling the PFAL class, only the call it something else now too.
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Oh, Nato, I knew I wasn't too far off! Thanks for the info - you evil net surfer, you. Um, is your signature aimed at anyone in particular? Or is b**ch like saying "dog" now. Sometimes I'm terribly unhip...
What's up, dog? :P
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Oh, sorry Karateka. It's a reference to the Dave Chappelle show. He does a sketch about Rick James, in which he (as Rick James) keeps smacking people and yelling "I'm Rick James, bitch!"
So, I guess the signature is my way of giving my real name to whatever WayGB minitors and not giving a damn them.
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They "have fellowships serving the Word of God throughout the United States"
Apparently no longer in all fifty of those states!
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Hey there Jetc. :)
About 5 or so months ago, someone here was wondering about something that got me curious as to whether or not Minney-soda even had a limb anymore.
So I called hdqtrs in New Knoxville.
Told em who I was, and what I wanted to know. I'm still on file down there, but no red flags must've come up, cause they were civil to me (maybe they do that to everyone, over the phone).
They wouldn't answer me over the phone, but did say that they would pass along my questions to the area leader. I thought "yea -- right"! But they did, and about two weeks later I got a phone call from a woman with a syrupy sweet southern drawl (from Minneapolis no less) who is the wife of the area leader.
By then I had lost interest, and to know that there were twi folk in Mpls. was enough for me. I never called back, cause I didn't care that much -- and it did take a couple of weeks for them to get hold of me by phone. Meebe red flags did come up after all! :D
I got some pretty anemic literature in the mail too about how some class they were running here was a *great success*, even though the staff for the class outnumbered the new students. From the itinerary of the area leader (and wife) listed in the brochure, they were coming to an area near me.
And so they did. They passed by my house (4 blocks away - according to the itinerary), and kept on going to the area of interest. No note on the door or anything, so I guess they thought I *snubbed* them.
Folks like this don't need a web-site. They don't need the internet. They don't even take it upon themselves to physically go 4 blocks out of their way to say howdy (even by a post-it note) to someone who called their hdqtrs in a state far away, and had to wait for a response by phone. Shucks -- they can't even follow up on the physical, how can they handle cyber-space??
I guess the Word has prevailed. I guess that no new inquiries are valid ('specially from old-timers like me), and that only *new applicants* need apply, who don't know the drill.
B*ll and Ren*ta Sag* -- next time yer in town, leave a note on my door. I promise to get back to you. :)
(yes -- I have your phone number!)
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Yeah I've lost interest. When I visited my 'friend' (acquaintence really) in Houston about two yrs ago, I went to a fellowship -- It was quite a bit different. There are so many 'new' things they do now. I asked him tons of questions and one interesting thing I was told was a shocker to me.
When I had PFAL and the Live Advanced Class -- I had heard a different theory on what Adam and Eve's original 'sin' was in eating of the fruit. (It was that they would know good vs evil) or so I was taught.
Now he tells me that they did further research on it and even published some book about this, and now they say that the 'original sin' is (are you sitting down?) Homosexuality!
Excuse me, and forgive me, I did not buy the book nor am I interested in finding out how they could possibly come to that conclusion --- BUT it was enough for me to NOT return to a WAY Fellowship again. Grant it I am NOT 'homosexual' -- however I think much of their new 'theories' and 'new found teachings' just might have VPW rolling over in his grave. "IF the dead were alive now".
Thanks for sharing. I guess they would have ALL us 'bad grads' on their list. Heck they ought to have me down as having sent plenty of money to support someone in the Way Corp who never ended up doing the program. I certainly didn't get any refunds either. I went WOW , was a FELLOW LABORER, and they had me down in their ABS records for years.... I'm not sure they want 'ex-wayfers' coming back into the flock and trying to seduce folks out of the fold?
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Jetc -- I still think some of pfal is right, but I also realize a lot of it is wrong.
Back when I was in, some of us got to see videos of *extra* versions that showed the original sin as masturbation vs. homosexuality
Gotta love how the *original sin* had to deal with sex. :o
They were hung up on a hang up.
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The original sin of mankind was xeroxing
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umm, just who would Adam or Eve have had homosexual sex with?
just curious, as i was not around by the time they came up with that depravation.
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Eve had sex with Satan who came to earth as a beautiful woman. I think craig -- i mean - Adam watched. At any rate, he condoned the behavior....
The teaching is on here somewhere. I'll see if I can find it.
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Yes, I remember that too, I also remember that 'revelation' in Christian Family and Sex class.
Another 'lie from the pit' in CFnS was (and I'm blushing as I write this even at 48 now.)
Course when I had the class, I was still pretty young and nieve, and had absolutely NO PROOF whether or not the statement (to come) was true, but now that I have enough experience (married twice). I KNOW IT IS A LIE.... and the lie is (and I'd like to know how many of ya'll out here in GS will remember VPs statement from CFnS) and it goes something like this....
VPW said "All men, fully erect are ALL THE SAME SIZE".
Well I was foolish to BELIEVE him, but I am here to tell you that - that statement is A LIE FROM THE PIT OF HELL.....
(I suspected it was back then cause my granny who taught me all she knew about sex - said the size of a man f#ll# E##ct - had something to do with the Size of his feet!)
Well my first husband was tall and had 'good size feet', and now my second husband, well hes a size 6.5 foot. (NE born and bred). But my granny had a point there. Still its not the size that matters, its what you do with whatever God blessed ya with.
Now I don't have pictures to prove it, but guys -- and gals -- you know what I mean.
Knowledge (the experiencial kind) was worth the Education in Finding out the TRUTH!! 

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IMO The real reason that TWI only has snail mail for replies is that their email system would crash because they would be inundated with "hate" mail from ex-wayfers.
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In my opinion TWI website is nothing more than a placeholder site. The irony is that they used to forbid their followers from surfing the internet. It is hilarious how they want you to send postal mail to them as if anyone would do that. Also TWI used to talk about being "the best" though that attitude surely isn't reflected in the quality of their site which is totally amateur looking. It looks like websites did 7 years ago.
I notice on their "Research" page that they have a picture that tells you all you need to know about TWI. You have what appears to be a bible, a concordance, both of which are are pushed to either side in favor of a pad of paper with various Way approved books in the back center as if those are "really what its all about". If you go into any REAL seminary library or theology library you see students buried under stacks of books preparing REAL biblical research and not just using one-sided books which advocate some arcane "teaching" designed to perpetuate the myth of VPW
as "The Teacher". If nothing else ,TWI presents , in this one picture, the priorities for TWI follower 1) Push your Bible aside in favor of what we tell you verbally (the pad in the center is for taking notes at teachings) and 2) use the approved Books (displayed in the back center) to see what God really wants you to learn.
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WOW.I havent been involved with the way since 88-90 and cant believe that the devil runs the net[lol]I saw the site , the way site,I guess they are kind of paranoid or else they dont want to recieve mail that they dont want to read.Theres nothing on their website
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It came as quite a shock to me too, dawna. Apparently Satan is 28 years old, wears glasses, eats Cheetos and Pepsi for breakfast, has a degree in Communications but still has to use Spell Check, loves Halo, thinks Angelie Jolie would marry him if she would just answer his emails and fully intends to pay off his college loans as soon as his parents decide to do the remodel to his room and he has to move out and start figuring out how to charge money for his mod's to Firefox.
But it's true, there's nothing on their website, although I'd bet good money a Big Announcement is being planned right now, for 2008, as to some dramatic additions that will really bless a lot of people. Perhaps the introduction to a new book title "Why Debt is Bad But First A Word As To Why You Owe Us A Large PerCentage of Every Nickel You'll Ever Earn" with a preface explaining why it took 12 years for the various Trustees, Alumnae Trustees, Trustee wives, Trustee Children, past and present, to give their approval and with a 5 page disclaimer stating why they're not responsible for anything contained in it if there's a lawsuit.
Something I did notice is how often the word "enjoy" is used on their website. They use it all over the place, even on their Agreements page. They seem fixated on enjoyment. Which is weird. Because there's nothing enjoyable about the website unless you like the pathologically programmed rollovers on the homepage that change so fast and so meaninglessly they'd make Ghandi curse like a sailor, trying to use them.
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Oh, those rollovers are possessed with a spirit of Front Page 2000. And when I try to click on one of the pictures the damn thing changes again.
And what's the difference between What's New and Current News? And shouldn't they say What's the Way and What's Available to stay consistent.
And this may be directed at you Socks so listen good....from Terms and Conditions:
"In the event of termination, you are no longer authorized to access this Web site"
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Don't encourage me Nato. The Rick James being quoted in a satire by Dave Chappelle - 's all good!!
I'm just hurt that the Way "missed it" and let the internet get invented and taken over by Mr. Satan. A little known but true fact - and this is really true - is that way back in the 70's VPW talked about communication in a meeting and talked about how it would be great if regular people had a way to just sit at their desks and communicate with each other and type back and forth with messages and information. I don't remember the context but it was before the PC. Given that the state of PC's as a communication device was just past the garage-programmer stage, it was a rather interesting sounding idea. Maybe he read about it somewhere but he certainly picked up on the idea clearly. Interesting.
But I can hear it now - "well, we just aw-fer our web-saht as a...suh-vice to our peo-puhl, to blay-us them, so if peo-puhl want to crit-sahz, wa-hl, they can just go raht ahay-yud". Which is kind of like the Captain of the Titanic telling his Navigator "yeah yeah yeah, there's always a lot of ice this time of year". Or something.
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