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Grease Spot's Still Important To Me, But...


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I still check the forums every day, and I still enjoy crossing rhetorical swords with some of the folks here, but I guess I just don't have the passion for Grease Spot Cafe that I once did.

No, this isn't one of those "goodbye" threads. :rolleyes: I'm not going anywhere for a while, and if I do, I won't start a thread about it. :blink:

When I first started posting, Waydale and Grease Spot were my lifelines, a place where I could express my true thoughts about TWI, the lawsuit(s), and what was taught in WayAP. Later, when I first separated from my first wife, certain GSers supported me in my hour of darkness. I remember going in to work on Christmas, when the store was closed, because I had nothing to do and no one to do it with. I didn't have a computer at home, so I logged into the chat room and found a few of my chat buddies in there.

In 2002 I spent almost two weeks travelling around the midwest and northeast, visiting not only family, but various GSers. I went to several Weenie Roasts, and met over thirty GS posters in person during my travels.

Grease Spot cafe has been an important part of my life.

It still is.

But, it has moved down a few notches :mellow:

Maybe it's the new marriage, including a new step-daughter along with the new bride. Maybe it's partly the disappointment at the lack of GSers at our wedding, despite the early chorus of "I'll be there", followed by "I'm sorry, I can't make it", followed by a well-attended Weenie Roast. Maybe it's just that I've been putting a lot of time into it for a long time and it's time for a change of pace.

Maybe I miss the old emoticons :(

Anyway...I'm heartened to see a fine crop of newbies here lately, and hope this bods ill for our favorite cult < <

Edited by Oakspear
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aaaaw Oak, you are SO loved, we will take as much of you as you are willing to give....I was unable to attend your wedding but to not even send a card is inexcusable on my part.......please don`t see it as a lack of caring....just no class on my part.....one of those *things* that I was gonna get around to and never did..

As for the weenie roast....well it was 3 1/2 hours verses 20 of driving and gas for me :( .....

Does it help you to know that you and your bride were toasted....even shopped for at the jelly stone ranger station???

You were not forgotten, we just assumed that you had a new set of priorities :)

Please, You may not need us buddy, but we damned sure need you round here ... I hope that you will forgive me anyway for not making your wedding more of a priority ....

Life has been insane this fall....I wish that I could do it over and do it right...I am sorry.

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I think that part of the point of Greasespot is that if it works, it helps people to heal. If they're healed, they don't need Greasespot as much as they did before.

When I first discovered it, I was on it all of the time. As time passed, however, I was able to use the forums to deal with several issues successfully, and no longer needed the forums quite as much. I generally only check one or two of them any more, except for an occasional foray.

I think that Greasespot is a very effective ministry. If you don't need it quite as much as you did, perhaps this speaks to its effectiveness.

At least, that's how it has been for me.

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Maybe it's the small print lost in the cool, blue field, but this new board seems expansive and open. The old place seemed more familiar, a little warmer somehow.

I like the new format and its features, but it's different, a little less personal, a bit less engaging. Maybe the edit thing is part of that. It was as if GS belonged to us. Now we, through our posts, in a way belong to Greasespot. The shift is not insignificant, and there will be corresponding if unpredictable changes in the "community."

I regret the reiki thing, Taoiseach. It was probably inevitable, on this board, but just the same...

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  satori001 said:

Maybe it's the small print lost in the cool, blue field, but this new board seems expansive and open. The old place seemed more familiar, a little warmer somehow.

I agree....

The soft torn leather on the booths was what made it more comfortable......

and I still can't get the quote things right (like that pretty blue field behind the quotes) how do you get that?

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Click on Quote at the bottom of the post you want to include in yours.

That will include the entire post within quotes with that background. Once there start typing under the and it will show up in the body like a regular post.

You can also alter your type by highlighting the complete sentence/paragraph and clicking on an option at the top like Bold or Color. That's a couple things but there's more.

Welcome to Greasespot Cafe!


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I may be the only one at GreaseSpot who likes goodbye threads. Yeah, they can be a little on the dramatic side sometimes, but I sure prefer knowing what became of someone and why, rather than, poof, having someone disappear before the sentence is over, and that's the end of it. No explanations. No acknowledgements.

Oakspear, for some reason your thread filled me with sadness, maybe just because it's a rainy day, and this seems like a rainy day kind of thread. If I could have been there, I would have happily celebrated with you at your wedding. Whenever you get around to bringing your new bride east, let me know. We'll take her down to the NYSE and put in a bid, just for old time's sake. Also, it took me awhile to figure out what to get for you as a wedding gift, but I didn't forget. I have your gift picked out (it's only going to make sense if you have a good memory). I'll put it in the mail, just as soon as you send me your address.

I don't think anyone expects GS to be the "be all and end all" of social contact. If it is, it becomes the land of disappointments, maybe because none of us can measure up to expectations. No doubt you're busy with your new family, but I hope you'll still find the time to stop in.

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Welcom skate4life...I see this is your first post here!!!

Well, Oaks...I only check the threads now and then....

People get married and then they disappear....that's what happens.

That's life!!!!

I think time spent in real time with real live people is the most valuable. One should cultivcate real life relationships in their life.

After many disappointments here in cyberspace I rarely am on the computer anymore. To me, it's a waste of time.

There is way too much life to live!!!! other cool things to do with my nimble fingers.

I am so very happy for you Oakspear!!! Go, be with your family!!!! Get off the puter and spend time snuggling and picnicing and digging in the gardens....

GS helped me for a time too...then, it's just time to do other things. I figure the people who wanna know me will contact me...obviously you are loved here....perhaps you are just in a period of grieving...how many years has it been?

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You and so many others have been sooooo invaluable to me over the past five years!! I totally owe my sanity and strength to get out of TWI to y'all!

Believe me, no one was more heart-broken about not being able to come to your wedding than I was! I'll send you an e-mail regarding the details of that one. I bought you and Reikilady a present, but had held onto it to bring with me to the wedding and, now I realize I didn't mail it when I discovered I wasn't going to be able to make it.

You contribute so much to the forums and, I've even wandered down into the depths of the doctrinal section a bit. You're extremely articulate and bring up very good points, ideas and observations. I truly appreciate your participation here at the Spot.

I know that having a new family can require a lot of our time and energy. You've married a most wonderful lady and she deserves your loving attention. I'm glad that you posted this and I know we'll miss you around as much as you have been and I hope dearly that you don't write off the Weenie Roast and other events because of our disappointing you. I was so looking forward to hugging your neck and meeting Reikilady in person! I still hope to get to do so one day!!

Edited by Belle
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Another way of saying that people for all their 'chest beating' don't really give a hoot when it comes to you before them. Nothing but excuses. That is why I STILL go Gods' way, never be disappointed in my expectations.

Psalm 27: 10 "When my Father and Mother forsake me, the Lord will lift me up"

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Oakspear, I am thrilled that the "real world" has become a place you want to spend more time in. But I know you won't abandone us completely :)

Please forgive my brief derail below:

"Another way of saying that people for all their 'chest beating' don't really give a hoot when it comes to you before them. Nothing but excuses. That is why I STILL go Gods' way, never be disappointed in my expectations."

Which is another way of admitting you're too chicken to get out there and form real relationships with people, but instead prefer to hide behind a book, which you can also use as a weapon to beat other's over the head with, when they show that they are actually human and disappoint you.

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Well, I haven't met any GSers yet. But your posts made a big difference in my perspective when I first started visiting the cafe. They still do! LOL!

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make it to you and your bride's wonderful day. I really am. I am still waiting for some pictures though. :)

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  Allan said:
Another way of saying that people for all their 'chest beating' don't really give a hoot when it comes to you before them. Nothing but excuses. That is why I STILL go Gods' way, never be disappointed in my expectations.

Psalm 27: 10 "When my Father and Mother forsake me, the Lord will lift me up"

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Tom and Susie -- I never did say I was a'gonna be there, but I wanted to be.

I did say I was going to attend the weenie roast, but didn't make it.

I wasn't able to attend either this year, cause of work situations, but I am not using that as an excuse to exonerate myself. Life throws a curve ball at times, and the one thrown at me this time was a fast one as well.

If ya really want to know the truth -- I did debate about going to the wedding of two folks whose beliefs were at the opposite end of the spectrum from mine. I honestly did not know if I would be comfortable there, but after I thought it through -- I thought WTF -- put the car in drive and just GO!

Fer what it is worth ---- I have gotten to know the two of you (seemingly) quite well from this site, and I would have been proud to have been there. My prejudices are finally beginning to be left in the dust, and the road moves ever onward, and forward.

FYI -- it was only 519 (thereabouts) miles to the wedding, but it was 900 (plus) miles to the weenie roast. If I had to choose between the two, I woulda been there in Lincoln.

As I said -- life thows a curve ball time to time. I was at work when you two were getting married that Saturday, and though I could not *drink* (while on duty), I lifted my coffee cup to the sky in a toast for you two, and said a little prayer that if either of you said *forever*, that it would be that way for now, and forever, amen.


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Hey Oakspear and Reikilady,

I don't know you two well, but your presence on GSC sure made me more comfortable here this past year or so. I've enjoyed your calm, level headed posts and also enjoyed the glimpse I had of your new relationship and marriage--heartwarming. I admired how you were able to make some real friends here, too.

A few years ago I spent very little time at GSC, though back in Way dale daze and when it first moved to EZ board I was a daily lurker. I don't know myself how much longer or how much time I will spend here, since I have a home business that is quickly approaching a second job in time demands, so I will soon have to do some rearranging of my time and efforts. bBut I will look for you around the boards!

Blessed be,


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breaking my vow of shutting down posting....

answers are not in doctrinal debates

wether from the east or west

it lies within you waiting to be strung like a harp

breakaway from the letters

written to those who needed them then

the words of Jesus stand out more

what he was talking about

what he said would happen

Jesus became one with the Christ

who is Son of God


lay aside the internal debate

words against words

it is there waiting to be seen

sidetracked by doctrines of men

haggling over letters that were written to others

the day of salvation is now

loose yourself into what lies within


you are in no way exempt from the promises

either seen today or later

they will happen

the unknown God......

known now by the living

expressed in so many ways

track those who you know have seen it

it's a rest, not an anxious search

but a letting of Christ reveal himself

putting away that which is yourself

seeing thru new eyes that who you are

noone has taken it from you

a new look from outside yourself into

what Christ has already done

then it becomes real

and you are that extra special part of the whole

looking in a new direction

not considered before.....

the change will happen

noone has taken it from you

noone can

love always

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