I think TWI security is hooked up with the local Sheriff. While I was on Staff, the local Sheriff pulled someone over for throwing out litter on TWI grounds while he was driving by. He got reamed by the cop. The littering guy had a right to bear arms bumper sticker. He told the cop he didn't agree with the group. The cop told him that if he believed in the right to bear arms, then he had to believe in the right to religion. Linder was sharing about it at lunch like it was some kind of victory or something. :blink:
If my memory serves me right, Linder does volunteer stuff for the Sheriff also. I also seem to remember hearing that security had the right to arrest people. I don't know how they get that right though.
I remember them pointing radar guns at people driving by buildings at HQ. They would pull them over to tell them to slow down. This was their own Staff......Can you say anal? "I'm sorry I went 2 miles over the speed limit mr. rent-a-cop."
I'm surprised that TWIHQ doesn't declare Wierwille road private property and kick out other farmers such as Popee by making it a gated community with security guards posted on both Ohio 29 entrance and Shelby County road entrance/exit. Go ahead and purchase/buy out everyone on both sides and build new facilities on the Highway 29 entrance. But I bet Shelby county residents won't take that too kindly and may sue TWI in county superior court or state court, and we know Rosie doesn't need this headache.
I seem to remember that they tried to claim they were for years and then then it was made clear by Ohio state authorities that they weren't--someone with more knowledge and a better memory than mine probably knows more particulars.
I'm surprised that TWIHQ doesn't declare Wierwille road private property and kick out other farmers such as Popee by making it a gated community with security guards posted on both Ohio 29 entrance and Shelby County road entrance/exit. Go ahead and purchase/buy out everyone on both sides and build new facilities on the Highway 29 entrance. But I bet Shelby county residents won't take that too kindly and may sue TWI in county superior court or state court, and we know Rosie doesn't need this headache.
I think the neighbors have been made offers in the past, but they don't want to sell. I think they like being a thorn in TWI's flesh. hehehehehe!!
I've seen one of them wave a middle finger at grounds guys. heheheheheh!!!!!
templelady said:
So the key question is ---
ARE The WAY Security recognized law enforcement.
I seem to remember that they tried to claim they were for years and then then it was made clear by Ohio state authorities that they weren't--someone with more knowledge and a better memory than mine probably knows more particulars.
I think they are. Didn't they handcuff Doug McMillan before the real police showed up? Maybe someone else knows for sure.
Well, c'mon you guys...everybody knows that twi hdqrts is "holy ground"...the walls of Zion must not be breached...There is a spiritual hedge, filled with avenging angels flying furiously around the circumference of the property, carrying swords dipped in the blood of the saints...seeking out anyone who is not of the true household of Gawd...
...and when they drop the ball, twi's "Barney Fife" squad takes over...
If you read WW 's link you know they ARE NOT Law enforcement--Anyone who willingly stops for these twits is IMO nuts. And if they force you to stop--charges ahould be filed immediately if not sooner.
They don't "pull you over". Who says? Never heard of that. But what they do is follow you very closely, take your licesne tag and if you pull into their (our) grounds they will pull up to you and ask you if they can help you, etc. Just like I used to do when I was a minimum wage security guard when I was 19 at a large plant I worked at.
Sadly these are grown men playing security guards in the cornfields of Ohio. How did they get conned into doing that? They should look at themselves in the mirror some day and say"For what"? There are far more honorable jobs, such as helping people who really need it. Not to mention the pay sucks.
Yeh about 8 years ago, I was heading over to Lima Ohio from ft Wayne In...& thought I'd slip down Weirwillie Road...well as I approached the Services building at the far end of the road (across from the Auditorium)...thought I'd pull into the parking lot & see "what's new"..I no sooner got into the lot then a car whipped up right beside me & the guy quickly got out (before I had time to shut off the engine)!!! Fortunately for me, he was a former guy in my Twig in Celina Ohio (just l/2 hour east of NK)..so we had a friendly talk...as he obviously was trying to do his job. Thankfully it was "Dean"..otherwise bieing on "their" property..don't know if they coulda got me for trespassing or what not!! I did ask him about the scheduling of the auditorium, as I had seen a sign that there was to be no serive for that particualr Sunday in February..& he told me that the auditorium was being operated just every other week!! Any body else know if that is still true, or do they still run weekly services??
I had seen a sign that there was to be no service for that particular Sunday in February..& he told me that the auditorium was being operated just every other week!!
I remember hearing about the law that TWI used to form thier own police department being struck down.
As far as them stopping you on a "public" road, I don't belive they have the authority to do so unless they are an incorporated town with a mayor, city council, and a lot of other rules and regulations governed by the state you are in. Then there are guidlines that you have to follow in order to have a police force. Here in Iowa a police officer has to meet all the requirments ( training at an authorized police training academy ) and then you have to follow the states regulations that are set up.
TWI would not be likely to have a police force according to the terms of REAL officers. They would come under more of a security guard unit just for the TWI grounds and have no grounds for stopping anyone just traveling on the road going past headquarters as long as they didn't get on the grounds.
Disney has their "own" police force, although I don't think they are recognized as such, they sure did do a marvelous job of keeping all kinds of things out of the public eye for a long time. Now they HAVE to let Orange County come in when there is a problem. It was a huge stink around here for a long time.
TWI now has a bonafide cop on their staff as my ex left a very good PD to go to work for HQ. He and Linder may be sharing a dorm room on grounds now. Maybe they are sharing stories about the times they got to bully people and talking about the things we post on GSpot together.
Hey Mr Linder!
Hey Meister!
Meister, I hope you're enjoying not having much responsibility and not having to make decisions for yourself. Life is so much easier when others are telling you what to do, when and what to eat and what to do with your money and time, isn't it? You've found the ideal place to live where you don't have to think. Just continue to memorize and parrot what they tell you and you'll soon move up in the ranks like you want to. I just hope you stay in touch with your family and that you genuinely wanted to get back in touch with them. I really hope you're not just using them to store your stuff while you're giving your life to an evil, corrupt organization. Not God - mind you - to AN ORGANIZATION! You're doing absolutely NOTHING for God. Just keep things in the proper perspective. Bob & Dottie must be so proud of you.
I'm surprised that TWIHQ doesn't declare Wierwille road private property and kick out other farmers such as Popee by making it a gated community with security guards posted on both Ohio 29 entrance and Shelby County road entrance/exit.
They probably have thought about it. Think of it: it could then look like the prison that it indeed is..
As I recall, there was a law that a road such as Wierwille Road could only be private if someone owned all the property on both sides of the road. LCM was going to buy the farm across the road that abuts onto the woods for 6 million dollars, and had a purchase agreement up to that effect on a bulletin board in the dining room in the big building whose name escapes me at the moment. However, the sale never came to pass. They did buy property on one corner of W. Road and hwy 29, but not the other corner. It is certainly legal to drive down W. Road. It would not be legal to pull off onto the berm and sit there, or to use one of their driveways to turn around, or to park on their property. if they objected.
I don't know if that law has been changed or not. I doubt it.
I don't understand at all. The only thing I can think of is that it's the easiest, no-brainer way to live and it won't bite you in the @$$ till you're too old to do anything about it.
Sorry to bring this subject back up, but with the recent Hanity and Colmes(Fox NEWS and no, it's not about Rosie) on eminent domain, TWI could claim it and kick off the Poopees from their farm and property, making it a gated community with a gatehouse at both ends of Wierwille Road/State Highway 74. BTW, where the hell is Anna, Ohio? Mapquest and GeoEarth resources say 5555 Wierwille Road is not located in New Knoxville.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that it happened to. I thought that maybe either I was being paranoid or was wrong all these years about it being in New Knoxville.
...on eminent domain, TWI could claim it and kick off the Poopees from their farm and property, making it a gated community with a gatehouse at both ends of Wierwille Road/State Highway 74.
Even with the recent Supreme Court watering-down of this Constitutional protection, any acquisition by a public governmental entity has to be shown to be for the eventual public good.
Since TWI isn't a public entity, they do not have eminent domain rights or priveleges. Nor do I think they would have any claims under any adverse possession laws.
Anna Ohio is six miles West of Sidney off of County Road 25-A, not really even in close proximity to New Knoxville. At least I would not go that way to get to New Knoxville. Take 29 now, that would get you there from Sidney.
They could have said McCarthyville(on 29) which is still about 5 miles away, unless Anna decided to annex TWI (can't claim it for property tax purposes). Maybe the Poopees claimed sattellite annexation to keep TWI's hands off their farm property.
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I call it Paranoia!
Perhaps they have heightened security due to ex-wayfer terriorism? (in their minds) ;)
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So how can you be stopped by them if you choose not to stop???
If they force you to stop, since they are not law enforcement, they are committing a crime
ME, I'd lock my doors roll up my windows and be on the cell to the police, and if the locals won't do the job, the state police.
Someone who forced me to stop on a public roadway, who was not law enforcement, would be cooling their heels in a jail cell mighty quick.
Of course here in AK we are allowed to carry concealed weapons--only a very stupid person would take the risk of "playing cop" in this manner.
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I think TWI security is hooked up with the local Sheriff. While I was on Staff, the local Sheriff pulled someone over for throwing out litter on TWI grounds while he was driving by. He got reamed by the cop. The littering guy had a right to bear arms bumper sticker. He told the cop he didn't agree with the group. The cop told him that if he believed in the right to bear arms, then he had to believe in the right to religion. Linder was sharing about it at lunch like it was some kind of victory or something. :blink:
If my memory serves me right, Linder does volunteer stuff for the Sheriff also. I also seem to remember hearing that security had the right to arrest people. I don't know how they get that right though.
I remember them pointing radar guns at people driving by buildings at HQ. They would pull them over to tell them to slow down. This was their own Staff......Can you say anal? "I'm sorry I went 2 miles over the speed limit mr. rent-a-cop."
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
I'm surprised that TWIHQ doesn't declare Wierwille road private property and kick out other farmers such as Popee by making it a gated community with security guards posted on both Ohio 29 entrance and Shelby County road entrance/exit. Go ahead and purchase/buy out everyone on both sides and build new facilities on the Highway 29 entrance. But I bet Shelby county residents won't take that too kindly and may sue TWI in county superior court or state court, and we know Rosie doesn't need this headache.
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So the key question is ---
ARE The WAY Security recognized law enforcement.
I seem to remember that they tried to claim they were for years and then then it was made clear by Ohio state authorities that they weren't--someone with more knowledge and a better memory than mine probably knows more particulars.
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Here, templelady...
I also clicked up an old thread about this. (Okay old wayers 1978).
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I think the neighbors have been made offers in the past, but they don't want to sell. I think they like being a thorn in TWI's flesh. hehehehehe!!
I've seen one of them wave a middle finger at grounds guys. heheheheheh!!!!!
I think they are. Didn't they handcuff Doug McMillan before the real police showed up? Maybe someone else knows for sure.
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Well, c'mon you guys...everybody knows that twi hdqrts is "holy ground"...the walls of Zion must not be breached...There is a spiritual hedge, filled with avenging angels flying furiously around the circumference of the property, carrying swords dipped in the blood of the saints...seeking out anyone who is not of the true household of Gawd...
...and when they drop the ball, twi's "Barney Fife" squad takes over...
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If you read WW 's link you know they ARE NOT Law enforcement--Anyone who willingly stops for these twits is IMO nuts. And if they force you to stop--charges ahould be filed immediately if not sooner.
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They don't "pull you over". Who says? Never heard of that. But what they do is follow you very closely, take your licesne tag and if you pull into their (our) grounds they will pull up to you and ask you if they can help you, etc. Just like I used to do when I was a minimum wage security guard when I was 19 at a large plant I worked at.
Sadly these are grown men playing security guards in the cornfields of Ohio. How did they get conned into doing that? They should look at themselves in the mirror some day and say"For what"? There are far more honorable jobs, such as helping people who really need it. Not to mention the pay sucks.
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Second James
Yeh about 8 years ago, I was heading over to Lima Ohio from ft Wayne In...& thought I'd slip down Weirwillie Road...well as I approached the Services building at the far end of the road (across from the Auditorium)...thought I'd pull into the parking lot & see "what's new"..I no sooner got into the lot then a car whipped up right beside me & the guy quickly got out (before I had time to shut off the engine)!!! Fortunately for me, he was a former guy in my Twig in Celina Ohio (just l/2 hour east of NK)..so we had a friendly talk...as he obviously was trying to do his job. Thankfully it was "Dean"..otherwise bieing on "their" property..don't know if they coulda got me for trespassing or what not!! I did ask him about the scheduling of the auditorium, as I had seen a sign that there was to be no serive for that particualr Sunday in February..& he told me that the auditorium was being operated just every other week!! Any body else know if that is still true, or do they still run weekly services??
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What a nice thought!
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They should take down the sign that says, "You are welcome at The Way."
The new sign should read, "Unless you want to agree with us about everything, you are not welcome here."
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I remember hearing about the law that TWI used to form thier own police department being struck down.
As far as them stopping you on a "public" road, I don't belive they have the authority to do so unless they are an incorporated town with a mayor, city council, and a lot of other rules and regulations governed by the state you are in. Then there are guidlines that you have to follow in order to have a police force. Here in Iowa a police officer has to meet all the requirments ( training at an authorized police training academy ) and then you have to follow the states regulations that are set up.
TWI would not be likely to have a police force according to the terms of REAL officers. They would come under more of a security guard unit just for the TWI grounds and have no grounds for stopping anyone just traveling on the road going past headquarters as long as they didn't get on the grounds.
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Disney has their "own" police force, although I don't think they are recognized as such, they sure did do a marvelous job of keeping all kinds of things out of the public eye for a long time. Now they HAVE to let Orange County come in when there is a problem. It was a huge stink around here for a long time.
TWI now has a bonafide cop on their staff as my ex left a very good PD to go to work for HQ. He and Linder may be sharing a dorm room on grounds now. Maybe they are sharing stories about the times they got to bully people and talking about the things we post on GSpot together.
Hey Mr Linder!
Hey Meister!
Meister, I hope you're enjoying not having much responsibility and not having to make decisions for yourself. Life is so much easier when others are telling you what to do, when and what to eat and what to do with your money and time, isn't it? You've found the ideal place to live where you don't have to think. Just continue to memorize and parrot what they tell you and you'll soon move up in the ranks like you want to. I just hope you stay in touch with your family and that you genuinely wanted to get back in touch with them. I really hope you're not just using them to store your stuff while you're giving your life to an evil, corrupt organization. Not God - mind you - to AN ORGANIZATION! You're doing absolutely NOTHING for God. Just keep things in the proper perspective. Bob & Dottie must be so proud of you.
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They probably have thought about it. Think of it: it could then look like the prison that it indeed is..
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Watered Garden
As I recall, there was a law that a road such as Wierwille Road could only be private if someone owned all the property on both sides of the road. LCM was going to buy the farm across the road that abuts onto the woods for 6 million dollars, and had a purchase agreement up to that effect on a bulletin board in the dining room in the big building whose name escapes me at the moment. However, the sale never came to pass. They did buy property on one corner of W. Road and hwy 29, but not the other corner. It is certainly legal to drive down W. Road. It would not be legal to pull off onto the berm and sit there, or to use one of their driveways to turn around, or to park on their property. if they objected.
I don't know if that law has been changed or not. I doubt it.
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What a sad pathetic move. He really lost out when he let you go. I do not understand dumb and I guess I never will.
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Awwww shucks..... Thanks, John. :)
I don't understand at all. The only thing I can think of is that it's the easiest, no-brainer way to live and it won't bite you in the @$$ till you're too old to do anything about it.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Sorry to bring this subject back up, but with the recent Hanity and Colmes(Fox NEWS and no, it's not about Rosie) on eminent domain, TWI could claim it and kick off the Poopees from their farm and property, making it a gated community with a gatehouse at both ends of Wierwille Road/State Highway 74. BTW, where the hell is Anna, Ohio? Mapquest and GeoEarth resources say 5555 Wierwille Road is not located in New Knoxville.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one that it happened to. I thought that maybe either I was being paranoid or was wrong all these years about it being in New Knoxville.
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Even with the recent Supreme Court watering-down of this Constitutional protection, any acquisition by a public governmental entity has to be shown to be for the eventual public good.
Since TWI isn't a public entity, they do not have eminent domain rights or priveleges. Nor do I think they would have any claims under any adverse possession laws.
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Anna Ohio is six miles West of Sidney off of County Road 25-A, not really even in close proximity to New Knoxville. At least I would not go that way to get to New Knoxville. Take 29 now, that would get you there from Sidney.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
They could have said McCarthyville(on 29) which is still about 5 miles away, unless Anna decided to annex TWI (can't claim it for property tax purposes). Maybe the Poopees claimed sattellite annexation to keep TWI's hands off their farm property.
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