How many of you still operate something you learned in the TWI? Was your expereince as bad as other religious associations?
Welcome to the Cafe Confused!
I believe we were taught some correct doctrine and some incorrect. By "operate" do you mean manifestations as taught by TWI? I do speak in tongues occassionally, is that what you mean? Or do you mean principles like tithing and all believing equals receiving, both doctrines as taught by TWI are bogus imo based on my study of scripture.
God wants us to give, but the Old Testament law of tithing was addressed to Israel and is not addressed to Christians imo, and Believing God and His promises, we can receive, but believing in our believing, using our mind power, I no longer buy into!
If you want me to be more specific on these doctrines, just ask.
"Was your expereince as bad as other religious associations?" Worse, TWI is a legalistic cult. While I have yet to find a church, offshoot or any religious organization that I agree 100% with the doctrines, I've found most churches I've checked out to be much more loving with a lot less bondage then TWI.
Hi Confused..I'm sure MANY still practise things like 'manifestations' 'believing' etc.. that are no longer with's just that the majority of those who post here(and there is not really that many) don't.
But that is because they have gone Mormon, Catholic etc..
If you still want 'the Word' in all it's beauty w/o the bondage of twi try John Shroyer and Wayne Clapp. Have a 'blessed day' !!
As far as "operating" something I learned in twi?...
Gosh...I'm racking my brain...In hindsight, I think twi was too "mechanical"in their approach to Christian living...everything was reduced to a list of "things to do" a certain percentage of money, going through your prayer list in the right order, learning your retemories, attending the meetings, the classes, etc., etc...I've abandoned that lifestyle for one that is more spontaneous...I no longer "classify" people like I did when I was in twi...Is he in the household, does he wear the right nametag, is he a "natural man" that has not had the class yet?...I don't think like that anymore...Instead of trying to get people to join my group, I simply get to know them and impart my heart to strings attached, no green cards...simply living and interacting with other people with the spirit of God within me. I like to think of it as, instead of sitting around reading the owners manual, I'm driving the car...
The only things I continue to operate since leaving TWI are the things I had already learned prior to getting involved with TWI.
In fact, there are so many things I no longer operate that I learned in TWI that I think it would be impossible to list all of them. Groucho did a great job of explaining it:
- I give to individuals and organizations as I "purposeth in my heart"
- I no longer classify anything other than TWI as a "designer cause"
- I no longer judge people according to TWIt standards
- I am free to get to know, love, care for and enjoy the company of people without labels
- I am free to manage my time according to MY needs and wants
- I am free to manage my money according to MY needs and wants
- I am free to plan for my future, my retirement and my financial security according to common sense and not some man-made doctrine
- I am free to pray to God and to - GASP - ask Him for things
- I am free to read whatever literature I want to
- I am free to ask questions
- I am free to question leaders, doctrine and to confront hipocracy as I see it
- I am free to skip church, meetings and events without having to RSVP or give excuses
- I am free to learn without having to pay exorbitant class fees
- I am free to live!
I know that's the opposite of what you asked, but it's how I view things.... I honestly have nothing good to say about my time in TWI except that I learned first hand all too well what it's like to live under the thumb of oppression, fear, manipulation, control and fear.
Hi Confused! Hey welcome aboard...yepper I still love SITing & praying with m my senses...still can't justify the "church" scene..but still know how to read my Bible & think for myself & let God work in me while reading it & let God work in me while dealing with people.
I second what Groucho its great breathing the CLEAN AIR of freedom outside TWI..didn't need TWA to fly outa TWI ..LOL...
There are many great threads here BUT to me the best part is the "full sharing" abaility each of us has with the other, without having to DEFEND some doctrinal position that we really can't do or hold to!!
Hmmm. Nothing doctrinal that I can think of, being one of those 'I didn't see any baby in the bath water' folk.
Don't know...learned how to make pulled pork, still do that.
Like my house to be clean and uncluttered and tend to get upset when it is not--I think that is a Way thing, but I'm working on chilling out and asking for help. But my house doesn't ever like look a hotel reception room, gah!
Like to be hospitable and make guests comfortable, maybe not a Way thing( My parents liked to have parties and dinners etc), but encouraged in the Way.
I expect my kids to listen and do chores, homework, curfews etc but don't use the spoon (haven't since we left.) My kids are too old, anyway. There are other consequences if I need them.
I'm comfortable doing public speaking, which comes in handy for my job, from all the years of running twigs and doing teachings.
Do I believe that the Gifs of the Holy Ghost are still manifested by people?? of course. I just got away from the IMO erroneous idea that we mortals can turn then on and off like a light switch at OUR behest.
I personally don't "operate" anymore. I just am. I am a living being who is doing her best to just be.
I no longer "operate principles" to get ahead in life. I think life is full of relatioships, whether personal, professional, indifferent, whatever. I take full responsibility for who I am or who I'm not, and have totally exculpated my life of all issues associated with "operating principles."
As far as doctrine, no. As far as other more practical life things, some. Although, I think most of them are probably things that I would have learned either through having decent parents (which is hard to tell if I would have had those without twi, but I suspect they would be) or through life experience combined with a good moral core (which I think would still be there regardless of twi).
Having grown up in the ministry I can't say that I have had any long term experiences with religious groups. I have had many short term experiences. I have also had tons of personal experiences with other christians, which when talking religion with them gave a totally different and, looking back, a more positive impression than the many twi personal relations I have had. So, yes, they were different and better.
The difference that I think many here have illuded to, if not outright said, is the degree of control. While I think to some degree this is a quality of any religion and many things in life, I think it is more of a negative thing in religion many times and definitely a negative and, to a much worse degree, a hurtful quality in twi.
Is this what confuses you? The difference or the reaction to twi involvement that many here have, given that, NO, it wasn't ALL bad. I still operate or "do things" I learned in highschool. There were a number of bad things that happened to me in highschool that stay with me to this day. But, those experiences didn't out wiegh the good things that happened. They weren't so bad that they caused me to focus on those negative events. Nor do I still have family and friends stuck in highschool. Today, we can all sit back and laugh and compare highschool horror stories. My wife on the other hand, hates highschool. She had much worse thigns happen at that time and while she learned many things during that part of her life from numerous teachers, she does not think of highschool without thinking about the bad things. You know what I'm saying? Now imagine if the things that happened to her happened over many more years, happened much more frequently, to more people, and her highschool didn't acknowledge that it was or had happened there. Add to that, if the people complaining were accused of being strange (read possessed) and just trying to close the one true school in the world, then you might have a website like this one for her specific highschool.
Look around, there aren't any ex-Church of Christ sites around. There are ex-Jahovah's Witnesses sites and ex-mormon sites (no offence to our mormon posters). The company that TWI is in is not your everyday church or religion. It is "something different."
Sorry for the long post and if I was reading into your post too much. Although, your name IS confused and this was your first post, so, I can't imagine this hurting at all.
Actually, Confused, I do still hold to some of what I was taught.. just a little.
I still think believing has value.. just don't consider it exactly a law any more, and don't try to gague results based on material abundance.
I DON'T "witness". I'd rather show a sermon, and some of the time, I have found that difficult enough to do..
Door to door? Pardon me, while a run away.. :D
I believe that God IS. And that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.. and at the same time, don't think he owes me that shiny new car..
I do not share financially with any one single organization.
I enjoy spending some time with some fellow christians around here.. but I'm still a little gun shy in this category. Might take a little longer for me than others..
How many of you still operate something you learned in the TWI? Was your expereince as bad as other religious associations?
1- I do.
2- maybe, my experiences as a Baptist were about the same.
I coordinated fellowships for many years (1983-2001), in our various homes as well as Lay Leader onboard each boat I served on. All of the 'bad' experiences that I saw or went through in TWI, all envolved Way-Corps. My career was such that I really had very limited exposure to Way-corps. And most places where we have been stationed there simply were no Way-corp around, so it was usually just us doing fellowships.
We had a lot of fun, doing fellowships, running classes, helping people, doing weddings.
Hey Nato -- I see you're on this thread here. How's the second day of freedom going??? :)
I think this is actually my 3rd day of freedom, and I don't feel greasey at all. :)
At times I wonder "What have I done?!" for a few seconds, find myself wondering "what if they ARE all lying." That sort of thing. Which I hear is normal for a little bit. So then, I come here, read some transcripts of Martindick's public batherings, or some personal stories, and I feel MUCH better.
Not sure if this will fit on this thread or not. Y'all can be the judge. First some background. Those who know me can skip the first part, you already know what I'm going to say. Heh.
I'm homebound for the most part and we don't have a car, those are too expensive. When I'm having a Crohn's flare, such as the present time, it's too painful to walk any distance and I use a wheelchair when I'm forced to go out and rely on hubby to push me around town. Big pain in the butt (no pun intended), so I usually just sit here, in 'my corner of the cave' as I call it and my computer is my way out to the rest of the world. I chat with people online, but since I keep my hubby's 3rd shift schedule, I have many hours every day when no one is around and I fill that time by playing computer games.
OK, new info starting here. I had been waiting anxiously for the release of the game Black and White 2 for the past 3 or 4 years. Ever since I got the first Black and White. Love the game! I'd been following their website and developers notes. It was finally released on the 7th. Someone from this forum had given me a gift certificate on Amazon and EBay awhile back, which I had saved some of, waiting for this game to come out. Soon as I read it was released, I got on Amazon and ordered it. It came yesterday! I was so happy. 4 CD's worth of game (3.5 gig for the geeks reading this). It installed perfected and I clicked on the incon .. only to get a message telling me my video card didn't have pixel shading 1.1, so it was NOT going to run.
I hit the website and started reading help posts, finding others having this same problem and there was no 'fix' for it other than to buy a new video card. Had I seen the game required this, I wouldn't have ordered it probably and set myself up for such a disappointment. At least my installing the game I got to the read me file and they did include a list of the vid cards it will work on .. of course they are all the newer type that all cost about 100 to 150 bucks. I was at the 'what to do' stage.
After getting my hubby out the door to work, I hit EBay, after coping down the list of vid card names/numbers, so I had them in front of me and started searching what was for sale. 90 something pages worth came up and I guess I spent about 4 hours looking thru them, but not seeing anything powerful enough or with the pixel shading at a price I could afford. (I checked and only only had 57 bucks left on EBay on the gift certificate there.)
I was so tired by that point. I whined to God and told Him that I just felt there was one video card there for sale at the price I needed, but I wasn't finding it. I asked Him what to type in to search so I could find it. My first thought was 'ATI 256', so I typed that in the search box and up came only 2 pages of vid cards for sale. I was thinking as I started to go thru them, I was gonna have to settle for a card with 128 RAM and have the game not work as well. Guess we all get that way at times. Of course God proved me wrong! In the middle of the first page I found the only ATI Radeon 256 MB vid card for sale cheap enough I could buy it and pay the shipping cost. (It's the 9250 model for those geeks reading this...real nice card.) It was 54 bucks and listed as a buy it now, so I was assured I would get it and not have to worry about being outbid. I was so happy clicking that button, knowing in a few days that card will get here, I can stick it in my puter and finally play the game I've waited so many years to play.
God is so good to me. I spent the rest of last night telling those still online what He had done for me and how awesome He is. (Then again, it could just be He got tired of hearing me whine. LOL.) Anyway, all the other people selling that card were letting bids be held on them and they were going up to 80, 100 bucks or more. To find the one person who listed the one he had for sale (and it's new too) as a buy it now and at such a ridiculously low price .. I just know it was God.
So yeah, I'm still operating the 'going to God when there is no way' that I first heard about in TWI.
"How many of you still operate something you learned in the TWI?"
Well, I can still be as judgemental, rude, and uncaring as ever, but it's a little harder for me to pull off the self-righteousness and holier-than-thou attitude...
Lets see what I still operate, exercise, or use that I've learned...... hmmm
I still believe in receive, retain, release. Its one of those life principles, doesn't matter that I heard it in TWI, it makes perfect sense.
I still SIT (only in my private prayer life, when I'm confused about what to pray about.)
I was around when they changed that phrase "believing = receiving'' to "believing appropriates receiving".
I still use the 'ben franklin method' where, when you are confused on which decision to make you write the pros vs cons on a list.
Rather than tithing - I've come to learn 'charity begins at home'., but I strive to do for others when the need arises and I have the ability and the means to do something.
I try to keep a positive mental attitude as much as possible.
NOT everything I believe for, do I receive. I know my needs are always going to be met, its the greeds that I often go without., and that can be a good thing.
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You mean like speaking in tongues?? I learned that previous to twi, and yes I still do. ;)
By the way -- Welcome to Greasespot! B)
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ME, ME!!!
OH YEAH, I'm still in.
I forgot.
My Bad.
I really should learn to JustSayNo
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Welcome to the Cafe Confused!
I believe we were taught some correct doctrine and some incorrect. By "operate" do you mean manifestations as taught by TWI? I do speak in tongues occassionally, is that what you mean? Or do you mean principles like tithing and all believing equals receiving, both doctrines as taught by TWI are bogus imo based on my study of scripture.
God wants us to give, but the Old Testament law of tithing was addressed to Israel and is not addressed to Christians imo, and Believing God and His promises, we can receive, but believing in our believing, using our mind power, I no longer buy into!
If you want me to be more specific on these doctrines, just ask.
"Was your expereince as bad as other religious associations?" Worse, TWI is a legalistic cult. While I have yet to find a church, offshoot or any religious organization that I agree 100% with the doctrines, I've found most churches I've checked out to be much more loving with a lot less bondage then TWI.
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Hi Confused..I'm sure MANY still practise things like 'manifestations' 'believing' etc.. that are no longer with's just that the majority of those who post here(and there is not really that many) don't.
But that is because they have gone Mormon, Catholic etc..
If you still want 'the Word' in all it's beauty w/o the bondage of twi try John Shroyer and Wayne Clapp. Have a 'blessed day' !!
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confused...Welcome to the GreaseSpot...
As far as "operating" something I learned in twi?...
Gosh...I'm racking my brain...In hindsight, I think twi was too "mechanical"in their approach to Christian living...everything was reduced to a list of "things to do" a certain percentage of money, going through your prayer list in the right order, learning your retemories, attending the meetings, the classes, etc., etc...I've abandoned that lifestyle for one that is more spontaneous...I no longer "classify" people like I did when I was in twi...Is he in the household, does he wear the right nametag, is he a "natural man" that has not had the class yet?...I don't think like that anymore...Instead of trying to get people to join my group, I simply get to know them and impart my heart to strings attached, no green cards...simply living and interacting with other people with the spirit of God within me. I like to think of it as, instead of sitting around reading the owners manual, I'm driving the car...
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The only things I continue to operate since leaving TWI are the things I had already learned prior to getting involved with TWI.
In fact, there are so many things I no longer operate that I learned in TWI that I think it would be impossible to list all of them. Groucho did a great job of explaining it:
- I give to individuals and organizations as I "purposeth in my heart"
- I no longer classify anything other than TWI as a "designer cause"
- I no longer judge people according to TWIt standards
- I am free to get to know, love, care for and enjoy the company of people without labels
- I am free to manage my time according to MY needs and wants
- I am free to manage my money according to MY needs and wants
- I am free to plan for my future, my retirement and my financial security according to common sense and not some man-made doctrine
- I am free to pray to God and to - GASP - ask Him for things
- I am free to read whatever literature I want to
- I am free to ask questions
- I am free to question leaders, doctrine and to confront hipocracy as I see it
- I am free to skip church, meetings and events without having to RSVP or give excuses
- I am free to learn without having to pay exorbitant class fees
- I am free to live!
I know that's the opposite of what you asked, but it's how I view things.... I honestly have nothing good to say about my time in TWI except that I learned first hand all too well what it's like to live under the thumb of oppression, fear, manipulation, control and fear.
Welcome to the Cafe! May I offer you a danish?

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Second James
Hi Confused! Hey welcome aboard...yepper I still love SITing & praying with m my senses...still can't justify the "church" scene..but still know how to read my Bible & think for myself & let God work in me while reading it & let God work in me while dealing with people.
I second what Groucho its great breathing the CLEAN AIR of freedom outside TWI..didn't need TWA to fly outa TWI ..LOL...
There are many great threads here BUT to me the best part is the "full sharing" abaility each of us has with the other, without having to DEFEND some doctrinal position that we really can't do or hold to!!
Again welcome to the Cafe.
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I probably still practice SOMETHING I learned there. hmmm.. give me a few minutes to find it... umm..
I'll get back to you on that.. :D
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Hmmm. Nothing doctrinal that I can think of, being one of those 'I didn't see any baby in the bath water' folk.
Don't know...learned how to make pulled pork, still do that.
Like my house to be clean and uncluttered and tend to get upset when it is not--I think that is a Way thing, but I'm working on chilling out and asking for help. But my house doesn't ever like look a hotel reception room, gah!
Like to be hospitable and make guests comfortable, maybe not a Way thing( My parents liked to have parties and dinners etc), but encouraged in the Way.
I expect my kids to listen and do chores, homework, curfews etc but don't use the spoon (haven't since we left.) My kids are too old, anyway. There are other consequences if I need them.
I'm comfortable doing public speaking, which comes in handy for my job, from all the years of running twigs and doing teachings.
I can sing in public and be heard.
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Do I believe that the Gifs of the Holy Ghost are still manifested by people?? of course. I just got away from the IMO erroneous idea that we mortals can turn then on and off like a light switch at OUR behest.
Welcome to the CAfe
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I personally don't "operate" anymore. I just am. I am a living being who is doing her best to just be.
I no longer "operate principles" to get ahead in life. I think life is full of relatioships, whether personal, professional, indifferent, whatever. I take full responsibility for who I am or who I'm not, and have totally exculpated my life of all issues associated with "operating principles."
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I still string my dining room chairs. :D
As far as doctrine, no. As far as other more practical life things, some. Although, I think most of them are probably things that I would have learned either through having decent parents (which is hard to tell if I would have had those without twi, but I suspect they would be) or through life experience combined with a good moral core (which I think would still be there regardless of twi).
Having grown up in the ministry I can't say that I have had any long term experiences with religious groups. I have had many short term experiences. I have also had tons of personal experiences with other christians, which when talking religion with them gave a totally different and, looking back, a more positive impression than the many twi personal relations I have had. So, yes, they were different and better.
The difference that I think many here have illuded to, if not outright said, is the degree of control. While I think to some degree this is a quality of any religion and many things in life, I think it is more of a negative thing in religion many times and definitely a negative and, to a much worse degree, a hurtful quality in twi.
Is this what confuses you? The difference or the reaction to twi involvement that many here have, given that, NO, it wasn't ALL bad. I still operate or "do things" I learned in highschool. There were a number of bad things that happened to me in highschool that stay with me to this day. But, those experiences didn't out wiegh the good things that happened. They weren't so bad that they caused me to focus on those negative events. Nor do I still have family and friends stuck in highschool. Today, we can all sit back and laugh and compare highschool horror stories. My wife on the other hand, hates highschool. She had much worse thigns happen at that time and while she learned many things during that part of her life from numerous teachers, she does not think of highschool without thinking about the bad things. You know what I'm saying? Now imagine if the things that happened to her happened over many more years, happened much more frequently, to more people, and her highschool didn't acknowledge that it was or had happened there. Add to that, if the people complaining were accused of being strange (read possessed) and just trying to close the one true school in the world, then you might have a website like this one for her specific highschool.
Look around, there aren't any ex-Church of Christ sites around. There are ex-Jahovah's Witnesses sites and ex-mormon sites (no offence to our mormon posters). The company that TWI is in is not your everyday church or religion. It is "something different."
Sorry for the long post and if I was reading into your post too much. Although, your name IS confused and this was your first post, so, I can't imagine this hurting at all.
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Tom Strange
dangit Lindy! you beat me to it... I was gonna use the "I still string chairs" bit...
I still use my "Christian Motivational Techniques"... but now I only use them for good... not evil...
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Mr. H -- methinks ya learned how to tap your fingers, while waiting for the end of the teaching.
Somewhere in there, you learned morse code, and now that *tapping* is put to good use!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
S-I-T (speaking in *taps*)!!!
Hey Nato -- I see you're on this thread here. How's the second day of freedom going??? :)
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I remember how to operate my Bible,then again it's not exactly rocket science. 1. Open Cover 2. Read.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
To Nato, Confused, Argus and other newbies, Welcome to GSC. I am the resident Lutheran poster to these
forums. You might want to check out the thread on My Story forum. I am a church musician, took Pfal in '75,
left TWI in Dec. 1979.
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Actually, Confused, I do still hold to some of what I was taught.. just a little.
I still think believing has value.. just don't consider it exactly a law any more, and don't try to gague results based on material abundance.
I DON'T "witness". I'd rather show a sermon, and some of the time, I have found that difficult enough to do..
Door to door? Pardon me, while a run away.. :D
I believe that God IS. And that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.. and at the same time, don't think he owes me that shiny new car..
I do not share financially with any one single organization.
I enjoy spending some time with some fellow christians around here.. but I'm still a little gun shy in this category. Might take a little longer for me than others..
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1- I do.
2- maybe, my experiences as a Baptist were about the same.
I coordinated fellowships for many years (1983-2001), in our various homes as well as Lay Leader onboard each boat I served on. All of the 'bad' experiences that I saw or went through in TWI, all envolved Way-Corps. My career was such that I really had very limited exposure to Way-corps. And most places where we have been stationed there simply were no Way-corp around, so it was usually just us doing fellowships.
We had a lot of fun, doing fellowships, running classes, helping people, doing weddings.
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I think this is actually my 3rd day of freedom, and I don't feel greasey at all. :)
At times I wonder "What have I done?!" for a few seconds, find myself wondering "what if they ARE all lying." That sort of thing. Which I hear is normal for a little bit. So then, I come here, read some transcripts of Martindick's public batherings, or some personal stories, and I feel MUCH better.
You guys are a great help! Thanks!
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Not sure if this will fit on this thread or not. Y'all can be the judge. First some background. Those who know me can skip the first part, you already know what I'm going to say. Heh.
I'm homebound for the most part and we don't have a car, those are too expensive. When I'm having a Crohn's flare, such as the present time, it's too painful to walk any distance and I use a wheelchair when I'm forced to go out and rely on hubby to push me around town. Big pain in the butt (no pun intended), so I usually just sit here, in 'my corner of the cave' as I call it and my computer is my way out to the rest of the world. I chat with people online, but since I keep my hubby's 3rd shift schedule, I have many hours every day when no one is around and I fill that time by playing computer games.
OK, new info starting here. I had been waiting anxiously for the release of the game Black and White 2 for the past 3 or 4 years. Ever since I got the first Black and White. Love the game! I'd been following their website and developers notes. It was finally released on the 7th. Someone from this forum had given me a gift certificate on Amazon and EBay awhile back, which I had saved some of, waiting for this game to come out. Soon as I read it was released, I got on Amazon and ordered it. It came yesterday! I was so happy. 4 CD's worth of game (3.5 gig for the geeks reading this). It installed perfected and I clicked on the incon .. only to get a message telling me my video card didn't have pixel shading 1.1, so it was NOT going to run.
I hit the website and started reading help posts, finding others having this same problem and there was no 'fix' for it other than to buy a new video card. Had I seen the game required this, I wouldn't have ordered it probably and set myself up for such a disappointment. At least my installing the game I got to the read me file and they did include a list of the vid cards it will work on .. of course they are all the newer type that all cost about 100 to 150 bucks. I was at the 'what to do' stage.
After getting my hubby out the door to work, I hit EBay, after coping down the list of vid card names/numbers, so I had them in front of me and started searching what was for sale. 90 something pages worth came up and I guess I spent about 4 hours looking thru them, but not seeing anything powerful enough or with the pixel shading at a price I could afford. (I checked and only only had 57 bucks left on EBay on the gift certificate there.)
I was so tired by that point. I whined to God and told Him that I just felt there was one video card there for sale at the price I needed, but I wasn't finding it. I asked Him what to type in to search so I could find it. My first thought was 'ATI 256', so I typed that in the search box and up came only 2 pages of vid cards for sale. I was thinking as I started to go thru them, I was gonna have to settle for a card with 128 RAM and have the game not work as well. Guess we all get that way at times. Of course God proved me wrong! In the middle of the first page I found the only ATI Radeon 256 MB vid card for sale cheap enough I could buy it and pay the shipping cost. (It's the 9250 model for those geeks reading this...real nice card.) It was 54 bucks and listed as a buy it now, so I was assured I would get it and not have to worry about being outbid. I was so happy clicking that button, knowing in a few days that card will get here, I can stick it in my puter and finally play the game I've waited so many years to play.
God is so good to me. I spent the rest of last night telling those still online what He had done for me and how awesome He is. (Then again, it could just be He got tired of hearing me whine. LOL.) Anyway, all the other people selling that card were letting bids be held on them and they were going up to 80, 100 bucks or more. To find the one person who listed the one he had for sale (and it's new too) as a buy it now and at such a ridiculously low price .. I just know it was God.
So yeah, I'm still operating the 'going to God when there is no way' that I first heard about in TWI.
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George Aar
"How many of you still operate something you learned in the TWI?"
Well, I can still be as judgemental, rude, and uncaring as ever, but it's a little harder for me to pull off the self-righteousness and holier-than-thou attitude...
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Earnest and Honest Prayer is the same everywhere i. GOD is truly magnificent in the way he comes through for his children
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i operated on many people until i got arrested
just kidding
really, though, the keys to the more abundant life or "all 9 all the time" etc etc never really worked for me
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Lets see what I still operate, exercise, or use that I've learned...... hmmm
I still believe in receive, retain, release. Its one of those life principles, doesn't matter that I heard it in TWI, it makes perfect sense.
I still SIT (only in my private prayer life, when I'm confused about what to pray about.)
I was around when they changed that phrase "believing = receiving'' to "believing appropriates receiving".
I still use the 'ben franklin method' where, when you are confused on which decision to make you write the pros vs cons on a list.
Rather than tithing - I've come to learn 'charity begins at home'., but I strive to do for others when the need arises and I have the ability and the means to do something.
I try to keep a positive mental attitude as much as possible.
NOT everything I believe for, do I receive. I know my needs are always going to be met, its the greeds that I often go without., and that can be a good thing.
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