GOSH, this one is turning out JUST like one I posted the other day, infact Sami you seem to have just copied my post and started a new one with it. Hmmm, Wondering why that was even necessary?
I got mine in an email and I was satisfied to hear that there is a web site dedicated to just such legendary circumstances. :blink:
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Something to think about.
Have a history teacher explain this...if they can
[No need, Snopes already explained this. ]
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
[ Technically true-but ignores that their political careers were completely
different other than that. Lincoln had many setbacks, and Kennedy went like a rocket.]
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
[ No they weren't.
Lincoln was concerned with divisiveness in the United States.
This forced him to address slavery, but he would have found it acceptable to maintain slavery
if it preserved the Union, allowing it to die slowly like twi.
Kennedy was slow to move on civil rights legislation.
He did so when events required a response.]
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
[ The Lincolns lost 2 children-one while Lincoln was President.
The Kennedys lost one child while JFK was President.
The Lincolns had 4 boys-one lived to adulthood.
The Kennedys had 2 boys, one girl-two lived to adulthood.]
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
[ Assassination attempts are made during public events.
Public events happen more often on weekend appearances.
The odds of either to be shot on Friday (as opposed to Sat or Sun)
approach 1 in 3.
The odds of both to be shot on Friday approach 1 in 9.]
Both Presidents were shot in the head.
[ Assassination attempts use head or torso shots.
Thus a head-shot is EXPECTED. ]
Now it gets really weird.
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.
[Lincoln did NOT have a secretary named Kennedy.]
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
[ If you divide into "Northerner" and "Southerner", the odds were 1 in 4 for that,
discounting that they-being Northerners-would be less likely to be shot by other Northerners.]
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
[ Both Presidents were Northerners-thus they needed Southern running-mates to draw votes.
Do you know how common the name "Johnson" is? Flip thru a phonebook.]
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
[ Let's not "cherrypick" the similarities and ignore the differences.
One was from NC, the other from Tx.
One supported slavery, the other championed civil rights.
One was never elected President, the other won the Presidency by THE landslide.
One was impeached, the other wasn't.
One became President at the end of a war, the other became President at the beginning of a war.]
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
[ Booth was born in 1838, not 1839. ]
Both assassins were known by their three names.
[ Not until after their deaths. ]
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
[ Neither first, middle nor last names have the same number of letters.
Abraham Lincoln and John Fitzgerald Kennedy do not have the same number of letters.
Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Baines Johnson do not have the same number of letters. ]
Now hang on to your seat.
[ Not impressed yet.]
Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford.'
Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln' made by 'Ford.'
[ Lincoln was shot indoors, Kennedy was shot outdoors.
A number of Presidents who WEREN'T assassinated rode in Presidential Lincoln limosines.]
Lincoln was shot in a theater and his assassin ran and hid in a
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a
[ Booth shot Lincoln in a playhouse (theater). He was trapped and killed in a tobacco shed
days later.
Oswald shot Kennedy FROM (not IN) a textbook warehouse/book depository,
and was taken in a movie house ("theater") about an hour later. ]
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
[ Depends on how one defines "assassinated". ]
And here's the kicker...
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
[ Marilyn Monroe died well over a year before Kennedy's assassination.]
Creepy huh?
:unsure: :unsure:
[ NO.]
You will want to take 6 months and read the entire Snopes site.
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Sami, I'm sorry I forgot to call you back. Will call tonight or tomorrow regarding Saturday - but so far it is a go. :)
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Wasn't Kennedy shot on a Thursday?
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s a m i
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Friday, November 22, 1963
I can hear you- no need to yell.
I think you missed my point.
There were at least as many things NOT in common as IN common.
The lists are in the minds of the readers.
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GOSH, this one is turning out JUST like one I posted the other day, infact Sami you seem to have just copied my post and started a new one with it. Hmmm, Wondering why that was even necessary?
I got mine in an email and I was satisfied to hear that there is a web site dedicated to just such legendary circumstances. :blink:
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Here's something for you to thing about. How famous do you have to be to be asassinated and not just murdered?
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Everything else aside -- I remember it was November 22, 1963. That was the anniversary of my parent's 13th wedding anniversary.
All their plans for the evening were put on hold, and we all watched the tv for any reports instead.
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s a m i
you posted this too jet? didnt see yours....
i got mine in email too.. funny....
oh well guess its here twice .

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Yeah isn't that a hoot?
I thought they should of said Kennedy was In Marilyn Monroe instead of with her. :blink:
Then the other President was in Monroe Maryland as stated.
Anyway yepper, not sure where it went, cause NOW I can't find it. I got nearly the same kinda responces.
ROFLOL :unsure:
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Thanks WordWolf, you saved me the trouble :ph34r:
Snopes is a great site, and they're usually right on top of the latest internet b.s.
although the Lincoln-Kennedy one has been around for awhile
What about this: Hmmm....
WordWolf = 8 letters
Oakspear = 8 letters
WordWolf - from New York
Oakspear - from New York
WordWolf - knows Rafael Olmeda
Oakspear - drank a lot of beer with Rafael Olmeda
WordWolf - was in TWI in the 80's
Oakspear - was in TWI in the 80's
WordWolf - provides analysis of posts by Mike
Oakspear - has a brother named Mike
I could go on & on ;)
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