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Have you ever noticed how we were taught in twi to *label* everything?

I mean if you didn`t want to listen to what one had to say....rather than just call them a *poopey haid* like you would have as a child....instead you call or label them as a rank *unbeliever* then...they had no importance...right or wrong their pov was not valid...you didn`t have to treat them well...

If you didn`t like someone...just label them spiritually *suspicious* and you could behave outragiously towards them...treat them badly they deserved it...

It seems like it is a hard mindset to break.... even years out of twi and I see it still happening...

If I talk about being angry over evil perpetrated upon myself or others...I have just been labled *bitter*...that changes everything...makes ME the one in the wrong now...

Slap the label *victim* on those who speak up...and it is now time for them to quit being a perpetual whiner...once again...those who commited the crimes are not in the wrong...it`s ok to excuse them...

I see someone comes along and expresses an opposing view point...contrary to the way doctrine...well then slap the lable *pagan* or *unbeliever* (or even agent of darkness as in my case lol)and their point becomes invalid of no value...they deserve no respect....not worthey of consideration,

Label someone *leader* and most anything done is now considered excusable...

It`s a mindset that closes one off from a whole host of wonderfull folks with great insight...ideas that could really help.


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*unbeliever* family members absolved you of all responsibility to your parents and syblings....

sickness or calamity was due to *sin* in ones life...once again that persons fault...you were absolved of any duty to help or care......

Leader would label any personal interests as *wordly* ie college career...hobbies...then they were able to be considered unimportant and highly discouraged.....

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Don't sweat it,rascal, I got the "bitter" label from the ol' VP himself, when I thoughtfully and politely responded to his form letter asking "what did I do to you that you didn't come to Corps week." We were taught by example from the founder that "ministering" to people was to tell them off, then write them off.

I remember at Rome City, at joke time, we were not to tell ethnic jokes, but we could insert the term "unbeliever" and tell the same joke! All the old jokes about Polish, Jewish, African American, gay, or other groups of people were told about unbelievers. In the presence of the children.

Pretty pitiful.

To those who want to label me "bitter" for talking about the injustices of TWI: I also advocate for Lyme disease awareness. Does that make me bitter for having had Lyme disease?



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I got seriously ill once ~ was I ill from sin and not a condition from early childhood?


also, I was abused, does that make me deserving of it somehow, perhaps I brought it on myself, or was it that I was surounded by unbelievers therefore sining, and ingnorant and also probably needed it?

Am I bad/sinning/possessed becaused I have a violation issue ~ or am I not working hard enough on healing it because I lack belief or don't pray it away every second?

If I get treated like dirt is it because I'm lesser then the diminishers or is it really a flaw in an arogant person?


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Originally posted by shazdancer:

Don't sweat it,rascal, I got the "bitter" label from the ol' VP himself, when I thoughtfully and politely responded to his form letter asking "what did I do to you that you didn't come to Corps week." We were taught by example from the founder that "ministering" to people was to tell them off, then write them off.

I remember at Rome City, at joke time, we were not to tell ethnic jokes, but we could insert the term "unbeliever" and tell the same joke! All the old jokes about Polish, Jewish, African American, gay, or other groups of people were told about unbelievers. In the presence of the children.


I started paying attention more in PFAL as soon as vp uttered the line, "You can't offend a dead man."

It was the permission I needed to fight off my family.

I have never quite forgiven myself for labelling my grandmother as "housing darkness" when she had cancer...and for telling her, near the end, that she was doing it to herself and that if she truly "loved god" she would "believe" better.

If there's such a thing as "going to hell", I'm not gonna go because of my "wrong believing"...but because of what I did to my grandmother (and others) from my high and lofty seat of being "right on".



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Oh(((((((cw))))))) I am sorry....what horrible things they taught us.....I`ll bet your grandma loved you any way....maybe she understood...I know that we all did stupid stuff like that....those labels made it ok.

I remember telling my grandmother once that her son who had died in college .... it was because his *believing* was wrong...gasp it was the one and only time that I know of that I have hurt her ... or ever truly seen her angry...I hope that we get a chance to apologise someday...

We were so arrogant because of that label of spiritual elite.....sigh...

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it has been my experience that immature and incompetent people in positions of authority always seem to resort to labeling those under them or those with a different way of doing things. This is their way of making themselves feel better because they don't know how to develop relationships with people and talk things out that they disagree with.


"[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

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I always felt the same way about the label "cult". As soon as someone is convinced I'm in a cult, they don't have to listen to anything I say, don't have to be polite to me, etc. Same thing goes on here with labels like "waybrain", "VP worshipper", etc.

A label is only as good as its source.

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Amen and AMEN! Wafer and ex 10.... ole twi had us completely do away with that commandment didn`t they whith their teaching about your *neighbor* was only your christian bretheren ????

Geeze slap the tag unbeliever on em and all responsibility to honor the 2nd commandment goes out the window...

I cannot BELIEVE how many different ways twi taught us to wiggle out of our spiritual duty.

...hmmm sounds like another thread to me...lol

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Originally posted by johniam:

I always felt the same way about the label "cult". As soon as someone is convinced I'm in a cult, they don't have to listen to anything I say, don't have to be polite to me, etc.QUOTE]

It does really hurt to be on the receiving end of being labeled. I'm totally with you on that one, Johniam.

After being labeled as "brainwashed" for years by my family, one day after I left the ministry I visited the cult section of the Christian Bookstore and discovered that the Masons and Eastern Stars are considered to be the oldest and largest cults in the world. Guess who were the most severe critics against me? The ones who were in Eastern Star.

Actually, I just decided to forgive them instead of sticking it to them after years of ostricizing (sp?) me. Railing for railing is something I try to steer clear of because it's such destructive behavior. But, I'm still really TEMPTED sometimes to pull that one out, but then I ask myself if I want to be right or if I want to be in relationship with them and relationship always (so far) has won out. But, it's really hard sometimes because human nature wants to hurt back when we've been hurt.


"[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale

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