What I'm seeing here is how much "doctor" <_< jerked people around: you're in the Corps, you're out of the Corps, aaw, you can have a second chance...
...and how petty he could be, even when peolple were thinking about him: "keep your hands off my stuff" :blink:
...and here's a telling comment:
"Dr stated to LCM, 'Son, you're seeing things and teaching things that I've known for years but
never documented from the Word.'"
This was supposed to be a Biblical Research Ministry! Why was he teaching things that he didn't document in "The Word"? This was one of the major reasons why "research" in TWI turned into a rubber stamp of what Wierwille taught. Wierwille was pulling stuff out of his foot, enshrining it in books and video; who was going to tell the MOG that he was wrong? "Research" became the fine art of finding obscure scriptures, or massaging Greek definitions to back up Wierwille's claims.
R&E is videotaped. Dr came to first session to check out all the details of the class. Dr instructed
the back room staff on how to handle and care for LCM. Dr was crying when the final session came up.
'I feel right now what it says in the gospels- "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears." '
It was the greatest compliment that LCM had ever heard
Compliment? Wal*er C*mm*ns did a FAR better job than loy could possibly ever achieve in his wildest dreams..
"doc" shoulda kicked loy in the a**. Compliment??? ptooie..
Incident of a guy not taking notes during a session in the BRC
Is it possible.. the guy , for the life of himself, couldn't find ANYTHING "doc" had to say WORTH WRITING DOWN??
Naw, that couldn't be it..
Dr stopped and told him to pack up
and go home.
And.. it was.. I bet.. RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CORPS. So much for handling things privately.. next day, I bet every stinkin corps showed up with a half a dozen packs of paper and two dozen pens..
The next morning Dr asked LCM to go get the guy and bring him over to the courtyard.
Why loy? You reemed the guy.. why don't you go get him yourself? More posturing I guess.. so much for being a "man of the people"..
One thing I can say.. loy proved himself as the ultimate lackey for the presiding mog.. and ran to do his bidding..
Dr asked him if he'd ever finished anything in his life before. He answered that he hadn't. Dr decided
to give him a second chance and explained to LCM that if this guy didn't make it through the Corps and
finish it, then his life from here on in would be a wash-out
Now vic is supposedly some kind of "savior", trying to pull the guy out of the fire.. I wouldn't believe this crap again, for another minute..
"I will MAGNANIMOUSLY, because of the GREATNESS of I, give YOU, you lowly less than a bug, one more chance.."
Crap..I think you'd be better off shot..
Sounds like some politicians.. MAKE the problem, and then boast you have the one unique solution to it all..
You find out where people's hearts are at when you reprove them. It's easy to get along when everyone
is nice. It doesn't matter who handles the matter so long as it gets handled
Ah, that explains it all.. the confrontations and reaming because you forgot to send a card to the mog in honor of his pet hamster's birthday, or even less notable events.. they just wanted to see if you REALLY loved them..
Dr tells LCM only to give thanks to God for the
honor of getting the presidency. It's not necessary to thank everyone who helped teach you."
There goes the humility.. faster than it could even be thought..
"Dr had a special respect for his family and for his background.
The Wierwille family must stand if the Word is to live."
Okay then...since there are a few measly Wierwilles still "standing", is the Word living? :blink:
This one always got me. He had respect for his family and his background, but all of us were to treat our own families and backgrounds as if they were of no importance.
"Incident of the Federal judge that took the class. Dr recommended that he be put on mainstage at
the ROA to speak to the audience. Dr didn't think that he deserved to be put in stage as he had little
or no humility. But Dr felt that it would be a major feather in the cap to have a man of such stature in our ministry. Dr was always thinking of the furtherance of the ministry and consequently the Word."
So Wierwille didn't think the guy had humility, so he wouldn't treat him with the respect a federal judge might expect, but he was willing to use the man to prop up his little cult?
"Tony Collins-New England Patriots- WOW pin. LCM was unsure as to whether he should go to New
Englandnin advance of the ROA to give him a WOW pin. All the local leadership were against it.
They thought that it was being a "RESPECTER OF PERSONS".
After talking it over with Dr, he decided to do it as it would further the ministry."
What went on here? Why did Tony Collins get a WOW pin?
Edited by Oakspear
"Tony Collins-New England Patriots- WOW pin. LCM was unsure as to whether he should go to New
Englandnin advance of the ROA to give him a WOW pin. All the local leadership were against it.
They thought that it was being a "RESPECTER OF PERSONS".
After talking it over with Dr, he decided to do it as it would further the ministry."
I was there at that Massachusetts limb meeting when they gave Tony Collins a wow pin. They also brought Joyful noise in and made a big deal that Tony was getting this pin.
Being a "Respecter of persons" is exactly what I was thinking at the time.
Oakspear said;
"What went on here? Why did Tony Collins get a WOW pin?"
I was told he did some kind of "special athletic wow program", because he was a pro football player and could not take time off from the season they made a special exception for him. Wasn't that special! <_<
I wondered back then and still do, exactly what he did as a special wow. Can you say "Respecter fo Persons"?
"The first time that LCM saw Dr. was when he was a senior at the University of Kansas.
LCM went to twig first and found the teaching to be tremendous (electrifying).
Donny Fugit taught.
As has been said before,
lcm was originally a jock, a college student who had some religious
His initial exposure was Donny Fugit teaching.
On Dec 8th 1970, Dr. Wierwille came to Laurence, Kansas to the fraternity house of Joe C**lt*r
to teach twi. LCM immediately recognized him as a 'great man.'
In hindsight, he concluded this was a "GREAT man." At the time, he was probably
convinced he was pretty good. vpw was VERY good at manipulating his image.
"LCM wanted to be right. Wanted to be convinced.
lcm was young and wanted answers. He was VERY typical of the recruits of the time.
The next time LCM saw Dr was in Witchita, Kansas when he visited with Cl**d*tt** R*y*l.
When he was first introduced to Dr Wierwille, Dr said to him
'Hello-Well I have to go and eat this piece of cake.'
Looking back, this was his first personal interaction with vpw.
With the cold light of day, vpw sounds incredibly shallow and secular.
This young man comes up to learn the Bible-vpw blows him off for dessert.
He didn't even invite him along-he had to "GO" and eat his cake.
Dr asked for help whenever he needed it. He asked Donny Fugit a question
about something. LCM was very impressed and shocked that so great a man would
ask for help in front of others.
Was lcm convinced THEN that big guys always know everything,
or was this a by-product of remembering things later?
vpw asked questions when it made sense to. That does not require
any special spiritual connection. That's AVERAGE leadership.
One day LCM received a copy of a letter that had been sent to his home address
(he was on a job elsewhere at the time.) The letter had been in response to his letter
about coming into the Way Corps. It was a couple of weeks old!
Across the top of the copy was written
"Either call Dr. Wierwille or forget it!"- Howard Allen.
vpw and ha put the squeeze on the new student.
LCM ran to the phone and called Dr Wierwille. Dr asked him if he would come to
summer school to see how he shaped up for acceptance into the corps. LCM said he'd
be there with all his money together, etc.
LCM had always planned on going into the Christian ministry with his church. but
after taking PFAL, he realized that he and his denomination no longer saw eye to
eye on issues. He wanted now to go Corps!"
With the right training, lcm might actually have been something-
with real Christian training and the REAL hard lessons of humility and
substance. Instead, he was subverted into the corps.
June 1971: Heading to HQ.
"LCM showed up without all of his money together for summer school."
"After the service LCM went to Dr at the advice of Mrs Owens, and informed him that he
did not have all of his money together for summer school. Dr looked at him and then said
'You can stay as long as your money holds!' LCM really looked upon this as grace upon
grace and resolved never to go behind in his financial responsibilities. If he ever went a
day behind, he decided, he would leave."
The bottom line?
Is it 'if you do your best for God always, you can stay.'
No, it's 'if you have money, you can stay.'
The priorities are clear, here.
In reading this, what I catch a glimpse of is LCM as a young man, who already answered the call of the Lord in his life. He seemed to want to do the Lord's will [at least in his 20's].
It's very possible that VPW took a very willing young man and poisoned the heck out of his brain, heart, and soul.
I'm not excusing what Craig became, but I don't believe he started out to be an evil man. He may have wanted to be right, not because of pride, but because he didn't want to make mistakes. That trait may have started in his own home growing up, but we'll never know.
"Incident of the Federal judge that took the class....Dr was always thinking of the furtherance of the ministry and consequently the Word."
"Tony Collins-New England Patriots- WOW pin....After talking it over with Dr, he decided to do it as it would further the ministry."
"Dr Bullinger's niece was met." "Everyone had forgotten Bullinger by now. Will people forget Dr Wierwille?"
Ego - Ego - Ego and "furtherance of the ministry" is the key phrase in these quotes - they only concerned themselves with furtherance of "the Word" as it provided a label, product and slicker hook than the traditional snake oil sales products.
How many of you wonder or worry about people forgetting you? Craig certainly paid attention to the ego aspects of vee pee and took it to a whole new level.
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Grace Valerie Claire
Wow!! WW, excellent job in breaking this down, and explaining it. If I may, I would like to add my two cents; forgive me for sounding petty. To this day, it ticks me off that a football player who
My opinionated redux of martinpuke's VP & Me: The multifaceted, multivariegated adolescent musings, rage-oholic rantings, stupid observations, narcissistic sociopathic megalomaniacal tyranni
Hi there. Those of you who tuned in and liked "The Way:Living in Wonderland" may like this thread. That one looked at the book "the Way:Living in Love" and the picture of Wonderland that it prese
I'm glad someone else caught that.
"He always does it this way. Except when he doesn't."
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"Way Corps has increased in size. But the concern is still for the individual."
"Incident of a guy not taking notes during a session in the BRC. Dr stopped and told him to pack up
and go home. The next morning Dr asked LCM to go get the guy and bring him over to the courtyard.
Dr asked him if he'd ever finished anything in his life before. He answered that he hadn't. Dr decided
to give him a second chance and explained to LCM that if this guy didn't make it through the Corps and
finish it, then his life from here on in would be a wash-out."
"Corps placements-to bless the individual first, then the ministry."
"Picking a new president for the ministry. Dr was not there for the actual announcement of the new
president. Don made the announcement for him. They were in the BRC and had been instructed to
be there for the announcement. Everyone in the room had given in a slip of paper with their
suggestion on it. Dr reviewed them and then left. When Don came back in all he said was
'Craig, you're the man!' "
"Jan 81-SNS Official announcement of the new president. LCM shares for his acceptance speech."
"LCM realizes the benefits of having Dr retire early. The early announcement was also beneficial.
It gave people time to adjust to the new circumstances. Dr tells LCM only to give thanks to God for the
honor of getting the presidency. It's not necessary to thank everyone who helped teach you."
February 1981.
"There us no greater sorrow than to hear that a trusted follower no longer walks in the truth. Incident
of the research guy who decided to leave the ministry due to differences in opinion on the Word. He
claimed that the research team did nothing but kow-tow to Dr- "Yes Men"."
"Dr always strove to have a proper research environment."
"JCOP book-there was a hardness of attitude in the manuscript, Dr sniffed it out and discovered that it was
due to the guy who had left the team. He had been working extensively on it."
"R&E is videotaped. Dr came to first session to check out all the details of the class. Dr instructed
the back room staff on how to handle and care for LCM. Dr was crying when the final session came up.
'I feel right now what it says in the gospels- "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears." '
It was the greatest compliment that LCM had ever heard."
"Trustee annual meeting in Canada. It takes a lot of work to relax, to do it right. Preparation!"
"It isn't just the accuracy of the Word that we teach-it's the heart with which we teach it."
"Exposing yourself to new situations is a habit that leaders should have if they want to remain fluid."
"You find out where people's hearts are at when you reprove them. It's easy to get along when everyone
is nice. It doesn't matter who handles the matter so long as it gets handled."
"Dr was always humble enough to be bold. Incident of correcting Bob Richards the olympic athlete who
came to speak at Emporia. He was using words inaccurately, e.g. 'create', 'possess', etc."
"Dr always did it with love and diplomacy."
"Dr said 'If it wasn't for the hope of the return, I couldn't take the pressure.' "
"'Athletes of the Spirit' production. Dr called it a 'Masterful' production."
(Next- 1981-1982)
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"Heart andLove" Vp and craggers might have had it for each other but when it came to the lower
ranks we were treated like crap.Heart and Love for each other in our fellowship but never from
the mucky mucks.
Oh,The reason dr did so and so was because he cared yeah right.What amazes me so much is
how I bought into this crap.Well that is the title folks me me me me me me me me me yeah you get
the point.
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What I'm seeing here is how much "doctor" <_< jerked people around: you're in the Corps, you're out of the Corps, aaw, you can have a second chance...
...and how petty he could be, even when peolple were thinking about him: "keep your hands off my stuff" :blink:
...and here's a telling comment:
This was supposed to be a Biblical Research Ministry! Why was he teaching things that he didn't document in "The Word"? This was one of the major reasons why "research" in TWI turned into a rubber stamp of what Wierwille taught. Wierwille was pulling stuff out of his foot, enshrining it in books and video; who was going to tell the MOG that he was wrong? "Research" became the fine art of finding obscure scriptures, or massaging Greek definitions to back up Wierwille's claims.Link to comment
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"doc" shoulda kicked loy in the a**. Compliment??? ptooie..
Is it possible.. the guy , for the life of himself, couldn't find ANYTHING "doc" had to say WORTH WRITING DOWN??
Naw, that couldn't be it..
And.. it was.. I bet.. RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CORPS. So much for handling things privately.. next day, I bet every stinkin corps showed up with a half a dozen packs of paper and two dozen pens..Why loy? You reemed the guy.. why don't you go get him yourself? More posturing I guess.. so much for being a "man of the people"..
One thing I can say.. loy proved himself as the ultimate lackey for the presiding mog.. and ran to do his bidding..
Now vic is supposedly some kind of "savior", trying to pull the guy out of the fire.. I wouldn't believe this crap again, for another minute..
"I will MAGNANIMOUSLY, because of the GREATNESS of I, give YOU, you lowly less than a bug, one more chance.."
Crap..I think you'd be better off shot..
Sounds like some politicians.. MAKE the problem, and then boast you have the one unique solution to it all..
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There goes the humility.. faster than it could even be thought..
Thankful for PEOPLE? God forbid..
This one gags me.
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"Emotions have never ruled Dr's logic. His emotions have supported it."
"Incident of a press conference. Reporters show up improperly dressed for the event. Dr reproves
them for being so casual and disrespectful to him.
As a head of a large corporation, he should be treated more respectfully."
"Dr and Mrs W moved into the chalet for two weeks to work out the bugs and tenderize the place.
LCM was at the Indiana Campus when he heard that he would be living there. Dr decided that
LCM and Donna should not have to have another couple live with them. They needed their
privacy, a place to relax."
"Dr was able to argue with people without holding grudges."
"Dr always taught at the point of violation. The [athletic] conference got side-tracked into the more
practical stuff like how to throw a ball. Dr reproved LCM and told him to get it back to the Word.
You can learn that stuff anywhere. Here we teach the Word!"
"Honesty, heart, frankness, truth were all attributes of Dr Wierwilles."
"A leader has to be able to carry the heart of the ministry.
A leader gives people his life."
"LCM never forgot who taught him the Word.
It's that humbleness that helps keep a man's equilibrium."
"It's wonderful what happens to people when you threaten to take their money away."
"We teach the Word for free because we love to."
Always be a student if you are going to be a real leader."
"Teaching has to be positive. Define the problem if needed, BUT get to the solution."
"Dr said that he had extended himself in Living Victoriously more than he had ever done.
'A man could work 5-6 hours of solid teaching out of every hour of them.' "
Dedication of the Gunnison Triplex.
"Dr had a special respect for his family and for his background.
The Wierwille family must stand if the Word is to live."
Location-OSC/Stage area.
"There's more to making a decision than the positive side. You have to think all the way through.
Is anyone going to be affected deleteriously by this?"
"Basic standard time was set up for SNS teachings. LCM had taught for 2 hours straight one night and
Dr went backstage to reprove him-too long for people to sit through. Too long for a SNS tape.
New standard was
everyone had 45 minutes,
LCM had one hour."
"Believe that the adversary can't snoop into top level meetings. Otherwise how could any meeting
take place, any planning?"
"Uncle Harry Day was changed to 'Burn the Chaff' day. Dr was concerned that, over the years,
as more of the ministry's leadership, founders, trustees and so on died, the tendency would be to
recognize them with a special day like Uncle Harry Day. Within a generation, you would end up with
nothing more than a mirror image of the RC days for saints, etc. No heart, just bondage and
religious observation of the day."
"Incident of the Federal judge that took the class. Dr recommended that he be put on mainstage at
the ROA to speak to the audience. Dr didn't think that he deserved to be put in stage as he had little
or no humility. But Dr felt that it would be a major feather in the cap to have a man of such stature in our
ministry. Dr was always thinking of the furtherance of the ministry and consequently the Word."
"Dr was very vulnerable regarding his eye and the fact that he might have to be operated on.
He never thought that he'd ever have surgery in his whole life."
"' I've never had a headache in my whole life, never taken an aspirin in my life and now all this
happens to me.' "
"What went through Dr's mind was the standard in the Old Testament that a priest who was maimed
or deformed could no longer offer sacrifice to God."
Sound Out '84.
"Tony Collins-New England Patriots- WOW pin. LCM was unsure as to whether he should go to New
Englandnin advance of the ROA to give him a WOW pin. All the local leadership were against it.
They thought that it was being a "RESPECTER OF PERSONS".
After talking it over with Dr, he decided to do it as it would further the ministry."
"Don't be ashamed to take advantage of the knowledge of an expert."
"Think it through the best that you can, have all the facts and variables ready,
if you're going to deal with a leader. If asked, always tell a leader what you think. Don't fabricate an
answer to look good or to keep him happy. If you don't know, Say So!
If you DO know, Say So!"
"Wherever you have a series of leaders that pass the buck up the Way Tree, the Word won't move!"
"So much in leadership is being logical. Just get honest and think!"
"Dr spent time in Europe and was the most blessed he'd ever been in Europe, Barb and Chris Geer."
"Dr Bullinger's niece was met." "Everyone had forgotten Bullinger by now. Will people forget Dr Wierwille?"
Next-June 6, 1984, 40 years since D-Day/Normandy.
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If he had ANY respect, he wouldn't have put this kind of burden on their backs, especially without their input on the subject..
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Who was the Federal Judge that took the class ~ 1982? In which city was he based? What was his judicial district or circuit #?
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This one always got me. He had respect for his family and his background, but all of us were to treat our own families and backgrounds as if they were of no importance.
So Wierwille didn't think the guy had humility, so he wouldn't treat him with the respect a federal judge might expect, but he was willing to use the man to prop up his little cult? What went on here? Why did Tony Collins get a WOW pin? Edited by OakspearLink to comment
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Bulls Hit. Never taken an aspirin in his whole life???
Not for a second do I believe that whopper.
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I was there at that Massachusetts limb meeting when they gave Tony Collins a wow pin. They also brought Joyful noise in and made a big deal that Tony was getting this pin.
Being a "Respecter of persons" is exactly what I was thinking at the time.
Oakspear said;
"What went on here? Why did Tony Collins get a WOW pin?"
I was told he did some kind of "special athletic wow program", because he was a pro football player and could not take time off from the season they made a special exception for him. Wasn't that special! <_<
I wondered back then and still do, exactly what he did as a special wow. Can you say "Respecter fo Persons"?
Oh but it helped further the ministy.
Edited by Outin88.Link to comment
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Sounds like kissing up to the celebrity to me <_<
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No idea at all.
I'm just quoting highlights off of "VP and Me"
(well, the digest of it with quotes)
as seen in the link at the top of this thread.
Maybe you can make a new thread,
and ask for one of those who was active then to
spill about the judge.
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June 6th 1984- 40 years since D-Day, Normandy Beach
"Verville, France is in Omaha Beach in Normandy, France."
"Devil spirits worked on both sides during the war. Churchill and Roosevelt sold out to Stalin."
" 'Tesla' from Yugoslavia. Original inventor of radios (not Marconi), also did most of the original work
on computers and robots, and the inventor of AC current. He had incredible idiosyncracies and
extreme behaviour. "
"Dr complimented LCM-'What you are doing with the spirit realm is documenting it right out of the Word!' "
"Dr made a statement that he didn't believe that there was a man alive in the Way Ministry that was
capable of handling the Book of Revelation. 'Prophecy doesn't come clear until the time of its unveiling.' "
"Dr told LCM that he believed that LCM had the finest knowledge of the spirit realm of anyone on the face
of the Earth."
"Dr also said of LCM that one of the points that always stuck out in his mind regarding LCM was that
LCM never forgot who taught him the Word."
"Dr said of Donna, 'You married yourself a hell of a woman! Her heart perception with people is
second to none.'"
"We have perhaps more knowledge of the spirit field than even the Apostle Paul had.
We have the full benefits of the Epistles, etc."
Corps fellowship- 3000 present. Class taught by LCM.
"Dr used to say that the worst thing you can do to him after he teaches is come up to him and
ask a Bible question."
"You don't have great perception if you're caustic and critical and always looking for errors.
You have got to act with love."
Location-Campfire (Way Woods)
"Incident of Way Corps going home after Corps Week but prior to the ROA. Dr heard about it and
reproved everyone in the corps household for the problem, for not helping to put it on.
He reminded everyone of the commitments that they had made regarding a lifetime of Christian
service. Every corps person needs to plan ahead one year or more so that they can be a part of
these events. They need to be able to be a part of ROA and corps fellowship."
Dr planned Live class at Gunnison.
"Dr had many ideas for Gunnison. A Gondola to the top of the mountain, a riverside restaurant, private
homes, a recreation area. Utilize what you have!"
'If my life can have a fraction of the meaning to someone else, as his was to mine, it will have
been worth it."
(the end)
I think that's the one thing lcm can rely on.
His life's been a fraction of what vpw's life was to people.
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A la prochaine
Pass the barf bag please :unsure:
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As has been said before,
lcm was originally a jock, a college student who had some religious
His initial exposure was Donny Fugit teaching.
In hindsight, he concluded this was a "GREAT man." At the time, he was probably
convinced he was pretty good. vpw was VERY good at manipulating his image.
lcm was young and wanted answers. He was VERY typical of the recruits of the time.
Looking back, this was his first personal interaction with vpw.
With the cold light of day, vpw sounds incredibly shallow and secular.
This young man comes up to learn the Bible-vpw blows him off for dessert.
He didn't even invite him along-he had to "GO" and eat his cake.
Was lcm convinced THEN that big guys always know everything,or was this a by-product of remembering things later?
vpw asked questions when it made sense to. That does not require
any special spiritual connection. That's AVERAGE leadership.
vpw and ha put the squeeze on the new student.
With the right training, lcm might actually have been something-with real Christian training and the REAL hard lessons of humility and
substance. Instead, he was subverted into the corps.
The bottom line?
Is it 'if you do your best for God always, you can stay.'
No, it's 'if you have money, you can stay.'
The priorities are clear, here.
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for hours "as part of their training to be leaders."
Yet this same man said the top leader should never roll up his sleeves and work at all.
The phrase "athlete of the spirit" is straight from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes,
which lcm was connecter with in college. vpw ripped it off of them,
and boy, did it come back to haunt him.....
When it was to his advantage, hq was "home" for the youngsters-but not ALL THE TIME,and not ALL THE GROUNDS, especially as time passed.
vpw makes a blanket statement about "home", and lcm attributes great meaning to it-
which, I think, was the reason vpw SAID IT.
vpw usually made such comments to EVERYONE at the opening of ROA events.
(Check the opening tape of ANY ROA.)
Simple management is SOOOO spiritual. That vpw has a special connection to Gawd...
I Timothy 3 speaks of Christian leaders, and the qualities they should have.
Let's skip the "should not love alcoholic beverages" in 3:3, since we're talking lcm.
I Timothy 3:6 says he must be
"Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil."
vpw took a newbie straight out of college,
and put him IN CHARGE of a program.
Not "assisting the leader and learning what he does",
he puts him IN CHARGE.
According to I Timothy, this is dangerous for the Christians.
This is what we call a newbie mistake.Anyone with sufficient experience as a LEADER, or if he had experience with THAT program,
would easily have known better.
lcm focused on MONEY rather than what the WOWs NEEDED.
We know he didn't get that in college- college students focus on how to get food!
Where did he learn to concentrate on MONEY?
WHOM did he learn that from?
(Hint: "You can stay as long as your money holds!")
This was not LCM's fault-it was VPW's fault.
He put an OBVIOUSLY UNDERQUALIFIED man in a leadership position,
then left him alone to figure things out all on his own.
At the VERY least, he should have really been running it,
making all the decisions, explaining the whys, and having lcm implement vpw's decisions.
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How was this described in TWLIL?
"There were two men in Van Wert." "Now, they got together every morning at 5am and believed
together for an hour. Every morning. I don't know what they called it. But they would set their
minds on an agreed project. They never spoke; just got together every morning and both
concentrated on whatever it was, until it came to pass."
"They just got together and put their minds on it every single morning for a couple of weeks,
and lo and behold, one day suddenly some guy who wanted to sell his distillerry just called them
up, and asked if they wanted to buy it. They'd never heard of the guy with the distillerym before.
He found them. Yep, they made millions, gambled, won. One man set up a foundation for children
from broken homes, also built the YMCA, YWCA and a hospital. It was something."
"I used to watch how they operated. I was a minister there in Van Wert....here were the two meanest
guys you could ever want to meet. Nobody liked them because they were so successful and no one
else could hold a candle to them."
As outlined in the other thread,
my conclusion was that these men in his congregation in Van Wert
They had no names-but he studied them for weeks and weeks.
He supposedly built part of his understanding of the "LAW" of believing on them.
They gave generously to their community-and the community HATED them,
including the Christians.
They were incredibly mean, but gave generously.
He just happened to know these guys got together 5am and sat in silence
in a room. (Did he have a camera in the room?)
These imaginary folk are just there to exist as examples.
vpw's actual degree was in HOMILETICS, so he was trained in INVENTING
a story when a real one wasn't handy.
The result?
lcm thinks he told the truth, and goes off to memorize chapter 1 of the Blue Book.
He's said in other places that he spent a month reading that chapter EVERY DAY.
That's one result vpw was aiming for-unquestioning acceptance of his doctrine,
and the nonexistent "LAW".
UH was the exception.
As long-timers have said,
UH stopped vpw from proceeding with his most stupid ideas-saying they wouldn't work.
UH could argue with him in public.
Anyone ELSE tries that, and.....
Obviously, this is how "spiritual" men speak. (I have to retype to bypass the censor-"spiritual" guys say obscenities in meetings.
How spiritual vpw was.
Apparently, he was unable to communicate the same concept without an expletive.
"Literals according to usage."
This means "rewriting the verse so it says what you want it to."
Groups of people are on staff, and NOBODY has a lick of medical training-no medical doctor, no nurse, no paramedic.
This can be expected with the program, but some contingency should have already
have been in effect in case of this sort of thing,
or ANY medical emergency.
Sure would be nice to know what happened beyond she "had gone off her rocker".
lcm had a bachelor's in PSYCHOLOGY,
yet, somehow,
he could express this incident in no more specific terms?
lcm was an athlete and he NEEDED TO LEARN THIS?
He wasn't applying what he already knew?
A man unprepared to run the wow program is now put in charge of the corps.
What DID he know? He knew athletics.
That's why the 2 pics of him in TWLIL show him in a group sitting to talk Scripture,
He could only teach to the limit of his understanding.
Bill Cosby explained his own limitations with raising children-they were similar to
lcm's skills with the way corps.
" My wife graduated with a degree in Child Psychology with a B+ average,
which means that if you ask her a question about a child's behaviour, she will give
you at least an "85" answer.
I graduated Tempe University with a Physical Education major with a Child
Psychology minor,
which means that if you ask me a question about a child's behaviour,
I will tell you to tell the child to 'take a lap'."
And doesnt this encapsulize his management strengths over the corps nicely?
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Ego - Ego - Ego and "furtherance of the ministry" is the key phrase in these quotes - they only concerned themselves with furtherance of "the Word" as it provided a label, product and slicker hook than the traditional snake oil sales products.
How many of you wonder or worry about people forgetting you?
Craig certainly paid attention to the ego aspects of vee pee and took it to a whole new level.
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"What does God want with a starship?"
vpw was always looking to increase the public image of the group,
almost at any cost.
He takes the most famous pfal grad and gives him awards he did nothing to
earn, to increase visibility and add cachet to things.
It strikes me that he gave the football player the pin so that
the player would have increased loyalty to the group.
"See, we're big time-we have professional athletes here."
lcm name-dropped Pau1a Sm1th for the same reason.
vpw puts a federal judge on the mainstage-
knowing that this was a bad idea and admitting it to lcm-
but does it anyway because it impresses the audience
of already-faithful members.
Was it really that, I wonder,
or were there guests among the audience that he was trying to
Either way, it's the APPEARANCE he was so eager to raise,
at the COST of substance.
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Possibly-but I trust neither vpw or lcm to know what makes a COMPETENT student,
let alone a GOOD one.
Which goes back to my point. A student needs DOWN-TIME when learning,
otherwise they might as well attend a viewing of someone washing dishes.
The retention of what is taught drops sharply.
How about screaming expletives at them in front of the group?
Do they require THAT to learn?
As a teacher, vpw had no qualifications to tell when his students were learning or
not. We will see that a bit later.
"You don't look for negatives in people." Having found them,
is it appropriate to scream them in a group,
and make announcements about them over lunch?
That became very popular by the man who reported all this...
Corps Principle 1 is "Acquire an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness."
What does "Horse-Sense" have to do with "an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness"?
What does "an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness"
have to do with repairing and refurbishing a trailer?
Does one need divine revelation to see a broken window-handle needs replacing?
An underexperienced, undertrained-but incredibly loyal- young man is trusted
to run anything?
I believe history has shown what a disastrously STUPID position that was to hold.
Then again, a cold analysis could have predicted this.
Worse- almost all of his "training" and "experience"
can exclusively from whatever vpw said and taught-
which meant he could not exceed vpw's abilities in anything.
This was a good start. If it had been continued, eventually lcm might have
finished maturing and might have become a competent-if undistinguished-
leader. I don't believe he could ever have been a GOOD leader-but he could
have led without disaster, given training.
So said the man who will always be remembered for living by his
emotions and discarding clear thinking.
This is what's called a 'pep talk'.
Anyone who was on a high school or college football team
should have no difficulty recognizing it.
It's HARDLY profound, HARDLY noteworthy,
but lcm views all vpw's casual utterances as if they came down on 2 stone tablets.
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When he doesn't hear from lcm, this isn't about whether or not they arrived
safely-it's about vpw. The "ego trip" comment is telling.
vpw immediately thought it was personal, when lcm probably thought
vpw didn't need to hear-like vpw got news by revelation or something.
I believe lcm believed this.
As you can see, lcm wasn't very observant, even about what was under his nose.
Of course, vpw stays comfortable and dry,
but expects lcm to get wet.
The best way to lead is by EXAMPLE.
If he wanted lcm to get the idea about getting out in the rain,
he should have walked out HIMSELF,
then introduced lcm,
which would have required lcm to join him in the rain.
This would have been obvious- if "Dr always put the ministry ahead of himself."
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It was a GOOD START. However, he was still undertrained and underprepared.
They DID take care. They protected the floor, they protected the piano.
Were they supposed to fight for the plywood?
They did the right thing, and if he wanted something different,
he should have given specifics rather than make a rant
and let THEM figure it out.
"Tenderness and aggressiveness were exemplified."
First of all,
you can't "exemplify" both at the same time....
As someone pointed out,
it wasn't good enough for vpw, who was NOT cremated....
The program was insufficiently adapted to accomodate families.
That was a careless mistake that illustrated that its leader was unfit to run it.
They then said "we accept families", which means they claimed they
were sufficiently prepared to do so.
lcm AND vpw should have apologized.
Failing to keep up HIS side of all committments was standard
operating procedure for vpw,
and he taught lcm to do the same.
It was the easier approach and demonstrated a tyrant mentality.
That was very thoughtful and considerate of lcm!
It was a nice thing.
Well, no big deal.
After all, he obviously MEANT to bless vpw, and was considerate.
His only mistake was in asking first. Surely, someone with a caring
heart would take that into consideration. After all
"the ministry comes first"...
vpw should have apologized.
Instead, he threw a tantrum that someone else touched one of
his toys-even though it was to bring it to him.
His "stuff" meant more to him than the people.
No, that wasnt "teaching", that was a tantrum.
his stuff came before the people-we JUST saw that.
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