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sit- rightly divided?

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Anyone---Since leaving The Way, have you been in a meeting where there was T w/ I & P that wasn't run by an Ex-Way outfit?

Lots of places,--- Catholic, Episcopalian, Pentecostal and Charismatic is all I can remember right now, although I am sure that there were other 'nondenominational' and more fringe type smaller groups that i cant remember the names of....

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The way it works there, the band plays and we all sing along (top forty Christian music) for about twenty minutes and someone will let loose with tongues. Sometimes the tongues speaker goes on and on and there'll be a long wait for the interpretation. Usually the Int. will be about the same length as the T. So far there hasn't been anyone to stand and let a Prophesy rip without tongues.

I'm surprised at how seldom it happens (about once a month) and there's never been more than one T & I per meeting.

I'm not sure that it isn't always the same woman. T & I has come from the other side of the church and try as I may I can't see who's doing it.

I can't remember if they do it with KJV language. I'll take note the next time.


I didn't know Episcopalians SIT. Do they do it during regular Sunday meetings?

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if you listen to someone talking of spiritual matters and don't understand it could be that the one listening is not understanding what is being said

it is a spiritual manifestation or gift or angel to interpret toungues

therefore it takes the spirit to comprehend what is being said

not everyone is at the same place of understanding in there own lives

it's not something that is meant to put anyone down

there are different functions in the "body"

so relax and let God show you

and don't worry about stuff

what we were taught in twi is barely hitting the mark

good for meditation or related relaxing

but not what really happenened in acts 2

and other places imo

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FWIW: I think the emphasis in PFAL on having the Proof of the new birth was not on proving it to others, but to oneself. It's a comfort to know that, no matter what else may be questioned or questionable, I can rest in the knowledge that I have received the gift of holy spirit. So, to some extent the criticism in this thread leveled at VP insinuating that he taught that you aren't saved unless you speak in tongues is unfair.

However, I was always a little dismayed about the omission of worship from VP's list of the benefits of speaking in tongues. He mentioned that it is worship by the spirit (an interpretation of John 4:24ff that I think fits the context). But when he listed the benefits of speaking in tongues, he omitted that. And, perhaps as a result, the focus in Wayworld has always been on the human aspects of tongues (proof of holy spirit, edifying the believer, fruit of the spirit, perfect prayer, etc). The biggest benefit, imo, is not what speaking in tongues gives us, but what it enables us to give God. Pure worship, perfect praise. In my experience (which is by no means definitive), the most rewarding times spent speaking in tongues have been those times when I did it as an offering to my heavenly Father.

Re: baptism. I was raised in the A.M.E. church and was baptized when I was about 15. It didn't mean much to me, but for some reason, I fainted. I think my mother took that as some kind of omen because she seemed a little concerned, but was uncharacteristically quite about it. But I didn't get saved or born again, until a few years later. That happened in a back alley in Wheeling WV on a Saturday night. And it had nothing to do with Romans 10:9 and 10, at least not in a formal or formulaic way. I was dating a wonderful Christian girl and she kept trying to get me saved. I already believed in God and considered myself devout, so I asked her what I needed Jesus for. (even back then, I was a stubborn unitarian. I didn't like all the emphasis on Jesus because I thought he was stealing God's glory). She said it's like a little child who goes out to play and gets all dirty. He comes home and his mother cleans him up. That's what Jesus Christ does. He cleans us up spiritually. Somehow that made sense to me, and we prayed together and voila! I got saved.

So I agree that the Way's overemphasis on Romans 10:9 was a narrowminded, somewhat carnal approach to the question of how people receive the new birth. I think people receive it simply by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Denominations and ministers get all bent out of shape about what salvation is and what's required, but God looks on the heart.



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blanking out your mind

something we were taught not to do in twi

possession and all that stuff

but not that....

a releasing of energy

bringing your mind back to simple things

love, light, God loves you

Jesus finished it for us

to wrap ourselves into the love that is there

never lost but just not stopping long enough to know it

grounding ourselves into what has been done

like leaning against a tree

letting the grind of life stop

breathing out giving

breathing in all the hurt and let the spirit burn it away


spirit was never lost

it's always been there and always will

it is to be kept like in the garden

clearing out the brush and weeds that have

covered it up....the rest against the tree of life

realized when we let our souls melt into his will

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  CM said:
blanking out your mind

something we were taught not to do in twi

possession and all that stuff

but not that....

a releasing of energy

bringing your mind back to simple things

love, light, God loves you

Jesus finished it for us

to wrap ourselves into the love that is there

never lost but just not stopping long enough to know it

grounding ourselves into what has been done

like leaning against a tree

letting the grind of life stop

breathing out giving

breathing in all the hurt and let the spirit burn it away


spirit was never lost

it's always been there and always will

it is to be kept like in the garden

clearing out the brush and weeds that have

covered it up....the rest against the tree of life

realized when we let our souls melt into his will

Hi Clay, God bless!

Well I guess I have some gardening to do. I've done some meditating and it's been a peaceful and helpful. But I also had a disturbing experience with 'guided' mediation that tends to reinforce the Way's warnings agains "opening" one's mind. So af far as meditation is concerned, the jury's still out.

But I'm highly in favor of breathing. :-)



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guided by whom?

let yourself guide yourself

trust that Christ within

if someone is trying to help they may not be helping

it is a personal experience...birth...new things seen

i do know of some who can guide without interfering with

what and who you are in Christ.....

noone can see what you see but there are some that can help

you are you and you will develop into your own part of the whole

always with you and within reach


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I didn't know Episcopalians SIT. Do they do it during regular Sunday meetings?

I personally have not seen it in a Sunday worship service,( It doesn't mean that some may not) but I did experience it in smaller group settings in both the Episcopal and Catholic churches my first few years after leaving TWI. Im not sure if it is the norm but it exists within both groups and as well as someplace within many denominations

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  templelady said:
If by formula you mean a "recipe" ie. 1 cup faith, 2 confessions Jesus is Lord, simmer in a water bath of believing..............

No it isn't that simple.

Yes you confess Jesus is Lord. Yes you believe he is the Son of God who led a perfect life, suffered and died for our sins and was raised from the dead.

But there is more. YOU have TO BE a follower of Christ. That means in action and in thought. You need to be chaste, honest, virtuous, help the poor and needy, loving, forgiving etc. Every day you need to"renew your mind" (can't believe I used that phrase B) ) to follow in Christ's footsteps. .........

Saying Jesus is Lord is not a free pass that covers deliberate bad behavior

Perhaps this is off the main topic, and it's probably been hashed over hundreds of times by now, but, templelady, how does your above answer fit in with we are not saved by works?

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You are saved because of the atonement of Jesus Christ.

Once you accept Jesus Christ you have to be a follower of Christ. That means bearing fruit (by their fruit ye shall know them) that means loving your neighbor not in some passive mental state but, taking care of the widow, the orphan, visiting the sick, the jailed, clothing the poor, feeding the hungry.

Christianity is a faith of action-those who think they have a get out of jail free card just by being baptized are in for a rude awakening IMO

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  Allan said:
I have been to 'many' churches and denominations since leaving twi and NONE of them have 'operated' the manifestations the way twi taught.

That doesn't meant that they're all wrong. A lot of what TWI taught was a patchwork of half-truths and assumptions. Our readiness to condemn our Christian brethren because they worship differently is not something we should be proud of.



  mstar1 said:
I personally have not seen it in a Sunday worship service,( It doesn't mean that some may not) but I did experience it in smaller group settings in both the Episcopal and Catholic churches my first few years after leaving TWI. Im not sure if it is the norm but it exists within both groups and as well as someplace within many denominations

That's great news MStar. I think s.i.t. is a powerful force for good in the world. The more God's kids do it, the better off we all are.

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  mstar1 said:
Lots of places,--- Catholic, Episcopalian, Pentecostal and Charismatic is all I can remember right now, although I am sure that there were other 'nondenominational' and more fringe type smaller groups that i cant remember the names of....

I know there is quite the revival going on in the Church right now. Called (of course) the "Catholic Charismatic Renewal"...its pretty easy to find groups almost anywhere...

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Charismatic renewal's beginnings were indeed in the Catholic church. It started in the early 70's I believe.

Though there has been blurring of late, there has always been a fundamental difference in approach and beliefs between the Pentecostals and the Charismatics. Personally I view Charismatic renewal as a mixed bag.

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  TheEvan said:
Charismatic renewal's beginnings were indeed in the Catholic church. It started in the early 70's I believe.

Though there has been blurring of late, there has always been a fundamental difference in approach and beliefs between the Pentecostals and the Charismatics. Personally I view Charismatic renewal as a mixed bag.

The charismatic renewal movement is not without controversy. 1967 was the date...a youth retreat as I recall was where it started. I'm more of a traditionalist rather than a charismatic, so I don't really have that much history on the subject, just a cursory knowledge. I know they have "charismatic" and "healing" prayer services all the time now, at least in my area.

But if you really look at it, though, there has repeatedly been the movement of the Holy Spirit in the Church. Many of the well-known saints, such as Theresa of Avila, Therese of Liseux, Padre Pio, Francis of Assisi, Claire of Assisi, Benedict, and so on, have documented phenomena associated with them...including prolonged ecstasies, particularly in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, healings, miraculous knowledge, prophesies, even the stigmata. Different manifestations and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Just because Glossolalia wasn't reported in the histories doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Besides, one can look at 1 Cor 12:11 and see that these gifts are distributed by the Holy Spirit as He deems fit. The point being is that I would hardly consider the recent "Charismatic Movement" as the first movement since the first century.

Evan, I'm not sure, though, what you mean by a difference in approach and beliefs between the Pentecostals and the Charismatics though. Could you please expound a bit?

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Also Evan, could you speak a little about what worship is like at Brother Leonard's?


The interpretation today was in regular English. The message was very dramatic. It listed about five blessings from God and each began, "Don't you know my people." It was like: Don't you know my people

I've called you. Don't you know my people I've . . ..

This Sunday was wild. The women just got back from a retreat and they were really fired up. The praise session went on so long they skipped the sermon. It was like James Brown's church in the "Blues Brothers" but add to the arm waving and wild dancing up and down the aisles - LOUD and STEADY howling.

For a while I just stood there staring like an anthropolgist but when the band dropped the playlist and went into hardcore Gospel my toes started tappn' and my hands started clappn'. It was a blast.

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Here's the perspective from the viewpoint of the UPC:

Hope this pastes in an intelligible manner. On edit, no it didn't. Let's see if'n I can fix it.


Experience in Spirit is Criteria Doctrine of Scripture is Criteria

Focus on Spirit - Focus on Christ

Lauds Gifts of Spirit - Lauds Fruit of Spirit

Strives For Power - Strives For Purity that brings Power

Tongues optional at Baptism in Spirit - Tongues necessary for Baptism

Holiness mocked, ignored - Holiness sought, desired

Justification emphasized to downplay sin - Sanctification sought to deal with sin

Frivolous, light - Serious, intense

Boasts of Anointing - Emphases on Consecration

Syncretizes with world - Separates from world

Personality showcased - Character mandated

Talent lauded - Dedication commended

Control of the Spirit - Controlled by the Spirit

Faith is a Force to Move God - Faith is Obedience to Will of God

New Twist to Selected portions of Scriptures- Literal Interpretation of the Whole of

Visual- Auditory

Congregation consists of spectators- Congregation consists of participators

Find the Formula- Find the Will of God

Praise, Praise, Praise- Pray, Pray, then Praise

Seeks the novel- Seeks the old paths

Seeks New (Novel) Thing- Seeks New (Fresh) Thing

Forget principle, love people- Uphold principles while loving people

Put on Production- Wait on Moving of Spirit

I use God - God uses me

Cutting Edge - Restorationist

Naturally, it's a pejorative view of the Charismatics. I'll add that the Charismatic movement springs from mainstream denominations. Pentecostalism springs out of the turn-of-the-century Pentecostal & Holiness movements. Those Holiness roots show up repeatedly in the above list.

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