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James Trimm & The Way


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Does anyone know anything about this? :unsure:

James Trimm's Search For Way Members- 1993

Chris Lingle told me in a conversation, that he had been a member of The Way. He owned a copy of the Aramaic-English Interlinear New Testament. This was confirmed by another acquaintance, who was trying to get a copy of Lingle's Pedangta translation by The Way. Whether or not James found any other Way or former Way members and a copy of the Pedangta by 1997, I do not know, but by 1997, Chris Lingle was not only working with James Trimm, but was a member of the Beit Din, established by SANJ – Society For the Advancement of Nazarene Judaism. The first three members, according to Chris and confirmed by James were James Trimm, himself and Eric Sandquist. James appointed himself the Nasi of the Beit Din, Chris was offered Av. Chris also help James with his writings, as well as post studies under his own name.

There is more where that came from but I was curious to know about this plagarism of a Way Pedangta.

Edited to fix the filter.

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:lol: :lol: NOW I get it!! I was wondering what the heck the peupsetta text was and why I had never heard of it! That's a good one!! :P

I don't know the names of any of those people, nor do I see anything in your post about plagarism of said text. Could you elaborate a little more? What specifically are you looking for?

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Rabbi James Trimm's conncection to The Way

If you go to the above website, it tells you how James Trimm plagarized some research done by The Way and put out a new Bible called The Hebraic Roots Version.

Does anyone know Chris Lingle? I have never heard of him.

A friend of mine was doing research on this Bible. Maybe it's just a rumor. :blink:

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From the above website:

"James Trimm was given numerous opportunities to turn and return, instead he has chosen the path of Faraoh and repeatedly hardened his heart. " (emphasis my own)


If one is going to attack the academic credentials of another, will they at least employ a dictionary or a spell checker?

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where's the list for what we can and cannot say

you know something like a way style sheet

The list would look something like this ---







****** OR

************ (sometimes hyphenated)


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