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How many here still operate something they learned?


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  George Aar said:
"How many of you still operate something you learned in the TWI?"

Well, I can still be as judgemental, rude, and uncaring as ever, but it's a little harder for me to pull off the self-righteousness and holier-than-thou attitude...

ROFLMAO!!! :lol: :D :P

Isn't that so true? I used to be a real b-i-itcher back in my Way Dayz. Hopefully I'm changing. My husband is my equalizer because he's so laid back.

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Well, since my Dr's. license expired due to some controversy over my "qualifications", I haven't been operating nearly as much as I did at one time, but I still keep my stethoscope clean. :D

Sorry, the attempt at levity carries no intention of ill-will. I do feel the word "operate" is a tad cold to reference life, love, God, the universe, and all that stuff. Kind of a shock to a warm tushy. But I think I get your drift.

I don't apply biblical truths and principles ® in quite the same clinical way I did at one time, that's for certain. But I do find the approach of trying to live in a manner organized generally around a faith in God and the teachings of Jesus Christ very rewarding and satisfying. I'm not nearly as good at it as I once thought I was though, but I'm learning more as I go and that's probably one of the things I definitely have held on to and would consider consistent - the phrase "learning is an exciting adventure!".

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OK, *now* I know why I am sick again. I guess this time I should use a real surgeon type person instead of letting Excie and Socks operate on me. LOL. (Hey, don't blame me you two, you both started it. I just couldn't let it pass by without a remark, as is usually the way with me. Hehe, love ya both.)

How about 'letting go and letting God'. I know that isn't specific to TWI, but it's the first place I heard the term used. By that I mean when you just don't know what to do, telling God that He is gonna have to take care of it for you, cause you are out of ideas or options. I tend to whine to Him alot about things in my life, big and little, and He's yet to let me down.

Story time. Would you expect less of me?

Last night I was reading posts and wondered into the section for states. I haven't been there in a long time and saw the one for Illinois, so I clicked on it. I found a lot of you talking about John Desmond in the thread and I had been thinking about him too recently, so I picked up the phone and gave him a jingle. John is the man who witnessed to me, so many years ago, on a New Years Eve, at a hotel in Indianapolis, where a combined Ind/Ill limb meeting was happening .. we were in an elevator. LOL. I was all of 16 and saw all these people running around with name tags on and I was curious what was up with that. John didn't look like he'd bite me or anything, so I asked him what was up. He witnessed to me. Turns out he was in a town 20 miles from me and about ready to run a class. The rest is history and I spent the next 20 years in TWI.

Once John picked himself up off the floor when I told him who was calling .. we had the most wonderful talk. He and I hadn't talked in probably about 10 years or more, so we had some catching up to do. He also didn't know about the GS Cafe, so I rattled off the URL and he typed it in. I had the honor of hearing his reaction as he glanced thru some of the threads in here. That's when he told me that he'd been thinking of so many of his old TWI friends recently and wondering how and where they were. There the names were and to say he was thrilled would be an understatement. He registered then and there and will be posting as time allows once Paw accepts his application. In 49 days when he's officially retired, he'll have a lot more free time to read and post with all of us and tell his stories.

John and I both feel God put it in my heart to go to that thread and see his name, thus giving me the incentive to pick up the phone and give him a shout. I got to talk to my good friend again and he found out how to get to this forum to locate everyone he'd been thinking about. The timing just fits perfectly and is typical of the little things God does for me when they are needed.

Normally I'm asleep as of about 5 am, but I'm on such a buzz after talking to him, I am far from sleepy right now. I am just sitting here with the biggest grin on my face and everything feels right in the world. John holds a special place in my heart and hearing his sweet voice again ... well, I think y'all know what I mean. The person who witnessed to us is someone we will never forget and love forever.

Sorry, I'm rambling and probably boring you to death, but I just HAD to tell everyone about this. What a mind blowing night I had and from now on John and I will keep in touch more often via email and phone.

God is so good to me.

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The most useful information I learned in TWI were memory pegs.

I use them constantly when studying for my own exams, and teach them to the students I tutor. Even use them for quick grocery lists.

They still work!

But then again, memory pegs were not originated by TWI. Another trick they borrowed from Dale Carnegie or some study skills course somewhere.

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I utilize everything God taught me all through the years no matter what organizations - non denominational or not - that I went to. I knew God before TWI, during TWI and after TWI. They didn't have the monopoly on my relationship with God at all.

I'm thankful for many things I learned while in TWI. I think the thing a lot of people don't understand about the Way, or any other organization or a church of any denomination is that they are only as good as the leadership, they CAN serve a purpose in our life for a period of time and sometimes it's time to get out. It's called discernment.

Any time a person gives up their right to have their own thoughts and the right to live their own life they give someone else power over their life.

I can live without anything or anyone in my life but I cannot live without God.

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Do I practice...NO. I don't practice a thing. I find if I do the opposite of what I have been taught than I am more in tune spirituallity with myself, others and the world around me. Just "being" is enough for me. It's amazing how life works for you if you stop trying to control it by "practicing a thing". Although I do like to go out in the desert and empty my mind and allow for the universe to... Is that a practice? ;)

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I am in agreement with lilbit... It was when I tossed out ALL of the techniques and operation of keys etc that i actually was able to reconnect with God again.

It is so much easier to be in tune spiritually if you aren`t trying to force everything via keys, principles techniques etc.....

It`s like letting God out of the box that we manufactured and he is free to act, bless and teach ...unhampered by our preconcieved notions and required method.

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i practice every day.... my piano, that is. and am still no good at it just like i wasn't good at heavy revy . wondering if i should turn left or right while driving

or which store to go into{lord, please show me some one to witness to}

what song to sing at twig tonight

blah blah blah

what at bunch of hog wash we were fed. and we sucked it up!

all things were not bad

i still love to pray.


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I still operate things ive learned, I pray.......Im not operating anything when I get realy sad..then Im just sad..does that make sence? so I convert myself back to good things...I try not over highlight to much cause I was taught extremes that only fit within the organization but dont fit with in real life..Im trying to enjoy what I have and thats good enoug for me and God.

BTW, I still have my walk with him, its not define by the way either..i didnt toss out the baby so to speak....

Have a greater day.:)

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