Hurricanes don't hit Tokyo, Typhoons do (pacific storms of hurricane force are called that).
BTW, two typhoons hit Tokyo this past year (don't know their strength, but one tore things up pretty good)
And, there is no such thing as a Category 6, or 7, or 8 hurricane. Category 5 is as high as the rating goes, no matter how much higher the wind speed.
And regarding the meteorites doing in the "Old, great city", uh, could you be any more vague? (Likewise with the "fires in South America"!)
This is precisely how dweebs like Jeanne Dixon and her ilk garner a following. Make a vague prediction of a plausible event, and when anything happens that even sorta resembles it, BINGO!, a prediction has COME TRUE! Sorry, no sale. Either get really specific or don't play, O.K.?
As long as we're picking nits.. earthquakes aren't Category, they are Richter Magnitude. Live in California for 25 years and you can estimate an earthquake to about .5 units.
Today that may be right but as we get greater ones the scale could changed
Now I do not know everything but I put what will feel into words
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved HAPe4me
God loves you my friend
What they are measure with numbers Yes they are measure with numbers but may not be label the way but is it no 1 , 2 ,3 and so far of levers of them
Now I do not know what its called but I do know its none with numbers
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Bramble
God loves you my friend
This is no rumor but just a feeling This could happen within 10 years the odds are on my side if these things happen but the one that never happen the odds are against me
But these are just feelings but I still believe things like this will be on the uprise
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Jim
God loves you my friend
Yes you can have predictions or feelings too but are you
"I may not know EVERYTHING, but there's NOTHING I don't know."
---------------- as to Predictions --- I have my own Opinions.........
A Prophet will bring forth things that are 'written in the Word', he does not Predict the Future.
A False Prophet, however, will make predictions that may or may not happen but the TEST of a TRUE Prophet is that Anything they do bring forth -- is TRUE and ALWAYS COMES TO PASS......
Now, I also believe that there are people to this day that 'dream' and if one can get those dreams rightly interpretated, then they can make sometimes clear and precise predictions.
I would Not Be So Confident in any of my 'predictions' to spew them out of my mouth for fear of them NOT coming true and looking like a FOOL.......
I have recently had a situation where In cleaning out my heating duct in a upper room, part of the vacuum attachment fell inside it and went to the floor below. Well, it was Only in my Dream that night that I discovered a way to retrieve the thing which I lost. I eagerly got up the next morning (which was yesterday) and put the plan into motion, and IT WORKED --- I used the method from my dream and it was successful in retrieving the part. I saved plenty of money cause I did NOT need to call a heating and a/c man to help me.
I've had many dreams that have solved 'opportunities' and my husband would always tell me, they sound crazy and they Won't work. He said that about this one, and it DID WORK!! And most of them DO work. Goes to show I solve MOST of my 'opportunities' through visions in my Dreams!! Luckily for me I remembered this one once I woke up. Sometimes I don't always remember enough of the details.
I also get my best 'ideas' from dreams I have.
I think if GOD was going to reveal the future to ANYONE -- he ought to do it with a WELL EDUCATED PERSON who can Clearly articulate the details and specifics in a highly intelligent manner in which the rest of us 'idiots' can easily understand things we should prepare for.... for instance.....
If there is to be a Catagory anything Hurricane or Earthquake, I need to hear only:
Get up, Pack your things, Gas up the car, you need to head (south, west, east, north) - just evacuate AWAY from the area to get hit., and do it within X amount of hours or ELSE!! All other details I don't really need to know except --- How long will I be away - so I know how MUCH to pack n take w/me.
Some things just happen without warning -- and we should be prepared anyway. Like for the Return of Christ. Are we prepared?
Anyone remember Y2K? Oh the panic that set in that year. It was one of my busiest in the Printing Company I had. People printing up those WARNING Flyers. I knew in my logical mind that a computer's time clock was not an ISSUE, it would just go to the next available year, OR Bill Gates would have a new Windows Program to Fix the problem and HE DID...... Nothing catastrophic occurred........ people paniced for NOTHING......... I didn't tho, and I made a lot of money that year., so I was grateful!
I think if we lived in Love rather than Fear, we'd all be more relaxed.
To set the truth, however - Yellowstone does have some ongoing geological things happening. That's what "Old Faithful" and other hot springs are coming from.
It is not impossible for some kind of major activity to occur there,however. "Not Likely" is not the same as "Impossible"
Why play the odds about bad things happening? Why not play the odds about good things happening?
Odds are there will be more hurricanes and that there will be some bad ones, unfortunately.
No offense, but I think it's in bad taste to toss around predicitions that will involve human lives based on a feeling that if the odds go in your favor you'll be "right". There's nothing right about damage and loss of life.
And to make my point clearer in case there's any misunderstanding, it's wrong to do this as far as I'm concerned because it's insensitive to the immense suffering that it represents. Sorry Roy, hate to let you down hard, but cut it out. Please.
"...Things I feel will happen in the next ten years..."
"....I feel these things will happen..."
"...but is it just a feeling but only time will tell."
I hate to sound like Dr Phil, but these are not feelings. Feelings are things like happy, sad, angry, frustrated, confused, etc..
Modern psycology has taught us that you can't argue with a persons 'feelings'. So quite a few folks switch the term 'think' for 'feel' so that no one can legitimately argue with what they say.
For example: I feel like Joe Blow is a jerk ..... or I feel like you aren't listening to me ....or I feel like the earth is going to end soon .... ad infinitum...
Of course this tact not to be confused with having a "gut feeling" and then acting upon it ( or not). . Many folks equate a gut feeling to "revelation" if it comes to pass, or as a mental thing if it does not ( Gee I must have missed it.)
"Now I am not saying God told me this will happen but that I feel these things will happen..."
Roy, are saying then that God DID NOT tell you that these things will happen? If so, then where do you suppose these "feelings" come from?
I hate to sound like Dr Phil, but these are not feelings. Feelings are things like happy, sad, angry, frustrated, confused, etc..
Modern psycology has taught us that you can't argue with a persons 'feelings'. So quite a few folks switch the term 'think' for 'feel' so that no one can legitimately argue with what they say.
For example: I feel like Joe Blow is a jerk ..... or I feel like you aren't listening to me ....or I feel like the earth is going to end soon .... ad infinitum...
I feel you are wrong about this B)
"This feels like bull sheet" Now, if I have actual bull sheet in my hand, that would be an accurate feeling. The emotion generated from the experience would depend on your personal feelings abouts bulls and sheet. But "feeling" has different usages.
In modern usage, I think if you say "feel" instead of "think" or "believe", you are just saying it is not based on hard evidence. It is like you are not to the point of thinking it is so yet, but you have a "feeling". You are less committed than if you say you "believe" it to be so. At least that is how I feel about it.
from merriam webster 4 a : to be aware of by instinct or inference b : BELIEVE, THINK
I'd get out my Kittel's encyclopedia, but a couple got water logged and a couple got chewed on by mice. lol Of course TWI said we shouldn't be led by feelings, so I'm trying to see what purpose sex outside marriage served, since it couldn't have been about feelings. It must have been some sort of undershepherding technique.
I feel like a beer B)
And even though these are just my feelings, I feel anyone can argue with me ... they usually do. LOL
I think when you say "this is how I feel", you are not saying no one can argue, you are saying it is open to debate, like " this is how I believe based on what I know to this point". Wayfers could be more absolute, like, "this is right and till you believe like me, you are going to heck in a hat basket"
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George Aar
Just a little FYI:
Hurricanes don't hit Tokyo, Typhoons do (pacific storms of hurricane force are called that).
BTW, two typhoons hit Tokyo this past year (don't know their strength, but one tore things up pretty good)
And, there is no such thing as a Category 6, or 7, or 8 hurricane. Category 5 is as high as the rating goes, no matter how much higher the wind speed.
And regarding the meteorites doing in the "Old, great city", uh, could you be any more vague? (Likewise with the "fires in South America"!)
This is precisely how dweebs like Jeanne Dixon and her ilk garner a following. Make a vague prediction of a plausible event, and when anything happens that even sorta resembles it, BINGO!, a prediction has COME TRUE! Sorry, no sale. Either get really specific or don't play, O.K.?
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Earthquakes are not measured this way either. They are on a revised Richter scale as i recall.
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My youngest came home with a middle school rumor--Yellowstone Park is going to blow, and take out four states( ours being one of them).
Well, it was supposed to happen last Saturday. SO far, so good.
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As long as we're picking nits.. earthquakes aren't Category, they are Richter Magnitude. Live in California for 25 years and you can estimate an earthquake to about .5 units.
Here are some of my predictions for the next 10 years.
Disclaimer - I am not a prophet and these predictions are not God-inspired.
1. Fusion power will still not be practical on an industrial scale.
2. Gas will cost $8/gallon.
3. Ground will be broken on construction of the first new nuclear powerplants in 30 years.
4. Japan will have sex androids.
5. Computers will start to show signs of intellegence and personallity.
6. GS Cafe will still be around.
7. TWI will still be around.
8. Loy will still be working for UPS.
9. Real estate prices will fall and then rise again. Twice.
10. A new cold war will start with China.
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God first
Beloved George Aar
God loves you my friend
One question what it matter whether you call a Hurricane weather winds from water a Hurricane or a Typhoon its still bad isn't it?
Yes I just feels these kinds of things will happen and can but only time will tell.
you wrote
And, there is no such thing as a Category 6, or 7, or 8 hurricane. Category 5 is as high as the rating goes, no matter how much higher the wind speed.
Today that may be right but as we get greater ones the scale could changed
Now I do not know everything but I put what will feel into words
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved HAPe4me
God loves you my friend
What they are measure with numbers Yes they are measure with numbers but may not be label the way but is it no 1 , 2 ,3 and so far of levers of them
Now I do not know what its called but I do know its none with numbers
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Bramble
God loves you my friend
This is no rumor but just a feeling This could happen within 10 years the odds are on my side if these things happen but the one that never happen the odds are against me
But these are just feelings but I still believe things like this will be on the uprise
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Beloved Jim
God loves you my friend
Yes you can have predictions or feelings too but are you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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For all I know, I may not be around to see if these things come to pass.
I hope to be, though.
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My Dad's famous Words of Wisdom........
"I may not always be Right, but I'm NEVER Wrong".
"I may not know EVERYTHING, but there's NOTHING I don't know."
---------------- as to Predictions --- I have my own Opinions.........
A Prophet will bring forth things that are 'written in the Word', he does not Predict the Future.
A False Prophet, however, will make predictions that may or may not happen but the TEST of a TRUE Prophet is that Anything they do bring forth -- is TRUE and ALWAYS COMES TO PASS......
Now, I also believe that there are people to this day that 'dream' and if one can get those dreams rightly interpretated, then they can make sometimes clear and precise predictions.
I would Not Be So Confident in any of my 'predictions' to spew them out of my mouth for fear of them NOT coming true and looking like a FOOL.......
I have recently had a situation where In cleaning out my heating duct in a upper room, part of the vacuum attachment fell inside it and went to the floor below. Well, it was Only in my Dream that night that I discovered a way to retrieve the thing which I lost. I eagerly got up the next morning (which was yesterday) and put the plan into motion, and IT WORKED --- I used the method from my dream and it was successful in retrieving the part. I saved plenty of money cause I did NOT need to call a heating and a/c man to help me.
I've had many dreams that have solved 'opportunities' and my husband would always tell me, they sound crazy and they Won't work. He said that about this one, and it DID WORK!! And most of them DO work. Goes to show I solve MOST of my 'opportunities' through visions in my Dreams!! Luckily for me I remembered this one once I woke up. Sometimes I don't always remember enough of the details.
I also get my best 'ideas' from dreams I have.
I think if GOD was going to reveal the future to ANYONE -- he ought to do it with a WELL EDUCATED PERSON who can Clearly articulate the details and specifics in a highly intelligent manner in which the rest of us 'idiots' can easily understand things we should prepare for.... for instance.....
If there is to be a Catagory anything Hurricane or Earthquake, I need to hear only:
Get up, Pack your things, Gas up the car, you need to head (south, west, east, north) - just evacuate AWAY from the area to get hit., and do it within X amount of hours or ELSE!! All other details I don't really need to know except --- How long will I be away - so I know how MUCH to pack n take w/me.
Some things just happen without warning -- and we should be prepared anyway. Like for the Return of Christ. Are we prepared?
Anyone remember Y2K? Oh the panic that set in that year. It was one of my busiest in the Printing Company I had. People printing up those WARNING Flyers. I knew in my logical mind that a computer's time clock was not an ISSUE, it would just go to the next available year, OR Bill Gates would have a new Windows Program to Fix the problem and HE DID...... Nothing catastrophic occurred........ people paniced for NOTHING......... I didn't tho, and I made a lot of money that year., so I was grateful!
I think if we lived in Love rather than Fear, we'd all be more relaxed.
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That was a made for TV movie a few months ago.
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Tom Strange
actually... Yellowstone is home to a "supervolcano"... and could blow and take out a lot of things...
oh well... I predict I'll have another beer soon... and still be offering snow cones for years to come...
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To set the truth, however - Yellowstone does have some ongoing geological things happening. That's what "Old Faithful" and other hot springs are coming from.
It is not impossible for some kind of major activity to occur there,however. "Not Likely" is not the same as "Impossible"
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Ron G.
I snuk a peek into the future, and here's the authentic, official Ron G. prediction for the next 10 years...
1. Ron G. will consume about 500 gallons of coffee.
2. The original Beatles will not make another recording together.
3. Ron G. will not return to TWI.
4. Raf will win a Pulitzer Prize for his work in hurricane cones.
5. One of my hens will FINALLY lay an egg (I'm thinking positive here)
6. Oenophile will dominate the Pinot Noir market and cause a worldwide shortage.
7. Barbara Bush won't have any more sons.
8. Pawtucketer will be investigated by the FBI for hosting Groucho and Satori's posts on his website.
9. Sudo will pull a minimum of 648 teeth.
10. LCM will acheive stardom as a Richard Simmons impersonator.
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Come on, Ron, think BIG.
For number 5, make it a rooster!
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Why play the odds about bad things happening? Why not play the odds about good things happening?
Odds are there will be more hurricanes and that there will be some bad ones, unfortunately.
No offense, but I think it's in bad taste to toss around predicitions that will involve human lives based on a feeling that if the odds go in your favor you'll be "right". There's nothing right about damage and loss of life.
And to make my point clearer in case there's any misunderstanding, it's wrong to do this as far as I'm concerned because it's insensitive to the immense suffering that it represents. Sorry Roy, hate to let you down hard, but cut it out. Please.
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Yeah, what he said.
And while I'm at it...
What are you smoking?
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Predictions in the next 10 years (for me)
1. Competeing in the "senior games" in racquetball :o
2. Go to the Grand Canyon (a few more times)
3. Take 1st place at state racquetball singles (in whatever division I am playing in at the time) :P
4. Go to a weenie roast :D
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fear....geeesh..why put this stuff in peoples sad. logicaly concluded. :o
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Everyone should put Weenie Roast on their prediction list and make it happen! 'Course I'm a biased weenie roaster, now. :)
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I hate to sound like Dr Phil, but these are not feelings. Feelings are things like happy, sad, angry, frustrated, confused, etc..
Modern psycology has taught us that you can't argue with a persons 'feelings'. So quite a few folks switch the term 'think' for 'feel' so that no one can legitimately argue with what they say.
For example: I feel like Joe Blow is a jerk ..... or I feel like you aren't listening to me ....or I feel like the earth is going to end soon .... ad infinitum...
Of course this tact not to be confused with having a "gut feeling" and then acting upon it ( or not). . Many folks equate a gut feeling to "revelation" if it comes to pass, or as a mental thing if it does not ( Gee I must have missed it.)
Roy, are saying then that God DID NOT tell you that these things will happen? If so, then where do you suppose these "feelings" come from?
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I feel you are wrong about this B)
"This feels like bull sheet" Now, if I have actual bull sheet in my hand, that would be an accurate feeling. The emotion generated from the experience would depend on your personal feelings abouts bulls and sheet. But "feeling" has different usages.
In modern usage, I think if you say "feel" instead of "think" or "believe", you are just saying it is not based on hard evidence. It is like you are not to the point of thinking it is so yet, but you have a "feeling". You are less committed than if you say you "believe" it to be so. At least that is how I feel about it.
from merriam webster 4 a : to be aware of by instinct or inference b : BELIEVE, THINK
I'd get out my Kittel's encyclopedia, but a couple got water logged and a couple got chewed on by mice. lol Of course TWI said we shouldn't be led by feelings, so I'm trying to see what purpose sex outside marriage served, since it couldn't have been about feelings. It must have been some sort of undershepherding technique.
I feel like a beer B)
And even though these are just my feelings, I feel anyone can argue with me ... they usually do. LOL
I think when you say "this is how I feel", you are not saying no one can argue, you are saying it is open to debate, like " this is how I believe based on what I know to this point". Wayfers could be more absolute, like, "this is right and till you believe like me, you are going to heck in a hat basket"
In ten years ... I'll be 60 ... good gawd ...
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"In ten years ... I'll be 60 ... good gawd ..."
Yeah, join the crowd :D
From Z-Shot:
"Predictions in the next 10 years (for me).....
4. Go to a weenie roast "
'Bout damn time, Z!!!!!
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Tom Strange
I 'feel' the same way today...
....I predict I'll have another beer soon... and still be offering snow cones for years to come...
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In ten years I may feel the need for 'depends'. :blink:
In ten years I guarantee you I will no longer be able to 'feel' anything with my hands or feet.
Feelings come and feelings go......
Whoever said they 'feel like a beer'? I bet you don't look like one, or do you? :blink:
I love the English Language and how we can misuse it..... Myself included.....
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Ten years -----

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Stayed Too Long
Predictions are like keeping a New Year's Resolution---it never happens.
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