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What is up with this private message revealing going on around here?

I went to the person that sent me a private message and told him I was going to reveal in part his intentions behind it because he wasn't letting the folks know something quite good about his heart that I knew they would benefit to know, it was critical to the dang story line of the thread for gawd sake! I WENT TO HIM FIRST AND TOLD HIM EXACTLLY WHAT I WAS GOING TO SHARE.

Was I right or wrong? Matters not because I WENT TO HIM FIRST.

Why are folks trying to figure out ways of revealing what we say in private around here?

And for those who find the private topic a mystery because it pops up in front of you it does so to inform you it exists. I LOVE THIS OPTION. In the other board some folks never even looked to see if they had any. This one at least gives the sender the option to know it was read for goodness sake.

I have seen this now for days around here, WTF!

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It boils down to choosing your friends wisely Chatty one. I would say that if I choose to private message with someone and they take it public, they are not worthy of trust. If its someone I don't care for but am trying to work out a disagreement with and they do it, its just that much more of a reason to dislike them.

I don't allow gossips, busy-bodies or what ever you'd like to call them close to me. Even a worst enemy gets treated with the golden rule in private, if that's violated they will never be given trust again.

Are you telling me those PM's all work that way and I was mistaken to think that some have really spookie powers?????

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Pms are not neccesarily "friends " or confidants. they are internet people that pm you.

nothing eles. I see no problem with revealing what a private message says to you. they are sent to you.

If the sender is concerned then they should watch what they write.

As far as gossips and busy bodies HELLO that is what 98% of what this forum sight IS!

lol The large thread on whether we should Reveal names testifys to the fact many here like to cower behind what they say they heard or knew or thought or heard someone say without any proof or names what so ever.

integrity is not a word used much for the internet much less forums that breed hear say and gossip and spinning tales with no credit what so ever.

if you do not want to repeat what some one told you and need to keep a inner circle of what say you outside the public forum that defines GOSSIP>

it is cowardly and how this forum pretty much works with its own cult like mentality.

bring the "do not tell them I told you but I think ...to the table and many here will just crawl away in the fear .

trust who you chose as far as "heart" on the internet all I can say is give me a break. be real. and this is far from a real relationships with the normal constraints or respects or rules.

one uses a nickname here for reasons: because in the honest real world of intregrity and respect for society you could be sued or worse for the tales and "gossip" this forum breeds.

whether in the pms e-mails or the forums .

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If a person says they like you and your pretty whatever it takes I guess.

Now they can be "trusted" and are your friend?

Because they talk to you as the person you wish to be on the internet, without any revealing of who you are in real life and love they are to be respected?

Maybe you are honest it sure as hell does not make everyone eles on these boards who they say they might be.

The question is about whether a person should have integrity on these boards.

that is an out right joke , one can write what EVER they want about who ever they chose with no checks whatso ever!!!!

and they do.

But God forbid you call them on it then heads will roll if the inner gossip and pettyness and slander is reported or everyone to to see.

CRAP that would ruin the game all together wouldnt it now?

who is foolin who really?

it is only a PUBLIC internet forum about a cult, with those who will go rabid in defense of what it dearly means and how they live for it because somehow someway real relationships with such concepts as integrity and honesty and truth relationships are problems for them and this is as good as it gets in life.

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  pond said:
If a person says they like you and your pretty whatever it takes I guess.

Now they can be "trusted" and are your friend?

Because they talk to you as the person you wish to be on the internet, without any revealing of who you are in real life and love they are to be respected?

Maybe you are honest it sure as hell does not make everyone eles on these boards who they say they might be.

I changed my mind and decided to answer ahead of you pond.

I don't know if you're being snide or just using a hypothetical but the inner *itch (Abi wink-wink) would like to have her say but shall refrain. If you're referring personally about me then you obviously don't know me because I sure as hell am not hidden! As such people talk to me as me not whomever you're referring to. And as to do I think others are honest. Hey the folks intimately in my life have proven themselves, not that it's really any of your business at all! (Abi, it was dang hard girl!)

The question is about whether a person should have integrity on these boards.

that is an out right joke , one can write what EVER they want about who ever they chose with no checks whatso ever!!!!

and they do.

But God forbid you call them on it then heads will roll if the inner gossip and pettyness and slander is reported or everyone to to see.

CRAP that would ruin the game all together wouldnt it now?

who is foolin who really?

I believe as well I've addressed out right fairytale accounts of late and I included in my original mention of it that I gave the person some room in consideration of what they had or were going through regarding it.

it is only a PUBLIC internet forum about a cult, with those who will go rabid in defense of what it dearly means and how they live for it because somehow someway real relationships with such concepts as integrity and honesty and truth relationships are problems for them and this is as good as it gets in life.

Would you provide names of the ones that live for this board? That is IF IT WAS COMMUNICATED TO YOU VIA PUBLIC POST AND NOT SOME PRIVATE MESSAGE YOU MAY HAVE RECEIVED!!!!!

And not that you necessarily earned it in your tirade but you are not the only one that has this misunderstanding of what Private Message means.

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private means so no one eles will see or know what one may write in the pms about another.

Secrets for only your ears to hear cause you will understand and not even consider holding the other accountable.

it also defines a large part of the gossip you claim to abhorr.

this entire forum is gossip other than the front page which can be documented.

the pms add to the excitiemnet of those willing to use another as a topic of pain and hurt and accusation with the specialness of having a"inner circle" within the inner circle!! WOW what a difference your making in this world!!!

After a few stroking posts that say what you want to hear or approves and confirms what you would like to believe (but are afraid to seek in real relationships with checks and balances) hell yeah I bet the loyalty can only get better and better!!!!

good buddies , best friends a common cause.

all is good till those pesky "others" come in that give you a WAKEUP call, oh yeah they are WayKGB lol.

out to get ya! haha and those who left are not paranoid not at all... haha

keep them away . use those pms.. get rid of the disenters!! we are family!!!

haha . sound familiar to ya?

of course ya love one another you know one another you trust one another you write posts and they believe in YOU! when the rest of the world is far to frightening to present yourself in ,this is good and safe and down right the best love you may have known!!!! at least since that cult thing.

I do not think this is everyone, but alot of the posters here can define rabid as?

I do not seek your approval, so do as you may and do what you must to belong and be loved.

some things will never change.

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Well let's begin by establishing you'll never have to pester with me sending you a private message.

And your definition of private is one I've never had the experience of reading before.

Nor do you seem to understand the same definition of first hand account being relayed.

And two engaged in a private message being an inner circle as you say seems stifling as far as the quantity that would make up an inner circle, you seem to think two is sufficient I gathered.

As for the WayKBG……hahahahahahahahahaha……I shall not even respond beyond that.

And do you realize you are calling Pawtucket a liar then because he's posted of contacts he's had thanking him for the forum and how it provided comfort and deliverance. But then you seem to doubt our words here so possibly you don't ever bother to read them eh!

How nice you say you don't think it is everybody. It would be nice if you addressed the person you were speaking to now.

And I assure you I don't give a rat's foot your opinion of approval at this point of the conversation.

As for being loved, you obviously don't know the same definition of that either.

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a huge discliamer is printed on page one of Grease spot Cafe.

It states that the moderators and owners of this forum do not agree neccesarily with what is written within or to that effect.


did ya read THAT?

it is a public forum.

if I said I have a personal account of creating the moon and the stars would ya believe me?

of course not you have decided Im not in the group. But those who are and will be and do what it takes, can and DO say what they think with no more evidence or proof than my claim , yet their words are considered golden.

it keeps the mision alive doesnt it?

As I said earlier the documentations on page one can be verified, but for the most part most of what is said on greasespot within the forum or its pm's or e-mails can NEVER be verified and the posters with the most stories get the most attention .

and they want to stay hidden as cyber names only.

to save them from the cruel Waykbg who will ruin their life. haha what a joke most have not been involved in decades,(if at all) yet they walk in this invisable fear, knowing it is only their own lies and stories they are afraid as being revealed as lies.

save me from the wrath of a small town bible study group they will get me for sure!!

a little dramatic wouldnt you say?

yet the same group wants to hear and breath every tidbit of any leader or members life and will write for days and often YEARS what they think it all may mean!

that is what grease spot is.

rest assured if your all up in a tizy and ready to report this post and rid the group of this awful poster who cant feel the love that is so needed and cherished and wanted here... your in the group ,you belong , they like you and that is all YOU NEED to carry on.

The only thing YOU can NOT not ever do is ask someone to be accountable for what they write or think about anyone eles.

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  Second James said:
White dove..you've ruined my day, as I thought the name of that song was "lyin' eyes"..heck before I guessed THAT title..I heard a friend tell me it was Hawaii'n eyes...dang..now gotta re-think the whole song..LOL..you sure its private eyes??? huh? huh?

Dang James hate to ruin your day but here it is, the Eagles did lying eyes so you are close but no cigar!

Lyrics & music: daryl hall, warren pash, sara allen, janna allen

I see you, you see me

Watch you blowin’ the lines when you’re making a scene

Oh girl, you’ve got to know

What my head overlooks

The senses will show to my heart

When it’s watching for lies

You can’t escape my

Private eyes

They’re watching you

They see your every move

Private eyes

They’re watching you

Private eyes

They’re watching you watching you watching you watching you

You play with words you play with love

You can twist it around baby that ain’t enough

Cause girl I’m gonna know

If you’re letting me in or letting me go

Don’t lie when you’re hurting inside

’cause you can’t escape my

Private eyes

They’re watching you

They see your every move

Private eyes

They’re watching you

Private eyes

They’re watching you watching you watching you watching you

Why you try to put up a front for me

I’m a spy but on your side you see

Slip on, into any disguise

I’ll still know you

Look into my private eyes

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Try this on for a novel idea.

Don't say anything about anyone that you don't have the kahunas to say to their face in PM or anywhere else for that matter. It's a good way avoid strife and other people finding your cutlery in their back. It is also a good, honest and decent way to live.

If something gets back to the person who may have been maligned in private, then I say good. First of all, it gives the maligned person a chance to speak up for themselves. Second, for such a "confidence" to be broken exposes the backbiter for the coward that he/she is.

I typically will turn these whispering complainers around when they come to me with their juicy tidbits on a common acquintance with a firm but gentle "WTF are you telling me this, why don't you take it up with them, you spineless squid." Granted, it doesn't win me many friends but WTF needs friends like that anyway.

Now, if someone that you trusted with private information about yourself and they make that public information that is a wholly different situation. That person deserves to be tarred and feathered and banned from Greasespot for life.

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  pond said:
a huge discliamer is printed on page one of Grease spot Cafe.

It states that the moderators and owners of this forum do not agree neccesarily with what is written within or to that effect.


did ya read THAT?

it is a public forum.

if I said I have a personal account of creating the moon and the stars would ya believe me?

of course not you have decided Im not in the group. But those who are and will be and do what it takes, can and DO say what they think with no more evidence or proof than my claim , yet their words are considered golden.

it keeps the mision alive doesnt it?

What group would that be Pond? I didn't know I was part of one. Matter of fact, most of the people who have posted on this thread, I don't think I've every even said hi to in a post But since we're all now part of a "group", HI EVERYONE! We're all groupies now!

As I said earlier the documentations on page one can be verified, but for the most part most of what is said on greasespot within the forum or its pm's or e-mails can NEVER be verified and the posters with the most stories get the most attention .

Is that the problem Pond, you need attention. Well, posting the way you are here is a good way to get it. Just like the neglected child that act's out to get attention because ANY attention, even negative attention is better than none at all. Ya done good!

and they want to stay hidden as cyber names only. to save them from the cruel Waykbg who will ruin their life. haha what a joke most have not been involved in decades,(if at all) yet they walk in this invisable fear, knowing it is only their own lies and stories they are afraid as being revealed as lies.

save me from the wrath of a small town bible study group they will get me for sure!!

a little dramatic wouldnt you say?

My name is Rick. If you send me a private message I'll tell you my last name. Not cause I'm scared of The Way, or anyone here, just because I don't want my name turning up on every search engine on the net.

yet the same group wants to hear and breath every tidbit of any leader or members life and will write for days and often YEARS what they think it all may mean!

that is what grease spot is.

Damn, guess that's another group I'm not a member of. I couldn't care less about TWI or it's leaders. Don't think I've made one single post about the way or it's leaders.

rest assured if your all up in a tizy and ready to report this post and rid the group of this awful poster who cant feel the love that is so needed and cherished and wanted here... your in the group ,you belong , they like you and that is all YOU NEED to carry on.

The only thing YOU can NOT not ever do is ask someone to be accountable for what they write or think about anyone eles.

Now why would anyone want to report you? Posts like yours helps kill the boredom here! We enjoy a good laugh every now and then.

Edited by Bluzeman
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thank you Rick, Im glad you enjoy my posts.

Yes I would agree other than believing in a mission to rid the world of the evils of what maybe the ex leaders or current or who ever may be doing right now or then: this is not much more than a social scene of those who knew each other in twi,(or just knew twi or somone in it) and wish to continue in that alliance.

I am assuming because you state you have never written about the way or its leaders you would fall in the latter "group".

I say group in reference to the many constant posters who remain here that have (define as you will) relationships on board. who use their relationship to dictate whatever they will.

yeah my real name is David Letterman . glad we can be so honest with one another and open and truthful. Im not saying everyone on greasespot lies. Im saying it is an open public forum with zero accoutability and anyone can say whatever they like when ever they like.

like it or not, that is the truth.

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  pond said:
a huge discliamer is printed on page one of Grease spot Cafe.

It states that the moderators and owners of this forum do not agree neccesarily with what is written within or to that effect.


did ya read THAT?

it is a public forum.

Irrelevant to the topic. The fact that this is a public forum does not preclude the use of private forums on the site as well.

  pond said:
if I said I have a personal account of creating the moon and the stars would ya believe me? of course not you have decided Im not in the group. But those who are and will be and do what it takes, can and DO say what they think with no more evidence or proof than my claim , yet their words are considered golden it keeps the mision alive doesnt it?

Who has decided you are not in "the group"? Give me some names. Actually it seems like YOU decided to separate yourself from the supposed group all on your own. It also seems like you arrived here with with some preconcieved notions and an attitude of contention.

  pond said:
As I said earlier the documentations on page one can be verified, but for the most part most of what is said on greasespot within the forum or its pm's or e-mails can NEVER be verified and the posters with the most stories get the most attention.

Irrelevant. It is a given that what is posted are mostly opinions, especially the conculsions that folks make. Why go others opinions seem to bother you so much?

  pond said:
and they want to stay hidden as cyber names only. to save them from the cruel Waykbg who will ruin their life. haha what a joke most have not been involved in decades,(if at all) yet they walk in this invisable fear, knowing it is only their own lies and stories they are afraid as being revealed as lies.

save me from the wrath of a small town bible study group they will get me for sure!!

a little dramatic wouldnt you say?

Who are "they"? Give some names. There are other reasons than fear of the WayGB for keeping a certain level of anonymity. It is a commonly accepted practice on the Internet. Why does that seem to bother you? Also, someone that is still in TWI and is posting here may have a good reason to keep their idenity from the likes of Linder and the other TWI henchmen. Use your brain and figure it out. Again, why does that bother you so much?

  pond said:
yet the same group wants to hear and breath every tidbit of any leader or members life and will write for days and often YEARS what they think it all may mean! that is what grease spot is.

Again, why does it concern you so much what other folks do or think? . Is it from a geniune attitude of caring? I doubt it. It rather seems you just dont like this place or most of the folks here. One has to wonder why YOU are here. But hey, thanks for defining what Greasepot Cafe is for us. How does your logic go? The posts of a few more vocal members define the entire Cafe? Hmm?

  pond said:
rest assured if your all up in a tizy and ready to report this post and rid the group of this awful poster who cant feel the love that is so needed and cherished and wanted here... your in the group ,you belong , they like you and that is all YOU NEED to carry on. The only thing YOU can NOT not ever do is ask someone to be accountable for what they write or think about anyone eles.

Guess then I am not accountable for what I think about you and your opinions- eh? But why would anyone report your post? It may based in ignorance, full of logical fallacies, and heartless, but I don't see where you have broken any rules................

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yes that is one avenue they can be used.

When Mike pmed me he threatened me and insulted me it was not to share some private info.

and I have zero doubt they are used to gain allegiance for a poster who is need of support and wants "friends" to bully another off the thread! safety in numbers is what counts here for sure!

often times because they are asked to be accountable for what they said in some area. or they just do not like the other opinion .

happens over and over on this forum. I think it is safe to assume nothing when writing on these types of forums.

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When I send a private message to a fellow poster, I expect that to remain private. Anything else is rude and ungentlemanly (or unladylike, take your pick).

If I send a private message that is bullying, threatening or insulting, I've already crossed the rude line, and if it comes back to bite me in the butt, I have only myself to blame. The private message privilege can easily be abused, and I do not advocate that.

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