I was WOW in Jonesboro from 82-83 and then moved to N. Little Rock and stayed for two years from 83-85. Went to the Corps from there. Nearly everyone that I knew moved out of Little Rock shortly after POP. I was told most followed Duclos somewhere. Except the Dockters they moved to Nevada.
I lived in Marion (near W. Memphis, AR and Memphis TN) from 1993-2001. Then I moved to Memphis and lived there till 2004. (Now in KY.)
Since I was so close to Memphis, I never went to LR for meetings or anything.
Rascal, a few years ago, hubby and I stayed at Arlington and did the whole spa thing. It was awesome. We ate at the best Italian restaurant in Hot Springs also. It was locally owned and the owner flew to Chicago and personally picked out the meat etc. The very best Ceasar Salad that I have ever eaten, and I have eaten at many nice restaurants. J. Alexander's comes in second, though the last time we ate there, it wasn't as good as before.
Anyway, Sherry lived in W. Memphis and we rode to twig a few times, but then she stopped going. She was a teacher, I think. She had 2 sons and a daughter if I remember correctly. Don't know if any of you knew her. One son was named Barney.
Jonesboro is a growing town. Hubby and I will be going there next month to see my godchild play soccer.
Last time I was in Memphis it was at Sound Out '84. Wow how time flies! It was and is one of the fond memories of TWI. Actually Arkansas is a fond memory. Had a great time there, met some wonderful people (excluding of course LCM's little sis, she and I didn't get on so well, in fact it finally came to a head while we were out LEAD...but that's another story).
I remember working at Mexico Chiquito in LR. Best cheese dip I ever tasted! Been trying for years to duplicate it, never have.
When I lived in Jonesboro it was a small clicky town. I learned to speak southern there, didn't have too much choice. They had one fast food resteraunt a Micky D's. I worked at the only Chinese place in town. It was very small. But the people were great once they got used to you.
Eyesopen, you would be shocked to go thru Jonesboro now. They have several chain and local restaurants, a nice mall, though not big but it has Dillards, Penneys, Sears, etc.
Of course, ASU is big there also.
Don't know anything about LCM's sister, but I guess I am glad of that!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry you had a bad time with her.
I think I went to Sound Out 84 in Nashville, but honestly can't recall. I may not have gone at all.
I only went to Little Rock a few times while I lived there, but never with TWI. We went to a boat show there once and I flew in and out of the airport going to Dallas for a job training.
Anyway, I have fond memories of AR and Memphis with and without TWI. It was still a scary time too, if that makes sense. You had to know where to go and not go.
My godchild actually lives in Harrisburg, but we always go to Jonesboro to eat out, soccer, etc. Harrisburg is a tiny town.
Ummm eyes, Sound out 84 was in Nashville (about 5 hrs east of memphis) I was there too and had a ball.
Thanks Rascal, I was thinking "Grand ole Opera" and wrote Memphis I guess I should have had a V8 before I touched the keyboard. Had a blast at Sound Out though. I think the believers we stayed with that night were in Memphis. I don't remember anymore...those years were a whirlwind of meetings, events, work, way home, twig...etc. I'm certain you can relate.
Act2- Yes indeed you are one lucky person to have missed little princess Carrie M. I unfortunately got way too much of her. Two years in LR then off to Emporia to go in res with the little snit. I tried, no I really did! We stayed at opposite ends of the campus from each other. I only actually saw her during SNS or sometimes at a meeting. We avoided each other as much as possible. But then we went out LEAD together. (I really think it was orchestrated)
Our LEAD was one of those that didn't go so well. TWI got sued big time from about 70% of the group. The LEAD staff got reassigned, and those that survived to stay in the corps were separated from each other all assigned to different campuses some different countries. I saw a couple at corps week but LEAD was never mentioned again.
Anyway that is a whole different story...but for princess Carrie and I it all hit a head the first night in the mountains. She made some stupid comment in her midwest farm girl trying to be the hip Cali chick way, a comment that was an outright lie, something about the Limb of Arkansas, and I called her on it. Right there at the campfire in front of God and everyone. She of course acted contrite and abashed, after all she was LCM's sis how could she be wrong. And I was basically told to shut up and go away.
Of course after that I was a target. But now for two reasons, I had survived the LEAD experience unscathed because I did NOT take the advice of TWI, and I had openly embarassed the princess. Whatever...
I was a WOW in Little Rock in 74-75 with 27 other WOWs that I still love, and lots of other cool folks. Would love to hear from any of you. Click my picture to get my email address if you don't want to post publicly. I saw Denise Pearson yesterday. She's David Pearson's sister. I have no idea where the rest of you are. What a long, strange trip it's been. "Bet your going fishin' most of the time, I'm a goin' fishin' too."
You were Rich@rd C@@ks WOW brother?! Sweet! He is a great guy! I learned a lot about patience and organization from that man. God love him, I do too!
That man had to be organized. He had a whole stack of BIBLE on his wall on shelves. In brail of course.....and he knew where everything was. He organized his bills in his wallet so that he knew exactly what he had. I think the only thing he didn't know was where the opening was from the kitchen to the living room ....he kept crashing into the wall, thus, all the coffee stains on the wall.
He is definitely a good egg. I learned a lot from him too. Anyone know where he is?
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was there from 78 to 84 in little rock
then a little here and there
still have family there
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Son of the Master
I was in Fort Smith on my interim year....what a nightmare......Anybody seen Donnie and Marcia?
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They're still in Arkansas.
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Son of the Master
didnt mean to sound so negative about Arkansas. Beautiful state.
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Dot Matrix
I was WOW in Arkansas. In Hot Springs and Forest City.
I recall Sam and Linda Marsh -- I loved them!!!!
Anyone know Dwayne Elliot or Janice ... I cannot recall her last name -- cute little black girl in FC-- we wrote for a few years.
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I was a wow in texarkana and fayetteville in 79/80.
Anybody know if the Steve and Michele every got out?
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Son of the Master
I was in Ft. Smith 79-80. Ran a Branch of Wows. I ended up at working at Ft. Chafee when the Cubans hit town. I showed Changed to the whole camp.
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They did not, rascal
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I was WOW in Jonesboro from 82-83 and then moved to N. Little Rock and stayed for two years from 83-85. Went to the Corps from there. Nearly everyone that I knew moved out of Little Rock shortly after POP. I was told most followed Duclos somewhere. Except the Dockters they moved to Nevada.
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Son of the master...I REMEMBER that!!! We thought you guys were SO awsome!
Shell that is very sad, they were some of the nicest people I ever met.
Dot, I cleaned windows at the big hotel in hot springs while I was a wow.
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Hey, y'all,
I lived in Marion (near W. Memphis, AR and Memphis TN) from 1993-2001. Then I moved to Memphis and lived there till 2004. (Now in KY.)
Since I was so close to Memphis, I never went to LR for meetings or anything.
Rascal, a few years ago, hubby and I stayed at Arlington and did the whole spa thing. It was awesome. We ate at the best Italian restaurant in Hot Springs also. It was locally owned and the owner flew to Chicago and personally picked out the meat etc. The very best Ceasar Salad that I have ever eaten, and I have eaten at many nice restaurants. J. Alexander's comes in second, though the last time we ate there, it wasn't as good as before.
Anyway, Sherry lived in W. Memphis and we rode to twig a few times, but then she stopped going. She was a teacher, I think. She had 2 sons and a daughter if I remember correctly. Don't know if any of you knew her. One son was named Barney.
Jonesboro is a growing town. Hubby and I will be going there next month to see my godchild play soccer.
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Last time I was in Memphis it was at Sound Out '84. Wow how time flies! It was and is one of the fond memories of TWI. Actually Arkansas is a fond memory. Had a great time there, met some wonderful people (excluding of course LCM's little sis, she and I didn't get on so well, in fact it finally came to a head while we were out LEAD...but that's another story).
I remember working at Mexico Chiquito in LR. Best cheese dip I ever tasted! Been trying for years to duplicate it, never have.
When I lived in Jonesboro it was a small clicky town. I learned to speak southern there, didn't have too much choice. They had one fast food resteraunt a Micky D's. I worked at the only Chinese place in town. It was very small. But the people were great once they got used to you.
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Eyesopen, you would be shocked to go thru Jonesboro now. They have several chain and local restaurants, a nice mall, though not big but it has Dillards, Penneys, Sears, etc.
Of course, ASU is big there also.
Don't know anything about LCM's sister, but I guess I am glad of that!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry you had a bad time with her.
I think I went to Sound Out 84 in Nashville, but honestly can't recall. I may not have gone at all.
I only went to Little Rock a few times while I lived there, but never with TWI. We went to a boat show there once and I flew in and out of the airport going to Dallas for a job training.
Anyway, I have fond memories of AR and Memphis with and without TWI. It was still a scary time too, if that makes sense. You had to know where to go and not go.
My godchild actually lives in Harrisburg, but we always go to Jonesboro to eat out, soccer, etc. Harrisburg is a tiny town.
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Ummm eyes, Sound out 84 was in Nashville (about 5 hrs east of memphis) I was there too and had a ball.
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Dot Matrix
I was there 79/80 as well Rascal cause I did res 80-81, interium 81-82, last year 82-83
Rascal were you with Trish B? Were you there when Chuck Masterson was there? He was a cool guy and we were friendly. Also Ed Kerst who was adorable.
You guys -- I may have known you then!!!
I wore a white cowgirl hat and red cowgirl boots.
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Son of the Master
R U 11th corps?
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Thanks Rascal, I was thinking "Grand ole Opera" and wrote Memphis
I guess I should have had a V8 before I touched the keyboard. Had a blast at Sound Out though. I think the believers we stayed with that night were in Memphis. I don't remember anymore...those years were a whirlwind of meetings, events, work, way home, twig...etc. I'm certain you can relate.
Act2- Yes indeed you are one lucky person to have missed little princess Carrie M. I unfortunately got way too much of her. Two years in LR then off to Emporia to go in res with the little snit. I tried, no I really did! We stayed at opposite ends of the campus from each other. I only actually saw her during SNS or sometimes at a meeting. We avoided each other as much as possible. But then we went out LEAD together. (I really think it was orchestrated)
Our LEAD was one of those that didn't go so well. TWI got sued big time from about 70% of the group. The LEAD staff got reassigned, and those that survived to stay in the corps were separated from each other all assigned to different campuses some different countries. I saw a couple at corps week but LEAD was never mentioned again.
Anyway that is a whole different story...but for princess Carrie and I it all hit a head the first night in the mountains. She made some stupid comment in her midwest farm girl trying to be the hip Cali chick way, a comment that was an outright lie, something about the Limb of Arkansas, and I called her on it. Right there at the campfire in front of God and everyone. She of course acted contrite and abashed, after all she was LCM's sis how could she be wrong. And I was basically told to shut up and go away.
Of course after that I was a target. But now for two reasons, I had survived the LEAD experience unscathed because I did NOT take the advice of TWI, and I had openly embarassed the princess.
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Son of the Master
Dot... where is Ann? Is forest city near Fayetville?
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I was a WOW in Little Rock in 74-75 with 27 other WOWs that I still love, and lots of other cool folks. Would love to hear from any of you. Click my picture to get my email address if you don't want to post publicly. I saw Denise Pearson yesterday. She's David Pearson's sister. I have no idea where the rest of you are. What a long, strange trip it's been. "Bet your going fishin' most of the time, I'm a goin' fishin' too."
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Dot Matrix
Since this thread SOM and I have reconnected. I am enjoying a friendship with he and his wife!!!
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Dot I was in je-nnie keswi-ks branch she later married and divorced a branch leader in texarkan..Allan somebody 6 corps.
Terry mats0- wasa our family co...ric- hu-chinson...my wow bros that later went in the corps.
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Hey son of the master,
I was a WOW in Jacksonville, near Little Rock, in 79-80 with Richard Cook (6th Corps). We may have crossed paths.
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You were Rich@rd C@@ks WOW brother?! Sweet! He is a great guy! I learned a lot about patience and organization from that man. God love him, I do too!
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That man had to be organized. He had a whole stack of BIBLE on his wall on shelves. In brail of course.....and he knew where everything was. He organized his bills in his wallet so that he knew exactly what he had. I think the only thing he didn't know was where the opening was from the kitchen to the living room ....he kept crashing into the wall, thus, all the coffee stains on the wall.
He is definitely a good egg. I learned a lot from him too. Anyone know where he is?
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