There is NOTHING that irritates me more than someone putting words in my mouth. Nothing! If I am gonna be hung out for something I said, it damn well better be something I said. People who do that in my humble opinion are just plain evil.
In the area I was last in it was common for appointed spies to win the confidence of a target and then twist the words while reporting them to leadership. I had suspected such when low and behold I was called before the self thinking powers that be and confronted about my words and actions. Instantly I pointed out what they were saying wasn't close to what I had said and that they needed to have my accuser before me.
HFCs replied that person didn't need to be present and wouldn't lie. I said fine, complete twisting of words is the same as telling lies as far as I was concerned Then I said this meeting wasn't about that crap and lets cut to the chase and get honest. HFCs wife tried to pick a fight because I called their precious WAY Vet a liar! At which point I decided if there was going to be face melting let it be me oh lord doing the deed.
Husband freaked while he got as small as he could in his chair and then I asked again what exactly is the subject and reason to be there.
"You have lost your passion for the truth" that's why you are here. Quickly I acted all meek. I figured this was the best way to get out of the room and plan my exodus. While I agreed I lost my passion for THEIR truth, I thought about how far off the ball this whole thing was.
So I accepted my assignment, then avoided answering the phone for a couple of weeks. Then when I answered I simply said I didn't have the heart to proceed with what they were claiming to be the best for my life.
Now what freaked me out was within a month some people started calling and wanted to know the reasons I had done this. Seems the BC declared that at least I was honest and quit wasting the leaders valuable time during a branch gathering! Idiot lost about half the branch witnessing for me like that. :blink:
Okay, okay... in defense of Way Corps Training... we never sat in class being taught to twist peoples' words, manipulate circumstances to our own advantage, kiss leadership's butt, etc. C'mon. Geez. We were never taught that kind of crap....
We WERE taught that if the regular time for a weekly rehearsal was 10am, and they decide to make it an hour earlier for a special event without telling you, and you show up at the regular time, you weren't listening to God, and have earned yourself a spittle-laden screaching from lcm.
We WERE taught that if Craig talks about someone behind their back at a meeting, that's instructional. But if you know the person that's being talked about and you let them know what was said about them, that's gossip. Worse yet, it's spitting in the face of God because it's leaking what leadership told you was lockbox.
We WERE taught that if you reason out a decision, and lay it out before your leadership and they approve, that's godly. But if the next level up of leadership doesn't like the idea because they had a different plan in mind, your decision was ungodly all along and you and your leadership just missed it.
We WERE taught that the corps lifestlye was a selfless one... and we learned this by giving up reasonable living quarters, reasonable incomes, and putting ourselves out there 24-7, while sharing bathrooms, dining rooms, even cars with each other. But we also learned that a leader was worthy of his hire, so it was okay that Craig and the BOT were served a special foods at the head table, had help in their homes, and took trips to the Bahamas.
We WERE taught that stringing chairs and lining up table numbers and potted plants was godly. But that comforting a child when they were crying during children's fellowship was not.
That's right! Whatever the highest level of leadership in any situation decided was ,by definition, right, simply because the highest level of leadership in that situation had decided it.
Twisting words, how often did I see happen? Toward the end, almost on a daily basis.
Part of the problem is that most people don't remember in detail the exact words that were said to them in a given situation, unless they make a deliberate effort to do so.
What they remember is how they felt when something was said to them. How someone feels about what is said to them is influenced by preconceived notions about the person speaking.
Often, after filtering what was said through imperfect memory, the brain edits in the words that prop up the image that fit the preconceived notion. the person then "remembers" something that wasn't said.
For example:
I was once questioning someone I lived with about a situation that I felt affected me. This person asked me why I wanted to know, to which I replied "I'm asking questions because I live here, and I want to know what's going on around me". In relaying this conversation to "leadership", she "remembered" me saying "This is my house and I'll ask the questions!" - having made up her mind ahead of time that I could be nothing but rude, nosy and overbearing.
When someone was under "spiritual suspicion", frequently the minds of the "leaders" were made up, and what those under suspicion said and did was interpreted in light of this suspicion.
Don't you think they were just showing you their agape love in manifestation for your soul and spiritual state? You were "off the Word' and they needed to straighten things out. After all, gossip is a form of love and twisting your words shows a deeep interest in you (TWI 101). These TWits spoke in tongues and interpreted from the one true God directly, no mistakes.....they were filled with Holy Spirit (cuz they finished the classes) and by revelation did these things for your own good.
You're completely correct, MIT! They were just looking out for my best interest. I shoulda remembered that! :P
craig did teach about Jesus learning via scuttlebutt about something he had to set straight, didn't he? Or was it Moses? Can't remember..... But I do remember the lesson....scuttlebutt and gossip can be a useful thing....very useful thing - especially when catching TWIts disobeying the internet rule. :o
...The micro management, the intrusion into people's privacy, the mandates, making decisions for people that they themselves should have clearly been making (without any assistance from twi) for themselves...
...What nerve! They should have been happy as a pig in .... that people were even showing up and sending in their money...How dare those lowlifes try to micromanage other people's lives. There's no indication in the bible that this is the way that a Christian ministry should conduct itself. Had Wierwille attempted to do this in the early 70's, twi never would have had the "growth explosion" that it had. I'm honestly surprised that ANYONE would put up with this nonsense...
...Twisting words...this is a by product of trying to control people. At no point during my 13year involvement with twi, did I ever think that ANYONE in twi knew my heart better than me or knew what I wanted to do with my life or how I wanted to live...I was always very clear with twi leadership where the boundries were...even when I was in the corps. When I agreed to participate in their "programs", I felt obligated to what I had committed myself to...nothing more. When they attempted to pry into areas of my life, that I felt were none of their business, I let them know. When I signed up for the way corps (10th), I agreed to a 4 year training program...the 4 year committment was THEIR condition (IN WRITING)...shortly after arriving at Emporia, Martindale announces that the way corps is a LIFETIME committment and not just a 4 year committment ...I objected vehemently...and accused them of having no integrity....of course, that put me on their .... list and they considered me to be carnally minded and such...
...Fine with me. They had no integrity then and they have no integrity now. How dare them!
When I signed up for the way corps (10th), I agreed to a 4 year training program...the 4 year committment was THEIR condition (IN WRITING)...shortly after arriving at Emporia, Martindale announces that the way corps is a LIFETIME committment and not just a 4 year committment ...I objected vehemently...and accused them of having no integrity....of course, that put me on their .... list and they considered me to be carnally minded and such...
When I signed up for the way corps (10th), I agreed to a 4 year training program...the 4 year committment was THEIR condition (IN WRITING)...shortly after arriving at Emporia, Martindale announces that the way corps is a LIFETIME committment and not just a 4 year committment ...I objected vehemently...and accused them of having no integrity....of course, that put me on their .... list and they considered me to be carnally minded and such...
...Fine with me. They had no integrity then and they have no integrity now. How dare them!
In fairness I believe the Corps program was promoted as a four year leadership training program after which you would serve in an area of need. It was promoted as a program to train leaders. Why would you logicaly train leaders for four years only to not have them not lead? That makes no sense. I can't imagine anyone thinking that it was a 4 year stint going in thats why there was a college division where you could get specific years of training and then move on. Four years of training - A lifetime of Service thats the way the brochures promoted it.
I've known of several situations like you all talk about. Itsn't it a coincidence (yep, I use that word) that there was a consistent source of lies and manipulation to make people feel like they were "off the Word"? Twisted words, added words, non-existent words.....all sounds like a stupid teaching about Eve doesn't it? Hypocrites and liars: that's what the majority (especially the higher up they were) of twi's leadership consisted of. They are the only group I knew that would lie and call it godly. I heard the wife of a BC say that you don't always have to tell everything you know and then used Abigail in the Bible as a reference. This was in reference to something she didn't want to tell her own husband. This is a woman who promoted and specifically told people "Go get laid". She made comments that their whole twig needed to get laid so they could relax and receive the Word. Now that is no manipulation of her words. She and her husband are currently limb coordinators for twi. Geez whiz....constant manipulation of the scripture and lives is a way of life in twi.
One could be trained as a leader without being shackled to an organization's whims. I can imagine getting the four years of training, and making myself available to be a twig leader, or simply "blessing" my fellowship with my knowledge and experience. It became indentured servitude.
When I agreed to participate in their "programs", I felt obligated to what I had committed myself to...nothing more. When they attempted to pry into areas of my life, that I felt were none of their business, I let them know. When I signed up for the way corps (10th), I agreed to a 4 year training program...the 4 year committment was THEIR condition (IN WRITING)...shortly after arriving at Emporia, Martindale announces that the way corps is a LIFETIME committment and not just a 4 year committment ...I objected vehemently...and accused them of having no integrity....of course, that put me on their .... list and they considered me to be carnally minded and such...
...Fine with me. They had no integrity then and they have no integrity now. How dare them!
I remember never being told everything that would be required of me when I went WOW. I went thinking I would be able to meeting up with my best friend in Vegas after she turned 21 in December.....HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Fat chance! My friend wasn't in twi and didn't understand at all. By December I was pretty indoctrinated in the ways of twi and kicked the friend to the curb anyway. Sad.
One could be trained as a leader without being shackled to an organization's whims. I can imagine getting the four years of training, and making myself available to be a twig leader, or simply "blessing" my fellowship with my knowledge and experience. It became indentured servitude.
I agree Oak and in some cases that was an option to do just that. But I still say it was a leadership training program. The same holds true for the business world like Walmart. You would not go into store management training and then say hey I did not know I was going to have to run a store and move around at the Company's whim. That is what it is if you dont want to run a store by Walmarts rules don't sign up for their training likewise if you don't want to be a leader in the Way according to their rules don't sign up. Pretty simple.......
I'm sure many of you have seen the movie Scent of a Women, right?
All I could think of when I was reading some of the posts on this thread was the scene where LtCol. Slade and Charlie were sitting in front of the council because Charlie wouldn't snitch on his classmates who had pulled a prank on the dean. The dean calls Charlie a liar and a cover-up artist, but LtCol. Slade says, "But not a snitch!"
In light of Belle's initial post it seems from her experience, and my own experiences as well, that if you were willing to pucker-up, snitch on your fellow believer, or whatever to make yourself look like you were "walking" - nevermind that it was twisted words or assumptions that were made up - then you were considered to be valuable to leadership.
I was in a living situation with a WC person who decided to develop an agenda about getting me out of her way. I was her assistant but the fellowship perferred to contact me with their questions and problems because I almost never took anything up the way tree unless I asked them if it was okay with them first - (the exception was when someone was getting ready to do something totally stupid - even from a 5-senses point of view). I didn't squeal on them or get them in trouble - it seems she had burned them over the years and they just didn't trust her anymore.
When she caught wind of this, she decided to try to burn me a few times - I didn't take it sitting down. I was the bottom of my sneakers is brown - words were twisted, things I had told her just girl-to-girl were taken out of context and blabbed to upper leadership - I'm talking stuff that I didn't or wouldn't have shared with an LC or RC - just a girlfriend, you know. This woman really had no ethics left for keeping anything in her heart. Maybe that's because she didn't have one left!
Then, when I tried to defend myself or explain what was really said to leadership, I was told I was being defensive - well, upset! What do you expect when you sit there telling me I said x-y-z, when I KNOW that I DID NO SUCH THING? Nope. I couldn't say squat - not that that stopped me from doing it anyhow :D - but I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of setting the record straight. It was really frustrating - but it also showed me how ungodly things had become - all I could think of was a snake pit!
I've seen this same sort of thing in the corporate world - but you know what? People who do that in the work place are soon labeled troublemakers. In TWI, they get ordained or promoted or whatever - GO FIGURE!
I tried to post a quote of your post...but for some reason it wouldn't work...
...But anyway...The 4 year committment to corps training was the ONLY committment that was presented to the prospective corps person. Taking assignments AFTER the 4 year committment was presented as OPTIONAL...this was also in WRITING.
Optional means that you can choose to take an assignment or you can choose NOT to take an assignment. This was clear...this was in writing...this was stated publicly and privately to me by top twi leadership BEFORE I entered the corps. This was stated on the paper that twi presented to me and that I signed. There's absolutely NO DOUBT about that.
The college division was offered for people who desired to pursue a secular career as a Christian leader while the corp was presented as a program that would train people for non- secular Christian ministry.
Why would someone go into the corps with the intention of NOT taking assignments after the 4 year committment was up?
Those reasons vary from individual to individual...the point is...the OPTIONAL assignments were twi's offer. THEY put it in writing...I didn't dream it up. If they didn't "mean what they said and said what they meant", then they were dishonest. Perhaps a person wanted the 4 year corps training so that they could DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES how they wanted to serve in Christian ministry. This was the "official" program that twi offered...A 4 year committment, NOTHING more!
After they got you "hooked" into the 4 year committment, they tried to bait and switch people by changing what the person had committed themselves to. This was extremely dishonest. As I said before, they had no integrity and they still don't.
Actually, the HFC's we had here went into the WC program to be trained as TWIG LEADERS. That's it. Trained to be able to run a twig where-ever they chose to be - NOT where TWI told them to be.
It wasn't until they were threatened with being dropped for not wanting to move that they learned how badly TWI twisted what they promoted. IMO, WhiteDove, you can not compare TWI to a secular organization because secular businesses like Wal-Mart don't hold God's blessings over your head or threaten you with Satan's absues. as well as many other things, but bottom line is - TWI is not a secular organization and does not play by those rules - well, they don't play by any rules, but that's a whole nother story. ;)
The wife was a stay at home wife and the husband ran his own business - sold it b/c the wc were going to go full time and then got a rude awakening after coming back from the ROA that year. Dropped from WC, no business, no job, no savings...... nuttin'. It was so bad the wife went to work at the limb for Moneyhands and instead of paying her minimum wage - they paid her on a "need basis" which amounted to about $2.00/hour.
During craig's reign, it was all too obvious that signing up for wc training meant turning your lives over - lock stock & barrel - to TWI and their whims. Everyone knew that the WC were being jerked around, abused and over-worked. They also knew what @$$h*les they made out of everyone who went through the program - that's why it's such a small group, imo.
I don't know when you were in, WhiteDove, but it must have been during some glory days or at the same time and location as Oldiesman.
Chas, to me there's nothing worse than getting ratted out by your own spouse or family EXCEPT getting ratted out by your own girlfriend.
HA - I got ratted out by my x-hubby on more than one occasion!
Yes, that sucked because if I tried to tell "my side" of the story, then I was told I wasn't submitting. If I didn't offer any input, then I was being "aloof". He also had a knack of turning molehills into mountians. If I had a couple of hours and limitless posting space, I could tell you some stories that would curl your hair about how sick things could get. Thank God I'm not a part of that mess anymore - I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather NOT be more!
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Yeah twisting my words, or my personal favorite, deciding that I really mean A when I mean B.
This is really annoying when, the party in question etither A ignored me or Be refused to "hear" me the first time around.
I'm upfront--you want to know what I mean ask, but don't put words in my mouth I never said
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There is NOTHING that irritates me more than someone putting words in my mouth. Nothing! If I am gonna be hung out for something I said, it damn well better be something I said. People who do that in my humble opinion are just plain evil.
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In the area I was last in it was common for appointed spies to win the confidence of a target and then twist the words while reporting them to leadership. I had suspected such when low and behold I was called before the self thinking powers that be and confronted about my words and actions. Instantly I pointed out what they were saying wasn't close to what I had said and that they needed to have my accuser before me.
HFCs replied that person didn't need to be present and wouldn't lie. I said fine, complete twisting of words is the same as telling lies as far as I was concerned Then I said this meeting wasn't about that crap and lets cut to the chase and get honest. HFCs wife tried to pick a fight because I called their precious WAY Vet a liar! At which point I decided if there was going to be face melting let it be me oh lord doing the deed.
Husband freaked while he got as small as he could in his chair and then I asked again what exactly is the subject and reason to be there.
"You have lost your passion for the truth" that's why you are here. Quickly I acted all meek. I figured this was the best way to get out of the room and plan my exodus. While I agreed I lost my passion for THEIR truth, I thought about how far off the ball this whole thing was.
So I accepted my assignment, then avoided answering the phone for a couple of weeks. Then when I answered I simply said I didn't have the heart to proceed with what they were claiming to be the best for my life.
Now what freaked me out was within a month some people started calling and wanted to know the reasons I had done this. Seems the BC declared that at least I was honest and quit wasting the leaders valuable time during a branch gathering! Idiot lost about half the branch witnessing for me like that. :blink:
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Belle you must have missed TWT ( Twisted Words Training) here is a crash course for you ! :)
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LOL! That must come with every Class Coordinator Syllabus and every entrance package into the WC. :)
I can see it much more clearly now.
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Okay, okay... in defense of Way Corps Training... we never sat in class being taught to twist peoples' words, manipulate circumstances to our own advantage, kiss leadership's butt, etc. C'mon. Geez. We were never taught that kind of crap....
We WERE taught that if the regular time for a weekly rehearsal was 10am, and they decide to make it an hour earlier for a special event without telling you, and you show up at the regular time, you weren't listening to God, and have earned yourself a spittle-laden screaching from lcm.
We WERE taught that if Craig talks about someone behind their back at a meeting, that's instructional. But if you know the person that's being talked about and you let them know what was said about them, that's gossip. Worse yet, it's spitting in the face of God because it's leaking what leadership told you was lockbox.
We WERE taught that if you reason out a decision, and lay it out before your leadership and they approve, that's godly. But if the next level up of leadership doesn't like the idea because they had a different plan in mind, your decision was ungodly all along and you and your leadership just missed it.
We WERE taught that the corps lifestlye was a selfless one... and we learned this by giving up reasonable living quarters, reasonable incomes, and putting ourselves out there 24-7, while sharing bathrooms, dining rooms, even cars with each other. But we also learned that a leader was worthy of his hire, so it was okay that Craig and the BOT were served a special foods at the head table, had help in their homes, and took trips to the Bahamas.
We WERE taught that stringing chairs and lining up table numbers and potted plants was godly. But that comforting a child when they were crying during children's fellowship was not.
I think you get my point.
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That's right! Whatever the highest level of leadership in any situation decided was ,by definition, right, simply because the highest level of leadership in that situation had decided it.
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Heaven forbid we should forget the REALLY IMPORTANT stuff
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Twisting words, how often did I see happen? Toward the end, almost on a daily basis.
Part of the problem is that most people don't remember in detail the exact words that were said to them in a given situation, unless they make a deliberate effort to do so.
What they remember is how they felt when something was said to them. How someone feels about what is said to them is influenced by preconceived notions about the person speaking.
Often, after filtering what was said through imperfect memory, the brain edits in the words that prop up the image that fit the preconceived notion. the person then "remembers" something that wasn't said.
For example:
I was once questioning someone I lived with about a situation that I felt affected me. This person asked me why I wanted to know, to which I replied "I'm asking questions because I live here, and I want to know what's going on around me". In relaying this conversation to "leadership", she "remembered" me saying "This is my house and I'll ask the questions!" - having made up her mind ahead of time that I could be nothing but rude, nosy and overbearing.
When someone was under "spiritual suspicion", frequently the minds of the "leaders" were made up, and what those under suspicion said and did was interpreted in light of this suspicion.
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Don't you think they were just showing you their agape love in manifestation for your soul and spiritual state? You were "off the Word' and they needed to straighten things out. After all, gossip is a form of love and twisting your words shows a deeep interest in you (TWI 101). These TWits spoke in tongues and interpreted from the one true God directly, no mistakes.....they were filled with Holy Spirit (cuz they finished the classes) and by revelation did these things for your own good.
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You're completely correct, MIT! They were just looking out for my best interest. I shoulda remembered that! :P
craig did teach about Jesus learning via scuttlebutt about something he had to set straight, didn't he? Or was it Moses? Can't remember..... But I do remember the lesson....scuttlebutt and gossip can be a useful thing....very useful thing - especially when catching TWIts disobeying the internet rule. :o
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ROFL Belle!
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How did it ever get to that point?...
...The micro management, the intrusion into people's privacy, the mandates, making decisions for people that they themselves should have clearly been making (without any assistance from twi) for themselves...
...What nerve! They should have been happy as a pig in .... that people were even showing up and sending in their money...How dare those lowlifes try to micromanage other people's lives. There's no indication in the bible that this is the way that a Christian ministry should conduct itself. Had Wierwille attempted to do this in the early 70's, twi never would have had the "growth explosion" that it had. I'm honestly surprised that ANYONE would put up with this nonsense...
...Twisting words...this is a by product of trying to control people. At no point during my 13year involvement with twi, did I ever think that ANYONE in twi knew my heart better than me or knew what I wanted to do with my life or how I wanted to live...I was always very clear with twi leadership where the boundries were...even when I was in the corps. When I agreed to participate in their "programs", I felt obligated to what I had committed myself to...nothing more. When they attempted to pry into areas of my life, that I felt were none of their business, I let them know. When I signed up for the way corps (10th), I agreed to a 4 year training program...the 4 year committment was THEIR condition (IN WRITING)...shortly after arriving at Emporia, Martindale announces that the way corps is a LIFETIME committment and not just a 4 year committment ...I objected vehemently...and accused them of having no integrity....of course, that put me on their .... list and they considered me to be carnally minded and such...
...Fine with me. They had no integrity then and they have no integrity now. How dare them!
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[quote name=GrouchoMarxJr'
When I signed up for the way corps (10th), I agreed to a 4 year training program...the 4 year committment was THEIR condition (IN WRITING)...shortly after arriving at Emporia, Martindale announces that the way corps is a LIFETIME committment and not just a 4 year committment ...I objected vehemently...and accused them of having no integrity....of course, that put me on their .... list and they considered me to be carnally minded and such...
...Fine with me. They had no integrity then and they have no integrity now. How dare them!
In fairness I believe the Corps program was promoted as a four year leadership training program after which you would serve in an area of need. It was promoted as a program to train leaders. Why would you logicaly train leaders for four years only to not have them not lead? That makes no sense. I can't imagine anyone thinking that it was a 4 year stint going in thats why there was a college division where you could get specific years of training and then move on. Four years of training - A lifetime of Service thats the way the brochures promoted it.
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I've known of several situations like you all talk about. Itsn't it a coincidence (yep, I use that word) that there was a consistent source of lies and manipulation to make people feel like they were "off the Word"? Twisted words, added words, non-existent words.....all sounds like a stupid teaching about Eve doesn't it? Hypocrites and liars: that's what the majority (especially the higher up they were) of twi's leadership consisted of. They are the only group I knew that would lie and call it godly. I heard the wife of a BC say that you don't always have to tell everything you know and then used Abigail in the Bible as a reference. This was in reference to something she didn't want to tell her own husband. This is a woman who promoted and specifically told people "Go get laid". She made comments that their whole twig needed to get laid so they could relax and receive the Word. Now that is no manipulation of her words. She and her husband are currently limb coordinators for twi. Geez whiz....constant manipulation of the scripture and lives is a way of life in twi.
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One could be trained as a leader without being shackled to an organization's whims. I can imagine getting the four years of training, and making myself available to be a twig leader, or simply "blessing" my fellowship with my knowledge and experience. It became indentured servitude.
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I remember never being told everything that would be required of me when I went WOW. I went thinking I would be able to meeting up with my best friend in Vegas after she turned 21 in December.....HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Fat chance! My friend wasn't in twi and didn't understand at all. By December I was pretty indoctrinated in the ways of twi and kicked the friend to the curb anyway. Sad.
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I agree Oak and in some cases that was an option to do just that. But I still say it was a leadership training program. The same holds true for the business world like Walmart. You would not go into store management training and then say hey I did not know I was going to have to run a store and move around at the Company's whim. That is what it is if you dont want to run a store by Walmarts rules don't sign up for their training likewise if you don't want to be a leader in the Way according to their rules don't sign up. Pretty simple.......
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I'm sure many of you have seen the movie Scent of a Women, right?
All I could think of when I was reading some of the posts on this thread was the scene where LtCol. Slade and Charlie were sitting in front of the council because Charlie wouldn't snitch on his classmates who had pulled a prank on the dean. The dean calls Charlie a liar and a cover-up artist, but LtCol. Slade says, "But not a snitch!"
In light of Belle's initial post it seems from her experience, and my own experiences as well, that if you were willing to pucker-up, snitch on your fellow believer, or whatever to make yourself look like you were "walking" - nevermind that it was twisted words or assumptions that were made up - then you were considered to be valuable to leadership.
I was in a living situation with a WC person who decided to develop an agenda about getting me out of her way. I was her assistant but the fellowship perferred to contact me with their questions and problems because I almost never took anything up the way tree unless I asked them if it was okay with them first - (the exception was when someone was getting ready to do something totally stupid - even from a 5-senses point of view). I didn't squeal on them or get them in trouble - it seems she had burned them over the years and they just didn't trust her anymore.
When she caught wind of this, she decided to try to burn me a few times - I didn't take it sitting down. I was the bottom of my sneakers is brown - words were twisted, things I had told her just girl-to-girl were taken out of context and blabbed to upper leadership - I'm talking stuff that I didn't or wouldn't have shared with an LC or RC - just a girlfriend, you know. This woman really had no ethics left for keeping anything in her heart. Maybe that's because she didn't have one left!
Then, when I tried to defend myself or explain what was really said to leadership, I was told I was being defensive - well, upset! What do you expect when you sit there telling me I said x-y-z, when I KNOW that I DID NO SUCH THING? Nope. I couldn't say squat - not that that stopped me from doing it anyhow :D - but I didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of setting the record straight. It was really frustrating - but it also showed me how ungodly things had become - all I could think of was a snake pit!
I've seen this same sort of thing in the corporate world - but you know what? People who do that in the work place are soon labeled troublemakers. In TWI, they get ordained or promoted or whatever - GO FIGURE!
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White Dove...
I tried to post a quote of your post...but for some reason it wouldn't work...
...But anyway...The 4 year committment to corps training was the ONLY committment that was presented to the prospective corps person. Taking assignments AFTER the 4 year committment was presented as OPTIONAL...this was also in WRITING.
Optional means that you can choose to take an assignment or you can choose NOT to take an assignment. This was clear...this was in writing...this was stated publicly and privately to me by top twi leadership BEFORE I entered the corps. This was stated on the paper that twi presented to me and that I signed. There's absolutely NO DOUBT about that.
The college division was offered for people who desired to pursue a secular career as a Christian leader while the corp was presented as a program that would train people for non- secular Christian ministry.
Why would someone go into the corps with the intention of NOT taking assignments after the 4 year committment was up?
Those reasons vary from individual to individual...the point is...the OPTIONAL assignments were twi's offer. THEY put it in writing...I didn't dream it up. If they didn't "mean what they said and said what they meant", then they were dishonest. Perhaps a person wanted the 4 year corps training so that they could DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES how they wanted to serve in Christian ministry. This was the "official" program that twi offered...A 4 year committment, NOTHING more!
After they got you "hooked" into the 4 year committment, they tried to bait and switch people by changing what the person had committed themselves to. This was extremely dishonest. As I said before, they had no integrity and they still don't.
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Actually, the HFC's we had here went into the WC program to be trained as TWIG LEADERS. That's it. Trained to be able to run a twig where-ever they chose to be - NOT where TWI told them to be.
It wasn't until they were threatened with being dropped for not wanting to move that they learned how badly TWI twisted what they promoted. IMO, WhiteDove, you can not compare TWI to a secular organization because secular businesses like Wal-Mart don't hold God's blessings over your head or threaten you with Satan's absues. as well as many other things, but bottom line is - TWI is not a secular organization and does not play by those rules - well, they don't play by any rules, but that's a whole nother story. ;)
The wife was a stay at home wife and the husband ran his own business - sold it b/c the wc were going to go full time and then got a rude awakening after coming back from the ROA that year. Dropped from WC, no business, no job, no savings...... nuttin'. It was so bad the wife went to work at the limb for Moneyhands and instead of paying her minimum wage - they paid her on a "need basis" which amounted to about $2.00/hour.
During craig's reign, it was all too obvious that signing up for wc training meant turning your lives over - lock stock & barrel - to TWI and their whims. Everyone knew that the WC were being jerked around, abused and over-worked. They also knew what @$$h*les they made out of everyone who went through the program - that's why it's such a small group, imo.
I don't know when you were in, WhiteDove, but it must have been during some glory days or at the same time and location as Oldiesman.
Chas, to me there's nothing worse than getting ratted out by your own spouse or family EXCEPT getting ratted out by your own girlfriend.
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HA - I got ratted out by my x-hubby on more than one occasion!
Yes, that sucked because if I tried to tell "my side" of the story, then I was told I wasn't submitting. If I didn't offer any input, then I was being "aloof". He also had a knack of turning molehills into mountians. If I had a couple of hours and limitless posting space, I could tell you some stories that would curl your hair about how sick things could get. Thank God I'm not a part of that mess anymore - I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather NOT be more!
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Any questions?
Here is the front cover of the Corp Brochure. Looks like as I said they were pretty upfront about their purpose front page and all........ B)

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