I was getting panicky just reading what happened. Our little dogs depend on us and love us unconditionally. I'm glad this dog story had a happy ending! Our new puppy is now 7 months old but I think he's lonely during the day if he's by himself. Tonight we're going to look at another litter of Scotties and see if we can't find him a little brother!
Had a huskie pup one time that I had to give away. My street out front is too busy, and no way to fence the yard in. He was always out front, and getting into traffic. T'was a sad day when I gave him up for adoption, but the folks who took him had 80 acres of farmland for him to run free in far from the city.
He's probably dead by now, this was 20 years ago. Know what you mean about the *unconditional love*.
Not at all. Border Terriers are bred for exactly that kind of behavior. Well, not getting their head stuck, but going through tight holes in the ground.
The traditional role for a Border is as a working farm dog killing rats and other rodents. The Border would also accompany the hounds on a fox hunt. After the hounds have chased the fox down it's hole, it was the Border's job to "go to ground" and bring the fox out, in pieces if necessary.
Borders have tremendous heart, courage and stubbornness. I'm glad that you got Vixen out ok. Keep an eye on her for a few days as Borders often won't show pain or injury until it becomes disabling.
-Jim, proud owner of Royal Oaks Rusty, a 15 year old Border Terrier.
Now Vixen, tell mommy: Baaad Mommy!! Bad Mommy! How dare you scare Uncle Brother Speed like that. You should have started your post with "Vixen's OK but,". Bad Mommy!
Now swat mommy on the nose and send her to bed without dinner.
Sudo, I love Scotties! We always have a few show up for earthdog trials and they have zero tolerance for the silliness of the borders. They look at them like they need to grow up! LOL!
Does your little feller have an appropriate Scottish name like Sir Winston? ;)
I looked at getting a puppy for Vixen, but she has an extremely high prey drive and everything that looks like a rat is treated like a rat right now. :blink: She's not safe around small animals. I think, too, that it's better for me if she's an only child right now so that I can spend the time I need and want to train with her. I'm still trying to figure out the "single life" scheduling time and chores kinda things. So as disappointing as it was to not have a puppy for her, I suppose it was a blessing in disguise.
David, they wiggle their way into our hearts, don't they? It's so hard to let them go, even when it's what's best for them.
Chef, you didn't know. ;) No biggie. Actually, she's too smart for her own dang good. :)
Excie, that tail has come in handy on numerous occasions. :P And not always from hunting.
Vixen is officiall known as CH Bever Lea Fox Hollow Vixen and needs only one more leg to add the JE for Junior Earthdog after her name. We go to Hot Lanta in November to try to get that title and a first leg toward her Senior Earthdog title. :)
We're also very actively working toward our obedience, agility and Canine Good Citizen titles. Training with her is so much fun and I'd love to make her an alphabet dog .... something like CH Bever Lea Fox Hollow Vixen CD RA OA OAJ ME FDX CGC VX CHIC. :D But I'm gonna need more wall space for that.
Uncle Brother Speed, can I have her dinner too?? :P
Jim, you have EXCELLENT taste in furry kids! Give Rusty an extra treat for me, please.
Vixen, Nope. No people food for you sweetie. I know it tastes just wonderful but for you it's way too fattening unless its purely fruit or vegetable and then only in the tiniest of quantities. Perhaps a slice of apple or a celery stalk.
Belle, as for the Mrs. and I, we spoil our three wee ones just terrible. They sleep with us in a cali king size bed. They have their breakfast when we rise out of bed and they have dinner before us but then they mooch. They have run of the back yard until and if they get cold then they run through the house via their doggie door. In the evenings they lounge on our laps while we watch the big screen.
Franklyn (or Frankie or Hotdog) is a black miniature dachshound. Although purebred, we wanted a wonderful pet instead of a champion show dog. Its a good thing 'cuz when we acquired him he was sooo emaciated that Dr. Tim (our family veteranarian) didn't think that Franklyn would pull through. He did pull through after a vitamin B injection and a 10 pound bag of puppy chow but he will always be sveltly thin.
Paige is a red miniature dachshound. Also purebred, but only a pet. We acquired Paige from a yard sale. Paige (a shorthaired animal) was tied up in a mean yard sale lady's back yard in the cold just shivering (this was last mid-November). My wife went to comfort the poor animal and the lady was rather incensed at the display. Through gritted teeth she said, "Five bucks and the animal is yours!" My wife wanted to chastise the woman for keeping Paige tied up in the cold, but she held her tongue and gave the woman five dollars. My wife left with Paige and nothing else from that yard sale. The yard sale lady didn't like dogs of any size much less a short-haired dachshound. She was "stuck" minding this animal because it was her son's dog. Her son was sitting in jail and couldn't keep his dog but had wanted his mother to take care of her until he was released. To which I say, "Too bad son, you've made some bad choices. You ain't gettin' that dog back." My wife says, "If I didn't get Paige when I did, she'd most likely be dead."
Lupe is a purebred white with red spots "dear" chihuahua. The talking 'Taco Bell' dog is a "standard" chihuahua. Lupe should only weigh about five pounds, but she's been eating too much people food. She weighs a little over 6 pounds so Momma calls her Lumpy now. We acquired Lupe from a couple who had adopted Lupe from the animal shelter. Lupe was one of nearly 300 puppies rescued from an unlicensed puppy mill with heinous living conditions. Over half of the animals were sick when they were rescued. Many didn't pull through (sniff) (sniff). But all of the puppies including the survivors found a good home. Well Lupe was adopted out to a couple who were pregnant at the time. After the baby was born, Lupe didn't appreciate the lack of attention and bit the baby. So because the wife and I are childless, we acquired Lupe.
Yes, Belle, I have to agree. "They wiggle their way into your heart."
If you'll send me your mailing address to owlmeat@hotmail.com, I'll send you my book "Border Terriers Today" by Anne Roslin-Williams. We don't need it anymore and I'd like to see it go to another Border owner.
Belle, I'm so happy you were able to get Vixen out of her pickle! My heart was pounding as I read your post.
I love terriers. My Emma's a half-terrier muttski, but she's got all the smarts and persistence and curiosity of a full-blooded terrier. I can sooooo see her getting into exactly the same kind of fix Vixen found herself in. Terriers' personalities remind me of obsessive-compulsive disorder in humans. :lol:
My son's dog Cleveland Brown, a gorgeous half-Chessie, half-chocolate lab, is staying with me because my son works so many hours that I begged him to let Clevey stay here most of the time. Emma loves having a doggie companion. She picks on him mercilessly, even though she weighs 40 lbs and he weighs 107. (Terriers don't know they're small, do they???)
Today I had to take Cleveland to the vet's to have a little benign growth removed. I can't pick him up until late this afternoon. When I got back, Emma looked at me as if to say, "Where's my pal? What'd you do with him, Mom, huh huh huh?
Brother Speed, that's so great you were able to rescue your three little sweeties. Emma came from the pound and despite her sometimes less than ladylike behavior, she'll have a home with me for the rest of her life. I do occasionally remind her that I saved her from doggie jail or worse, but she is too confident in her position of quieen of all she surveys to worry about her past.
Brother Speed, sounds like you and your wife both are incredible dog lovers! Bless your hearts for saving those wonderful little sweeties! Vixen has several names too, like Franklyn/Franky/Hot Dog. She's also known as Squirttle Butt, Squirt, Vixxy Vix and "You Little Sh1+" (always spoken lovingly!). :D
Linda, I love that name: Cleveland Brown! :) I hope he recovers quickly from having the growth removed. Emma will be so glad to see him back, I'm sure!
Those little terriers are the biggest dogs I know. :D Vixen's best friend is a pit bull-dalmation mix and I swear she thinks she's as big as they are. At the dog show I once caught her standing on her hind legs trying to get her nose up close enough to a Great Dane to smell him. LOL! That would've been a great picture! She has always picked the labs, great danes and goldens at the park to play with. She has no time or tolerance for "small dogs" LOL!
This is my first full breed dog. I've had two golden~chow mixes and they were the best dogs! Beautiful, too. This time I fought my ex for over a year before he would even consider allowing me to have a dog and I had this huge list of qualifications the dog had to meet - one of them being a full breed.
The breeder wanted Vixen to be a show dog and I saw my opportunity to get out of TWIt meetings to show her, so I readily agreed to do it. Then I got hooked and now, I'm a bonafide dog freak and get sooooo excited when Vixen learns something new and even more excited when we get closer to getting those coveted AKC titles. Yep, I'm a dork!
Jim, thank you so much for your offer! I e-mailed you my info.
I know this is mostly about dogs, but kitties have a way of tugging on the old heart strings too. When I took my daughter to Chicago last week we also moved her cat Lily with her. My daughter has raised her from a kitten and loves her so much. She was kind of a security blanket for the move too.
When we first got there, one of her roommates handed her the other roommates keys. Later that night as we slept the roommate without the keys could not get in and he climbed through a window. He left the window partially open and the last time I saw Lily was at 5 am Sunday moning. When re awakening at 8 am the cat was definately gone. We spent at least 2 hours looking for her. We also spent at least two more hours having signs made at kinkos with her picture on it and putting them on just about every tree we could find surrounding the neighborhood two blocks in either direction.
My daughter was heartbroken and this was not the way to start her new life. She was jazzed about the cat being with her. We ended up staying at least 3 hours longer than we had planned to and I prayed that I would find the cat and be able to give it to her before we left, because it was hard enough leaving her in Chicago let alone leaving her so emoitional about the cat.
Anyways, no sign of cat and we had to leave. We still had a 6 hour drive in front of us. By the time I got home and called, said kitty had been successfully retrieved from back yard under house. Needless to say we both slept better that night.
Thank you! Yes.. I love my Scottie who indeed has an appropriate name... Laddie. To see Laddie and me when he was a puppy (a few months ago) click HERE! And then after it's played a bit (it'll look real jerky) play it again to see and hear it smoothly.
But I realized after reading your post that I didn't have a very recent picture of Laddie. So here's one taken just this afternoon. Aren't digital cameras great??? I love new technology. If only they would come up with cell phones that sounded as good as line phones.
Thanks you but most of us love our doggies no matter what they look like, right? And WW.. thanks for the offer but we're not so particular on pedigrees. We just want a healthy little brother for Laddie so the pickings around here should be just fine. Its possible we'll have a new addition to the family TONIGHT! I'll let you guys know.
i think a few of us have gone on the picture forum to show our darling babies. but if someone starts a new one, i'll dig up more pics. i love the dogs and cats we've seen on there, really really loved them. i also have a bird to show and a little hamster. and of course my family snort snort
we could do a pet picture thing. is it easy to do pictures now on here ?
could someone explain the uploading of pictures procedure.....I want you all to see Boo Boo Kitty - he's pretty worthless, but I love him...haha
Cats are smart. At the apartment complex that I manage we had a calico cat with green eyes that was living between two of the buildings. After a few weeks the cleaning lady got tired of this. People would leave food out for the cat but never let the cat out of the building to do its business. Consequently, disgusting things for said cleaning woman to clean up. She finally came and dumped the cat into my office - she had had enough. Being the animal lover that I am I took the cat home. About a month later husband threw cat out into alley behind our apartments. Did not see her again.
One month later cleaning woman again dumps same cat in my office. It had found it's way back to the complex after about a month of traveling from the alley behind my house. When the cleaning lady put the cat down on the floor of my office, it ran over to my desk and jumped on my lap and started purring. This story amazes me because I have heard of this before but had not experienced it. Of course....end of story, cat is home, husband thrown out .....ironic how things work out......
There's a new addition to the Sudo family and his name is Jock!! He's the new little brother to Laddie and even now as I'm banging this out... I can hear them having the best time downstairs.
outofdafog, I mean to reply to you about kitty! I know that terror and fear when kitties disappear. I'm so glad he was found!! My parents moved to the other side of town and sometime during the move Boots got out. Boots is extremely spoiled and they couldn't find her anywhere. She finally showed up at the old house two weeks later and a lot thinner (not such a bad thing :P ). The new owners called and Mama came and got her, but it was a very sad two weeks for all of us.
Sudo, Jock is adorable!! I'm sure Laddie and he will be wearing each other out for the next few days and a tired pupy is a good puppy!
I have to finish cleaning house for a party tomorrow, but will send directions on how to post pictures tomorrow. :) I think that's a great idea Excie!
Recommended Posts
I was getting panicky just reading what happened. Our little dogs depend on us and love us unconditionally. I'm glad this dog story had a happy ending! Our new puppy is now 7 months old but I think he's lonely during the day if he's by himself. Tonight we're going to look at another litter of Scotties and see if we can't find him a little brother!
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i got my dog a dog and i have always been glad i did
wow i didn't know thatLink to comment
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
dumb dog!!!
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Had a huskie pup one time that I had to give away. My street out front is too busy, and no way to fence the yard in. He was always out front, and getting into traffic. T'was a sad day when I gave him up for adoption, but the folks who took him had 80 acres of farmland for him to run free in far from the city.
He's probably dead by now, this was 20 years ago. Know what you mean about the *unconditional love*.
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"dumb dog!!!"
Not at all. Border Terriers are bred for exactly that kind of behavior. Well, not getting their head stuck, but going through tight holes in the ground.
The traditional role for a Border is as a working farm dog killing rats and other rodents. The Border would also accompany the hounds on a fox hunt. After the hounds have chased the fox down it's hole, it was the Border's job to "go to ground" and bring the fox out, in pieces if necessary.
Borders have tremendous heart, courage and stubbornness. I'm glad that you got Vixen out ok. Keep an eye on her for a few days as Borders often won't show pain or injury until it becomes disabling.
-Jim, proud owner of Royal Oaks Rusty, a 15 year old Border Terrier.
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coolchef1248 @adelphia.net
woops i stand corrected good dog! :)
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Brother Speed
This message is for Vixen:
Good dog! Vixen!
Now Vixen, tell mommy: Baaad Mommy!! Bad Mommy! How dare you scare Uncle Brother Speed like that. You should have started your post with "Vixen's OK but,". Bad Mommy!
Now swat mommy on the nose and send her to bed without dinner.
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Brother Speed, can I wait till after she fixes dinner and then make her give it to me?
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Brother Speed
Oh but of course Vixen, you should have your dinner first. And by the way, I'm glad your weren't harmed by the mean ole fence. Take care sweeetie.
Uncle Brother Speed
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Sudo, I love Scotties! We always have a few show up for earthdog trials and they have zero tolerance for the silliness of the borders. They look at them like they need to grow up! LOL!
Does your little feller have an appropriate Scottish name like Sir Winston? ;)
I looked at getting a puppy for Vixen, but she has an extremely high prey drive and everything that looks like a rat is treated like a rat right now. :blink: She's not safe around small animals. I think, too, that it's better for me if she's an only child right now so that I can spend the time I need and want to train with her. I'm still trying to figure out the "single life" scheduling time and chores kinda things. So as disappointing as it was to not have a puppy for her, I suppose it was a blessing in disguise.
David, they wiggle their way into our hearts, don't they? It's so hard to let them go, even when it's what's best for them.
Chef, you didn't know. ;) No biggie. Actually, she's too smart for her own dang good. :)
Excie, that tail has come in handy on numerous occasions. :P And not always from hunting.
Vixen is officiall known as CH Bever Lea Fox Hollow Vixen and needs only one more leg to add the JE for Junior Earthdog after her name. We go to Hot Lanta in November to try to get that title and a first leg toward her Senior Earthdog title. :)
We're also very actively working toward our obedience, agility and Canine Good Citizen titles. Training with her is so much fun and I'd love to make her an alphabet dog .... something like CH Bever Lea Fox Hollow Vixen CD RA OA OAJ ME FDX CGC VX CHIC. :D But I'm gonna need more wall space for that.
Uncle Brother Speed, can I have her dinner too?? :P
Jim, you have EXCELLENT taste in furry kids! Give Rusty an extra treat for me, please.

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Brother Speed
Vixen, Nope. No people food for you sweetie. I know it tastes just wonderful but for you it's way too fattening unless its purely fruit or vegetable and then only in the tiniest of quantities. Perhaps a slice of apple or a celery stalk.
Belle, as for the Mrs. and I, we spoil our three wee ones just terrible. They sleep with us in a cali king size bed. They have their breakfast when we rise out of bed and they have dinner before us but then they mooch. They have run of the back yard until and if they get cold then they run through the house via their doggie door. In the evenings they lounge on our laps while we watch the big screen.
Franklyn (or Frankie or Hotdog) is a black miniature dachshound. Although purebred, we wanted a wonderful pet instead of a champion show dog. Its a good thing 'cuz when we acquired him he was sooo emaciated that Dr. Tim (our family veteranarian) didn't think that Franklyn would pull through. He did pull through after a vitamin B injection and a 10 pound bag of puppy chow but he will always be sveltly thin.
Paige is a red miniature dachshound. Also purebred, but only a pet. We acquired Paige from a yard sale. Paige (a shorthaired animal) was tied up in a mean yard sale lady's back yard in the cold just shivering (this was last mid-November). My wife went to comfort the poor animal and the lady was rather incensed at the display. Through gritted teeth she said, "Five bucks and the animal is yours!" My wife wanted to chastise the woman for keeping Paige tied up in the cold, but she held her tongue and gave the woman five dollars. My wife left with Paige and nothing else from that yard sale. The yard sale lady didn't like dogs of any size much less a short-haired dachshound. She was "stuck" minding this animal because it was her son's dog. Her son was sitting in jail and couldn't keep his dog but had wanted his mother to take care of her until he was released. To which I say, "Too bad son, you've made some bad choices. You ain't gettin' that dog back." My wife says, "If I didn't get Paige when I did, she'd most likely be dead."
Lupe is a purebred white with red spots "dear" chihuahua. The talking 'Taco Bell' dog is a "standard" chihuahua. Lupe should only weigh about five pounds, but she's been eating too much people food. She weighs a little over 6 pounds so Momma calls her Lumpy now. We acquired Lupe from a couple who had adopted Lupe from the animal shelter. Lupe was one of nearly 300 puppies rescued from an unlicensed puppy mill with heinous living conditions. Over half of the animals were sick when they were rescued. Many didn't pull through (sniff) (sniff). But all of the puppies including the survivors found a good home. Well Lupe was adopted out to a couple who were pregnant at the time. After the baby was born, Lupe didn't appreciate the lack of attention and bit the baby. So because the wife and I are childless, we acquired Lupe.
Yes, Belle, I have to agree. "They wiggle their way into your heart."
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If you'll send me your mailing address to owlmeat@hotmail.com, I'll send you my book "Border Terriers Today" by Anne Roslin-Williams. We don't need it anymore and I'd like to see it go to another Border owner.
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Linda Z
Belle, I'm so happy you were able to get Vixen out of her pickle! My heart was pounding as I read your post.
I love terriers. My Emma's a half-terrier muttski, but she's got all the smarts and persistence and curiosity of a full-blooded terrier. I can sooooo see her getting into exactly the same kind of fix Vixen found herself in. Terriers' personalities remind me of obsessive-compulsive disorder in humans. :lol:
My son's dog Cleveland Brown, a gorgeous half-Chessie, half-chocolate lab, is staying with me because my son works so many hours that I begged him to let Clevey stay here most of the time. Emma loves having a doggie companion. She picks on him mercilessly, even though she weighs 40 lbs and he weighs 107. (Terriers don't know they're small, do they???)
Today I had to take Cleveland to the vet's to have a little benign growth removed. I can't pick him up until late this afternoon. When I got back, Emma looked at me as if to say, "Where's my pal? What'd you do with him, Mom, huh huh huh?
Brother Speed, that's so great you were able to rescue your three little sweeties. Emma came from the pound and despite her sometimes less than ladylike behavior, she'll have a home with me for the rest of her life. I do occasionally remind her that I saved her from doggie jail or worse, but she is too confident in her position of quieen of all she surveys to worry about her past.
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What great big hearts we have on here!
Brother Speed, sounds like you and your wife both are incredible dog lovers! Bless your hearts for saving those wonderful little sweeties! Vixen has several names too, like Franklyn/Franky/Hot Dog. She's also known as Squirttle Butt, Squirt, Vixxy Vix and "You Little Sh1+" (always spoken lovingly!). :D
Linda, I love that name: Cleveland Brown! :) I hope he recovers quickly from having the growth removed. Emma will be so glad to see him back, I'm sure!
Those little terriers are the biggest dogs I know. :D Vixen's best friend is a pit bull-dalmation mix and I swear she thinks she's as big as they are. At the dog show I once caught her standing on her hind legs trying to get her nose up close enough to a Great Dane to smell him. LOL! That would've been a great picture! She has always picked the labs, great danes and goldens at the park to play with. She has no time or tolerance for "small dogs"
This is my first full breed dog. I've had two golden~chow mixes and they were the best dogs! Beautiful, too. This time I fought my ex for over a year before he would even consider allowing me to have a dog and I had this huge list of qualifications the dog had to meet - one of them being a full breed.
The breeder wanted Vixen to be a show dog and I saw my opportunity to get out of TWIt meetings to show her, so I readily agreed to do it. Then I got hooked and now, I'm a bonafide dog freak and get sooooo excited when Vixen learns something new and even more excited when we get closer to getting those coveted AKC titles. Yep, I'm a dork!
Jim, thank you so much for your offer! I e-mailed you my info.
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I know this is mostly about dogs, but kitties have a way of tugging on the old heart strings too. When I took my daughter to Chicago last week we also moved her cat Lily with her. My daughter has raised her from a kitten and loves her so much. She was kind of a security blanket for the move too.
When we first got there, one of her roommates handed her the other roommates keys. Later that night as we slept the roommate without the keys could not get in and he climbed through a window. He left the window partially open and the last time I saw Lily was at 5 am Sunday moning. When re awakening at 8 am the cat was definately gone. We spent at least 2 hours looking for her. We also spent at least two more hours having signs made at kinkos with her picture on it and putting them on just about every tree we could find surrounding the neighborhood two blocks in either direction.
My daughter was heartbroken and this was not the way to start her new life. She was jazzed about the cat being with her. We ended up staying at least 3 hours longer than we had planned to and I prayed that I would find the cat and be able to give it to her before we left, because it was hard enough leaving her in Chicago let alone leaving her so emoitional about the cat.
Anyways, no sign of cat and we had to leave. We still had a 6 hour drive in front of us. By the time I got home and called, said kitty had been successfully retrieved from back yard under house. Needless to say we both slept better that night.
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Thank you! Yes.. I love my Scottie who indeed has an appropriate name... Laddie. To see Laddie and me when he was a puppy (a few months ago) click HERE! And then after it's played a bit (it'll look real jerky) play it again to see and hear it smoothly.
But I realized after reading your post that I didn't have a very recent picture of Laddie. So here's one taken just this afternoon. Aren't digital cameras great??? I love new technology. If only they would come up with cell phones that sounded as good as line phones.
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I have connecctions with the breeder of the Bush's Scotties....just let me know and I'll hook you up.
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Sudo, Laddie is ADORABLE!!! I love his color!! AND his name!! ;)
The video is precious! and he has grown quite a bit!
Modern technology is indeed wonderful! Thanks for sharing him with us!
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Thanks you but most of us love our doggies no matter what they look like, right? And WW.. thanks for the offer but we're not so particular on pedigrees. We just want a healthy little brother for Laddie so the pickings around here should be just fine. Its possible we'll have a new addition to the family TONIGHT! I'll let you guys know.
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i think a few of us have gone on the picture forum to show our darling babies. but if someone starts a new one, i'll dig up more pics. i love the dogs and cats we've seen on there, really really loved them. i also have a bird to show and a little hamster. and of course my family snort snort
we could do a pet picture thing. is it easy to do pictures now on here ?
i've had champions and muts and i love 'em all
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my confirmation name is frances after my favorite saint st. francis of assisi
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could someone explain the uploading of pictures procedure.....I want you all to see Boo Boo Kitty - he's pretty worthless, but I love him...haha
Cats are smart. At the apartment complex that I manage we had a calico cat with green eyes that was living between two of the buildings. After a few weeks the cleaning lady got tired of this. People would leave food out for the cat but never let the cat out of the building to do its business. Consequently, disgusting things for said cleaning woman to clean up. She finally came and dumped the cat into my office - she had had enough. Being the animal lover that I am I took the cat home. About a month later husband threw cat out into alley behind our apartments. Did not see her again.
One month later cleaning woman again dumps same cat in my office. It had found it's way back to the complex after about a month of traveling from the alley behind my house. When the cleaning lady put the cat down on the floor of my office, it ran over to my desk and jumped on my lap and started purring. This story amazes me because I have heard of this before but had not experienced it. Of course....end of story, cat is home, husband thrown out .....ironic how things work out......
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There's a new addition to the Sudo family and his name is Jock!! He's the new little brother to Laddie and even now as I'm banging this out... I can hear them having the best time downstairs.
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outofdafog, I mean to reply to you about kitty! I know that terror and fear when kitties disappear. I'm so glad he was found!! My parents moved to the other side of town and sometime during the move Boots got out. Boots is extremely spoiled and they couldn't find her anywhere. She finally showed up at the old house two weeks later and a lot thinner (not such a bad thing :P ). The new owners called and Mama came and got her, but it was a very sad two weeks for all of us.
Sudo, Jock is adorable!! I'm sure Laddie and he will be wearing each other out for the next few days and a tired pupy is a good puppy!
I have to finish cleaning house for a party tomorrow, but will send directions on how to post pictures tomorrow. :) I think that's a great idea Excie!
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