(I have a portable, countertop oven I can easily throw into the truck, so if you'd like to make sticky buns, by all means, please do! It's the size of a medium microwave oven and has two shelves. We use it for cookies and such. It's bigger than a toaster oven.)
Trying to get a feel for who might have room. My son and I are coming down Sat. a.m. and spending the night. Who might have room for a female and a male? Was going to try Belle, but her folks will be in that night.
There's always the air cushion on the floor of someone's cabin.
Let me know if anyone has room. Sudo, who's staying with you?
It's official for me. I cannot be there this year. :(
We just hired a live-in person for the house, and I (and others) need to be there to monitor him as he learns the ropes. Wish I could head south for this here, but this year is not an optiion.
You may want my cabin. Geeze everyone, I'm not going to be able to attend this year after all. I was to have the better-than-sex beef stew Friday night after all and I know folks were looking forward to it even if my stew is a bit over-rated. Rascal... you're going to have to make other arrangements for Friday night and I really really hate doing this. But as the saying goes... circumstances beyond my control.
I don't know if ya'll are really interested in the "why" but I think I need to explain. First off.. I was going to be hard pressed anyway because I am the President-elect of the Ole Miss alumni band and have obligations for football games where the Ole Miss band will be performing. October 8th is the weekend Ole Miss plays The Citadel and though I can miss a dang football game, its a home game, and I was going to have to inconvenience other people to do my job. I could do that for one game, though I figured. This was going to be my 3rd weenie roast after all.
But we just got back yesterday from a 7 day Bermuda cruise and walked into headaches galore thanks to our 16 year old daughter. She was staying with a family friend who also has a daughter her same age. Putting the two of them together brings out the worst in both, it appears. I wouldn't expect that a teenager's unruly behavior would cancel my plans for a long awaited and duly planned-for event like the weenie roast. I could have dealt with her skipping school those two days. And nobody got hurt at the party she had at our house with no adult supervision. Our family friend had no idea what a resourceful and imaginative liar she could be to pull off such a stunt. But the coup de grâce with which she was able to end my weenie roast plans was... wrecking her car. Yep. That did it because now we're a car short and I simply have no way to get to the weenie roast. Probably, the car is totalled but I won't know for sure until I talk to an insurance adjuster this week. Still, even if it's fixable, it won't be ready by then but really... I'm pretty sure we're out one car for now. Best to just let you guys know now while there's still nearly two weeks to plan. I even thought about borrowing a car or just renting a car but there are other issues involved in dealing with this. Not the least of which is the fact that she had been drinking.
I'm not going to go into everything but for the next few weeks, guys, this is not the time for me to be taking off for a long weekend weenie roast. And I really am sorry. As I said.. I have a reservation for a cabin from Friday Oct. 7th to Sunday the 9th. A cabin just to myself. I plan on cancelling that this week. I understand that the park is full now so if anyone wants it, they can post here or e-mail me at: dbdbdb@midsouth.rr.com and we can co-ordinate my cancelling so that the cabin is available for weenie roast attendees. I've had a great time at the last two roasts. I'm going to miss being there.
Admit it, Sudo....you heard threeMSU Bulldogs were going to be there on Saturday night and just couldn't handle the embarrassment. We know! I already had Mama & Daddy prepared for theOle Miss Rebelthey were going to have to break bread with. :)
Dang, I hate that you and your family is having to go through all that. It's no fun! Tell her next time she wants to do something like that to talk to someone with experience getting away with it (I'd be one of those people ;) . We sure are going to miss you. I was really looking forward to meeting you, even if you are from the wrong side of the tracks. :P
My sis-in-law (who now lives with us since Katrina) is seriously involved with a man whose dad is the man your stadium is named for. He tried to get her to the game last week (in a luxury suite O course) but she couldn't be bothered. Playing hard t get? Ah, women!
He was supposed to come by here yesterday, but hurricane madness prevented it.
His accent is nice, but not quite nearly as nice as Sudo's.
Ahhhh, then we probably know a lot of the same people. Wherebouts are you, Evan?
I was born and raised in Starkville and Mama has worked in almost every department at MSU, including the Football Office. Daddy was president of the local bank for many, many years and they were both involved in all kinds of community things. Spent my whole life going to every single MSU athletic event there was.
Sudo may have a nice accent, but his taste in schools is not so nice. :blink:
am planning on being there...will bring plenty of fixins fer a Sat eveing meal and sun am,,,,most likely just camp out unless someone has space, I am just figuring out this new forum. Still haven't figured out how to get in chat yet,but am planning on makingit to tha roast. In the midst of a big bathroom and kitchen remodeling project right now so the time off might do me good. And its almost close enough to ride me mule! Anyone want to chat give me a call....502-773-7247. I would consider sharing a cabin if not too late! Otherwise I'll just camp...sort of getting used to it... had my bathroom tore out for the past week an half. Rascal I can bring all my cooking camping gear ie pots,skillets etc. Look forward to seeing ya's agin....Cory promises no snipe huntin this year. Love ya's!
I'm in Baton Rouge, Belle. The 'boyfriend' lives in new Orleans, but is staying around starkville until it is okay to return. so, no, we don't know the same people.
I like Sudo's mascot better. Bulldogs are a bit homely after all...
I'm really glad to see there is going to be such a good time...
LittleHawk.. Rascal might want those vittles on Friday night... when I was going to bring the stew. And Jardinero is in the process of getting my cabin. Belle.. unlike Evan, I don't disparage the bulldog mascot because if ya'll like it, then its fine with me, too. I've always felt a little sorry for all of you. I can see you don't care much for Ole Miss and I understand. Mississippi State folks must feel a little like 2nd class citizens when compared to Ole Miss and I empathize. Even though we're arch rivals, I actually pull for State to win their football games. You go on supporting Mississippi State, dear. I won't cast stones or make fun of you like so many others do.
David, I just saw that you aren't going to be able to make it either. :( I'm so sorry!! I really was looking forward to meeting you and hearing some of your pickin' & grinnin'. :D
Sudo, not sure if that's a compliment or a southern-style insult. I'm sure you've gotten pretty good at those, at least you didn't finish law school there, or I'd really be concerned. I've had my share of good times at The Grove, but I much prefer wearing comfy jeans to ballgames instead of coiffed hair, pantyhose and a dress. It's too dang hard to keep from spilling 7&7 with high heels on and those nice blouses inhibit my cowbell ringing abilities. :D
I'm arriving sometime Friday and staying till Monday.
I'm mostly bringing myself.
I'm looking foreward to seeing all the old weenies and weenieettes again, we'll have to come up with a good initiation rite fer the newbies we're going to have to come up with something better than poison ivy, snipe hunting or irate park rengers tho, maybe a bear?
Ok, I just found out my boyfriend has that weekend off so he and I officially get to come. I probably won't be there until late afternoon Friday. What can I bring? Someone mentioned s'mores. I want to make sure we get to do that, he's never had a s'more. I know, I know, his momma didn't love him. <_<
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Thanks, Belle - now we know
the rest
of the stow-ry.
Good day!
(I have a portable, countertop oven I can easily throw into the truck, so if you'd like to make sticky buns, by all means, please do! It's the size of a medium microwave oven and has two shelves. We use it for cookies and such. It's bigger than a toaster oven.)
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Hello fellow weenies:
Trying to get a feel for who might have room. My son and I are coming down Sat. a.m. and spending the night. Who might have room for a female and a male? Was going to try Belle, but her folks will be in that night.
There's always the air cushion on the floor of someone's cabin.
Let me know if anyone has room. Sudo, who's staying with you?
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I have an extra tent if you don`t mind camping Jard....then we can keep you n Joseph near US!!
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Sorry guys, trying to get outta the weenie habit.
Chock full of sodium and fat you know :)
Have fun!
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It's official for me. I cannot be there this year. :(
We just hired a live-in person for the house, and I (and others) need to be there to monitor him as he learns the ropes. Wish I could head south for this here, but this year is not an optiion.
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You may want my cabin. Geeze everyone, I'm not going to be able to attend this year after all. I was to have the better-than-sex beef stew Friday night after all and I know folks were looking forward to it even if my stew is a bit over-rated. Rascal... you're going to have to make other arrangements for Friday night and I really really hate doing this. But as the saying goes... circumstances beyond my control.
I don't know if ya'll are really interested in the "why" but I think I need to explain. First off.. I was going to be hard pressed anyway because I am the President-elect of the Ole Miss alumni band and have obligations for football games where the Ole Miss band will be performing. October 8th is the weekend Ole Miss plays The Citadel and though I can miss a dang football game, its a home game, and I was going to have to inconvenience other people to do my job. I could do that for one game, though I figured. This was going to be my 3rd weenie roast after all.
But we just got back yesterday from a 7 day Bermuda cruise and walked into headaches galore thanks to our 16 year old daughter. She was staying with a family friend who also has a daughter her same age. Putting the two of them together brings out the worst in both, it appears. I wouldn't expect that a teenager's unruly behavior would cancel my plans for a long awaited and duly planned-for event like the weenie roast. I could have dealt with her skipping school those two days. And nobody got hurt at the party she had at our house with no adult supervision. Our family friend had no idea what a resourceful and imaginative liar she could be to pull off such a stunt. But the coup de grâce with which she was able to end my weenie roast plans was... wrecking her car. Yep. That did it because now we're a car short and I simply have no way to get to the weenie roast. Probably, the car is totalled but I won't know for sure until I talk to an insurance adjuster this week. Still, even if it's fixable, it won't be ready by then but really... I'm pretty sure we're out one car for now. Best to just let you guys know now while there's still nearly two weeks to plan. I even thought about borrowing a car or just renting a car but there are other issues involved in dealing with this. Not the least of which is the fact that she had been drinking.
I'm not going to go into everything but for the next few weeks, guys, this is not the time for me to be taking off for a long weekend weenie roast. And I really am sorry. As I said.. I have a reservation for a cabin from Friday Oct. 7th to Sunday the 9th. A cabin just to myself. I plan on cancelling that this week. I understand that the park is full now so if anyone wants it, they can post here or e-mail me at: dbdbdb@midsouth.rr.com and we can co-ordinate my cancelling so that the cabin is available for weenie roast attendees. I've had a great time at the last two roasts. I'm going to miss being there.
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Hi Sudo:
I just emailed you.
What a bummer. So sorry you had to come home to all that, but all of us who have ever raised a teenager can relate.
You will be sorely missed, but we will toast you on Friday, O.K.????
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Awwww (((((Sudo))) I am so sorry. I know how dissapointing it is when our kiddoes let us down.
You could ALWAYS threaten to torture her with a weekend with Good ole Dad at the weenie roast...muahahahahaha a fate worse than death....lol
Without your presence, undoubtedly it will be a subdued affair.....sigh
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Admit it, Sudo....you heard three MSU Bulldogs were going to be there on Saturday night and just couldn't handle the embarrassment. We know! I already had Mama & Daddy prepared for the Ole Miss Rebel they were going to have to break bread with. :)
Dang, I hate that you and your family is having to go through all that. It's no fun! Tell her next time she wants to do something like that to talk to someone with experience getting away with it (I'd be one of those people ;) . We sure are going to miss you. I was really looking forward to meeting you, even if you are from the wrong side of the tracks. :P
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Belle, so you're a Bulldog, eh?
My sis-in-law (who now lives with us since Katrina) is seriously involved with a man whose dad is the man your stadium is named for. He tried to get her to the game last week (in a luxury suite O course) but she couldn't be bothered. Playing hard t get? Ah, women!
He was supposed to come by here yesterday, but hurricane madness prevented it.
His accent is nice, but not quite nearly as nice as Sudo's.
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Ahhhh, then we probably know a lot of the same people. Wherebouts are you, Evan?
I was born and raised in Starkville and Mama has worked in almost every department at MSU, including the Football Office. Daddy was president of the local bank for many, many years and they were both involved in all kinds of community things. Spent my whole life going to every single MSU athletic event there was.
Sudo may have a nice accent, but his taste in schools is not so nice. :blink:
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am planning on being there...will bring plenty of fixins fer a Sat eveing meal and sun am,,,,most likely just camp out unless someone has space, I am just figuring out this new forum. Still haven't figured out how to get in chat yet,but am planning on makingit to tha roast. In the midst of a big bathroom and kitchen remodeling project right now so the time off might do me good. And its almost close enough to ride me mule! Anyone want to chat give me a call....502-773-7247. I would consider sharing a cabin if not too late! Otherwise I'll just camp...sort of getting used to it... had my bathroom tore out for the past week an half. Rascal I can bring all my cooking camping gear ie pots,skillets etc. Look forward to seeing ya's agin....Cory promises no snipe huntin this year. Love ya's!
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I'm in Baton Rouge, Belle. The 'boyfriend' lives in new Orleans, but is staying around starkville until it is okay to return. so, no, we don't know the same people.
I like Sudo's mascot better. Bulldogs are a bit homely after all...
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Thank you dear Hawk, as legendary as your snipe hunts are....I do not think I could handle the stress this year....lol
I am so pleased that you can make it, Your camping/cooking gear is really nice and makes meal prep much easier.
I have reserved a full hook up rv sight but am hoping for some flexibility when I arrive so that we campers can be close.
What a great time this will be.
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I'm really glad to see there is going to be such a good time...
LittleHawk.. Rascal might want those vittles on Friday night... when I was going to bring the stew. And Jardinero is in the process of getting my cabin. Belle.. unlike Evan, I don't disparage the bulldog mascot because if ya'll like it, then its fine with me, too. I've always felt a little sorry for all of you. I can see you don't care much for Ole Miss and I understand. Mississippi State folks must feel a little like 2nd class citizens when compared to Ole Miss and I empathize. Even though we're arch rivals, I actually pull for State to win their football games. You go on supporting Mississippi State, dear. I won't cast stones or make fun of you like so many others do.
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Sudo's not going because his favorite roommate is staying home this year
Edited by OakspearLink to comment
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Ha!!! :D
How's married life, Oak? Here's hoping you and Susie are doing well.
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David, I just saw that you aren't going to be able to make it either. :( I'm so sorry!! I really was looking forward to meeting you and hearing some of your pickin' & grinnin'. :D
Sudo, not sure if that's a compliment or a southern-style insult. I'm sure you've gotten pretty good at those, at least you didn't finish law school there, or I'd really be concerned. I've had my share of good times at The Grove, but I much prefer wearing comfy jeans to ballgames instead of coiffed hair, pantyhose and a dress. It's too dang hard to keep from spilling 7&7 with high heels on and those nice blouses inhibit my cowbell ringing abilities. :D
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Wonton Soup
I'm arriving sometime Friday and staying till Monday.
I'm mostly bringing myself.
I'm looking foreward to seeing all the old weenies and weenieettes again, we'll have to come up with a good initiation rite fer the newbies we're going to have to come up with something better than poison ivy, snipe hunting or irate park rengers tho, maybe a bear?
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aww...that park ranger wasn't irate...he could've had us thrown in the county jail...just made us pour out (most) of our alcohol. B)
...and you guys are gonna miss the kazoos and pole dancing :o
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Ok, I just found out my boyfriend has that weekend off so he and I officially get to come. I probably won't be there until late afternoon Friday. What can I bring? Someone mentioned s'mores. I want to make sure we get to do that, he's never had a s'more. I know, I know, his momma didn't love him. <_<
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WOOOO HOOOO!!! Gonna be a PAR-TAY!!!
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WWJLA: great news!
Oak: well now, Shell has volunteered to lead the Karaoke night !!!!! (though we will miss the kazoo and pole dancing, that's for sure!).
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Hmm, wonder if it's too late to borrow my brother's nose flute. Then again, maybe that's not such a good idea. :unsure:
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